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 No.130867[Last50 Posts]


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I hate this game. It gives me nothing, just like this website.
Yet I keep doing it for some reason


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If you guys hate this game so much why do you keep playing it and punishing yourself? I looked up the rules to this game. I understand it can be fun. But it seems like you aren't having any.


because it is the only exciting thing in my life


also get a hobby no lifer


like seriously, you don't understand the excitement of a challenge. You coast through life like the rest of the deadweights


>like seriously, you don't understand the excitement of a challenge. You coast through life like the rest of the deadweights
dumb argumentative shitposter


>also get a hobby no lifer
dumb argumentative shitposter


I have more than one. That way none of them get frustrating. Perhaps it's time for you to get a new hobby


>because it is the only exciting thing in my life
dumb argumentative shitposter


video games are not a hobby


>an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure

Video games are the definition of what a hobby is. I suppose it isn't true in your case. Since you aren't very pleasurable


yeah well, same to all of you.


Mahjong Soul itself is a video game...


it's a board game on a computer


A board game on a computer is a video game.


It's called an addiction.


no it is not...


Yes it is.


i disagree


it's called passion. Try it some time, you might find something more interesting thatn porn


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not enough to save me... just enough that I might have learned something...


I have a passion for opioids


that's completely disingenuous because gambling games takes mental focus as long as it's not pachinko or slots


the other thing is that what I feel is closer to sports rage


If you can't master your emotions you'll never master this game



i can't afford another 4th place. I need to know


Everyone has a point where they tilt. It's when you lose too much beyond what you think you're capable of. I want help to understand what I do wrong because I feel like I should be capable of a consistent mix of 1st and 2nd. But I've yet to get a first and if I try by being more aggressive I deal in


I just dealt into a yakuman. That was pretty kuso.


was the other thread deleted


To keep an active thread going and not litter


My will to play was certainly defeated after getting three fourth places in a row. Scared of ending up like the other guy and not enjoying mahjong.


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I had


It's not like that was truely Safe to across, but in that scenario the riichi player would have dealt into across


lobby doko


I should really do some work, but if enough people reply to this then go ahead



NOT a reply


seems like 3 people


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i guess I'll make a 4 player and wait 10m, then reduce to 3 if no


summer event is over ;_;


Majsoul Friends Room 92034(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=92034


need another player


nyoo come back hoshino


steam is down so I can't communicate with the gamers outside of kissu




i'll switch to 3 if that's wanted otherwise wait a bit


shant play sanma


can wait


a 4th needs 15-20 min but someone might decide to play the game for the first time(ha ha ha)


he might just download the moba app


we have 4


the legendary 4th has arrived


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praise the cat


time for the greatest comeback youve ever seen


why do dangerous tiles never pass...


i will self draw this...


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its ogre


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luckshitting hard


is there some statistical probability that the longer a game goes on the more likely it is that you have a winning tile in your hand...


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I won... My first round was a 6 tile wait...


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What even were all the waits...


Middle Triplets are so crazy dude....


maybe it was just a 5x wait
1 itsu pinfu
4 pinfu
6 tanki
7 pinfu
9 tanki
so it's a double ryanmen with double tanki


I was thinking about what you said and that's probably is my Master gate


god it's so ridiculous. To fail two riichi, deal in once, then have no safe tiles to a turn 3 riichi


I don't play this game. I might start because it looks interesting. But I do play a lot of fighting games and had a time when my friend was still alive where I lost constantly. He'd rack up 50-1 streaks against me pretty much every week.

I learned pretty quickly that the more angry or frustrated I got the worst I played. If I approached the game without caring I generally did much better. There is also something to be said about being unpredictable. People that don't care do unorthodox things. Typically, in the moment where they are most effective.

In other words. Don't worry about your W/L record. Just play the game as if you don't care about it. The moment you start to care you've lost.


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is 7pair just weak...


nvm... tsumo'd it...


guess that's first place for now..


anger is the flip side of passion imo


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Never had a speed this low


whoever you're talking about reminds me of a guy by the name of monk


Noticed that these players folded a lot when something looked intimidating so I started playing super aggressive and melded like everything, then snuck out an uradora win

i played super aggressively with pons and chis and I think i managed to scare them into folding


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was there any reason for me to play the 2man instead of the 2sou here if I wanted to push my dealer position. Any indicator that he was on a double ryanman?


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amazing how you can remove danagerous possibilities through melding...


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up 250 since the thread started


or i gues 275


I think the bridge between expert and master could be beginning to see things systematically rather than emotional as someone started to point out. Things like counting potential moves ahead and trying to feel out the probability of events



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anyone down for a frenny?
i got an hour to waste and i kinda don't wanna /3/


if you make a game I'll sit in it


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Majsoul Friends Room 96193(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=96193


I'm sitting with my cat, so I might join and leave a bit. Could take some time to get a game today from what I see


no stress, im heading to the gym soonish anyways, ill jus sit here


Are these people even on kissu, where did you post the URL


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Seeing kissu talk about jong made me interested in trying it out again, so I went to check the place that I originally learned the rules from. Turns out the site is dead, and only the homepage is archived properly so all of the important stuff is probably gone forever.


A personal website for a 'board' game played in MAME. Ah, that's the kind of site that would be fun to explore even if you had no interest.


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Would you have kan'd the hak or would you discard it?


yes i would have


That's strange. I tried to access the individual pages through the site map section but the links I tried were dead there. Thank you for assisting with my tardness.


to try and clean out the deadwall. I was hoping that discarding an honor would make the others look less intimidating




actually >>130973 I was thinking abot something this guy said. Every time you call, the probability of someone dropping something usefull to you gets lower, so by the time you're on a single tile hand you're hoping that someone pushes knowing the odds are low or you self draw.

So by calling the kan I openly declared that everyone should play safe. But contralily maybe it would make people think that it was safer because a tanki is a weaker wait


By dropping a hak instead of kanning it I got a tile from the deadwall which helped my odds of self draw, yet at the same time, it made everyone drop their hands except teh JP master2 because he understands that it's unlikely

YET he almost dealt into me in the last draws by playing that 9P when I was in wait with a 1P so. I do wonder


If fates were opposite, maybe he would have delt in while living in a different universe


nah we were all in vc saying "its chun 100%"




how is that cheating


communicating about hands.

can't find the master2 in my "recently played against" list. Guess international players and japanese players have some sort of server separation on that front


we were jus chatting shit, we weren't coordinating anything, and ye, JP servers are separated they can only play with us in private games


or public gold room



It makes zero sense how I can be so deficit in winning hands


How the fuck are they in Dama all the time and get tsumo non stop while I'm building garbage


Of course no one has any idea why and doesn't even care


Tell me useless chat. Did I deserve to die because i dealt in once to a Mangan?


Hey useless community. I think it probably was that I tried to use half assed suji on a 9p. I'm glad no one told me that and I had to figure it out myself. You can go back to jacking off to porn


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The rest of it is
"Boy I sure do love people winning hands by the first row for multiple games"


WRONG i'm jacking off to baki


oh my god. I REALLY need someone to give me their opinion of this game


The game I'm playing, the round/match


I'm too retarded. I just see a bunch of tiles. Some of them have similar symbols on them, so maybe you could combine them? 2 of a kind?


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It's just absurd, my win rate makes no sense


I'm not joking around. I'm going to start destroying things if there's nothing to say


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¥mod room two weeks from now



oh wait that one has censored lyrics


Let me just be clear here. I run kissu to hopefully get something emotional out of it. Some sort of satisfaction of having a community which can provide help to others and build things using it.

It's unfortunate if people think mahjong or gaccha or pretty pixesl is causing this, but it's much more fundamental in expressing a desire I have and a willingness to spend time here.
The lack of ability for people to corroborate in sharing useful information and trying to help others grow is something that not only I am expressing right now.


Here are two games I played in the past hour where I went negative before South.
Please provide me with some sort of justification to care about kissu.


>Please provide me with some sort of justification to care about kissu.
my friends are here and please stop i have no way to help you and it's 5am....


Don't worry, I'm not playing any more games today because I'll get demoted if I do.


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I remember that. I had absolutely no clue what they where talking about. Mahjong seems to be one those of things all Japanese are familiar with.


alright time to sleep.... oyasumi...


>Please provide me with some sort of justification to care about kissu.
i think this place is neat, and was pretty happy when i saw mahjong being played
i can review this games when im free later today


lets be frank... when you saw me forcing jong onto people because we haven't had anyone pushing a group game in a year.

Actually, more acurately, since Trevor gave up on the /jp/ sphere more likely


>when you saw me forcing jong onto people
I'm not bothered by it, leaderfagging is a necessary evil (sometimes)


I'm saying that the success of any community hinges on a small group of (thought) leaders who do it for emotional repayment.

Competitive things are a big deal to me.
I can always try and play fighting games well for enjoyment instead which is a skill I've given up on after losing 1000 times and winning once to a celestial tier player.


24 hours.
Why did I go negative? What could I have done differently to recover.

The alternative is going to be that I pivot towards fighting games and give up on Kissu as anything more than that site which I make sure the software is running.
I will not be as brash as Trevor but the results will end up being similar enough.

I'm fed up, at this point in my life, with giving people things for free.


You are welcome to support the site from now on and get 7 to pay for a programmer.


FYI, i've temporarily shut down 4taba


told that deletard


bit this shab before the site got deleted


This thread makes it clear that mahjong is a very destructive force.
it has killed an imageboard and may very well soon kill another.
I regret the day I started playing it. Well that was like a month ago


literally just open up the log and tell me what I did wrong and the site is saved


you have it in your hands. You can save kissu by clicking on this link and telling me one thing you thought was stupid that I did


if someone does this I won't threaten to take things down over this stupid game or call anyone freeloaders again. I'll turn on everything I turned off


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It seems you've reached the stage of the game in which everyone (but you) has superpowers.


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indeed, but someone could just tell me anything they thought was wrong


maybe a good question is why they're holding onto more dragons/winds than you


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I'll make it easier for you all.
You're confronted with this situation.

What do you do here and why?


actually, I think I see it, but I wonder if someone has another insight


i'd throw out the 6 on the number one and then probably get ron'd by right i assume but 6 seems fairly safe I'd think......


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oops wrong image


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See the thing is that he tedashi'd a 5m and an 8m so if he were waiting on a 78m it would be strange to discard that so late into the game. Also the 5m early suggests that he'd have to either be 23m or furiten 67m. The later drop of a 1m doesn't mean much but it emphasizes the saftey of the 3m


anyone else have a moment to point out from these game logs we can go over?


I'm not sure what you're implying >>131080


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interesting discards


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¥Photos taken moments from disaster

Okay, maybe I'm just stupid, but what on Earth was this turn here about? You (correctly) intuited that the 6m was dangerous, and so chose to play defensively by throwing out a strong part of your hand - a tile that, at least to me, still looked very risky. But then, after pivoting to a worse hand, you this time chose to hold fast and discard the 6m anyway, which at this stage was now far more dangerous, despite still having a couple of safe tiles available. I can't say I would have dodged the ron myself (keep in mind that I'm lower ranked than you, so taking advice from me probably isn't the best idea anyway), but that awkward flip-flop still strikes me as a bad call.


since honors can only be won on tanki or shanpon style waits, the fact that I have two of them in my hand and his discards of other honors, as well as the call to riichi on the East emphasizes that the dragon was safe. It's not like I really was thinking of that but it's what I've learned after a lot of games.

True enough. I saw the 6m was dangerous but I played it anyways thinking that it was just in my head. It wasn't based on any reads at the time but the perceived value of my hand of 7700 points


actually it might have bumped up to mangan with the amount of fu it could have won


have you read any mahjong literature yet?


>indeed, but someone could just tell me anything they thought was wrong
you're expecting a lot of improvement for having started playing a month ago. people play this game their whole lives


i've been playing since mahjsoul was released... I have 600 east games


I did quit for 2 years though


that's what my title tag means. The Primal Fire thing




I have a hard time reading and the book is 200 pages without the tenhou and other fluf.


it's at times like these that I resort to videos that summarize the important parts


also like, the books are filled with things I know and then things I don't know. So it's not like reading a book is going to give me 100% return on time investment. It's something that frustrates me.

Btw, I'm saying this not to deny things, but provide a situation where someone can give a counterpoint and I either agree or disagree


wait wtf is that how does he have a riichi with a pair and incomplete triplet


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Just the perspective


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You probably see it already, but in case you're a beginner


yeah i know i saw it but i still don't get it
thought you needed more triplets...


wait what i'm retarded has it always been like this


Maybe because I don't use english characters over the tiles it's throwing you off


no i use jp all the time too
i just for some reason didn't understand why it was ok for there to be pair of 4sozu


saw the deleted pin.

kinda looks a bit weird because of the bird.
1234s is a valid final shape as well. So he could have


then what about the other 4s


it's a double tanki, or a nobetan wait.
If you get a 1s then the final sou are
11 234
if you get a 4s then the final sou
123 44


oh it's 4 sets and a pair...


just realized i actually don't understand jong at all and need to read up on it...


you press riichi when the game says to riichi


been playing it like poker or rummy


well, a 23456 pattern is pretty strong so it's not like it's completely wrong to go for that sort of thing, it's just not a winning straight as apposed to 123 456 789


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I lost over a 2han hand...


I was so confident that a 9 meant the coresponding 6 was safe


come to think of it, it doesn't even make sense if I want to play aggressive


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Taking another look, here are all the tiles that were unsafe at the time you got ron'd. 13 tiles, and since they had a two-sided wait (not that you could've known that for certain, but it isn't an unreasonable assumption), that means you had about about a 15% chance of eating it there, assuming an equal likelihood of them waiting for any one of those tiles. In practice, the odds were probably worse for you, since the 6m was capable of being part of two different open waits (3/6, 6/9), which wasn't true of any other tile, and others like the 2p, 3p, and 2s could not have been part of any open wait, so would have been an unfavourable choice of wait.

Also, note that your wait was twice as bad as theirs (four possible tiles vs eight) - and probably even worse, since it would just be plain stupid for either of the other two players to discard a north at this stage. Meanwhile, since both of the tiles you're waiting for are potential waits for ricchi-dude too, anyone defending against them is going to be safe against you as well, so you have little chance of a stealth-ron. In other words, you had a worse wait, and likely would have netted fewer points even if you'd won (assuming you won off of the 3m and not the north). Whether or not it was worth pursuing anyway, I have no idea, but at the very least it was undoubtedly a risky play.


e3 turn7
Discard 2p, it's safer and allows you to call into tenpai on 2s and 6p

e4 repeat 1 turn10
Think of your hand in terms of 5 blocks
4 sets of runs/triplets and 1 pair
Discarding 1s here destroys one of your blocks. Once you have 5 blocks you should consider discarding more dangerous tiles that do not contribute to efficiency for safer tiles.

s1 turn2
Keeping 2 sets of pairs is efficient. Consider if you drew the 6s or 9s here, the pair of 6m would then turn into your head.

You should work on your efficiency, I suggest using this tool to help you train.


If there was a 3p and a 9p in their discards, then 6p would be safer.


Majsoul Friends Room 90984(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=90984


i can play 1 game


ill give it 5 min then ill extend the invite


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i dont think its happening


nevermind need 1 more


Literally just started watching Akagi, but I suppose I can be the one to play the game instead.


literally just finished akagi


literally akagi


double dora? tripple dora?


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losing less points from dealing into a 1han than ryuukyoku


oof gg


ggs sirs


stupid theories are why I hate learning from people. You can't debate the merit of it because they'll just assume you aren't good enough so you have no say and ignore your challenge


the idea of fixing the pair is just down to "idk do it if it works lol". Yet people try to make some grand theory that people are supposed to follow



I'll probably run these games through simulations on https://euophrys.itch.io/

We got up to East3 7repeat... scored a few hits but people's tsumos were just larger and more frequent


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I guess it was wrong to not dama 7 pair, but I needed a tsumo mangan to win or a direct hit. 3 Han wouldn't do jack even with a hit


I guess it shut out wheelchair from pushing which kept me from 4th..


other game was just run of the mill second place. https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240719-e178acb2-ca47-491f-ad4e-2224ff3564e5_a924782294

I might have done discards more perfect but the other guy kept getting big hands and someone delt into them a lot


No deal ins in the entire day, so that definetly helps


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Imagine going for a 2m tanki while someone has a very obvious manzu half flush going and getting rewarded for it by hitting 1st through tsumo.

The luck of some people


Didn't even hit any ura for it but still got first over eliminating 4th


The guy on the left was quite the ass, calling riichi on tiles in my first row discards


Finally ranked up to expert-2 in 3-player after having for ages just been treading water in the gold room. Switching away from playing east-only helped a lot.


half the games I play end in east anyways


also it sounds like i've never played a friendly with you because I have no exp2


Well I'm free to play a game with you now, if you (and a third person) want.

Majsoul Friends Room 14052(3-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=14052


oh, sanman rank


for some reason there's a lot more people in expert rating with sanma


Games are way quicker, so it is easier to grind.


Welcome, Person #3!


imagine having a game mode where you get dora for pei


also the scoring is really weird... haneman is only 9k




The fun in 3-player comes from being able to easily build up big hands.


doesn't feel nearly as impactful since every other hand is a big hand so it's kind of whatever


I meant that the north tiles also being applicable to deadwall rules seems kind of messed


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uradora on pei was the thing that boosted it to yakuman


Are you having fun with your video game now?


im just a FREAK


First off, it's a board game on a computer
Second off, I have no points to make mistakes on. Rather I've gotten myself up to just enough to get one 4th and not outright die


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Spot the mistake...


you're not playing as akagi


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wrong, but sometimes my luck has those moments. Try again


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I still got it anyways, but too late


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haha, i'm the best jong player who ever lived


I gotta drill into my head somehow to remember about sanshoku


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This was not good jong


giving up 2han for stupidity is inexcusable


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also incredibly the person to the right was in furiten


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I got my karma in the end of the day anyways


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Made it back through sheer dumb luck


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Was so close to dealing in though


it's hillarious how this guy tries to defend so hard and folds at everything, and then the person beside him is dealt a baiman and he deals in without ever knowing.

Defence in majong doesn't work


Time to read...


im gonna flippin stream it


should just stream Saki.
Akagi is too hardcore for someone who doesn't know the rules


then again, saki is even more hardcore


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watching smurf game


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this dude's no master, didn't even pon for sanshoku tripplets


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just look at this lack of tile efficiency...


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3/5 master i've watched do not play good jong


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look at this master not cutting 6s...


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did all masters get in before people started playing good or something


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Hate how I could have pushed if I could figure out his wait. I had barely any genbutsu the entire south4


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Only came in 3rd because no one could ron off someone's riichi


was there any way for me to know that 4m was safe...


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also this round... trying to go for 2 pons really cuts down on defence...



my yaruki for jong has dipped after some bad games will probably play more once the steam client is out


all there is to the game is realizing mistakes or begging people to find them for you


also if you want to just listen to some games from someone good, I like this guy but I only really know two people who upload mahjsoul content https://www.youtube.com/@wrathss/videos


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Jesus Christ, this was almost certainly the most bullshit good luck I've ever had in a game of jong (even considering that this was in 3P).
Six hands, of which I reach tenpai every time and win four of them: one with kazoe yakuman, one sanbaiman, and one baiman. None of that due to any particularly impressive plays, but just from drawing an absurd number of doras.
First round I called closed kan on the dora and got both rinshan kaihou and the new dora-indicator giving me a bonus pair of doras. Another round I likewise called closed kan on the dora, and this time the new dora-indicator gave me an automatic set of three doras. In that latter round, as well as in one other, my starting hand already included a set of three doras.

Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240723-272af726-92be-4dd2-b2c4-095adec5536e_a939241078


Isn't San quite easy to form tenpai though? Not sure how consistency can be obtained in that mode


new costume and character rate ups starting tomorow for anyone who wants to spin on a 5% chance to get character.

Also the events tend to have a free roll at the end.


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July 23rd Maintenance

Dear Jyanshi Sama,

The Mahjong Soul Shrine will carry out maintenance on 2024/7/23, between 5:30 P.M. to 7/24 1:00 A.M. (UTC-7), for approximately 7.5 hours. Any change in the update progress will be announced on our Facebook / X pages. During the maintenance period, our servers will be unavailable.

*The game can not be accessed at 5:00 P.M. (UTC-7), please plan accordingly for the scheduled server downtime.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period.

List of New Contents

1. New Event: Daydream Paradise
1) Event Period: 2024/7/23 After maintenance – 2024/8/6 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7);
2) Redeem Period: 2024/7/23 After maintenance – 2024/8/7 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7);
3) Event Details: The event page will update event missions every day at 2:00 P.M. (UTC-7). Complete event missions to receive event items, and use event items to redeem rewards including Event Illustration and Sage's Bag in "Private Afternoon" on the event page.

*More details can be found on the event page.
*Excluding matches against AI. Unfulfilled daily quests will not be retained.
*The event illustration will appear in the Illustration Shop roster after the event period.

2. Limited-Time Summon Update
1) Summon: Sakura Bloom Limited-time Rate Up
7/23 After maintenance – 7/28 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7), Haruna Igarashi, Hinata Takanashi rate up.
7/28 2:00 P.M. – 8/2 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7), Nadeshiko, Yuzu rate up.
8/2 2:00 P.M. – 8/6 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7), Reina Nanami, Sawako Kitami rate up.
2) Summon: Bamboo Lush Limited-time Rate Up
7/23 After maintenance – 8/6 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7), Kutsuji, Yuan Feng rate up.
3) Rerun special effects and decorations:
[Riichi Bet - Sweet Watermelon], [Tablecloth - To the Seaside], Tile Back - Seagull Supremacy], [Portrait Frame - Young Lady's Hairband], and [Riichi Music - Blazing Moment] rate up.

*The special effects and decorations will be UNAVAILABLE to obtain after 8/6 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7).

3. New & Rerun Outfits
1) Available Period: 7/23 After maintenance – 8/6 1:59 P.M. (UTC-7);
2) Limited-time New Outfits in Outfit Shop:
[Cozy Playtime - Hinata Takanashi (Animated)], [Cozy Playtime - Nadeshiko], [Cozy Playtime - Haruna Igarashi]
3) Limited-time Rerun Outfits in Outfit Shop:
[Pillow Whispers - Yuzu], [Pillow Whispers - Sawako Kitami], [Pillow Whispers - Reina Nanami]

*You need to have the characters to equip their outfit(s).
*You can check currently owned outfits in Item – Outfit.
*The animation effect of the Animated Outfits can be turned on/off in Dorm, the animation effect is not supported in some interfaces.
*You can go to Dorm - Character - View and click the character's avatar to change the outfit.

4. Optimizations to Tournament-Related Features
1) Added Create Tournament and Manage Tournament functions, allowing for directly setup and basic configuration within the game.
2) Improved compatibility for displaying the Tournament Management website on mobile devices.

*For detailed information on these optimizations, please refer to Mahjong Soul's Tournament Management website.

During maintenance, you cannot play the game. Please quit the game before the maintenance begins.
The duration of the maintenance will be adjusted according to the progress of the patch.


that's so funny. He folds into 4th place by exaustive draw


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Wish I could get sanshoku as easy as they do in Akagi but it's always a far off dream



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real nice font


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akagi heh


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Not sure I like riichi music very much. I'd prefer not to alert unatentive people that I have a hand..


lol, event doesn't even give free rolls.


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We're so back


hell ya, new thread record


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literally akagi


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stupid game...



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Brat gets put in his place for going for cheap rons and dama rons against me


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get owned. Never dama me again random player


how do i beat a dama >>131354
Abandoning speed just because someone might be in tenpai sounds so annoying and you're going to be constantly sacrificing points for hypothetically dealing into one of 35 tiles


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installed the steam client and still haven't played a single game


It's not like the steam client will make you actually want to play...


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a hand like this is not even worth winning...


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I hate how the 4th place penalty is far worse than the 1st place reward


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Like in this game https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240726-cd8e54e4-f349-460d-b5f4-ffd577d5c061_a924782294 I got a 4th because I wanted to push for a big Honitsu win in a West1 game


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My penalty there was -102

Then I play again and make comeback to 1st place with a really aggressive chinitsu and I get +110
Where's the fairness


playing against people better than you is so inconsistent and annoying. Tiles are never dealt


it's so absurd. All of my tenpai tiles are deal in


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Why the hell do master ranks play in gold room. Everyone plays too well. I need to find people who know this game well enough to actually respond to me


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is it even unluck... why was he waiting on a 2m 5s shanpon... what was he wating for


that master2 went for suji trap shanpons the entire game...


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I probably should have killed the threeM quicker than the other options


>Why the hell do master ranks play in gold room. Everyone plays too well.
Probably because everyone in the jade room plays too well for them.


good guide for beginners I suppose


is there a room above jade


throne room


throne for saint1,2,3 and celestial(unlimited rank)
jade for master1,2,3 and saint1,2,3


When you lock in and come back from being at 8700pt
Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240726-499c49da-1ec3-4985-a1fe-4fee57669c6a_a924782294


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Should I have pressed this hand? I don't think I really made a mistake..


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Should I have pressed on this hand as well...


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In any case... the final round comeback was nice... probably one of my best hand construction i've done


i wouldnt have mainly because the guy infront of you has zero sou tiles in his discards. also the 9 sous are gone and the 5s is passing making it seem like anything in the high/mid bracket is safer but the lower bracket tiles are dangerous.

another honisou hand. terminals are the ideal wait for hands like these so 9p, 1p, any honor tile, i would consider extremely dangerous. also most of the time someone is on a honisou wait, its usually a shanpon wait. i wouldve tossed the 6p because he already pon'd it. but considering your hand is already open, you either fold or dealin.


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meanwhile I have the gall to go for a manzu haneman and don't get it...


i probably should have switched that one to a kanchan and reduced it to a manga, but idk


If someone bluffs a honitsu are you going to fold ?


Make lobby in 3 hours or no?


maybe 6 hours so people in the East wake up...


come all ye faithful

Majsoul Friends Room 22240(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=22240




how do you make an account for this i don't see a signup button


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nice hand dude, you worked hard to get it


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you click on the icons.

we are at 3/4


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the greatest comback


if i see a lobby later ill join it but im gonna run some errands before it gets late, gg


2/4 ....


I thought they had a conventional signup method but I don't see any login system. The Steam client is probably the easiest


we're still waiting technically. One of the potential 3/4 went to get dinner


I'm going to go pick up my glasses so I'll remake in an hour maybe


actually, probably 2 hours I think since that's ~9AM JP time


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of course the expensive hands never come true...


my construction on full/half flush is so poor. I got into a furiten tenpai


strong hands never win...


and of course, I can never just walk past someone's riichi either when I have it


is there even any reward to this game when someone riichi's


fuck this god damn game


coming in 4th just because I dealt in once


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The game that put me in 4th. All because of some retards single tile wait that I happened to get and was not exausted


My fucking dealer seat taken because of kuso 1 tile wait


-104 points because I couldn't get any easy hands


-104 points because the last place person had final dealer seat


Fuck everyone fuck everyone fuck everyone


fucking losing points over pure luck.


fucking kuso shanponons in endgame


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Fuck this god damn pattern how the fuck am I suppsoed to interpret this properly


why the fucking hell did I cut 5p here what the fuck


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HAHAHA I'm a fucking retard that's what


why the fuck am I waiting on a kenchan 3s


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fucking hell I hate fold logic. Dumb bullshit



fucking shanpons I hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanponsI hate shanpons


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fucking god damn shanpons


i want to murder a shanpon


the most useless wait pattern ever. As soon as 3 turns pass it's useless


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im just that good




what tard needs 300 seconds to think






holy moly




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been good knowing kissu....




that wasn't even a pinfu


Fuck you


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mahjong takes skill


im skilled


someones on a shanpon wait i can feel it


i was right


im so good....


mom said its my turn to reach fold your hands now


my reacharound


powerful hands


twitch chat hour


vermin revenge


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room for one more




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gonna eat dindin gg


think i'm starting to get the hang of this but don't know how to make shit hands yet


getting the hang of being given good hands and not having to worry about deranking... uh huh


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literally me


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i am washizu...


ok. i'm going to look at my logs. If anyone plays../.



my discards were so stupid...


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This stupid hand....


no don't look you'll see my absolutely retarded game where i threw multiple great tiles because i wasn't thinking...


play ranked or shut up


no i mean i threw a 9 when i had a 78 because i forgot about the 78...


I'm not going to review friendly games...


I care about the 4th where I lost 104 ranking


I'll play ranked once I figure out how points work


excuse logic


it's not an excuse... i seriously don't know why some hands are big points and others are kuso points...

how am i supposed to win if i spend my games building potentially crap hands...


the same way everyone else learned the game...


i noticed you have a habit of tossing floating 3 tiles instead of floating 2 tiles. thats not optimal since you could draw a 4,5,2,1 to work with the 3, while you can only use 4,3,1 to work with the 2.


it's not like it's paticularly hard to understand. You stack yaku on top of yaku and shiny tiles. If you riichi you get more value, if you pon you get speed


all i remember from ponning is that my hands would always end up in no yaku for some reason so i stopped


generally speaking every yaku is 1han.
1han = 1000
2han = 2000
3 hand = 4000
4 han = 6000
5 han = 8000
6-7 han = 12000
8-10 han = 16000
11-12 han = 24000
13han/yakuman = 36000
Dealer gets a 1.5x multiplier

congrats, you learned how to get out of bronze room


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When you have below a mangan Fu gets calculated, but don't even bother worrying about that, just know that it's possible to get mangan on cheap hands if you kan a lot


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dude just wanted to play mahjong... not get destroyed by one of the rarest standard yaku...


>I have only seen one of these like once
just saw that in akagi
>too rare
not dreaming big enough


when you open you hand for a yaku, generally it goes down by one han to a min of 1


just realized in one of my games could've gone for 13 orphans...


that would've been epic...


getting 9 of them is 'easy' but getting all 13 tends to be difficult. The hardest part is the dragons. Everyone wants to pon them


little 4 winds tends to be the easiest yakuman, which gives you an idea of how difficult orphans is. But you do see orphans a lot as a last place comeback thing.


also daisangen is comparable


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>just saw that in akagi
They're definitely all doable, just rare.


wait now i'm confused how you ever get baiman or mangan if the number of han you need according to >>131519 is so high...


9 in my starting hand is usually my cut-off for giving it a shot (8 if I'm pushing it).
I don't think I've ever gotten even close to the winds one before, even in 3-player. I'd consider daisangen to be much easier, just because dragon tiles are more useful to hold than winds so it makes more sense to push for it in edge cases.


i've dealt into small-sushi and gotten into tenpai for it


I guess I have gotten big sangens and dealt into one so it is easier I guess.


probably 4 anko is the easiest actually, happens naturally


1| riichi
2| ipatsu
3| tsumo
4| tanyao
5| pinfu
8| dora 3
9| uradora 1



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the game also calculates it for you


1| Riichi
2| One pass
3| zero fu hand
4| matching double sequence
6| dora 2
8| Uradora 2



basically, I got the random bonus points from riichi... the uradora to turn a haneman into a baiman


i will NEVER learn what these words mean i refuse to


oh yeah just remembered in akagi they turned over new dora/uradora when there was a kan
is that the only time that happens


Well you should know what kan does pretty well from what mahjong soul does. You flip over the next dora indicator on the dead wall. When you declare riichi, you look under the dora indicator for bonus points. Then you draw a tile that is otherwise inaccessible to the other players. AKA the dead wall are the set of tiles at the top in this image >>131529

As for the terminology.. it's all pretty straightforeward... if you have no tripplets and no dragon pair and you win on a 2 or 3 sided wait you probably have pinfu
Ipeiko is when you have 234 234 of the same suit


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You see that most baiman hands all look the same.

Pinfu, Ippeiko and tanyao with multiple dora


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You don't have to worry about the complicated ones


I messed up the word order... when you kan you get a tile from the dead wall...

Adding new dora indicators only happens from uradora due to riichi or kan


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I suppose so


well, in this case the 3 is kind of conflicting with the 6. There's probably some examples. I don't think about the hierachy of floating tiles unless it's a 5 vs <3


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Baiman and other high scoring hands are really straightforward. Riichi and collect shiny tiles

1| Riichi
2| Rinshan Kaihou
3| Tsumo
4| Tanyao - Technically a manga because I called a kan
5| 1 Dora <- it's now officially a mangan
6| 1 Red Dora <- It's now a haneman
10| 4 Ura Dora

Dealer Baiman, 24_000
one off from being a sanbaiman,


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And you can see from that I pull out one of the last 2 6m from the deadwall though the kan


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Tricky hand to solve




playing the site around for 30m in a lobby game https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=55951
While I clean dishes


2/4. every extra player extends the time I leave by 5 min.
No one else joins in 20m, no lobby


ugh, i got afk dc'd


Oh well, it looks like no one wants to play games anyways


If you game, then make game


I guess I won't sage


I can game if others will game.
The lack of replies makes me think it won't be happening though.


at this time: east eu and people sharing japanese time zones might be browsing kissu


people who probably aren't: east US is waking up


lets try...
Majsoul Friends Room 52894(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=52894

30 min expiration,
each new join boosts the timer 5 min.




guess i have to ping those people, and I don't feel like it. East coaster finishing work. I'm sunday morninging.




3 player or no?


I'd be happy to. If not then I'll probably be leaving soon anyway.


yeah im fine with that too


wait i'll join


says that it can't find the room. unless you guys started the 3p


That we did. You were just a moment too late.



just watch the game and join when it's only one round left...


enen neko is going to leave soon anyways


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Why is there a Kita button?


casual yakuman...

and don't polute my thread with porn.


its art


that you can get rinshan off of pei is retarded


it's lesser cognitive function inducing trash


jong lessens my cognitive functions


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imagine a game mode where you just get yakuman hands without even trying


sanma is an afront to mahjong


sanma is god's gift to mahjong


do they have a 2-player mode in this


there is a game in kaiji around it but no


the FCUK was that


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wait what did i need...


oh im retarded


3p 6p 7p 8s


ability to count gone


do you wait on 5s in normal games as well...


i thought 7p was 6p...


is this hypothetical 4th player still willing or able


does the pervert want to play or not


I am not the type of player who has the mental fortitude to resist pressing the riichi button when it shows up




don't kan fives...


if your hand ever finishes I'll be surprised....


That's all for me folks




it did NOT


Majsoul Friends Room 39366(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=39366


thanks for the games


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NOBODY expects the retard wait


could have riichi'd that since you had 3 haku


no comeback yakuman...


oh cool. I got the event bonus' by doing friendly games


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wish it didnt take months to bond a character


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Is that some monetization thing? What does it do?


bonding characters give you more emotes

sadly the only one ways to bond characters is by getting bond materials which you can only get sparsely from events or you guessed it the gacha.


Oh, emotes. That's not too bad then, all things considered.


Getting the purple items is the difficult thing with that. Getting 5 specific items out of a set of 6 is low probability. Lucky the events do give you a lot more purple items for free as apposed to rolls


The missions for this event... Win tanyao or pinfu.... So annoying... I have to play into bad luck and force myself playing certain types of hands which shouldn't form ; all just to get achievements.

Lost 200pt over it... Back to 357pt after almost being back at 600 sigh


I'd consider ignoring it but the event looks tight on time to do everything


Oh hmmm...
I think you're supposed to play the fun modes to grind achievements and not risk rank...


I've been thinking of the difference between progressing silver players is mostly to recognizing what is a good hand and what is not.
So when somebody tries to force something to happen or gets emotionally involved
Only then they start to derank in gold and stay in place on silver.
A progressing gold rank is playing hands with high efficiency.
Well I kind of have to wonder what the difference between jade and throne is


I guess there's no way to know since none of us are in master rank. Perhaps Jade is more about causing other people to make mistakes


in any case, I just have to play solid fundamentals and adopt whatever secret sauce the people in jade use


events only give like 2 or 3 purples this one is only doing 2 purples

it could take months to bond a character if you dont roll the gacha


previous event gave a lot of purples up front since that's the level up gift for the buisnessman


This fucking game


do i get no break. Some dude does a kanchan wait so I deal into a haneman on suji


Now the game is over for me because I got game start dealer


so pathetic. Everyone in gold is so pathetic aside from the few who play well. They can't even stop a dealer rush


there goes my first place because people were dead set on not winning


Starting to get pretty sick of the luck. How I can't blame myself for everything and that just not getting a 2nd is the difference between progress or not and that every game is a huge risk to your rating.
Progress in the sense of personal growth is basically impossible and you can't punish the mistakes you see other people make.


not a game you can devote yourself to...


yeah... i can't play this game seriously...


Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240730-fd217d4b-be64-46f9-93b1-13aee058b7c2_a924782294
like, I'd feel bad if I could blame myself for not winning but in the choice between a shanpon and ryanmen... not picking the shanpon cost me 1st place. If there were some sort of logic to it then sure, I'd feel like maybe next game I can work on something, but there's nothing to work on... I just didn't come in 1st because the deal in tile was wrong


I even did very tricky waits where I targeted people and they dealt in. Just it didn't matter


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really, how does someone self draw the dora this far into game? There was nothing I could do to come in 1st other than make a 6p discard on a 2m7p shanpon as apposed to a 58 ryanmen.


sometimes you just gotta say haps


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