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Something I've noticed of more serious otome/action-bishojo series is that they always try to upend society and replace the status quo with the politics and ideology that best suit them and their ideals. Homura, Utena, Dork, Euphie, Nefertima all act in similar ways to oppose the avatars of God(or God directly) who stand against them. Quite reminiscent of the Western media that conveys a similar concept of eroding status quo in favour of a rational society, except unlike in the West it's not done from a perspective of the moral choice and group harmony but pushes a more logical idea that directly criticizes the motives of those antagonistic of the protagonist.


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Well, killing God has kind of been the staple of JRPGs for a few decades now. It's so routine that you kind of expect it. Not sure what else to say... maybe I can think of something deeper later.


No it hasn't. This sentiment is not based on any actual reality of JRPGS.


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I still can't take Dork seriously because of that autistic walking in the OP


>perspective of the moral choice
>a more logical idea
In "Western Thought", there is an assumption that the the logical or Truth is inherently moral. So this is actually a moral choice to the Westerner, just one that he isn't always conscious of. For example, why is Hypocrisy bad? "Directly [criticizing] the motives of those antagonistic of the protagonist" usually means pointing out the logical fallacies or the hypocrisy within the motivations of the antagonist. But why is this bad? What meaning is there in this criticism and why should the antagonist care about it? The answer is that Truth and logic are moral judgements that are presupposed. In a more power centric moral framework, Truth and logic are just tools to use against others in the pursuit of power that enforces the antagonist's will. Here being a hypocrite isn't immoral, so long as it's done in service of enforcing one's will.


Eh, I think that in Dork's case she's trying to solve a shallower issue that just affects her personally. While it's true that in her world there's prejudice against black people like her, it's not analogous to our world's prejudice where black people stood at the bottom of the social ladder due to slavery. Her world's prejudice is much more similar to this world's historic prejudice against g*ngers, which didn't need great societal upheavals to stop.


Why do those with power use their power to alter the world in a way that suits them? I don't understand. Why can't they just be polite and avoid sticking out?

Seriously though. I fail to see the merit of this perspective.
The question of what kinds of problems they set out to fix, and what values the authors are (inadvertently) weaving into the frameworks of their stories feels like a more promising line of thought.


Dorkness is doing it to mostly benefit herself, though


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>Why do those with power use their power to alter the world in a way that suits them? I don't understand. Why can't they just be polite and avoid sticking out?
This is literally what Dork wants; a quiet life. I think OP misunderstood her character a bit because she doesn't fit into this ideal he's talking about at all. She doesn't want to change the game, just defeat the Demon Lord if necessary. In real life she was basically the "I NEED MORE POWER" Vergil archetype.

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