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File:yankee-onee-san.png (2.96 MB,1920x1080)


Do you make an active effort to get along with people you don't know or have you become so jaded by the state of the world that you don't bother anymore?

I try to be in the first camp but I keep finding myself in the second. I'm nice to strangers though and most of the time they're either nice or indifferent towards me.


i get along with people at work


I try. But I always end up with insane co-workers. I had a temp. job a few years back. I was there for about 2 weeks. Lesbian co-worker decided she wanted my DNA so her and her girlfriend could have a child. Said she really liked my eyes and wanted her kid to have them. Then she brought cup to work and told me to go fap in the bathroom.

She was totally serious. At first I thought it was a joke but she got really offended when I said no and kept bringing it up. I thought about charging her a thousand dollars but I was worried that I'd be legally responsible for the child and forced to pay child support. I told her I didn't want a kid if I couldn't be involved with it and she acted like I was bonkers.

I always end up working around crazy people like that. They mistake your kindness for weakness.


it was probably not a white collar office job was it


Forklift operator in a recycling plant.


fuck you


Well, when I was conscious about all of that I acted like I was too good and cool to get along with people when being social was important, so it really diminished my social circle and opportunities, and I just wasted alot of time to basically get to where I would have been anyways.
Then, when I set out to improve myself a bit and be social and try new experiences, nothing ever came of it, what little bonds I had dissolved, and oftentimes I just felt like I was forcing myself unnaturally and that people were reacting to that.
So now I don't try at all and I don't care to.
To be really frank in my recollections, it's the same with imageboards.
Lots of socializing in the background but, I was always just "there" not a core member of anything or really having a seat at the table or standing with people who's feet were even pointing my way.

Basically, I don't really click with norms, or imageboarders. I just am what I am and I can accept that now.


Life is easier when people like you and it's generally not that difficult to do. Just be polite, helpful, and don't get emotionally entangled in anything.

Should've given her a cup of hot glue.


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What a coincidence. Lately have been debating this very dilemma myself.
I default to not caring about other people at all because it has always ended up getting so tiring. Human interactions always have you guessing what mood they're in, whether it's a good time to talk to them or not; so I don't even bother anymore. Sometimes I find myself hyping myself to go out and talk to people, but then the thought of having to forever enact that version of me who's interested in assertively talking to people itself gets tiring. Lately, not a day goes by where I don't regret being the recluse I've turned into, but I think I'm slowly growing into it. Slowly giving in to a life of imageboards, anime, and programming.
I do dream of having a cozy nuclear family like they do in anime, but it's nothing but a pipe dream. Though, that does create times I dread that, regardless of what I feel right now, I will end up regretting not building up connections/friends when I'm old and lonely... Not that I can build any even if I tried...
I think if you fail to make life-long relations by the time you're out of school, you're pretty much doomed for life to be surrounded with "colleagues" and "co-workers", "acquaintances", but not friends. And that time is long gone for me.


i see. yep that is pretty different to my job as a programmer in a software company and all the people you would meet are from completely different walks of life


I don't think I need to make an active effort to get along with people, I'm just normal friendly to people and they are normal friendly to me and everything is fine.


I'm always friendly to the old people at work
It's actually been mentioned on the g**gle reviews


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In general I can get along with almost anyone on some level. The people around here are good, friendly people and even if I'm extremely nervous and it's exhausting to be around strangers I think it works pretty well. I still don't choose to be around people due to anxiety, though.
I think people are good and well-intended by default, but they might not always be very good at applying it. Some people are too selfish to think of others, but it usually doesn't mean they want to actively harm them.


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I could get acquainted with most people just by acting normal, but I never tried to go any further than that since people tend to lose interest once they realise I'm an awkward spergtard with no normal hobbies and no social media accounts. But this goes both ways; I am not interested in making friends with people I have nothing in common with either.


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Same, I learned this through my family and just talking about cooking. Apparently everyone loves the culinary arts on some level and are enthusiastic to talk about different recipes or different foods you've eaten. And I love food so it's easy.


used to be a forklift certified king myself


We weren't certified. They showed up 10 minute video from the 1980s and turned us loose in a plant with about six other forklifts. It was fun drifting them. The flood was covered in detergent from all the used detergent bottles. They were supposed to put down quick dry but we never had any. So I spent my days slipping and sliding all over the place picking up 1,000 pound bails of plastic and loading them into massive machine. Would have been okay if that was all I did. But they expected me to run both machines I was loading with only one helper.


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I've learned that it helps a lot to have a normal, socially acceptable interest. Ever since starting a garden I can make small talk about something that other people understand and it really makes things go smoothly. I can even make token complaints about the weather, which is itself a subject that seems to be a routine thing to talk about even when no one is truly interested in it.
Cooking would definitely fulfill the same purpose. I guess this is closer to how things are supposed to be.

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