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 No.129768[Last50 Posts]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?


Did you know that all gacha are strategy games


including genshin?


I'm playing Little Witch Nobeta. Having beaten the main game and finished the trial tower boss run mode, I'm now practicing the absorption parry against the bosses. The parry is a much higher risk/reward method of mitigating enemy attacks and recovering mana compared to the basic dodge. Now that I'm getting better at the game, I'm amazed at how much I used to care about tiny little advantages such as breakable vases with mana/health recovery, how I'd do the bookkeeping in my head of how much I could afford to lose before the next set of recovery items.
Really hoping there'll be a sequel, with more types of magic to get good at and even more lolis.


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just dealt into kokushi ama


did you died?




my defence rating dropped to 54 from 80. I might have gone too hard yesterday


If it's sanma it doesn't count


Mahjong isnt a video game


it was sanma
it is if you incldue anime girls


video games are fun. Jong is fun
Therefore jong is a video game


were you drunk btw


i was high on life


>jong is fun


Thinking about playing EU4 modded.


got chitoi but forgot I had a kan


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If the old general is dead, you should take the opportunity to make a mahjong thread and threads about whatever actual video game you want to talk about. Or move to the blog thread if that's all you're going to do. There's no need to perpetuate this bad habit.


do you mean getting angry or talking about a game


I think a mahjong thread would be a good idea if it's going to be talked about a lot, yeah.


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OP is obviously talking video games were you play as a general.


i think this is good because jong blogging forces other people to make their own threads


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We can have a new video game thread then, and one without a gacha OP image *shudder*


There is nothing wrong with using gacha images, just don't play their games


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Is mahjong good for you?


that's gratuitous


yuno leading spanish reinforcements in the shimabara rebellion!


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Are you really this pathetic?


I didn't know this game was out of early access. How long would you say the game is?


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ive fallen back into a XIV addiction, despite the nu expac story being dogshit


it's not very long. when I first played through it all nooby like it was maybe 20 hours all up. I think I could finish it now in maybe 6 hours. there are only 7 main line bosses and 2 optional bosses. it's a "soulslike" but I don't know how it compares to Dark Souls because I've never played that.


>never played dark souls


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I've been playing animal crossing for a while now. Made a fortune selling weeds and random clamshells I found on the beach to the racoons and now I live in a mansion.


my gamer girl big sister beated me up for touching the playstation and xbox and only ever let me play on the gamecube


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summer sale and i havent bought anything. video games have never been in a worse state


just bought like a couple dozen things video games are back babyyyyyyyyy


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you wont play them


i had one game i wanted to get but apparently steam made it so you have to enter your personal information if you want to purchase anything now and i don't want to


Really? I'm probably unable to purchase new games from no on then. They've been trying to get a cell phone number out of me for years which I can't provide. I wonder how long it'll be before they won't let me play the games I already own online.

Only reason I still have Steam installed is for rollback netcode on a handful of fighting games. Perhaps it's time to move over to fightcade full time. Although last I checked the new fightcade is pretty awful.


no idea what youre talking about its the same its always been


kitaura-deficient downie downer


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simply nothing to buy nothing to play


It's address information that they use to calculate taxes. I thought about entering something fake but I think they'll lock your account for that. It wasn't like this last time I bought something, but that was several years ago.


Can you still buy steam gift cards and pay with wallet points?


I'm going to assume no since they want you to dox yourself so they can calculate taxes. In most countries this wouldn't be an issue. But in America each state has a different tax rate. I guess my account is burned for good then.


Well, buying resold steam keys probably still works.


That's what I did, but they still require your info.


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Wow, this is awful. I ignore the Steam deals pop up when I launch Steam, but seeing this garbage makes me want to find a way to block it from ever opening again.


oh i disabled this popup long ago you can do that in the options panel
i don't remember how, you should look it up...


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spotting /jp/sies in like a dragon


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Anyone want to play BlazBlue:CF with me on steam?


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I know there is a guy on here that plays Platinum. I love mirror matches


fuck you


maybe once the heat is over and if we're not too far apart
i'm in eu


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I'll be nice

What's your usual ping to someone in NA?


If I have some free time this week I'd be up for playing. Love BlazBlue even though I kinda suck at it.


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I have been playing tons of vintage story again.


Ohh, I heard people talk about this once. Similar to Minecraft but more survival-ish or something? How is it?


Its a pretty good game! It has really neat stuff in it like knapping and ore panning. The little details make everything better in the game, for instance, when you are in your house and its raining, it sounds really relaxing.


wish i bought something on the sale


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Eh, if you had something in mind you probably would have bought it. Buying stuff because it's on sale even without a plan to play them is something to be avoided. Valve must make so much money from people buying games they'll never play just because they're on sale for the 20th time in a year.


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but now i have no gemu to play...


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its over


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thinking about gaming in motherfucking EU4 or something, playing as a random polity and conquer the world with them.


I remember playing this game a long time back


I thought my poor white trash friends and I were the only ones that remember this game. We used to spend hours playing it together.


Your post reminded me of our other favorite 2-player game from that era. I had a Sega Genesis and my friend had SNES. If we were at his house it was Rock'nRoll racing. At my house we played this.

Best hockey game every made. I really wish they would have modernized it during the early 2000s for a 3D console. I've been considering attempting to make a clone for many years. It's so much fun. You can kill the refs and the goalie. You can call a play and launch exploding puck at the other team's star player. The crowd throws weapons on the ice that you can use to kill the other team. There are bombs and holes in the ice.

If you get too far behind you can give up on scoring and still win by killing all the players on the other team. It's really fun. I wonder if anyone plays it online with fightcade or something.


Yep, I played each of these games extensively. Rock and Roll Racing was a really good 2-player game. It was a superior version of PC Pro Am.
Mutant League had a good (American) football game, too. The football game did get the remake treatment, but I don't know if it's any good.


I remember the Football game. The Hockey game was better than the football game. Never played the remake.


This was a great 4-player racing game as well. We played it a lot back before we got 16-bit consoles and even for a long time after.


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got false banned in tarkov (while my actual cheater friend is scot free)
of course i immediately borrowed another account and got back to playing this shit game that i hate because the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end


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Yeah this one was fun, especially in arcades with the wheel controller thingie. Actually, arcades here didn't have it probably because it was so simple in compared to other games so I only saw it at pizza places or theaters. Definitely feels like an older generation arcade cabinet compared to the stuff that came after it.


The Fate Extra remake which was announced four years ago and presumed dead vaporware, is apparently still alive and getting news soon. Yes, an announcement for an announcement. Personally I'm looking forward to it only because of Mikon~. I'm also interested in seeing how they revamped the gameplay mechanics because the original was infamous for having an awful RPS type system.


Brings my spirit down when i read about some japanese player achieving a significantly higher record score in difficult shmups like batsugun but it only gets like 10 likes, no comments, the guy has less than 100 follows despite working so hard at it and then compare that to any teen playing valorant putting some shorts out of a low kill streak or just their new knife skin and they get loads of attention for it.


you should post something in his channel instead of bemoan society here


This is the way the world works now. 99% of "content creators" are just ripping off someone with actual skill and claiming the work as their own. Or they're copying the work and striking down the other person to avoid competition. Once you break the 100k or so subscriber threshold you can coast along doing almost anything you want and the rules no longer apply to you. The "platforms" only care about revenue. They'll throw their full support behind people that didn't make it on merit simply because they're easy to control, safer and likely a failed actor looking to "make it".

Did you know up until the early 1900s actors and whores were considered the same class of people? There is a good reason why that was the case. They sell their body for profit while contributing nothing of value.

I've tuned out of the gaming scene for a long time now because I saw the way the wind was blowing. Content is no longer something to be enjoyed for what it is. It's something to exploit for attention and money. I wish the endless drama merry-go-round would stop. Perhaps some day it will. At least we get games every now and again that are more than a marketing campaign.


holy crap what a miser


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Well, not 99%, but some people trying to make a living from it will do such things, yeah. There's still people doing it out of passion, but doing something for fun and doing something for money produce two wildly different results. For every scummy guy there's 500 amateurs that really have no chance of "success", but if you're not watching those amateurs then it's your own fault. It's just like the older days of the internet in that you need to go out of your way to find the good stuff since the algorithm only favors those that play along.

>while contributing nothing of value.
Actors actively bring value to my life in the various forms of media I consume practically daily! Entertainment is an extremely important role in civilization as we continue to automate things and increase our free time. Pretty much as soon as we started agriculture we've needed entertainment. Without voice actors what would we talk about on kissu...
When I was a kid I thought it was dumb that acting or sports was considered a job, but it's something that produces value for many people financially and emotionally. People slaving at a traditional job all week can relax on the weekend with friends and watch the athletes or actors do their thing. It most certainly has value. A basketball player can be paid $20 million because the ticket sales and TV deals he attracts generates $200 million. At the end of the day he's still a pawn that's used and discarded just like an office drone or miner.


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And here I thought there would be no good games to come out this year. Gaming is saved.


Okay I'm interested


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Are they known for something? I bought Rio Reincarnation when it was on sale last year and it turned out pretty good. I'll probably get this one aswell especially since it allows you to change to JP interface. Also I really love Kurumi.


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They worked alongside Aquaplus for stuff like Utawarerumono and Dungeon Travelers. They also worked with Idea Factory for some stuff (as seen there in the screenshot) when that company needed someone that could create good gameplay. (sadly they weren't used for Neptunia games) There's some other stuff, but I don't remember it. I think very highly of them.
Well, now I see on the page there that it seems to be a pure VN, so I'm not sure why Sting would be involved. But, it will probably still be good since Idea Factory's glaring weakness has always been actual gameplay. But, if Sting was there...
Well, anyway, yeah it will probably be good.


Oh ok that's cool, sounds like they have a nice track record. And yeah this is purely a visual novel, I guess what sets it apart from most VNs is that DAL:RI had smooth dynamic animations for the characters. A lot of VNs I've played have still sprites so it's nice to see them animated.


How the fuck am I supposed to get good at Age of Empires 2?


Uh. That's a game I know really well and could tell you if you have any areas you think you're poor at


Why does the CPU's score go up faster? Like what the fuck are they doing faster then me? Is it because I manually click on things? Is it one of those hotkeys are a requirement?


I haven't played that game, but RTS is a genre where the CPU famously cheats to help equalize it against humans. It's quite possible that its score isn't tied to any gameplay that you're able to see and instead operates on a timer or something else artificial like that. It's similar to how a CPU never has to scout you or anything, it just innately "knows".
But, maybe AoE is different from other games and doesn't do that.


Aoe2's ai doesn't cheat

It does it's economy much better than you. That's the most likely culprit. Also scouting gives points per area explored. If you send me a game log I'll watch it for you.


reading a bit more it sounds like you approach the game as if it's Civ or something like that. Which AI skill level are you talking about?

Hotkeys become important pretty quickly because you can't manage the economy quick enough without them. Optimized build orders become more important quickly as well. Your economy will stall out if you overproduce in one area where it's not needed


I'm playing on standard mode. (HD edition).
What is the optimized build order?


I suppose I could stream myself playing against the standard AI on definitive to show you how someone who's watched a ton of games has played.

Basically the build orders aim to give you a set of procedures to get a military out quickly. I forget them but it's like you don't touch stone or gold until you're starting to think about Castle. The rest is going into wood and food. Then you want 3 town centers for an imperial age build or you spam knights/xbow or whatever if you want to win in castle age. You use scouts or archers if you want a fuedal win.
you transition between these ideas as required.


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Noticed I had a bunch of broken/used ds4 controllers in my closet so I thought it'd be a cool project if I did some DIY repairs on some of them. On the first controller I was working with I fixed a problem but then caused another. Such is life with tech.


I am now a strIVer


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strive THIS


Played some Far Cry 2.


I dug up my old DS and played through the world ends with you over the week. It's refreshing playing old DS games and realizing how unique they are. You don't see anything that takes advantage of dual screen technology like the DS did, and while it might be clunky sometimes, I really appreciate the novelty. Apparently it got a remake on the switch but I can't imagine how it plays with a single screen. For me I think the OG is the way to go. Only problems are that it hurts my hand playing it for too long, and the framerate is pretty ass but what can you expect. Not sure I'll do any of the side story stuff in post-game just because of how grindy this game can be.




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I suddenly remembered what emulators are and tried Kirby. The first one was a joyride, second one a bit harsher, gonna finish it, anyway


Not sure how I feel about the card game element but it looks good overall.


I wonder if anyone has ever tried to make an authentic gameboy experience emulator thing, with washed out colors and it should be very dark and inconsistently lit since kids would use it in the car and stuff.
Kind of strange that I feel nostalgic for it.


See it's very easy just don't die at any stage and then also don't get fatigued during the entire boss rush up to her ez pz. Also practice her for hours on normal difficulty in the hall of gods before you even think of doing the pantheon again are you crazy? And then now do her perfect because that's the only way you'll get used to this fucking fight but perfect is harder than the pantheon itself so good luck practicing retard.


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skill issue mad cuz bad owned retard


There's probably a shader like that, but pixels won't be the same as the real experience.
Gameboys are easy to get, better just use the real thing with a cheap game or a flashcart.


I remember when Fate was easy to understand...


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Cirno Company


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Ok... I think I can beat P5 now...


dang, they look fierce.
May even have to use a bomb.


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A dung bomb???


Love Sign「Master Spark」


a fumo bomb


fwoom fweem fwam


Felt like playing melty, made a lobby and waited around 30 minutes and couldn't find a single person to play. Empty fightan games suck...


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It's one of the deader ones, even acpr is more alive. Even if the numbers don't exactly reflect that most 80% of acpr players are actually playing (you can see it too, they did a real good job of putting everyone in one place) as opposed to 80% of mbtl players doing jack shit in single player or wherever they are.
BBCF is also weird in that sense, numbers are in the double or triple but it's easier to find a game in acpr.


i remember when faust was a crazy happy guy...


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absolute gg


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has anyone been playing or would like an invite to deadlock?
ive been having a blast learning


Is that another hero based shooter game?


Half-Life 3 confirmed


waddafug man it's real
third game by the thirtieth anniversary


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Man, it'd take me 20 seconds read the same information from this 8 minute video... what does he actually say?


by putting together tidbits of data such as an ex-dev's resume saying he was working on an "unnanounced project" during 2020-2023 or a voice actresses' site saying she worked on "project white sands" alongside datamining of whatever valve has recently put out (listing files like "xengorilla") and using deadlock's release in particular as a reference point for what's what, we can say with an extremely high degree of certainty that half life 3 is indeed confirmed


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I'll believe it when I see an announcement from Valve.


it's not clickbait it's literally that


Block string spam is obnoxious.


I've never figured out to deal with it


need for madness


Very tempted to buy P3 reload on sale right now...


library of ruina is nice


Was playing the new Risk of Rain 2 dlc with /qa/ and it's pretty fun. Saw a bunch of negative reviews calling it extremely buggy and whatnot but haven't really run into those much yet. At least no mid-game ones. I kinda like how there's another way to finish the game now, giving you a fair bit of options for how you tackle any run.


it's quite good
i remember not being able to make it past mahou shojo, if my save wasn't lost i'd try it again


I've been really enjoying Little Witch Nobeta these last few months. I think about the characters and the setting all the time. The last thing I have left to do is finish the Trial Tower in one run to unlock the last costume.


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Visions of Mana looks fun (and pretty), but don't think I want to spend $60 to play it. I'll wait for a sale, although I wouldn't feel bad for pirating it since apparently the studio that made it was disbanded on the same day of its release. It uses denuvo, though, so it's unlikely the pirate groups will care about some niche action RPG.
Of course the studio under Square-Enix that made something that actually looks GOOD after 2008 was disbanded.
Anyway, the game plays like a Tales of/Star Ocean game and I see some references to older Mana stuff that makes it seem really nice. Very tempting since Mana is a series I really love and hasn't really received many games in recent times.


I was very tempted to pick it up but I also don't feel like dropping $60 on it... I still need to buy and play Armored Core 6, which I've been putting off for just about no reason, and I am willing to spend full price on.


I have this great idea for a pokemon game. You play as a referee for battles. You say when pokemon are unable to battle and call out illegal tactics and maybe look the other way in exchange for cash under that table. You could oversee pokemon battles in prison


Been playing dominions 6, it's great. You can play MP pirated too if it's direct connect (/domg/ blitzserver).
A lot of things to learn in this game but that's just what I need right now.


i am playing minesweeper


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Miku boxing is out of stock on Amazon. Maybe I should have pre-ordered months ago, but I really wasn't expecting it to be out of stock on the day it released.
Now posted in the correct thread since my brain glazes over when I see gacha characters



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Gamed so hard in Medieval 2 DaC that I broke my mouse. Now I can't game hard again until monday evening.

Mice always break during weekends for some reason...


finally a game that uses gdevelop


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revisited Yugioh Eternal Duelist Soul after 20-ish years, which was a nice distraction for about a week


I savescum so much. My strategy:
- Jirai Gumo for massive damage.
- Time Wizard ability to keep your opponent's field clean of monsters, completely negating stuff like Cyber Jar.
- Axe of Despair/Horn of the Unicorn/Malevolent Nuzzler/Metalmorph slapped onto Time Wizard to make him harder to get rid of.
- Maha Vailo goes well with the above.
- Pot of Greed/Graceful Charity of course.
- Delinquent Duo/Robbin Goblin is so good once it gets going. When your opponent has an empty hand and keeps drawing monster cards only to get wiped away by Time Wizard.
- Nimble Momonga/Giant Virus are great ways to fill up your side of the field and heal/burn at the same time.


its dota but third person


I like gacha which are enjoyed not by gross otaku but also artswomen
>Namie’s first solo exhibition, Wanderlust, is happening now until Sunday, January 21st, 2024, at pixiv WAEN GALLERY in Omotesando. (Note: the gallery will be closed from December 29th, 2023 to January 5th, 2024 for the holidays.) In addition to her previous works for popular franchises, such as Arknights and Fate/Grand Order, the exhibition will feature gallery-exclusive illustrations of original characters, signed merchandise, and more.


im gross otaku


Apparently 45% of the people that play Genshin Impact are women and also 45% of the people playing Fate Grand Order in Japan are women.


>playing Fate Grand Order
I should mention this statistic was from 2020, I don't really know how many people even play FGO now. I guess people still do.


reminded myself of Gang Garrison 2


You can never trust statistics like that ever.


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Do you really think people would just lie when creating their accounts like that...


Yes you can.
Many of these are linked to other services, if you get FGO on an apple device it's through the app store and if you get Genshin Impact on Playstation then it's linked to your PS account. Yes, some people might use fake details and fake their gender when making such accounts but that wouldn't make up anywhere near 45%.

Plus also, the FGO survey is from Japan which would reduce the number of transvestites which would be another source of men reporting themselves as women(though even in the west transvestites are still a very small percentage of the population, they are just very vocal particularly on the internet).


hi laala


/qa/ Core Keeper's server if anyone's interested

GameID: WE1QtfJb8CJ5nXL9TMiXscBjMSEz


I'll probably try it out after I do my daily walk.


Buy me this game Trevor and I'll join whatever this game is


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3D terraria is pretty fun, think I'll stick with it. Also is that easy mode the server is on?


Plays pretty nice in mp, I'm liking it more than I did in sp.
Some nice mods to get: auto doors, placement plus and "stash and get from nearby chests" is the most important one to keep the chests clean since all you do is press ctrl d to stack all items. I think if server doesn't have them nobody else can use them, I couldn't connect with mods on at least.


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T's gonna flip when he sees what we did to his base...

I can buy it for anyone that wants to play, $20 isn't that much.


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I'll be trying it, but I have a feeling it's going to be a similar situation to Terraria where there's a base up and operational with stuff backed up with FAQs and datamining and other powergaming stuff and the only thing I can really do is play with sticks in the corner since I'm more the explorer/experimenter type


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copy received I'll explore soon


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Also a bit late, but we were playing for like 8 hours after a short break earlier in the day and now I need to take another short break and probably sleep.


How long have you guys been running this server? I'm going to play singleplayer a bit because I don't want to jump in and find out most of the content is already finished


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Not sure, but looking at T's stream he started it last night.


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I taiha advanced when farming gotland and nenohi sank
I tried to panic exit when I realized after selecting formation but pressing the X to close the battle window only hides the game in EO, it doesn't actually close it, so it ended up reaching the battle start and the api responded so when i closed it was too late, before when i didn't use a viewer closing the window even when the ships start to appear at battle start would end the battle without any result so you'd still be safe
The critical damage alert is just a small notification on the corner of the screen in addition to the fleet loadout flashing red on the side of the screen which is fine for active play but when you're routinely farming for hours it quickly turns into white noise, the default should be a big warning front and center that forces you to close it and you can't easily click away so you can't miss it
Farming is repetitive so i started thinking about other things and advanced but i realized but like i said about pressing X
There's very few situations you would actively advance on taiha, 99% of the time you end the sortie anyways so making it tedious wouldn't really matter, it's the equivalent of a nuclear button
Or make the screen flash red because it's a nuclear option
So annoying

The only saving grace is I have one more slot now but this is ridiculous
The only reason this happened was because i was using underleveled ships to farm the map on easy (gotland only drops on easy) because of the fleet lock mechanic so they'd have a substantial chance of getting taiha
Nenohi was 10 years old because she was a ship I got early game when I barely started the game and back when i was more restrictive about not scrapping ships instead using them as fodder and keeping the original drops and as many as I could
If I knew this would happen I would just use her as mod fodder or scrap her or I wouldn't bother farming at all but then I wouldn't because of how old she was what's the point
This type of stuff just makes me nihilistic
I'll stop feeling bummed out and get numb after a while but I feel tired
To add insult to injury I lost a 12.7 cm Type C gun with +6 improvement on her meant for making the farming smoother because equipment on sunk ships is deleted so screws lost and a decent DD gun lost
The only solution is being more alert in the future


I'm serious I could go for a nice long lucid dream/astral projection that feels like it lasts months right now, years, decades even
I only wanted to take it easy


>I taiha advanced when farming gotland and nenohi sank
this sentence smacked me in the face and napped my cat
all i can gather is that the boats hurt you somehow


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There's a lot of farming to do that you can basically make your game


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I would've played KC some more if not for 100 boat limit, juggling boats constantly sucks ass.



HOLY SHIT where did this come from? Freedom Wars remaster AND its coming out on steam. Can't believe its real. If you've never played it that's understandable, it was a vita game after all. But it was a lot of fun for a monhun clone. Gonna keep an eye out for this.


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owned >>133321
heheh, behold the power of Kuon


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I can tell that playing Core Keeper in multiplayer would completely ruin the experience for me, but seems like it could very fun in solo mode. I'll have to play it soon.


Is ranged damage considered separate from magic damage?



Is the server down? Might be a good idea to restart it without any of us powergamers so people can take it easy, but would be nice if we could get a backup of the world to continue so we can finish the latter part of the game.


It's working on my end.


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I got bored and dug out my old gameboy and was playing pokemon ruby. Its internal battery dried up and I found out thats apparently a good thing because you can mess with the RNG in an interesting way. So its a saturday night and I'm soft resetting trying to hit a very specific frame in the hopes of getting a shiny starter. I'll probably give up if it takes too long...


Kek, as I made this post I hit the frame and got the shiny mudkip. Neat.


i see you liek mudkips


The new Zelda game leaked early and I beat it and didn't like it much.





Huh, River City and Kunio in the same title. Interesting hybrid localization title.


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The fairies don't fuck around.



Space Marine II's great fun, especially Co-Op. Though some parts are a bit buggy and could use some optimization...

The Carnifex is a pretty tough boss too, especially while playing on the hardest difficulty. I can parry it's wind-ups just fine, but its less damaging moves come out with almost no time to react and I can't get the parry down on those yet. Also its ranged attack requires almost precognition to dodge if you're in front of it. Not to mention when you get it to half health smaller enemies start spawning to screw with you.


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Hong packing the heat.


Should I buy Dork Souls II?


asking for any reason in particular? the pvp scene must be hyper dead by now and it's generally agreed that was its biggest strength


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Wall jump for early power bomb? Pssshhh, just bomb jump it.


holy FUCK it's kuon!


okay but then WHY did you do it


to see if i could


almost 1cc'd crimzon clover on original but died to the last boss when it had literally a sliver of health left


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Chaining the bomb things like that made me feel like a genius pro gamer when I did it back as a kid. The only other time I felt like a genius was in SotN when I did the gorilla skeleton thing. Metroidvanias were really good at inflating the confidence of people I think.
Also... KUON!


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L4D2hu is fun


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Are you playing with local mods or is this from a dedicated 2hu server or something?


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It's a hosted server on 4/jp/ that goes up once in a blue moon, so it's near exclusively Touhou oriented. The host shares a pack of mods and maps and we play for about five to eight hours. It's not real serious play either, a lot come to screw around and take it easy.
There's a few other games that get hosted as well and by different people. L4D2, Sven Co-op, Killing Floor, Serious Sam, Doom, and very rarely a heavily modded GTA:SA. Pretty much all the games are either free or pirated so anyone can play. Dedicated servers don't work out well, so this spontaneous hosting works out for both getting a high turnout (~20) and staying fun.


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Killing the animals kills yourself.

Fusion also felt familiar, I guess I did play more Metroid back in the day than I remember. I think while the convenience of switching weapons was far easier, the lack of dedicated buttons for up and down looking vs just a directional button for fusion that you had to adjust up or down was a bit more annoying in tight situations. I didn't really delve too much into my thoughts in the Super post, but I felt like I did a whole lot more backtracking there, while in Fusion I felt myself a bit more railroaded towards the goal. Though at the same time I don't think I tried to really get at any sequence breaking and only finished with a 63% collection rate compared to the 90 something I had in Super, so there was definitely far more I could've done. Maybe if I replay it again someday I'll test out how much backtracking I'm actually allowed, though the removal of bombjumping I found a bit sad. The bosses in this were far harder than most of the stuff in Super too, I think I only ever died a couple times on Ridley in Super, but in fusion there were a multitude of bosses that could kill me.

Also unlike Super, Fusion has a good bit of story in it that you follow along. I thought it was a pretty solid story following the same theme of people being blind in the pursuit of science that Super had. Think next I'll try out Primehack, since I know Prime the best of all Metroid games and I want to feel how it plays on mouse and keyboard.


Having some fun sequence breaking in Prime


I should probably buy a new mouse and start playing L4D2 again (although I prefer 1). I was really good at it years ago. I finally gave up on playing though because I was constantly getting kicked out of pub games for "hacking". I eventually figured out that the server browser will let you join other people's "friends-only" games and they assume you're hacking if you come in. Well that and I was killing stuff as soon as it spawned and they assumed I was using an aim bot or something.

I have no patience for versus mode anymore. I either get kicked for being too good or refusing to join off-game voice chat. They don't seem to mind when my other 3 team mates are clueless and I make a mistake. But if I'm carrying the entire team myself despite it being really bad they either rage quit or message my teammates and talk them into kicking me out for "hacking". Versus in L4D2 isn't that fun anyway with the melee weapons and the never getting a kill team spawn as infected. Such a shame. I really enjoyed playing versus in L4D1 where you could set-up 3n1s and the scoring system was more balanced towards actually helping your teammates when playing survivors. In L4D2 9 times out of 10 your teammates will run and leave you in an attempt to gain some distance points. When if they would have just tried they could have picked everyone up and we all could have made the end of the map.


I'd have to look but I had some insane ratio with the AK in L4D2 when I was last playing years ago. I don't feel like starting steam now to look but I got really good at doing headshots with it. That gun is like a sniper rifle and you can 1-shot kill most everything up to and including the witch with it. Well you can 1-shot the witch but if you headshot her with it she'll stumble and if you empty the rest of the mag into her it's effectively an across the map crown. You can drop entire hordes of zombies with that gun. 80+ in one magazine if you're good and funnel them into a hallway or something. For awhile it was all I used until I got bored with it and started refusing to pick up tier-2 weapons to challenge myself to make campaign mode interesting again. As we'd been doing in L4D1 for years.

I explored every inch of L4D1 with a group of friends when it was a new game. We knew of several places where you could get out of the maps and walk around the old areas they didn't bother cutting out back when it was being designed as a more open world type game before Valve bought Turtle Rock and dumbed it down. You can abuse the revival mechanic to teleport outside of walls and roof tops and such. Then some tricky jumps and bunny hops to get into out-of-map areas without dying.

A funny thing about the anime/2hu models. If you do a locally hosted game and you're the only one running those the massive heads of them cause your teammates to constantly headshot you in the back of the head. It isn't a problem if you play on a dedicated server but for whatever reason a localhost actually counts such shots as damage. Annoyed the shit out of some teammates of mine when I figured out how to do crossplay between PC and Xbox on L4D1. Most of them refused to move to PC back then and Valve took down the L4D1 dedicated servers one night without any warning not long after part 2 came out. So for a time if you wanted to play a decent game of versus that didn't lag all over the place you had to get invited to one of my lobbies. I hosted them every night for months until some people got angry they weren't being let in and reported my old XboxLive account for hacking or cheating or whatever the fuck the highest violation you could earn was. I tried to fight and get the account unbanned but Microsoft wouldn't hear my pleas. It was an ollllllld account I had going back to the original Xbox days so I was pretty pissed to see thousands of dollars worth of games and such go down with it.

At one point my friends and I were so infamous on Xbox L4D1 we were spending up to about $10-$25 a week on name changes and activation of new accounts. It was the only way we could play games against the MLG kids and most of the other top teams without them rage quitting or leaving the lobby before the games started. I checked in a few years ago and a bunch of them are still at it stomping on pubs everyday on locally hosted games. I'm surprised they're still playing on there since any toaster can run L4D1 really well now. But I guess they enjoy the lack of good players and the fact that a long list of glitches were never fixed in the Xbox version. For example, it's still possible to "crab walk" aka silent pounce using the hunter on the Xbox.

The most crazy thing I ever saw in a game was a guy getting pulled out of the elevator on NM4 who managed to free himself by headshotting the smoker before he was captured. We pulled one out then got a tank spawn upstairs. After my buddy incapped the entire team upstairs he jumped down the elevator shaft to get the last guy. The last survivor was trying to use a glitch to climb up the infected ladder in the elevator shaft in an attempt to finish the map/save his team. Our tank just happened to land right on top of his head. Dumb luck. The guy's health bar went from something in the green (about 85% IIRC) down to 1hp. Turns out if you jump from high enough up in the air with the tank (or I assume any infected) you can inflict fall damage like the hunters do. Except it isn't capped at 25hp points. We messed around playing with that for awhile but we never found another good place to take advantage of it.


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Playing TH8 at an internet cafe. I really need to set my computer up at home.


Hi Alice.


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Nearing the end now, got the cool looking Phazon suit and I never realized how weak to Super Missiles the Omega Pirate was... always thought that the wave beeam would be a better tool to use but no it just wastes way more missiles for not even close to the same amount of reward. Man I forgot how much exploration there is in this game despite its 3D nature.


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L4D players do have a bit of a reputation of being extremely salty, uncooperative and overall rude, which is obviously not something you'd want in a game about working together.


Is anyone still using the core keeper server or need the world file? I'm about to delete the droplet.


I'll take the world file.


The first computer I ever had for myself was a mac laptop back when they had the crappy white plastic ones, I had just got a Steam account and somehow ended up in L4D but I literally knew nothing about those sorts of fast paced co-op games.
I was playing it with the keyboard and my trackpad at first, not even a cheap mouse.
Obviously I would get kicked and cursed out so much, all puzzled and be like "well wtf is their problem?"


Stupid filter won't let me post the link


Oh, you ran into the url shortener filter. I'll add an exception to that site


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maybe I won't mess with the exceptions since I broke kissu for a bit


The Ditz


interesting choice for a guest character


also they're fixing the game


why is she queen


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she married into the title at the age of 3


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I hate everything about strive.


do you like strive a bit more with japanese voices


No I wish it didn't exist


That's unfortunate. I probably wouldn't play any fighting game the rest of this year if it didn't come out


I'm not a fan of her vocals but the backing is good and the rest


Monhun wilds demo is out on console. I think there's a PC version on Friday?


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Elin the Elona sequel by the original creator is going into early access tomorrow.
I remember that few people on kissu were interested in it.


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I played Elona years ago and knew they had a sequel in the works, but that snuck up on me.
I just have to get my brain wired for those types of games.


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I think its time to upgrade my pc...


downloading this and concerned i will have the same difficulties


Let me know how it is + post your specs. I'm running slightly above the recommended requirements but the graphics still look atrocious. It just feels so poorly optimized and it doesn't help that I see people with way better specs than mine struggling aswell. Fucking capcom.


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Me too apparently? I'm not going to troubleshoot for a limited time demo so I guess I'll just wait


had to step out and now i'm booting up but even just the optimization at the start is taking forever; not a good sign



What the hell I'm using a 2070 and atleast its playable.


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This image is incomprehensible without comment.


looks like a scene from a really low budget kaiju film


year 2024 and rdr1 is finally released on pc


wow look I'm on pissu


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Breaking rules huh?


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I see you!
Rules were meant to be broken!


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Finally booted up Monster Sanctuary after having it for a few years. I was in the mood for a platformer and I remember this one having pet raising or something, so it seemed right up my alley.
But, uhh... huh, it's like Valkyrie Profile in that it's a 2D sidescroller thing but it turns into a turn-based battle on monster contact. Ehhh... still seems cool, but not really in the mood for this kind of game right now.


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spent two hours mindlessly grinding so i could 100% one of my childhood memories, murloc rpg
i cheesed most bosses first through a 100% crit pyroblast oneshot, advancing into polymorph opener and THEN the pyro, and in onyxia's case spamming frost novas but also one poly+pyro for good measure
i'm glad the game acknowledged how much of a cool dude i am


flash h4x0rz??!


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The people playing Factorio and Dragon Ball Daima reminded me that I've been sitting on Dragon Quest Builders 2 for a while now, so now is the perfect time to play. It's like Minecraft or Terraria, although I never really liked Minecraft.
I really like how there's a few different worlds and there's a goal and set of buildings to go along with it. In this first world it's a poison swamp and the goal is to create fields and establish a farm. There's a "blueprint" system where you need to place certain objects at certain spots to build larger things and I thought that was a really cool system in the first one.
Nice, relaxing game with the typical Dragon Quest charm.


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>Way of the Witch(Not Implemented)


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APPARENTLY I shouldn't be eating the flesh of my enemies


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can't believe FreeSO is shutting down...


I can see why they nerfed Screw Attack's effect on bosses in Super, absolutely ripped through Ridley in the original in with it and wave beam.


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Well, it was a bath subquest so I guess it makes sense.


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Unless the Palword twitter account was hacked, this is coming in 2025. There's been a long overdue Terraria patch and maybe this means it will come out in 2025. I wonder what they'll add to Palworld, though, since the Palworld world is itself still not complete.


my pals were stolen from me


but kissu pals are here forever


they were taken to the breeding farms never saw them again


he was our pal


Brought out the N64 again after all my time playing retro games recently thinking I'd have another go at Goldeneye. Still can't beat that game on 00 Agent, despite all the time I've been putting into older games in general... It's just too difficult to adjust to the controls. I need some sort of custom K&M controller or maybe I need some sort of Primehack emulation to play it properly because the N64 controller controls for it just suck.

How people get good enough to speedrun the game on these difficulties is beyond me.


After some reading for controls, Solitaire is supposedly better than Honey. I'm going to try it now but after 20+ years of playing on Honey it's going to be hard to adjust to completely changing what I'm used to in terms of controls. Though I can sorta see how it will work with my first attempt going through facility, while still failing, being a lot faster than it was the prior attempts.


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Steam sale and everything looks like ass.


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custom skribbl.io words



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thought about my pals and started weeping


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get flipped mordor


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There's a Bandai-Namco sale on Steam right now and some of the discounts are pretty good. Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is $6 and I had a lot of fun with it. It's the closest thing to Freedom Wars outside of the Vita, or was since that's coming to Steam. It's kind of like Diablo with the items with random enhancements and stuff. Eventually you make super weapons by moving them around across weapons. It's an action game where you have an AI squad with you, and you use guns (and swords but they suck). The girls are nice, too. It's also notable because you're not forced to be Kirito and instead you make a customized character (and AI companion).
The SA:O games are generally pretty good. There's usually something unique about them even if the setting is quite generic these days.


He was our pal. He posted in our world.


Doom anniversary was on the 10th but I forgot to celebrate.......


want to buy a game but theres nothing i want to play


gaming in civ iv, very comfy, would recommend. Play Caveman2comso :^D


Should I wait until PoE2? goes free to play if I haven't played it yet


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steam is just RUBBING it in


rubbing peenors


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one hand is all i need




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i flippin won


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I bought this game on sale and its quickly turning into one of my favorite games the last couple of years. Very unique, I don't play a lot of action RPG games mixed with tower defense. In fact I didn't know they existed. But this is really fun and has enough side missions that I feel compelled to go all out for the collectibles. I wouldn't call it a perfect game by any means, at its core it is very simple and the gameplay loop is pretty obvious. But I'm having fun.


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I love "this game". It's not quite at the same level as "that game", but I think the team has proven it's capable of being the next "the game" if they play their cards right.

So what game is it?


Shab Wars 2: Floof of the Snoof


the picture is from Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess so maybe that


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im fast


a bare-bones herbalism simulator would be cool


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On an indie game kick all of the sudden; it's called Aden (亜電) and it plays like Undertale a bit with rhythm combos.

You can beat up gradeschool girls in it but they're ok with it.


I really wish more games would expand a crafting system beyond clicking buttons in a menu. When I was younger, my cousin and I would brainstorm ideas for games and one we agreed upon was a skill-based crafting system where you not only need materials, but have to play a minigame - think Puzzle Pirates style - your performance of which affects the quality of the product. Does /qa/ know any games like this?


I can only think of level-based crafting, typically in survival games. You end up having to grind making things to level up and then you'll be able to build new stuff once you hit a level.


Something like making pokeblocks? There's a minigame where you and other players chuck berries into a blender and tap buttons in rhythm to make better pokeblocks.


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look at this pretty garden


are we still playing mahjong bros


There's Potion Craft. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1210320/Potion_Craft_Alchemist_Simulator/
Gameplay is straightforward but gradually potions needed to progress on making the philosopher's stone become more and more complicated and expensive. If you want a challenge start with grandmaster difficulty since on normal it's too easy to be drowning in resources and cash to the point you can just brute force any potion you make. Outside of higher difficulty, any other challenge is self imposed like trying to find the most ingredient efficient way to make XYZ. Just know the game's scope is only in making potions and managing a store, if you're looking for something like Recettear where there's pressure and stuff to do outside the shop then this isn't it. This falls in the "cozy game" category of low stress relaxation gameplay and the potions you make are for flavor and filling customer demands only, but it'll last you at least 20 hours or so.


That was a tricky map for me


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There's something wrong with me if I'm considering playing Fortnite just because Miku is getting added tomorrow.


>$100 quadrillion dollar game
>3D model looks like it was made by a 12 year old indian kid with autism trying out blender for the first time


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it means you're the target audience for once


All of the stuff in Fortnite is like that.
That's just what the kids like these days.


i need a game to waste all of my time on to escape reality but I can't think of a single one i want to play
what's wrong with me


probably a lot because there's like a billion games out there you can do that with


super smash bro's melee
mario kart wii
tf2 sorta
any resident evil or silent hill game.


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I've got nothing to play until MH wilds. This wait is gonna suck.


WOW seems to be a real tried and true way to convert your real life into an all consuming parallel life.


Tried to name a character Custard. The game stopped me and said that wasn't very nice.


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The Luna Nights/Lodoss War Metroidvania dev has another game out:


I remember hearing about this. This was their first go at their own setting instead of being a fangame.


what if you named him Niggot


>What are you playing?
Decided to replay the first three Dragon Ball Z Budokai games.

>What are you looking forward to?
Nothing really. I don't really play modern games. It's pretty rare for me to play anything past the 6th generation of video games.
(Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, and GameCube)


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On the contrary, I heard positive things about KCD2 and from friends who played it, but I'll leave my final opinions for when I play it and see myself.


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Going for a SL1 in Dark Souls, one of the things I’ve always wanted to do. Already off to a good start and I’ll be ripping through everything in about 40 runs


Thought I was going to really struggle on Capra Demon after losing 40k souls while trying to rush the shortcuts to him. Then after I died instantly the first time around, I came back and completely crushed him…. Maybe this run won’t be so bad after all. Only thing I left after I level the pyromancy flame to 15 is beating Quelaag and then getting the ascended flame to max. Shouldn’t be that difficult now to do so. Then I just get a ring to boost attunement and probably great chaos ball.


I decided to do it for Miku. There is fun to have in the game but I'm not sure it would be worth your money. Some of it is for money, some of it is in a battlepass, and a good pickaxe for her (leek) is in a monthly subscription. I have been having fun with some of the other modes however! The racing and lego games in it are surprisingly acceptable.


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Alright, I'm onto the 4 lordsouls now. I was thinking I was going to breeze through the rest of the SL1 run after melting O&S, but I underestimated just how easy it is to get hit once or twice by the Lords. And when you're stuck at SL1 most of those hits are one-shots, so I need to play it really carefully during the bosses and be a bit more patient than normal. Seath was a monster with his random moveset deciding that it was my time to die, and eventually I decided to just go Chaos Storm and that worked in chunking about half of his health so I could get the rest down with Greater Combustion when another opportunity arose. Did the same with Nito but he was a bit tougher because of all the adds, at least he periodically killed them all.

Think I'll finish the rest tomorrow and dread doing Manus because that fight will be a nightmare, if I post a screenshot of me killing Gwyn before that then it means I said 'Fuck it' when trying to kill Manus.


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Got to Artorias and I'm getting my ass kicked left and right. Going to take a break for now, but when I start up again I'm getting the red tearstone ring and power within. If I'm going to be 1shot anyways may as well do as much damage as possible.


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Kon posted so I must reply.
>S1 dark souls run
No idea why you would commit to something like that but keep it up I believe in you


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>No idea why you would commit to something like that
Actually it's really not that bad (outside of the DLC). Dark Souls 1 has plenty of systems in place and is much more fair with boss design than any of the later games, so what you can achieve at just level 1 is quite enough to take on most bosses in the game and still deal a good chunk of their health.

My O&S kill shows a bit how strong you can get if you try at level 1. Don't think you can really achieve this level of strength relative to later content in the other games. I don't think I'd ever even try it with Elden Ring.


Woah, I forgot DS used to have no mana bar.


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I've upgraded my PC since this post and it runs a lot better but holy fuck its still so fucking ugly. Ultra settings btw.


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thought about upgrading my gpu for wilds but it seems i am cpu limited at 50 fps.But how? I have a 5600! Thats 2000 numbers better than what it says on the store page!


ahahahahahahahaha you people are such suckers


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and uncalled for


ahahahahahaha you people are such cute little kissuers *picks you up and snoofs and floofs you*


File:2025-02-10 12-14-45 2-1.mp4 (8.53 MB,720x480)


Now the only ones left are the trap, Bed of Chaos, Gwyn, and..... oh........................ Yeah... that's probably all no other bosses yup nothing left after that.


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Good job.
I have a lot of trouble fighting Manus on a normal playthrough.


fuggin pursuer


We got a real gamer here.


File:2025-02-10 15-16-25 1-1.mp4 (8.8 MB,720x480)

That wasn't enough for me to be a true gamer though... I alluded to it in that post but was going to try and pretend I forgot about the real gamer challenge until my pride got the best of me and I spent 3 fucking hours on this next piece of shit.

Unlike when I killed Manus, after this boss I just felt like I got lucky with the attack patterns because I still don't know how to fully avoid some of his more bullshit attacks.


I never beat Kalameet. I gave up trying to get his tail sword and lost interest in trying to beat him after that.


centipede demon is was awkward as HELL, hitboxes suck, arena sucks, he's immune to fire, camera sucks, and i swear i hit his detached arm like 15 times after it disconnected and it wasn't hit by any of them
probably will take me like 3 more tries, but now i'm also starting to dread bed of garbage now since that's also a super awkward fight normally too


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I... forgot to record my Gwyn kill, but obviously compared to Manus and Kalameet he was a complete joke. The best comparison to what his fight was like would be his gay son, just add a couple parries in the beginning that I used while waiting for my health to drop down enough from Power Within so that I could use the red tearstone ring. >>>/chat/243574



I gamed in MapTools, it counts as a video game because I am playing it on a video screen.


I know it sold pretty well.


beat pokemon tcg gameboy game


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Why is there no vidya board?


You mean a board like /v/? Can't really have a specialized board for everything unless you have tens of thousands of users like 4chan.


File:68b629974b8793792cfc4917b….jpeg (414.24 KB,1421x1405)

/jp/ is basically a vidya/anime board


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What's that supposed to mean...


I think video games, speaking of the topic in the broadest terms, belong more on /maho/ than /jp/.


you guys completely miss the point of /qa/


I played a bit of BotW this morning. Not quite as fun for a second playthrough. I guess a mostly empty open world doesn't exactly lend itself to replayability unless you really like the combat or something.

this is the inevitable result of the /qa/-/jp/ split.


File:balls.jpg (524.76 KB,1920x1080)

Naoto's big shaballs.


>you guys completely miss the point of /qa/


File:How_to_use_qa_properly.gif (595.54 KB,800x600)

/qa/ is not the meta board.


Woah, talk about a blast from the past!
Glad to see someone saved that.


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fuck someone post the one that's the same but has sanae on top i can't find it


my strategies for Pokemon TCG Generation 1
level 24 Magmar is a good haymaker. can do early damage with fire punch. flamethrower does a solid 50 damage and its energy cost is manageable with judicious use of fire punch. technically not as good as Hitmonlee, but its fire typing allows it to easily sweep grass type trainers.

level 32 Ninetales is the mvp of a fire deck. lure is a built-in gust of wind. and its fire blast does a whopping 80 damage. and it doesn't need more than one evolution, that from a bulky 50 HP vulpix.
Blastoise has the pokemon power, rain dance, which allows it to stockpile enough water energy to make use of a 60 damage attack. both Gyarados and Blastoise have a good 100 HP to match their decent attacks.
Kadabra has recover, which is a built-in super potion. also has super psy, a 50 damage attack with no downsides. can evolve into Alakazam, which has a worse attack, but the infamous pokemon power, damage swap.

level 17 Haunter avoids damage with transparency and its nightmare attack does damage and puts your opponent to sleep. and it has zero retreat cost and to top it off, a respectable 50 HP. it's a great Mr. Mime counter.

level 60 Mewtwo is a good haymaker, but it's a promotional card so you can only have one during the game.
i also use Scyther and Chansey as initial pokemon. Scyther has no retreat cost and can be used to attack in a pinch, Chansey is a huge wall that has only a retreat cost of one.
gambler is good for stall decks and for thwarting stall decks.


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sigh, I nearly had him


Trying to decide if I should play Devil May Cry 3 or Resident Evil 4. Which one would /qa/ pick?


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6 more days


Maybe the CURAZY one? I don't really play either series, though.


That's kinda a hard one... Probably depends on what you're in the mood for. If you just want to casually game and finish then probably RE4. If you want to spend a bit more time actually learning the game and gitting gud to pull off sick combos while gaming then DMC 3.


beat pokemon crystal


did you catch em all


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beat GreenCastle: DoubleExodus


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