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File:spring 2024 seasonal chart.png (6.75 MB,2519x3850)

 No.122445[View All]

It's spring!


What are you planning on watching? Have any suggestions or recommendations?
177 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Oh, you're taking that one line more literally than I did about the weapons being cheat items? That did seem weird, but I don't know how to interpret it. It could just be an expression. I mean, it's a world with superheroes and immortal monsters.


No, I mean I can see this as a kind of world where the lowlings end up becoming more powerful and it transitions into a game where you build your mob character


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Anyone else think the Train show dropped a lot in quality? It started out interesting but got progressively worse with each ep.


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Think of it this way.
If you hadn't watched the movie, you would have posted high quality content on kissu, for my benefit.
You effectively did not waste your time, you wasted mine.


File:[SubsPlease] Shuumatsu Tra….jpg (201.88 KB,1920x1080)

Uh, huh. Interesting. I actually saw this comment on anilist a few weeks ago and people weren't sure whether he was exaggerating or doing an April 1st thing or letting off steam or what: https://anilist.co/forum/thread/72855

>Tsutomu Mizushima, director of the new original anime “Train to the End of the World (Shuumatsu Train Doko and Iku?)” produced by EMT Squared studios and released this week.
>Although initial impressions have been positive, it was director Tsutomu Mizushima who threw the bucket of cold water on Twitter, revealing that they haven't even finished the fourth episode yet. While it is normal within the anime industry for episodes to be finished a few hours (or sometimes even minutes) before they air on television, generally the only thing missing are small production details.
>However, the words used by the director in question have made it clear that it is not “small details” that are missing:
>The fourth episode is not ready yet. Is it okay for me to post on Twitter about this? Don't know. Please continue to support us over the next three months, even if it seems like a short time

I won't be watching episode 4 until Saturday, but 3 was great and if there's really a decline then I guess he was entirely truthful and worried.


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it's a cool post-apocolypse world. Doesn't need lots of character stuff.

Akira's animation and design reminds me of that GuPz girl


Watching the latest episode it definitely seems like the animation suffers in some places but the story is too good to ignore. Maybe with better budget and planning it could have been something greater but it's still very enjoyable. Really looking forward to the rest of it.


>the story is too good to ignore
The setting is cool but the plot is a bit weak in my opinion. They're not taking full advantage of it.


Yeah, the plot simply consists of an episodic search so far with a bunch of surrealism, a good ol' odyssey, though the shroom chapter was pretty tropey compared to what came before it.


Also, would you compare it to Sonny Boy? I don't think it's going as far as it did.


It should have been pretty clear that it was going to be very episodic due to them literally having a list of stations to go through, no?
Things are moving quite nicely on the background, and the open world leaves a lot for theorizing. Things like the map, the acceptance of the inhabitants of each station of their condition, the stories mentioned during the flashbacks becoming reality... I think it's rather nice. The whole thing also fills me with a sense of dread that I rarely feel.


No, because it's actually good.


Would you be saying that if it weren't for the ending?


I was thinking about Sentai's plot a bit, not a spoiler manga reader, but it seems like Blue got coup'd. So I'm not sure if D is dead or not and it if it's just a prank


I dropped Sonny Boy at episode 3 and only went back to finish it because the people calling it AOTY strongarmed me into it. It was a bad show all throughout, with the possible exception of episode 4, and was only bearable when Y.Aoi was talking.


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Sounds like you got filtered.


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I really like 7th Prince's story and art even though it's all slop


yea i bet you like the art


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Then I ended up watching the old OVAs and it reminded me why I kinda hated the old slime before Rimuru became a Demon Lord, and it's how odd everything feels. There's a distinct lack of maturity and misalignment of actions/consequences and what's shown on screen. It never really felt like anything mattered much either and was just happening because it advanced the story, I guess in short it lacked purpose. Like with this scene where the kids are ambushed by some thieves inhabiting the cave they were meant to train in and get into a fight. It's treated as more of a joke encounter where the villains are beaten up and arrested but at one point the bandit leader slashes one of the kids across the stomache drawing blood. You'd think this would be a serious event but he's just healed up quickly and it's also passed off as part of the joke.... It just feels off.


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Actually why is Slime so insanely popular in the first place? IT doesn't really do anything different or exceptionally well. It's not even really the most well animated of the bunch. It just kinda exists as a likeable product.


think of it like the replacement to "Fairy Tail" in the age-demographic


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I guess that kinda makes sense. All the other isekai either target teens or adults or are extremely turd-like.


i wouldn't say that any isekai other than the older ones target a more mature demographic. Most of them are very childlike


yeah very childlike but usually in a more teeny way
slime's kinda really tame in comparison


like usually other isekai are ripe with irony or meta jokes or edge


Isn't salad bowl's OP similar to tatami galaxy...


I think it actually targets an older demographic. Its appeal is in how it delves into the organizational aspect of things.
Then you would be very wrong, unless you use "mature" just as an insult against adults who like isekai.


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Astro Note is really fun! >>>/poll/4076 seems to be right and it's getting a bit crazier as the mp4 I posted in >>123800 kind of hints at. It's still quite restrained, but the groundwork is there. The wild stuff is good, but the regular human interaction between fun characters is the highlight to me.
I think people will regret watching this 'live' if they miss out on it.


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Love the tenshi anime
cant believe it will end in just eight episodes.......


I've been thinking about it more and I think salad bowl was inspired a lot by the director style of Yuasa who did Eizouken, Mind Game, Tatami galaxy etc.


and the art style of One Room


You think Salad Bowl was? What makes you say that.


funny horo ear dance gif!


I only really see similarities between the OPs. It sounds somewhat similar and uses real life imagery like the Tatami Galaxy OP.



Is it just me or is Salad Bowl's art quality dropping?


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Hmm I'll give you my opinion in a couple days when I watch the latest episode. That's unfortunate if it's true, although it's not really a spectacular looking show to begin with (but still fantastic)


There's a lot of contenders for kissu's AOTS this season. Two originals (Jellyfish and Train), Konosuba, Yuru Camp, Urusei Yatsura, and Spice and Wolf. Surprisingly, my favorite isn't among these.


Spice and Wolf will always be one of my favorite anime of all time so I think it's unfair for me to really consider it in this season when it's a remake.


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I've watched it now. I don't really sense any quality drop. Maybe you're referring to the moments of talking where it wasn't animated much? That wasn't really new to this episode.


He's referring to the two-tone hair.


Womanizer tensei was alright, because it didn't have Rudy be a hero. But the plot completely sidestepped the idea that she hates her brother and redirected the idea that she has contempt for being compared to him onto some monologues about him being misunderstood. Makes no sense, human god at it again distorting all logic.

Oh no, turning point 3




am out of entertainment so think I'm going to watch some Hibike


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he's incomprehensibly op lmao, >>>/jp/74707 in shambles


We truly were the An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride.


holo seems like a realistic character

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