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Did you see EoE in theatres this week /qa/? For the first time it's coming to the big screen in the states.


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I'd prefer to pretend that none of the Eva movies exist, so no.


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I saw it like 22 years ago on DVD and don't really feel any desire to watch it again. The looping DVD menu was cool.
I don't really understand it being in theaters now, but I guess it's cool and popular enough? Or is it? How are they gauging this stuff, meme reposts or something?
I don't see the point, personally. Eva was interesting at the time, but not after 20 years of people talking about it and referencing it and so on.
I admit that I'm not the target demographic, though.


End of Evangelion is good! How could you even say that! The remakes are meh though.


It detracts from the impact of the original ending by making a spectacle of it instead of focusing on Shinji's struggle of introspection. I don't think it's a bad movie, but the fact that it exists makes the series worse than if they'd just left things at omedetou.


I've never seen any evangelion outside of memes or edits or videos discussing it. I won't start by seeing it in theaters.


I'm surprised you were able to avoid it for so long. It was one of the earlier anime I watched because of how constantly talked about it was.


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>I saw it like 22 years ago on DVD
What the hell... you have me beat: >>120518(OP)
But yeah it, was my older brother who introduced me to it and you're likely the same age as him, so it makes sense.


I do not understand why people appreciate trying to watch a movie while all around them there are assholes making noise.
The cinema supports no adblock, provides no pause button for toilet breaks or drink refills, demands that you bow to their selection of snacks and is so cheeky to offer this amazing experience at a very "reasonable" price. It's also out of the way and runs on its own schedule.

People keep telling me that movies just look different "on the big screen". I really don't understand.
If I want to watch a movie, my home cinema seems way more appropriate for the task.


The most recent movie I watched in cinemas was Dune 2, there were some nice things and bad things about that experience.

In terms of visuals, I'd say the big screen definitely did make my experience a lot nicer. I don't have any kind of "home cinema" configuration or anything like it. A big screen projector in general has always appealed to me for really pulling me into a scene visually. I watch a lot of horror movies and I thought I had pretty good tolerance for horror since I watch them at home in the dark, but the theater made these films absolutely terrifying because the shots were all so heavily imposed on me.

As for sound it's a weird mixed bag. At home, I watch movies with my really nice in-ear monitors, which do help me appreciate sound design a great deal. In theaters, the sound system is usually a coin toss as to whether or not it'll be great or just okay. What makes a good sound system for me is staging, since good staging is hard to do on in-ear monitors. Additionally, you are right, sometimes the motherfucker eating popcorn behind me needs to learn to chew softly.

The prime reason most people go to the theater though is that it's for the social reason. People rarely go to cinemas alone, they're usually with friends, going in to watch a movie that's new (or in the case of End of Evangelion) one that they've seen and already love. It's fun to sit in a theater and see your friends reacting to the same insane shit you're witnessing out of the corner of your eye.

Shit is expensive though, and piss breaks are a nightmare. So I don't go that often and just tend to torrent when I can :P


If the creators wanted you to take a piss break, they'd have included an intermission. The intended experience is to go at the beginning when the ads play and then hold it until the very end.


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I have never not brought my own snacks to watching a film in the cinema.


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I would go to the cinema more often if they showed anime films besides Ghibli stuff and the usual tearjerkers.


Comedies are fun to watch with others to see people's reactions but it depends on the crowd. There are also VIP cinemas with big comfortable seats where you can lie down and the people are less likely to be annoying. They are good to watch longer films if you really want to see them before they come out.
Btw, this reads like a copypasta to instigate flame wars. I'm not saying it is but I'm saving it for that reason.


>I'm saving it for that reason.


dumb piss-holding fetards


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We need to build the /qa/ mansion in Japan so we can all go out and have movie night for anime movies.


If you can't go two hours without peeing, you need to see a doctor.


It's not the best film scan, EoE needs a remaster now that Anno has the rights clear and free of Gainax's rotting corpse. But I will say the surround sound mix of EoE is actually amazing, which I never realized until seeing it in a theater.
Misato moaning sex like she's right to my left for 2 minutes was the best.
Asuka's mom slowly becoming more and more audible from the back of the theater sounds like a schizophrenic break.

Fuck, it was so good.

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