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File:kissu streams.png (230.94 KB,924x847)

 No.123829[View All]

This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
I think I'll edit this OP to coincide with planned streams as well.76 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Good UI and Akagi recomendations


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I'd be up for watching Akagi or Gunbuster or pretty much anything. I think some people here, myself included, just have fun watching anything with other people here.
Anyway, I'm loosely announcing Mewkledreamy Mix streams in a few weeks in the future! I've been waiting for a slow season to add it at the end each Saturday, but it seems like this season will have a long runtime so I'll have to pick some Fridays. I don't plan to do it in any organized manner, just like 5-6 episodes on a Friday here or there.


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I think it's high time someone streamed SZS so I'll be doing that for its first season this Friday and Sunday, a shorter session of six episodes each. I guarantee that by the end you will have ZETSUBOU SHITA.
I'll make a thread for it on /jp/ that day with a link to the theatre and all that.


You should stream the first season in one go, there isn't any reason not to stream it all in one go anyways (you did remember didn't you?)


>(you did remember didn't you?)
I do not. What did I forget?


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Heh... He forgot...


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You'll remember in six years from now.


the anime which goes on forever... figuritively and literally


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Six episodes each day sounds good. I still need to figure out how to track down those Mewkle subs that were only uploaded to twitter (I have no twitter account)


use nitter.poast.org i said it the other day


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Okay! I shall do it tomorrow after I wake up!


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if there's no plan to stream SZS season 2 on Friday, then I'll be serving up a the first half of the first Kaiji season on that date. So less OPs, EDs and less of the opening recap segments for better runtime.


>serving up a the first half
Serving up a trimmed version of the first half*


Go right ahead, I've actually been thinking of reading some gambling manga recently after giving Usogui a look so this'd be right up my alley.


well. Kaiji is pretty detail heavy so maybe I want to start tomorow and air less episodes?

The main premise is that the hero has to play games against other people and the interesting thing is seeing how Kaiji solves the games and comes out on top.
So it really goes into detail with how people make mistakes and how things progress. It makes for a really deep psychological story, but it takes a lot of focus to not get lost in how he achieved the result


anyways, keep your eyes out for whatever happens to happen tomorrow


Now that Kaiji S1 is complete I think we can return to SZS. I'll be streaming Zoku NOT this week but the next, in two parts on Friday 30th and Sunday the 1st.


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Looking forward to it.


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I should probably get around to doing the Mewkledreamy stuff sometime. I think I'll hold out until there's been a pause in streams for a while, though.


It may be a problem to try and wait for gaps to truly become clear, since it's unpredictable stuff and you yourself may be dealing with something else when they do occur. The kind of stuff that's only visible in hindsight.


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This week it's gonna be Zan. We'll be skipping Goku for now and stream it alongside Bangaichi later to keep the batch size at 6~7 episodes.


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(something weird happened when making this clip at very beginning and end)

I was thinking of maybe doing Fire Force streams. Season 1 was in seasonal stream, but people voted against Season 2. (Although back then we only watched about 5 shows at a time). The thing is, this was back in 2019. This much-delayed season 3 that was David Productions and then Shaft and now David Productions again is finally returning in Spring of 2025. Oh, and Season 4 is already scheduled for 2026. Because of how long it's been, I think we'd need to watch both season 1 and 2. It's a total of 48 episodes, which is a major problem when only about 60% people show up for week 2 of streams and it only gets worse from there.
Yes, I said David Productions! It looks and sounds amazing, even before they got all the experience from Urusei Yatsura and Undead Unluck. But I'm not sure if a edgy-ish action thing is something people would be interested in marathoning. It's shamelessly chuuni and honestly kind of shallow in a way that appeals to teenagers, not counting the guy whose power source is literally chuuni-ness. The storyline is becoming increasingly otherworldly so I think the visuals will be a true treat just like Undead Unluck. Undead Unluck's ex-shaft Director did do Season 1 of this, but not Season 2. (I think both seasons are good)

How interested are people in this? I'd really like to add Fire Force to the seasonal stream next year so this would be a requirement due to stream rules about sequels, but I'm also a bit doubtful about people watching 48 episodes of something like this.


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Oh, and it also has Tamaki!


considered Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction stream since I didn't watch it through. There's also Bye Bye, Earth which I said I would watch after it finished


The Dededede fansubs thing seem dead at the moment, although I did hear the official subs improved after a few episodes. 18 episodes, and make sure to NOT do episode 0 until the end.


I've read it and the streaming site I watched it from is fine. But maybe the fansubs are better than you're saying


There's a group which went about making corrections to the language in the CR release https://www.diffchecker.com/CUnr2Jvo/

https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=%5B4de%5D+DEAD+DEAD+DEMONS+DEDEDEDE+DESTRUCTION+ looks like a possibility


Not sure about this, I didn't watch season 1 and looking at some episodes at random I'm not too convinced, especially for something that'd be 17~19 hours long. It certainly looks pretty cool, but not enough to keep my interest for such a long time.
It does seem like the Ali fansubs are extra dead:


Yeah, I'm not going to do Fire Force since no one really replied apart from your doubt.


the rest of the manga is basically fight slogs and not a lot of cute. Don't bother


yea, the 4de subs are good. It lets this animation masterpiece be viewable.
There's a few "nani? = yes?" moments but it's nothing egregiously distracting.

I'll stream is when SZS is done unless someone else proposes a thing.


I managed to get the old code for streaming directly from OBS to cytube instances. It requires setting up a VPS first for live transcoding and to host the player that gets embedded into the cytube page. I'll probably set all that up at some point and will need some people willing to watch test streams until I have it dialed in. By default it's setup to support 720p+240p. 720p being direct output from OBS that's passed to the viewers and 240p is live transcoding. I could make it support other formats but each one adds more load to the VPS so I'll probably leave it the way it is. 720p seems like happy medium for bandwidth for most viewers and most won't noticed the difference between 1080p anyway (also less burden on VPS+streamer's bandwidth).

Plan once it's set-up is to premiere stuff I and my friends are working on along with streaming some old stuff. Not all of it animation/Japanese. But I haven't really worked out the format yet. Will probably run it like an old TV channel block. Something like Adult Swim I guess.

If anyone wants the code to host their own instance let me know. It works pretty well. Only real issue I remember is it always defaults to 240p when you first load the page and requires manual switching to 720p by the viewers using the player's quality button. Probably an easy fix.

IIRC it can support about 50 viewers on a kuso digital ocean droplet.


Forgot to say. Each instance allows for creation of user accounts/keys. So once I have it up if anyone wanted access to my instance for their own purposes I'd be fine with it. Provided you don't start fighting over timeslots. Which is what happened the last time we were doing this. But I doubt you guys are as autistic about such things as they were.

One guy ended up causing a revolt because the chat started crying about lolis so he decided to do live readings of some touhou doujin with naked lolis. He managed to clear out the chat pretty quickly but they all got angry and talked someone into taking that guy's key away. Next thing we knew there was a full on sperg war going on that resulted in the site having to close down because both sides started reporting the other to the authorities after multiple rounds of spamming borderline pizza. A real headache I don't wish to ever repeat.


so basically you have some software that chunks videos and feeds it into a URL for the <video> element?

I've been wondering how to do that when we stream content that's longer than 40m in length so yes I would.


Or I guess since it's OBS to cytube you have a receiver for OBS on the VPS and you let OBS handle the annoying parts.

I tried with VLC in the past but didn't get far


It uses RTMP. You use OBS (or just ffmpeg) on your end to live stream stuff like you would for youtube/twitch or any similar streaming service. It gets sent to your VPS. Which in turn routes it to the cytube instance with RTMP protocol. The VPS has ffmpeg installed for transcoding and everything else is written in python.

When you use it you do not get the usual cytube features like being able to rewind, pause and the other "leader" functions. It's purely live video. Although there might be a short buffer if you watch the transcoded version of the video. Been a few years since I've used it I'll have to install everything again and see what all it can do.

We mainly used it for movie nights and streaming video games and what-not. Along with other special nights for things. The streamer mainly acted as a VJ and would re-stream content voted on by the group. There were certain timeslots and nights where the same content was shown and that's when we had the most viewers. We ran it off a hidden channel on the main cytube instance. I'll probably have to modify some urls to make it work with the kissu one. I'll go through the code later this week when I have the time.

If you want a copy of it I'm willing to provide it now of course.


already said i want to see it...


I get the theory gist. You have OBS or whatever output to an RTMP server then the RTMP server creates a url which feeds chunks into the player. It's the same as twitch or whatever


File:horsey.gif (601.2 KB,400x400)

A lot of stuff is hardcoded. Have fun.



Well now I have a vague idea where this comes from but thanks. I've been meaning to learn this.


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I think I'll stream Army of Darkness sometime around Halloween. Well, that's the plan at least. I haven't actually downloaded any Western media in like a decade so I have to find it. Maybe it will be part of a general Halloween stream or something since I think someone was thinking of doing that again.


happenings related discussion moved into >>4165


ah, btw. I'm not overly concerned if the code is exploitable because I run the stream stuff on a seperate server than I do kissu. So any issue with it is contained to the streaming site itself. Not to say that I'm going to blindly run this without checking


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FYI, unless anyone disputes it. I'm going to be trying the Dead Demon's correction-subs on Friday using this newer software which might allow streaming at higher resolution.


This PoS software is so unstable and undocumented. Nothing works without heavy debugging. The database has no installer. The wsgi utility wasn't documented properly. I might have it figured out by now, but what will happen next after I get the database running?


As expected.
I get everything working, and have an SSL endpoint to feed stream data, can get it running in VLC, now if I want to actually view it in cytube? OK, now what? Why does nothing play and I only get the standard video player error.

In Cytube HLS.js error: networkError - fatal: true - manifestLoadError
In theatre media could not be loaded. So wtf is this shit. I thought that it was able to be usesd with cytube?


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ugh, I got it working. CORS issues it was that time. Guess I'ts fixed now


Cool, so I'll run DDDD tomorrow and see if it runs stable enough. There are some quality of life issues with. Not sure if it's usable beyond movies.


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Army of Darkness acquired! Hmm, but when to stream it. Halloween is on a Thursday, and that's an awkward stream day, so I guess Friday? Did we want to do another Halloween stream event like last year?


Friday sounds good to me.

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