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Wait so does this mean there could be a way to fix the atmosphere on mars and make it habitable again by releasing volcanic activity or something? Or is this suggesting all the water vapor is gone and escaped through the atmosphere


>does this mean there could be a way to fix the atmosphere on mars and make it habitable again by releasing volcanic activity or something?
It's just a modeling of the past.
It's not said (or I missed it), but most of the atmosphere is probably gone.
>by releasing volcanic activity
You say that like it's easy. Do you know the difference in power output between a nuclear bomb and just a single volcanic eruption?
And volcanoes are basically just the pimples on a massive body that continuously convulses on scales that are just beyond our means.
Even if you simulated a pimple (volcano) with a massive nuclear program, that's not going to recreate the bodily functions underneath.


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>the difference in power output between a nuclear bomb and just a single volcanic eruption
I know supervolcanoes are infinitely more powerful, but regular ones too?


You are thinking of loli volcanoes again, aren't you?


It's just a simulation not an actual proof


loli volcanoes....


Fix is not a word, it's not broken it's not suitable (for us). Leaving the question of how ethical terraforming is, (and how mr tuxedo mask dropped a car on mars) how do you expect to populate it with biota way less diverse than one on earth but get an earth-like habitable zone? And to do what exactly?


>how ethical terraforming is
This is a question? I wouldn't have thought that there'd be any reason to think twice about it since there's nothing living you're affecting on the planet. At least in the case of mars.


It is broken, it used to have a viable atmosphere and used to have large bodies of water, now it does not so it's broken.


remember watching Elon talk about how nuking the shit out of Mars is also a way to terraform it to something habitable


This is your life-biased opinion. Consider the damage you'd be doing to all the non-organic material that is existing peacefully on those planets. It's not humanity's place to force its will on any planet but our own.


will someone please think about the rocks


Other planets exist for the sole purpose of being repurposed into livable planets by us humans.


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Rocks need to be free of the corrupting influence of humanity.


What if I told you we originally came from Mars and the planet lost it's atmosphere in the last mini-nova.


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And its magnetic field? So there was one and blast damaged it?

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