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File:norn disgust.png (438.68 KB,605x1024)


I don't like the idea of there being more story to Mushoko Tensei after this episode. The ending isn't anything grand but the general message about growing up would be far more potent if it ends here. I don't see how all the other plot lines resolving matter to the main story. Resolving them would just distract from the core message around "growing up". Rudy seems to have finally "grown up" and accepted that he is no longer some isekai main character power tripping in another world, but he is a human, living in an actual world, and his actions have consequences; that he is now willing to take responsibility for. Unless it turns out Rudy's kid is also some isekai'd manchild that then begins to but heads with Rudy, I don't think there is much more to say about a manchild growing up and living a responsible life.


actually, from what I've read of spoilers it becomes more of a power fantasy as Rudy begins to enter the realm of a mythical hero who's accomplished thousands of legandary deeds


That's unfortunate to hear, I've generally liked Rudeus being only so powerful, and usually being put in his place when getting to cocky. If the deeds he accomplish are done more through teamwork and happenstance that would be more tolerable.


i only do LN stuff through wiki spoilers so it leaves out a lot of the details of execution


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>If the deeds he accomplish are done more through teamwork and happenstance that would be more tolerable
I feel like it'd have to be done this way given all the messaging about being able to rely upon others. To abandon that now and go the solo route would be upending all that and completely erasing whatever good will the story's built up so far. I can even tolerate the polygamy portion since I'm not too much of a religious person myself and can logic around how it could work, but that's probably the most sensitive area it'd need to work around since it could very easily turn into a NEETs wet dream harem fantasy instead if done poorly.

I think that there's still room left to finish up the main story with the man-god and reaching the final climax/whatnot with a more matured Rudeus. Although, it certainly would need to be the final part since he has "grown up" and the arc should be an illustration of that if anything. No more pathetic self-pitying NEET Rudy. At the same time you'd probably need a far more serious finale to be reflective of Rudeus' maturing and readiness to take on that ultimate task of the man god which is where I can see >>129433 being the wiki version of events for whatever party he travels with. Hopefully after a time leap of sorts where the crisis comes to him while he's living his life happily with his family over just going through the motions immediately following this arc to show that there was a good payoff for the hardships he endured thusfar. Execution-wise it could work, with maybe a passing of the torch at the end to his children. That would be a nice touch instead of having the typical MC just stays around forever as the best damn thing in the world.


Some things really need to learn when a good end point is. Assclass knew its perfectly.


Having read the LN, I don't remember it ending up like that. In fact, the last fight showed rudi as quite incompetent when it came to fighting 1v1. Sure, he was powerful, but it was more about his relations and things happening around him, than him being an OP MC...*


I guess that's true. The wiki doesn't paint him that godly, but all the "mushoku tier lists" put him at the top. I don't specifically mean they paint him as godly, but it seems like most of the trials from now on are about him doing amazing things.


File:[MTBB] Mushoku Tensei - 21….jpg (308.16 KB,1920x1080)

Well, I want to know more about the combat gods (or whatever they were called) and actual gods and the floating island thing that was shown in the first season and other loose ends. I don't much about Rudeus, but the world itself still has a lot of interesting stuff in it. Like many other stories it's the characters around the main character that are the most interesting.
But, as a whole (second to last episode of this most recent season excluded) there's been a severe lack of stakes. The Mushoku Tensei world seems to be full various factions and conflict, but the past 30 episodes didn't really show much of it. Rudeus has personal problems. Rudeus goes to school. Rudeus buys a house. It reminds me of the age of the filler episodes for manga that didn't yet have an ending.


i read the filename as norm disgust

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