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File:1683877462025.png (1.19 MB,768x1152)


What's the meta on choosing a fan? I know EEs like to suggest altering the voltage to make any bladed fan run super fast.


after a lot of prodding, chatGPT said optimal number of ridges for a standard sheet of paper is 7-9 ridges. so 8 folds


you could buy multiple fans


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (302.15 KB,1920x1080)

Make sure to get one that doesn't suck. heh


I only need one adoring fan


File:starfield-adoring-fan-elde….jpg (151.41 KB,1920x1080)

By Azura! I can't believe the great and mighty Grand Champion wishes only for mine eyes only upon him! What luck that I have exclusive rights to the grown tread upon by him!


File:[Erai-raws] Make Heroine g….jpg (330.09 KB,1920x1080)

I have an old fan, about a decade old, that still works. Personally the most important distinction of a good fan is that it makes consistent noise. It's important that it moves air, but it's also very important as a source of uhh.. white or grey or whatever color noise they call it. I can't stand silence when it comes to sleeping. This is one of the things that really sucks about online shopping, although it's also kind of rare that you get to hear them in person before you buy them, too. And that's why my fan is a decade old.

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