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File:summer 2024.png (7.19 MB,2152x5121)

 No.129059[View All]

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?
222 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[ASW] Giji Harem - 06 [108….png (4.06 MB,1920x1080)

Did she just confess? Are they going out now or what?


Which one?


Normal Rin...


Did you not see them h*nd h*lding after? Tsundere-chan won big.


stop the olympics for getting in the way of anime...


File:effort.png (2.53 MB,1920x1080)

Just a heads up. We didn't drop this show. We just decided to take extra time now that we've forced CR and other streaming platforms into releasing mid-week because they got sick of getting embarrassed every week by four guys doing it as a fun fansub project in their free time. Oh the the power of the LoliGPL license. Which was posted on twitter where all 10 followers of our competition's account saw it. Probably the same group that had an "e-celeb" with no more than 2k followers "review" an episode we did in a few hours and lied by not showing 2/3rds of the screen so he could claim the official subtitles translated a joke we didn't.

Oh course I jest.

I'm just posting today to say the typesetter finished some amazing sign work for episode 6 about 30 minutes ago and we should have it out before the end of the day. It'll be worth the wait. I know most people here don't need subtitles. But if you do and you're willing to wait until the weekends consider waiting on our release. We plan on continuing doing this show until the end. We'll try to get them out ahead of weekly streams since I heard you guys were watching them.

Thanks for all the help and support.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (222.28 KB,1920x1080)

That's an impressive amount of dedication! Yeah, I don't know how you guys are able to release such quality at such impressive speed.

>I know most people here don't need subtitles
I don't think this is true. There's a few of them, but far from the majority. We do use your subs when we do the kissu seasonal stream every Saturday!


Did you guys not stream it this week or were you forced to go with CR subtitles?

We're basically churning them out quickly like this;
Encoder-kun produces a workraw in about an hour after the raws hit the usual places. He runs through and manually inserts I/IDR-frames at all points where there will be a chapter (there are over 20 this week haha). The translator translates all of the signs on his lunch break on the day this show airs. Then passes a long a .txt file to the typesetter. The typesetter than starts working on doing all of the signs. He did a ton of work this week and now that we aren't rushing to have them out by Sunday he got to spend more time than before. He's the same guy that typeset those subtitles on that laptop in show above. He also times a premux version of the script with no dialog. He's really good and can do an episode in about an hour or less.

After premux is done the translator gets to work later that night and over the next couple of days working out a literal/rough translation. We do research about anything we might not be sure about (references mostly). Meanwhile, encoder-kun runs through the entire episode filtering it scene-by-scene. This week there were over 100 scenes to filter. Script was over 1,000 lines long. He can get through an episode with that many scenes in about 2-3 hours. Once he's happy with the results he does a final encode. With even more forced I-frames at every frame where there will be a sign on screen. Various reasons for this but mostly boils down to device support and less stress on the viewer's hardware. He also goes through and adds "zones" to every scene that needs a bitrate boost. This week I think there are about 25 or 30 of those IIRC. He runs a test encode for the episode which takes about 8-10 hours depending on contents of each episode. Typically, the first "final" encode test is good enough and what we go with. But for a couple I've ran multiple encodes eeking out a little more quality at the same file size or giving the codec more bitrate to work with globally since the file size was so small. Although he tries to keep them under 800MB. This weeks will be about 700MB with everything (audio, video, subtitles, signs etc).

Once signs+script+final encode is done then Encoder-kun goes through the script again and strips out everything that isn't dialog. We convert it over to .srt format and do edits where needed (adding signs as dialog or adjusting things to get around the limitations of the .srt format for when two characters are talking at the same time). We offer the .srt for devices that can't support .ass. This takes maybe an hour or two depending on episode. Oh and at some point we go through the Japanese Closed Captions and check those to make sure everything is good and there are no errors.

After all that encoder-kun muxes everything together. We upload it to MEGA. Everyone watches for QC. If it's good we release to public.

I forgot one very important thing: After dialog TL is done we all give it a once over with multiple editing passes. We're up to v6 this week so far.

Anyway, typesetting just finished and we're going to go over dialog again. Then I'll strip it down for .srt and we'll push a release out in the next couple-few hours.

Thanks for watching.


File:[Kaleido-subs] ATRI -My De….jpg (228.81 KB,1920x1080)

>Did you guys not stream it this week or were you forced to go with CR subtitles?
Generally we try to give fansubs a wide berth so we watched episode 5 yesterday. If you miss a week we'll just delay a week. I wanted to keep Kaleido for Atri, but they seem to average about 11 days per episode (and fan subbing usually gets slower through the season) so it will quickly lead to issues in a weekly stream that doesn't pause at all for the next season.

I can't pretend to understand any of the technical stuff you mentioned, but I can definitely appreciate the TL notes and crazy subtitle stuff!


that scene's double subs were very impressive, all around great stuff, great typesetting still
i'll admit i was thrown off by the lersant translation which, although after looking it up i understand is the same wordplay as tsuno->notsu, at first it seemed like french or something entirely different to me, so maybe a small note for that one wouldn't hurt
damn, you guys work fast
and is this all the same crew as miyosmiyos or did you get anyone else on board?


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….png (2.09 MB,1920x1080)

Good to see people still willing to wait on "quality". If I could get paid to do this for a living I would (encoding/video mastering). Working on some software right now to try to make progress on that front. No excuse for how anime BDs are mastered.

We picked up a third guy who is a typesetting wizard and a couple of other people help out with various things. But we're always looking for more help with stuff (QCing, editing, suggestions, distro). If you haven't already stop by the IRC channel. We have one on rizon under the name you mentioned. We also have pretty good XDCC bot where you can grab stuff early.

Speaking of;

It's out:
-nyaa links (thanks to the anon that keeps posting these for us)

MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/L2w2yZ5Z#I1okLr0Kiyzlo73h4w6HhQ

XDCC: http://miyos.hydraulic-handpumps.com:8000/?g=NEWSTUFF

Note for XDCC you'll need to be in our channel on rizon to access it. Also note that someone keeps ddos'ing and trying to crack into the bot lately (we seem to have some haters). So uploading to it has been slower than usual. Download speeds don't seem to be affected. I'm going through logs later tonight to see if they're sending malformed packets again.

I will eventually make a section just for this show when I have time. For now it's always under "new stuff" section. Also note that I've decided to drop releasing AVC version due to low number of downloaders (who were probably mostly interested in the multisub/ESL subtitles anyway). But if I get one request to continue I'll start muxing them and uploading them again.

See nyaa posts or .nfo files for information about some changes in this release concerning subtitle tracks, TL notes and release schedule going forward.

Short version: We'll be doing HEVC video+AAC audio version and HEVC video+E-AC3 audio version. Source for video is CR on both with _lots_ of scene filtering. I am sure it's the highest quality you can find until BDs are released and I filter/edit those. Audio sources are CR for AAC version and Amazon for E-AC3 version. You probably can't tell the difference but if you need to pass through Dolby Digital Stereo to your TV go for the AC3. Otherwise, AAC works everywhere and is probably what you want. Both will work just fine on PC with the E-AC3 being slightly larger (10MB or so).

Thanks for kind words!


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File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….png (2.58 MB,1920x1080)

>i'll admit i was thrown off by the lersant translation which, although after looking it up i understand is the same wordplay as tsuno->notsu, at first it seemed like french or something entirely different to me, so maybe a small note for that one wouldn't hurt

This of it like this: Lersant is Antlers backwards much like tsuno->notsu. Now imagine it being used for greetings among other things. It's used all over the place. I won't try to argue which is better (CR doesn't use Lersant obviously). In all honesty DeerGod did it first and we couldn't come up with anything better. So we rolled with it. We also took a line from their OP for the same reason. That's why I like the TLer working on this show. He's willing to do stuff like that.

Since we haven't gone back to do episode 2 yet (and episode 1 at all) we haven't really made a TL note for it. Since it should have been part of TL notes for episode 1/2. But 2 was a quick and dirty script we threw together because doing ep2 just kind of happened with no plans before hand.

If you're interested in all the TL notes so far: https://files.catbox.moe/q3byi3.txt

Just know there are a few for EP6 that contain spoilers. I would suggest reading their after you've watched the episode. Assuming you didn't want it early this week already. I think the other one is for EP3.


>i'll admit i was thrown off by the lersant translation which, although after looking it up i understand is the same wordplay as tsuno->notsu, at first it seemed like french or something entirely different to me, so maybe a small note for that one wouldn't hurt

I asked the TLer and we updated the TL notes on the MEGA archives. Thanks for suggestion.

Lersant - Shikanoko often uses the made-up word "Notsu" (のつ) as a greeting/farewell and the like. This is the Japanese word "Tsuno" (つの/角) with its two syllables flipped around. It originally means "horn-like appendage", and thus applies to the antlers of, you guessed it, deer. So, Tsuno (JP) becomes Notsu, Antlers (EN) becomes Lersant. She also mixes the word into some familiar phrases in a punny fashion, which we have translated accordingly (i.e. "Notsukaresama" , a spin on "Otsukaresama" (お疲れ様, a very versatile phrase that can in a specific use case mean "Take care", becomes "Take caribou".)


at least wednesdays are good...


File:[SubsPlease] Make Heroine ….jpg (283.59 KB,1920x1080)

yanami has nice voice acting
also looking it up she's another fairly newish seiyuu; only big role before this was howan and the two are completely different


File:C-1723840146578.png (429.11 KB,1170x488)

slime is probably selling...
but i hope that the rest of the top 3 are flopping outside of views
they're so bad


what does hazure even have going for it


File:81ihAdAqAL-tile-520x245.jpg (42.24 KB,520x245)

apparently the elf
mostly just her design too, I'd assume
she has no character


File:atri reviews.png (53.38 KB,999x448)

anime is pretty powerful


File:ATRI-MyDearMoments-_0ngTkn….png (3.8 MB,2560x1440)

Quite surprising, granted it's only 968. Pretty impressive for a VN, and impressive that a recent VN got a good anime adaptation in 2024.
As for the VN/anime differences, it's pretty accurate but some stuff is switched around is a bit strange. Episode 5 and 4 should have been switched around if it was accurate to the VN, but some other stuff was also earlier than it is in the VN.


you need to read the number on that big bar again


I really don't know how to read it.
It's hard to tell... it shows 16k total reviews and the lowest bar representing a month is like 100ish with the average being around 300 and it's been out for 4 years?
But then there's 1,481 positive reviews on July 1st? But the previous day is 45 or so and July 2nd is the same? Huh? Everyone bought it on July 1st?


No that's a monthly bar


File:rhythm dumb question mark ….png (239.84 KB,400x576)

cute stupid shab


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (243.12 KB,1920x1080)

Megami Cafe's serious plot wrapped up last week but I didn't watch it until now. Quite touching and heart-wrenching and it tied into a subplot that had been going on since the beginning of this season. Alzheimer's is not something I see brought up in this stuff much, but maybe I just tend to avoid this kind of thing. Ami really is the best character, but the others are pretty great, too. Ami's grandmother is miraculously cured as it turns out she could be shocked out of it thanks to Hayate (the guy's) resemblance to his grandfather whom she knew. There was a tongue-in-cheek "oh they misdiagnosed her somehow" moment. Silly, but it was nice that there was a fantastical happy ending.
I really do love this show for its nostalgic feel, there's just an innocence to it that heals the soul. Yeah, even with all the ecchi stuff. It's the kind of show that has panty shots in 2024. It feels old-fashioned. I mean, Ami plays Street Fighter 2. It's definitely aimed at my demographic.
Really good show that you should watch if any of that appeals to you!


this week's monogatari looks like a snoozer


File:[ASW] Mob kara Hajimaru Ta….png (6.72 MB,1920x1080)

I don't know what went through the author's mind when adding these to the cast. They are literally useless compared to the two loli and even MC himself. Heck, they're even a burden to the three of them. Why couldn't it have been dungeon exploring with loli, and not this harem shit...


File:[SubsPlease] Mob kara Haji….jpg (363.6 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, I was eagerly watching it every week but lately I've been procrastinating over it. I don't know what it is about these shows throwing away the best part (if not only good part) after a few episodes, but it happens way too often. A cute valkyrie and devil pair and yet the story pivots to boring high school girls. Lame.


All the same voice actor


NO idea why i don't feel bad starting every new episode of shinmai ossan despite it being one of the eliminated on week 1 shows this season for the stream


youtube shorts sucks for anime but at least you can hear it well enough


isn't shikanoko just luckystar(2024)


i don't think so, satan, not particularly


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (166.77 KB,1920x1080)

Closer to Nichijou, probably, but I don't think any comedy show is necessarily just the same thing in another year


File:86670bc751302fe0e571b461af….png (1.5 MB,868x1557)

closer to jashin chan than lucky star or nichijou i'd say


File:DrTxYObU8AEtCUo_orig.jpg (221.77 KB,1774x2048)

There is a redirect script for that. Turns youtube shorts back into "normal" videos.


File:1722243644572252.jpg (116.75 KB,1500x500)

One could say it's Nara Jashin.


this ougi looks a bit goofy i think it's the mouth combined with the head shape


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File:[ASW] Katsute Mahou Shoujo….png (4.56 MB,1920x1080)



File:[SubsPlease] Senpai wa Oto….jpg (250.39 KB,1920x1080)

aoi is suffering


File:[SubsPlease] Senpai wa Oto….mp4 (3.46 MB,1920x1080)

yeah sure her sad situation is neat HOWEVER


this is LITERALLY the v and berun meetup


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai Shikka….jpg (279.5 KB,1920x1080)

nice and sweet self-contained episode for isekai shikkaku this week
old man got a happy ending


File:[SubsPlease] Shinmai Ossan….jpg (1.08 MB,1920x2160)

in a similar vein ossan adventurer had a good episode this week too
going strong on its main theme of hard work vs natural talent
though tournaments will never feel as satisfying as db's were...


File:[ASW] Tokidoki Bosotto Rus….png (3.91 MB,1920x1080)

Like this version of Alya.


Is there no oshiko this week?


File:9d750ae97400fec6907fb6ea79….jpg (2.55 MB,2000x2000)

MC has a perfectly fine imouto to date and yet he goes for the unrelated Russian slute instead.


that's pee dude!

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