>>137673Kon posted so I must reply.
>S1 dark souls runNo idea why you would commit to something like that but keep it up I believe in you
>>137674>No idea why you would commit to something like that Actually it's really not that bad (outside of the DLC). Dark Souls 1 has plenty of systems in place and is much more fair with boss design than any of the later games, so what you can achieve at just level 1 is quite enough to take on most bosses in the game and still deal a good chunk of their health.
My O&S kill shows a bit how strong you can get if you try at level 1. Don't think you can really achieve this level of strength relative to later content in the other games. I don't think I'd ever even try it with Elden Ring.
>>137676Woah, I forgot DS used to have no mana bar.
>>137681>>137718ahahahahahahahaha you people are such suckers
and uncalled for
>>137681>>137718ahahahahahaha you people are such cute little kissuers *picks you up and snoofs and floofs you*
>>137740Good job.
I have a lot of trouble fighting Manus on a normal playthrough.
>>137740We got a real gamer here.
>>137747That wasn't enough for me to be a true gamer though... I alluded to it in that post but was going to try and pretend I forgot about the
real gamer challenge until my pride got the best of me and I spent 3 fucking hours on this next piece of shit.
Unlike when I killed Manus, after this boss I just felt like I got lucky with the attack patterns because I still don't know how to fully avoid some of his more bullshit attacks.
>>137749I never beat Kalameet. I gave up trying to get his tail sword and lost interest in trying to beat him after that.
>>137749>>137740centipede demon
is was awkward as HELL, hitboxes suck, arena sucks, he's immune to fire, camera sucks, and i swear i hit his detached arm like 15 times after it disconnected and it wasn't hit by any of them
probably will take me like 3 more tries, but now i'm also starting to dread bed of garbage now since that's also a super awkward fight normally too
>>137751I... forgot to record my Gwyn kill, but obviously compared to Manus and Kalameet he was a complete joke. The best comparison to what his fight was like would be his gay son, just add a couple parries in the beginning that I used while waiting for my health to drop down enough from Power Within so that I could use the red tearstone ring.
I gamed in MapTools, it counts as a video game because I am playing it on a video screen.
>>137647I know it sold pretty well.
beat pokemon tcg gameboy game
>>137805You mean a board like /v/? Can't really have a specialized board for everything unless you have tens of thousands of users like 4chan.
I think video games, speaking of the topic in the broadest terms, belong more on /maho/ than /jp/.
you guys completely miss the point of /qa/
I played a bit of BotW this morning. Not quite as fun for a second playthrough. I guess a mostly empty open world doesn't exactly lend itself to replayability unless you really like the combat or something.
>>137836this is the inevitable result of the /qa/-/jp/ split.
>>137836>you guys completely miss the point of /qa/Meta?
>>137844Woah, talk about a blast from the past!
Glad to see someone saved that.
my strategies for Pokemon TCG Generation 1
level 24 Magmar is a good haymaker. can do early damage with fire punch. flamethrower does a solid 50 damage and its energy cost is manageable with judicious use of fire punch. technically not as good as Hitmonlee, but its fire typing allows it to easily sweep grass type trainers.
level 32 Ninetales is the mvp of a fire deck. lure is a built-in gust of wind. and its fire blast does a whopping 80 damage. and it doesn't need more than one evolution, that from a bulky 50 HP vulpix.
Blastoise has the pokemon power, rain dance, which allows it to stockpile enough water energy to make use of a 60 damage attack. both Gyarados and Blastoise have a good 100 HP to match their decent attacks.
Kadabra has recover, which is a built-in super potion. also has super psy, a 50 damage attack with no downsides. can evolve into Alakazam, which has a worse attack, but the infamous pokemon power, damage swap.
level 17 Haunter avoids damage with transparency and its nightmare attack does damage and puts your opponent to sleep. and it has zero retreat cost and to top it off, a respectable 50 HP. it's a great Mr. Mime counter.
level 60 Mewtwo is a good haymaker, but it's a promotional card so you can only have one during the game.
i also use Scyther and Chansey as initial pokemon. Scyther has no retreat cost and can be used to attack in a pinch, Chansey is a huge wall that has only a retreat cost of one.
gambler is good for stall decks and for thwarting stall decks.
Trying to decide if I should play Devil May Cry 3 or Resident Evil 4. Which one would /qa/ pick?
>>137992Maybe the CURAZY one? I don't really play either series, though.
>>137992That's kinda a hard one... Probably depends on what you're in the mood for. If you just want to casually game and finish then probably RE4. If you want to spend a bit more time actually learning the game and gitting gud to pull off sick combos while gaming then DMC 3.
beat pokemon crystal
did you catch em all
The latest Atelier game is coming out on the 20th. I like how the main character is a cake. It seems to have pivoted to action which makes me say "meh" as I liked the relaxed turn-based stuff. I guess it will play likes a Tales game? alright, but $70 is a bit too rich for my blood.
>>138684Yeah I like the designs but I'm very pessimistic about the gameplay. I already didn't like Ryza's and this is going in even more of an action direction. I miss my comfy Arland and Dusk games.
>>13868721? I could have sworn she was older. Well, she looks older at least.
>>129768I'm a couple of years late but armored core 6 has been amazing
>>138696Glad to hear you're enjoying it! I know it gets a bad rap from
some people, but I have to say after having played all the armored cores before it, the ease of controls wasn't at all to its detriment. It managed to make itself quite fun to fly around participate in high paced battles while still keeping some sense of grounding to the mechs.