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File:06ec53a40b1a1f77c75e0224a2….jpg (1.05 MB,2189x2727)


How does one maintain a youthful appearance past their actual youth? I think I look alright for my age, but I worry about years from now, especially since my diet and lifestyle aren't exactly the best.


Sunscreen, don't be in sun all the time. Drink water to stay hydrated. Eat healthy. Exercise. Dress appropriately.
There's only so much you can do at some point, it's good to put effort into looking good, but one must also simply just accept they are getting older and will look older. The one who is most happy is probably not the one who managed to maximize how young they look, but the one who doesn't care that much beyond the basics and focuses on living a good life (not necessarily the most convenient option).


I've found that by following good habits the appearance of age isn't anything special. My father has some terrible skin because he sails all the time, meanwhile some basement dwelling trader who's the same age has better complexion even though their diet is about the same. Drinking water to the degree of 2 - 2.5L also has immediate effect.
Hair loss is kind of uncontrollable without adjusting hormones, but with money that can be recovered by hair transplants I suppose.


sleep alot and don't do things


You still want to take fin with transplants, many require it even.


many clinics require it, I mean


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That explains why I still get carded at the liquor store. I am an expert at sleeping and not doing things.


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I think most of the stuff has already been said so I can't offer much. I guess you should avoid drying out your skin, which means you should avoid taking showers too often. Those people that shower every day (or even twice!) are stripping away all the oil and beneficial bacteria that keeps the skin protected. Obviously it can't be avoided if you have a physical job and you get sweaty/dirty, though. I guess you would need a good moisturizing cream setup in that situation.


Oh yeah, speaking of washing. People say you should avoid "sodium lauryl sulfate" in soap and shampoo as it's very effective at removing oils. That can be a good thing when it comes to cleaning contaminates, but it can also be a bad thing since it's so good at removing the body's protective oils. When you get stuff without it, though, it's far less effective at producing a lather so it's more annoying to use.


no drinking no drugs no sex no ween
avoid direct sunlight
minimize stress
develop your inner bodies and energy centers
allegedly no food is the secret to immortality but i don't know the exact mechanics. i think it's because you need to develop yourself to the point you no longer depend on food for prana and you can supply your own. not sure


Facial hear has an impact, often when I find out how old a Youtuber is it surprises me because they are actually younger than I think they are, often they are even younger than me. Atlas Pro is an example of this(I forget how old he is but I know it was younger than I am).


I meant Facial hair not Facial hear.

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