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File:1436585487102.jpg (84.55 KB,1280x720)


Are emotes a good form of casual engagement for streams that can quickly convey an emotion like a 'heh' or similar while also being visually witty and somewhat encompassing the history of the stream as well in what content it shows? I think they probably are more a benefit than a drain like people commonly think them to be on a stream's atmosphere but that's assuming a culture where they're used in conjunction with regular posts and not just the entirety of all posts. Do you agree and what kind of emotes could we potentially add to the kissu stream if so? I think that probably a good way to start would be maybe a site like banners, where the emote size has to fit within a certain limit because all the cytube streams I've seen where you have stuff taking up over half the screen is pretty annoying.


File:Utawarerumono.S02E09.False….jpg (317.77 KB,1920x1080)

Ehh I don't know. They don't seem like they would be terribly popular, but then again we never made many of them. They have to have easy to type names that don't interfere with regular typing, too, so that can be a bit of a problem. It's a very pogchamp situation, you know.


I think if you made it easy to find them while typing it'd be easier to figure out how to use them


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (287.59 KB,1920x1080)

It's a good way to let young streamers know why you're watching them.


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found /secret/


That's twitter.


I feel like we've had nearly this exact thread before.


File:R-1714229827884.png (115.68 KB,271x348)

Recycling is good for the environment!


Nothing came out of the last one IIRC


File:[SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S3 ….jpg (293.33 KB,1920x1080)

Generally speaking, anything that requires effort from people is going to fail. This emote thing would work best with people submitting images and icons and "sharing the burden" as it were. Unfortunately the reality of it is that it will be kissu staff doing all of it and I don't think I have the motivation for it. And it's less fun if it's not a shared experience.


Well yeah that's why I'm proposing to vermin maybe a way of doing a banners-type thing.

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