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 No.130867[View All]

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wait what did i need...


oh im retarded


3p 6p 7p 8s


ability to count gone


do you wait on 5s in normal games as well...


i thought 7p was 6p...


is this hypothetical 4th player still willing or able


does the pervert want to play or not


I am not the type of player who has the mental fortitude to resist pressing the riichi button when it shows up




don't kan fives...


if your hand ever finishes I'll be surprised....


That's all for me folks




it did NOT


Majsoul Friends Room 39366(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=39366


thanks for the games


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NOBODY expects the retard wait


could have riichi'd that since you had 3 haku


no comeback yakuman...


oh cool. I got the event bonus' by doing friendly games


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wish it didnt take months to bond a character


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Is that some monetization thing? What does it do?


bonding characters give you more emotes

sadly the only one ways to bond characters is by getting bond materials which you can only get sparsely from events or you guessed it the gacha.


Oh, emotes. That's not too bad then, all things considered.


Getting the purple items is the difficult thing with that. Getting 5 specific items out of a set of 6 is low probability. Lucky the events do give you a lot more purple items for free as apposed to rolls


The missions for this event... Win tanyao or pinfu.... So annoying... I have to play into bad luck and force myself playing certain types of hands which shouldn't form ; all just to get achievements.

Lost 200pt over it... Back to 357pt after almost being back at 600 sigh


I'd consider ignoring it but the event looks tight on time to do everything


Oh hmmm...
I think you're supposed to play the fun modes to grind achievements and not risk rank...


I've been thinking of the difference between progressing silver players is mostly to recognizing what is a good hand and what is not.
So when somebody tries to force something to happen or gets emotionally involved
Only then they start to derank in gold and stay in place on silver.
A progressing gold rank is playing hands with high efficiency.
Well I kind of have to wonder what the difference between jade and throne is


I guess there's no way to know since none of us are in master rank. Perhaps Jade is more about causing other people to make mistakes


in any case, I just have to play solid fundamentals and adopt whatever secret sauce the people in jade use


events only give like 2 or 3 purples this one is only doing 2 purples

it could take months to bond a character if you dont roll the gacha


previous event gave a lot of purples up front since that's the level up gift for the buisnessman


This fucking game


do i get no break. Some dude does a kanchan wait so I deal into a haneman on suji


Now the game is over for me because I got game start dealer


so pathetic. Everyone in gold is so pathetic aside from the few who play well. They can't even stop a dealer rush


there goes my first place because people were dead set on not winning


Starting to get pretty sick of the luck. How I can't blame myself for everything and that just not getting a 2nd is the difference between progress or not and that every game is a huge risk to your rating.
Progress in the sense of personal growth is basically impossible and you can't punish the mistakes you see other people make.


not a game you can devote yourself to...


yeah... i can't play this game seriously...


Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240730-fd217d4b-be64-46f9-93b1-13aee058b7c2_a924782294
like, I'd feel bad if I could blame myself for not winning but in the choice between a shanpon and ryanmen... not picking the shanpon cost me 1st place. If there were some sort of logic to it then sure, I'd feel like maybe next game I can work on something, but there's nothing to work on... I just didn't come in 1st because the deal in tile was wrong


I even did very tricky waits where I targeted people and they dealt in. Just it didn't matter


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really, how does someone self draw the dora this far into game? There was nothing I could do to come in 1st other than make a 6p discard on a 2m7p shanpon as apposed to a 58 ryanmen.


sometimes you just gotta say haps


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