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 No.129768[View All]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
122 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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has anyone been playing or would like an invite to deadlock?
ive been having a blast learning


Is that another hero based shooter game?


Half-Life 3 confirmed


waddafug man it's real
third game by the thirtieth anniversary


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Man, it'd take me 20 seconds read the same information from this 8 minute video... what does he actually say?


by putting together tidbits of data such as an ex-dev's resume saying he was working on an "unnanounced project" during 2020-2023 or a voice actresses' site saying she worked on "project white sands" alongside datamining of whatever valve has recently put out (listing files like "xengorilla") and using deadlock's release in particular as a reference point for what's what, we can say with an extremely high degree of certainty that half life 3 is indeed confirmed


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I'll believe it when I see an announcement from Valve.


it's not clickbait it's literally that


Block string spam is obnoxious.


I've never figured out to deal with it


need for madness


Very tempted to buy P3 reload on sale right now...


library of ruina is nice


Was playing the new Risk of Rain 2 dlc with /qa/ and it's pretty fun. Saw a bunch of negative reviews calling it extremely buggy and whatnot but haven't really run into those much yet. At least no mid-game ones. I kinda like how there's another way to finish the game now, giving you a fair bit of options for how you tackle any run.


it's quite good
i remember not being able to make it past mahou shojo, if my save wasn't lost i'd try it again


I've been really enjoying Little Witch Nobeta these last few months. I think about the characters and the setting all the time. The last thing I have left to do is finish the Trial Tower in one run to unlock the last costume.


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Visions of Mana looks fun (and pretty), but don't think I want to spend $60 to play it. I'll wait for a sale, although I wouldn't feel bad for pirating it since apparently the studio that made it was disbanded on the same day of its release. It uses denuvo, though, so it's unlikely the pirate groups will care about some niche action RPG.
Of course the studio under Square-Enix that made something that actually looks GOOD after 2008 was disbanded.
Anyway, the game plays like a Tales of/Star Ocean game and I see some references to older Mana stuff that makes it seem really nice. Very tempting since Mana is a series I really love and hasn't really received many games in recent times.


I was very tempted to pick it up but I also don't feel like dropping $60 on it... I still need to buy and play Armored Core 6, which I've been putting off for just about no reason, and I am willing to spend full price on.


I have this great idea for a pokemon game. You play as a referee for battles. You say when pokemon are unable to battle and call out illegal tactics and maybe look the other way in exchange for cash under that table. You could oversee pokemon battles in prison


Been playing dominions 6, it's great. You can play MP pirated too if it's direct connect (/domg/ blitzserver).
A lot of things to learn in this game but that's just what I need right now.


i am playing minesweeper


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Miku boxing is out of stock on Amazon. Maybe I should have pre-ordered months ago, but I really wasn't expecting it to be out of stock on the day it released.
Now posted in the correct thread since my brain glazes over when I see gacha characters



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Gamed so hard in Medieval 2 DaC that I broke my mouse. Now I can't game hard again until monday evening.

Mice always break during weekends for some reason...


finally a game that uses gdevelop


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revisited Yugioh Eternal Duelist Soul after 20-ish years, which was a nice distraction for about a week


I savescum so much. My strategy:
- Jirai Gumo for massive damage.
- Time Wizard ability to keep your opponent's field clean of monsters, completely negating stuff like Cyber Jar.
- Axe of Despair/Horn of the Unicorn/Malevolent Nuzzler/Metalmorph slapped onto Time Wizard to make him harder to get rid of.
- Maha Vailo goes well with the above.
- Pot of Greed/Graceful Charity of course.
- Delinquent Duo/Robbin Goblin is so good once it gets going. When your opponent has an empty hand and keeps drawing monster cards only to get wiped away by Time Wizard.
- Nimble Momonga/Giant Virus are great ways to fill up your side of the field and heal/burn at the same time.


its dota but third person


I like gacha which are enjoyed not by gross otaku but also artswomen
>Namie’s first solo exhibition, Wanderlust, is happening now until Sunday, January 21st, 2024, at pixiv WAEN GALLERY in Omotesando. (Note: the gallery will be closed from December 29th, 2023 to January 5th, 2024 for the holidays.) In addition to her previous works for popular franchises, such as Arknights and Fate/Grand Order, the exhibition will feature gallery-exclusive illustrations of original characters, signed merchandise, and more.


im gross otaku


Apparently 45% of the people that play Genshin Impact are women and also 45% of the people playing Fate Grand Order in Japan are women.


>playing Fate Grand Order
I should mention this statistic was from 2020, I don't really know how many people even play FGO now. I guess people still do.


reminded myself of Gang Garrison 2


You can never trust statistics like that ever.


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Do you really think people would just lie when creating their accounts like that...


Yes you can.
Many of these are linked to other services, if you get FGO on an apple device it's through the app store and if you get Genshin Impact on Playstation then it's linked to your PS account. Yes, some people might use fake details and fake their gender when making such accounts but that wouldn't make up anywhere near 45%.

Plus also, the FGO survey is from Japan which would reduce the number of transvestites which would be another source of men reporting themselves as women(though even in the west transvestites are still a very small percentage of the population, they are just very vocal particularly on the internet).


hi laala


/qa/ Core Keeper's server if anyone's interested

GameID: WE1QtfJb8CJ5nXL9TMiXscBjMSEz


I'll probably try it out after I do my daily walk.


Buy me this game Trevor and I'll join whatever this game is


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3D terraria is pretty fun, think I'll stick with it. Also is that easy mode the server is on?


Plays pretty nice in mp, I'm liking it more than I did in sp.
Some nice mods to get: auto doors, placement plus and "stash and get from nearby chests" is the most important one to keep the chests clean since all you do is press ctrl d to stack all items. I think if server doesn't have them nobody else can use them, I couldn't connect with mods on at least.


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T's gonna flip when he sees what we did to his base...

I can buy it for anyone that wants to play, $20 isn't that much.


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I'll be trying it, but I have a feeling it's going to be a similar situation to Terraria where there's a base up and operational with stuff backed up with FAQs and datamining and other powergaming stuff and the only thing I can really do is play with sticks in the corner since I'm more the explorer/experimenter type


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copy received I'll explore soon


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Also a bit late, but we were playing for like 8 hours after a short break earlier in the day and now I need to take another short break and probably sleep.


How long have you guys been running this server? I'm going to play singleplayer a bit because I don't want to jump in and find out most of the content is already finished


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Not sure, but looking at T's stream he started it last night.


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I taiha advanced when farming gotland and nenohi sank
I tried to panic exit when I realized after selecting formation but pressing the X to close the battle window only hides the game in EO, it doesn't actually close it, so it ended up reaching the battle start and the api responded so when i closed it was too late, before when i didn't use a viewer closing the window even when the ships start to appear at battle start would end the battle without any result so you'd still be safe
The critical damage alert is just a small notification on the corner of the screen in addition to the fleet loadout flashing red on the side of the screen which is fine for active play but when you're routinely farming for hours it quickly turns into white noise, the default should be a big warning front and center that forces you to close it and you can't easily click away so you can't miss it
Farming is repetitive so i started thinking about other things and advanced but i realized but like i said about pressing X
There's very few situations you would actively advance on taiha, 99% of the time you end the sortie anyways so making it tedious wouldn't really matter, it's the equivalent of a nuclear button
Or make the screen flash red because it's a nuclear option
So annoying

The only saving grace is I have one more slot now but this is ridiculous
The only reason this happened was because i was using underleveled ships to farm the map on easy (gotland only drops on easy) because of the fleet lock mechanic so they'd have a substantial chance of getting taiha
Nenohi was 10 years old because she was a ship I got early game when I barely started the game and back when i was more restrictive about not scrapping ships instead using them as fodder and keeping the original drops and as many as I could
If I knew this would happen I would just use her as mod fodder or scrap her or I wouldn't bother farming at all but then I wouldn't because of how old she was what's the point
This type of stuff just makes me nihilistic
I'll stop feeling bummed out and get numb after a while but I feel tired
To add insult to injury I lost a 12.7 cm Type C gun with +6 improvement on her meant for making the farming smoother because equipment on sunk ships is deleted so screws lost and a decent DD gun lost
The only solution is being more alert in the future


I'm serious I could go for a nice long lucid dream/astral projection that feels like it lasts months right now, years, decades even
I only wanted to take it easy

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