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File:clarion.jpg (98.91 KB,1280x720)


I was listening to the koukaku no pandora opening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWGqagnqHb4 when it dawned on me that the line
"yaiba no kage ni kokoro ga atta yo"
is probably referencing the kanji for shinobu 忍, literally composed of the the characters for a blade "in the shadow" of the character for heart

This is also the heart of the pun in naming Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade "shinobu"

unfortunately all english translations of the song had interpreted "atta" as the past tense of "au" rather than "aru", thus shifting the meaning to "hearts meeting"


Huh, that's a pretty good observation. Wonder why it is then that so many people mistake the aru then if the pun's right there.


Insights like that are why I’d like to learn Japanese. But I feel as if it’d take a quite a long time to be proficient enough in any language to recognize those types of references, let alone Japanese.
Interestingly, Google translate seems to translate "yaiba no kage ni kokoro ga atta yo" the way you suggest.


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Probably because the show literally states that it's a story of girl meets girl and to not worry about all the seemingly serious shit going on around that. The irony of OP's assertion is palpable.


I took it more as the "heart" being the love behind the violence of the world, and for example, Clarion


Isn't the two's relationship kinda mutually abusive?
Clarion is the stronger one, and she shows it, but she's been ordered by her master to enter this immoral relationship.


i checked the the DameDesuYo subs used by DmonHiro/neoHEVC/Nene and their translation surprised me
>This blade lies between your heart and the world
without any context for the show i have no idea how they came to render it like this, because there's no mention of the world in that verse and in this line the blade isn't the subject, it's the heart. not even referring to the blade itself but the shadow of the blade which isn't mentioned for some reason. however, what matters is that it is using existential aru, it's not talking about a meeting. atta is also written in the lyrics purely with kana (刃の影に 心があったよ) and that's the standard for ある. iunno where OP got the meeting part but i can't see the irony either.


The translation with "meeting" was this:
On a second search, I found another translation, but this one instead renders it as "connecting"

I can sort of understand "blade between heart and the world" as a more natural rendition, as it does get at the same "concealing the heart with a blade" idea


okay that's 合う then, hearts coming together
like take the example of「二つの川がここで合う」, "here two rivers come together/meet." that one does work with rivers being the subject, but you can see the location is marked with で while when this verb uses に it's to mean what kind of thing it's matching and that's not what any of these translations interpret it as
definitely suspicious but i'm hardly capable enough to say for sure


>Beneath the shadow of a blade, our hearts connected!
Okay, that makes sense in the context of the series.

Not even a little. Clarion is a robot who is ordered to be Nene's bodyguard, gets treated like a yuribait best friend, and is tsundere about it. Nene doesn't realize this because she's dumb and just goes around playing with her catmaid friend.

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