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File:MV5BYWZlN2VmMGEtNGEzNi00Mz….jpg (187.83 KB,840x1120)


Every story feels like a real life in an alternate universe. It's ruining my enjoyment of media and I'm worried it will ruin my relationships with real people. On a side note, what story would you want to reincarnate into? A lot of lives seem stressful and hard, but Binchou-tan looks comfortable.


Is that image AI generated?


Looks like an AI upscale to me, which has that effect off fucking up text and details. The base image, which is the real Binchou-tan KV, is human-drawn though.


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Sorry I got it from Google Images/imdb so I thought it was okay.


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I would love to reincarnate into some fun story, but if reincarnation will bring along this socially inept mind of mine, then I'll probably be the same in any world..


I'm trying my best to reincarnate into Gensokyo. I've already made some preparation and still have some things to do, but I will definitely need Kami-sama's help here. I am fine with being a fairy or a random villager that never interacts with the characters, just being there is enough for me.


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Becoming a magician would be pretty cool if it weren't for the fact that Reimu would chop your head off (or in half) if she found you.


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Yeah, Binchoutan seems quite nice. Most SoL stuff does, really.
I try not to imagine myself in such situations because it becomes depressing. I prefer the type of imagination where my sense of self dissipates. I hear it's one of the steps to enlightenment.


Thank you for the advice. I will try to think beyond the self.


Well maybe I could be a magician who doesn't get killed, like Marisa. Surely there's ways to avoid Reimu's wrath...


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Gensokyo would be nice. With meta knowledge and common sense you'd get along just fine. I would love to try my hand at wooing Ran, and playing with fairies sounds like a lot of fun, Chen too.
You could rules lawyer a bit. Technically, the rules only apply to Villagers which explains why not every Human turned Youkai is on the execution list, and the page in the Fortune Teller chapters where it mentions Reimu's keeping watch over certain humans can be argued to focus on Kosuzu, who is most at risk of becoming a Youkai through her use of Youma books. Yukari says as much at the end through her roundabout explanation. So if you took a risk and decided to live outside the safety of the Village, you could do whatever you want and Reimu cant stop you unless you cause an incident. That is if you don't get Tengu'd first like those monks seen in Lotus Eaters.

The big thing is to prevent newborn Youkai from manifesting inside the Village. The actual deaths in Forbidden Scrollery were all Youkai and all were inside the Village when caught. The horse spirit possessing the Salt Merchant got purified, the Fortune Teller manifested inside the Village and got bisected, and Kosuzu's shoe Tsukumogami got curb stomped by Marisa in a melon garden. And once again Kosuzu had an eye on her because she was walking a tight rope, and if she crossed the line Reimu would be forced to exterminate her.
In short, do lots of research and dont fuck with the Villagers.


Don't listen to him you can actually fuck the villagers just make sure it's consensual


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Will research help me not be a sperg when I try to woo a 2hu?


I was saying that, when I read a story, I imagine that it actually happened in an alternate universe and that I am reincarnated from that life and might be set to reincarnate into it again.

So I was asking for advice on how to stop this thinking, since if I'm reading a particularly gruesome story, it would make me scared of reincarnating into that.


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You have to research that part of the Charisma tech tree. Also cooking, it's very effective. So is good sake. Really just loosen them up through their stomach and the effects of sperg will be severely dampened. Hell, it can just come down to the individual 2hu. Yukari for instance would be more than happy to talk with a tree if it shared her weird interests so being a sperg might not be that big of an issue. I'm sure you'll find one to sperg out with.


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Reincarnation isn't anything to be worried about. At least if we're talking in the Buddhist sense where shit like that actually matters. It's simply a cycle of karmic debt, the shittier the person the more they have to live to learn their lesson and adjust to a better mentality. Whether it's a worse reincarnation or a trip to Hell you'll balance out and start again. Hell isn't permanent either unless you end up in the Avici (even then it technically has an end) for the select few profane sins like genocide and malicious patricide, or somehow killing a Buddha; not something the average person has to worry about.

Trying to stop yourself from thinking about something is a fools errand, you'll just think about it more like the game. Or put it this way: your past lives were just that kuso, so given you're here now reflecting on it, you're on an upward trend and can't reincarnate as anything worse then you are now. Just plod along and do one good deed a day, no matter how small.


>On a side note, what story would you want to reincarnate into?
I made up an on-going story through the power of imagination several years ago (maybe a decade has past now). I am basically destined to re-incarnate as a cute black haired girl with long hair in some world where they have Kami's assume the identity of girls hand picked for that purpose and have their spirits forcefully pushed out of their bodies so a Kami spirit can enter it. Then the Kami's use their knowledge and powers to guide the course of humanity in that world. But there is conflict because there are multiple Kami's vying for world domination along with many imposters pretending to be Kami and fooling the general population through technology and other forms of deception.

Each large city/town has a temple within it and worships a different God. Most Gods get along or at worst hate each other but don't let their own dislike of other Gods/religions spill into all-out war. But a few want to upset the status quo and attempt to purge the lands of every other form of God/Worship but their own. A few of these are backed up by very powerful Gods that do things like introduce them to technology like firearms to make their armies more effective in the field. Gods are supposed to be banned from participating in those wars. But sometimes they sperg out or get angry and genocide an entire army to protect their own village.

Anyway, most of the time I'm chillin in the temple hanging out with my personal medios/mikos and manifesting cool stuff like stereos and music from this world as my own form of entertainment (or to show off to the King). One medio is totally devoted to me because she was best friends with the girl that used to inhabit the body I'm stuck in and I upgraded her status to full Miko when I got angry about how the Mikos were treating the medios. The other is a total tsundere that's angry that I don't enforce the class rules and make her do things that are "below her" like helping the medios cook. She's also mad that I allowed the medios to attend school instead of being forced to do slave medio labor everyday with no outside interests or hobbies. Shes _really_ mad that I won't tell the public that I'm actually a God. Instead I continued living the life of the Miko I took over and started attending school with the devoted medio. Since otherwise she couldn't go because she's required to be within a certain radius of me at all times due to high holy law or whatever the fuck it's called in this fucked up imagined land I've made up.

At any rate it's comfy and I'm hopeful I'll live there full time once something finally kills my 3D meat suit.

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