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File:large_4c724514-4f05-4620-a….jpg (104.43 KB,664x672)


Thai curry = Indian curry > Japanese curry


That's a pretty bold statement to put it on the same level as indian curry. What kind of it would you recommend to someone that wants to try it out?


What I just posted was very good. It's got a lot of peanut oil which tastes very nice


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (262.45 KB,1920x1080)

Isn't it spicy? No thank you. Even if my mouth could handle it the rest of my body can't.


Thai curry ≠ Thai curry
Indian curry ≠ Indian curry
Japanese curry ≠ Japanese curry


It's not the same dish.


File:c560a528d578c3c1ba2c4727cb….jpg (37.73 KB,500x600)

That depends on what type of curry you use. Massaman for example is pretty mild.


Japanese cunny > Thai cunny > Indian cunny


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We could use a new type of /poll/, a ranking one, to resolve questions such as this


aggregating the results could work like it does in Australian elections


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (138.44 KB,1280x720)


it's only got one chilli on the package. you should be alright

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