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From most of what I've seen of it I've come to the conclusion that it's kinda just derivative and adequate at best for more serious stuff. Like, it's probably not replacing Miku soon if that's the best it can get her to sound. Although it's sort of weird, for other artists I can certainly say that the AI can do a scarily good impersonation of them but for Miku it seems like it's still got a long ways to go. Maybe that's because Miku herself is an art and there's so many different unique takes on how she should sound that an amalgamation of all that just isn't going to be right. People have basically perfected her over the years so AI is trying to compete with perfection which will never work.

Though for parody songs and comedic stuff it's amazing. That'll be something completely revolutionized by people prompting and/or creating AI sung music.


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We talked about a little bit in this thread starting here >>122370 and my opinion hasn't really changed. To reiterate, I'm not impressed. It's cool at first to hear the lyrics, but I don't see much value in it.


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another great tool for creating infinite entertainment


I'm really impressed honestly. But so far this is the only tool I know for music and it needs to be more wrangleable. I mean where is the bamboo flute solo and the dubstep?


Music has a pretty steep learning curb that's hard to get over before you sound "derivative" so that it gets past that by the massive level of memorization required is interesting and impressive, but past that mechanical wall you have a creativity wall.


so ai will make music but will never be able to be a real musician


This particular approach to AI music generation seems to have a low ceiling.


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It will, actually. Once we figure out quantum computing and integrate that into our AI's we'll be able to not only create AI that can act like a real musician, the AI will be a real musician and be capable of thinking and consciousness like we are. But will it be capable of perfecting itself when given consciousness or will the limits of quantum make themselves clear when we venture into it?



Nevermind the fact that's it's all BS, the whole point of robots and AI is that they are slaves who don't matter because they aren't conscious. Why make them conscious? We might as well just enslave people again.


Try to define consciousness.
It's not easy.

>don't matter because they aren't conscious.
That's historically a moving target.
Slavery has been acceptable for any number of reasons over the centuries. Nowadays, the justification is "it's totally not slavery, bros". And by the same logic, if I program an AI to want to serve me, there is no problem with exploiting it.
The real challenge in all this is really to make sure that either AI will never be decide to not want to serve us, or else, if they do make that decision, that they will be powerless to do anything about it.


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As 'primitive' as it is, I've been a fan of this song for years. There's plenty enough generic music made by humans, that I see little point making more just like it with AI - the bigger potential IMO is for using it to make music that sounds inhuman, just as how Vocaloid is at its best when treated as its own style, not as a poor imitation of human vocals.


the irony is that if it wasn't good you wouldn't bother to make a video out of it, but it has obvious implications for cheaply producing the "sides" to your main product


it's soulless and i refuse to listen to it
I'd rather hear bad music some actually tried hard to make


I would rather listen to the lazy cashgrab of a professional than the futile efforts of an amateur.


I can't decide if this guy is using AI voice generation or is actually this good of a mimic. But he's producing content at an amazing rate and most of it is good. I don't listen to a lot of rap music anymore (mostly just K-rino) but this guy drops a new album every month or two and I always give them a listen.

I think AI music is like all AI-art. It can be a great tool in the hands of an actual artist. But a lot of people aren't the creative types and they produce mountains of garbage just because they now have the ability to pump it out.

I've noticed a ton of new youtube channels lately that do nothing but post AI generated click-bait. Some of them have millions of views and from the comments it's obvious most people can't tell. I've seen some other suspect stuff on youtube lately as well. A lot of "face reveals" lately that are obviously some kind of AI+face tracking and/or so-called "deepfakes".

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