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File:1710691506229.png (260.1 KB,588x452)


Which torrent client do you use? why?


I've been using qbit for years. It just works.


qbit because >>121685 and rss and the look and every private tracker allows jt


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Yeah, third'd I guess. qBittorent for me as well. It works, it's widely used and accepted and I can't really think of any amazing features that would lead me to try something else since I just need it to torrent stuff and nothing more.


Is taiga worth downloading?


Transmission because it's the simplest BitTorrent client on GNU/Linux to my knowledge.


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qBittorrent since it has everything I need and pretty much every PT whitelists it. If you need some advanced feature(s), chances are there's a way to get qBit to do it even if it's not natively supported. I wish more trackers allowed qBit Enhanced Edition since I use several Chinese trackers which expose me to kuso leeching clients like Xunlei, but it's not too big a deal.


Yes, taiga is extremely useful if you want to keep track of a bunch of anime and not have to manually update lists.


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it has very comprehensive stats and provides fine-grained options and controls over transfers
tixati has a built-in client id filter, not sure if tixati is accepted in pts in general but some of them do accept it


Deluge because I can run the daemon on my NAS and connect to it from the client on any of my other machines easily to set up RSS feeds or open magnet links.


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windows: qbittorrent with require encryption + anomymous mode + dht, pex, lpd disabled in settings
peer connect protocol set to tcp only
seeding limits when ratio reaches 0.00
ip filtering i use https://github.com/Naunter/BT_BlockLists/

linux: tixati with stock settings


kTorrent... JK qBit supremacy


>JK [...] supremacy
jk saikou


Looks out of date


does any other linuxeer have the issue where qbittorrent doesnt exit when you click the x and you have to kill the process


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For me, when I hit the X, qbit is minimized to tray. And when I do "quit" it, it takes some time to completely shut down.
See if you have this checked in Preferences > Behavior.


I don't mean the config setting to minimize like that, I mean that even quitting it the expected way still leaves the process hanging around after the GUI window's gone. It's visible in the system monitor that displays the processes. Sending an "end" signal to the process doesn't even shut it down, it has to be explicitly the "kill" signal.


Hm, don't think I've ever had that happen to me. Not that I check running processes after closing qbit, or that I ever even close qbit for that matter...


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