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File:Studio-Ghiblis-Kimitachi-w….jpg (336.42 KB,1920x1080)


Do you watch anime movies often? It feels like they are something that goes unnoticed in the West for the most part. Miyazaki won an Oscar with his newest movie but I haven't seen people discussing this movie anywhere. The last two big hits (Kimi no Na wa and Koe no Katachi) were almost 8 years ago by now, so what gives? Why couldn't it gain traction from there?


I used to.
I have no reason not to, given that I have liked quite a lot of them, over the years.
But I just can't be bothered to keep track of them. I don't go to the movies, so I only get a chance years later, when the BDs are on nyaa and everybody's stopped talking about it.


It's a mixture of several reasons. Miyazaki's newest film was hardly marketed (intentionally) and thus flew under a lot of people's radars, particularly those not in any anime/film-adjacent circles. With that said, it still reached number one at the box office in both Canada and the USA so it was hardly unnoticed unless compared with some specific past critical successes.
It was discussed in some places, including 4/a/ several times, but as >>121608 said a lot of people just simply don't bother to go to the theater. By the time a movie releases on BD, a lot of the excitement surrounding it has already died down so discussion relating to it will be relatively sparse unless somebody strikes up a discussion outright mentioning it.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (433.59 KB,1920x1080)

>Do you watch anime movies often?
Very, very rarely. I'll see news of it being released, but it's not like it will actually be watchable to me until months later when it's uploaded somewhere and then THAT needs to be subbed by a group, so for my own sanity I don't actually keep track of them. That DDDD manga that I talked about getting an anime a year ago is releasing soon, but I'm not going to count on being able to see it until like, what, half a year from now at earliest if someone is nice and uploads the BD and then someone else subs it.
Some stuff you can rely on to get fan subs, though, like the Spy X Family movies I'm sure.

As for the rest of the OP's question, I think it's related to licensing stuff and cost. For better or worse anime is a lot more popular in the West these days, sure, but I think the margins on operating a theater are still quite narrow. The streaming giants are billion-dollar corporations with tons of investor money thrown at them so they can take risks, but theaters not so much.


By the way, the Mahoutsukai no Yoru movie is coming out this year (I think), which could potentially be a big hit. There's also the CSM movie about the Reze arc but that one is likely 2025.



>Miyazaki's newest film was hardly marketed (intentionally) and thus flew under a lot of people's radars, particularly those not in any anime/film-adjacent circles
This. Maybe it will get more traction with mainstream audiences now that it won the best animation oscar.


I think part of the problem may be the same suffered by shows dumped in full on some streaming service, the fact that there's no weekly engagement to keep it on par with all the other stuff coming out during a season.
And uhh no I usually don't watch movies that are coming out and the only ones I ever really hear about are either adaptations, or originals from Shinkai or Ghibli. If there are others coming out, I've zero clue about it.


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There's actually a fair bit of movies that come out a season compared to what gets talked about. But from this season I know that prior to it people here were talking about Dededede so that'll probably attract some attention when the first BD release comes out.

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