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File:MKWii in a nutshell.webm (2.88 MB,1280x720)


How much rubberbanding do you like? Do you like having the ability to recover from any position with a little luck or is it just a frustration that prevents you from competing on skill?


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (223.17 KB,1920x1080)

It's pretty important in "party games" and casual multiplayer stuff in general I think. People do need the right mindset, though, because games like Mario Kart or 100% OJ are built to make reversals possible.


Some rubberbanding in racers is good. Although not guaranteed, but not only can you recover from fatal mistakes, it also keeps people who are in the lead on their toes knowing a comeback is very possible should they make a few mistakes here and there. It's a lot more entertaining when people who are behind are motivated to catch up than halfheartedly wait for the race to be over.


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (292.5 KB,1920x1080)

rubberbanding is AWFUL and SHIT and I HATE IT
only reason i ever lose in a race


File:dc2c64f20ccaa0b5202acfeaa0….png (531.67 KB,1060x679)

It's okay to lose once in a while, your friends should have fun too!


there should be rubberbanding in jong


there is, if you're dealt a great hand that's nearly ready for a yakuman and you assemble it right you win


It's good when I'm losing and it's bad when I'm winning.


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There are different degrees to it, though. Getting pulled back to a group of similar skill players is a lot easier to accept than getting pulled to the back of the pack because of something completely out of your control. In MK8 I've come close to double lapping people online and it's basically just doing a time trial at that point, which isn't a lot of fun. But then you've got MKWii where the first two laps feel totally pointless half the time because the whole race comes down to the last set of item boxes. Even when I do shoot from 12th to 1st it doesn't feel earned and the possibility that ranking manipulation might be the optimal strategy just feels wrong.

I think the goal should be to keep the tempo of the game up rather than to shuffle up the rankings. Keeping the pack together is good, but not at the expense of constantly forcing people to stop and wait for others to catch up.

I don't really see much rubberbanding in OJ, it just uses a deceptive progression system where normas get progressively harder to achieve. If you play towards the final goal, the only real redistribution mechanism is the bosses, but calculating that in is part of strategizing for each character. More of a balance thing for the retards who pick defensive characters than anything.


>It's good when I'm losing and it's bad when I'm winning.
forgot that this was a response to the OP and so i read it like it was some extreme maso post

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