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File:[HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp -….jpg (116.2 KB,1280x720)


Where do I go to watch seasonal shows with Japanese subtitles? I want to watch YuruCamp S3 but I'm at the point in my ninhongo studies where I feel like if I'm not watching anime with JP subs I'm wasting my time. I'm also not good enough to watch with no visual aid whatsoever.

Every torrent site I've found uses subs for every language except Japanese.


I've mentioned it before, but OpenAI's Whisper can generate subtitles automatically, in any language, and can even translate. But, I guess if you want official subtitles it's not really an option, certainly not if you don't have a newer GPU either.


I don't really know how to use that stuff. Anyway for a change I actually found some jp subs on nyaa but it was listed as eng subs.

Still, feel free to post suggestions in this thread.


kitsuneko collects jp closed captions. Not every show has them, but it's probably your best bet.


File:media/FQ9KbN2UYAI4XXx.jpg (243.78 KB,1920x1080)

For YuruCamp S3 in particular, the AT-X broadcast appears to contain Japanese subtitles (judging from kitsunekko and Wikipedia). However, they're out of sync with CR's web version due to the 提供クレジット and whatnot.
For other anime, TV Tokyo (TX) and Netflix (NF) may also include Japanese subtitles.
Sometimes the subtitles exist but haven't been uploaded to any public site I'm aware of, pic related. If you can't find any subtitles, you can try consulting https://anicobin.ldblog.jp/ because for the anime episodes that have a corresponding blog entry, usually almost every line is transcribed there.

Judging from the corresponding file on kitsunekko those subtitles are poorly timed and are probably machine-generated; correct me if I'm wrong. The AT-X ones look usable.



kitsunekko is currently down for me but most of the Japanese subs there should be on jimaku.cc

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