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 No.121174[View All]

what OP/EDs do you like? I was thinking about the popularity of LycoReco when it came out and how nice it'd be to see more anime inspired by gunslinger girl since that was one hell of a boson anime. the OP for it being one of my favorites and having that early 2000s english indie song for its op. also do you remember that in the same season lycoreco aired there was another original anime "engage kiss" that failed miserably and was just a soulless gacha cashgrab checking boxes to try and hook a playerbase, lycoreco had no tie-in and was the biggest anime besides bocchi so goes to show how far creating something good takes you compared to trying to cash out on the trendy market researched ideal money printer
82 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


They aren't openings in the same sense as it is a short song with some visuals like TV/anime openings. What I posted was closer to that format, which is why it has more views than usual compared to something like yours. The Oni 2 intro/opening is pretty cool, but the Oni 3 one has got to be my favorite one of all time.


A close second.


I like 3's opening the best, but it always struck me as odd how it connects to almost nothing in the rest of the story. Gargant wasn't even in the games until Dawn of Dreams.


This "Gargant" guy was in Onimusha Blade Warriors which I didn't even know it existed until relatively recently. It's a weird fighting game based on it. But yeah, the intro is pretty different from the actual game in general. Almost none of the things featured in it are in the game, like those giant biological tanks, the demon pigs with the spears, the flying creatures, etc. I assume they are all Guildenstern creations made with the help of future tech though.

I really like the FFXII opening as well. That piano at the start is very memorable.


The hell... it's Smash Bros Onimusha


If there's one thing Lodoss beats Frieren at it's the OP for sure. Not a big fan of YOASOBI and it seemed very unfitting for a fantasy show.



Midnight bluuuuuueee


Ah yes, Japanese Beavis and Butthead.


File:izumi_noa__kidou keisatsu ….mp4 (8.34 MB,478x360)



I post a video and it's made private 9 days later? Fuck you youtube.


That was in Eng though... so this is the only decent one in Japanese I could find. Not a big fan of these "machine learning AI remastered" ones though.


I prefer the second OP to that one.


Superior to the anime OP.



File:[Ember] The Fable - 01-1.mp4 (23.61 MB,1280x720)

I usually don't like rap but this is an exception. Pretty catchy.


And for the 100th post in the thread we shall have... The Tsukoyomi Moon Phase OP! How come nobody posted it yet?!


Nice, they uploaded it on yt a few days ago.


File:1543231659622.gif (497.32 KB,260x200)

Haduki eggs...


I like the Cardcaptor Sakura OPs and EDs. They all have their own appeal and I can't really pick a favourite though...

For example, the 3rd OP is cool as shit (that's the one in the embed). But some of them are super cute, others are just unique (like the 2nd OP, I really haven't heard anything like it anywhere else. Here's that one: https://youtu.be/aUvpz7_8xrg)


I like it, but the OP and ED from Spice and Wolf S1 will always have a soft spot in my heart.


I like the english cover more for some reason




They uploaded an official version of CUZ I FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLL. Nice.





Because people have bad taste and voted against it I shall post the Astro Note OP from this season



File:sena.png (626.67 KB,600x600)

I can't wait to love chu chu the C;H shabs once the translation comes out.


There's a translation in the works? I've already did that to the Steins;Gate ones.


Yeah, it's being worked on by the same group that made the fan patch for Noah; Committee of Zero.




File:[Beatrice-Raws] Kuzu no H….webm (46.24 MB,1920x1080)

Kinda really want to go and rewatch Kuzu no Honkai as it's something that sticks out in my memory but is somewhat muddled due to me watching it during a packed season. I somewhat had a love-hate relationship with it at the time but the more it pops up in my mind the more I realize there may have been much more to it than I thought if I were to rewatch it.

The problem is I'd want to stream something if I'm rewatching it and almost certainly nobody but Vermin would show up given the topic matter so it makes me wonder if it'd be worth wasting a potential stream slot for someone else.


File:01 灼熱スイッチ.flac (35.8 MB,175x175)

ED Turing Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-MVk5I6wjo. OP Shakunetsu Switch because someone mentioned they used ping pong sound effects before the chorus and I like the bass in it. Anisongs have fun composition and lyrics in general. If you download the OP/ED singles, they sometimes include bonus versions and other songs in them. I could make a list but I don't want spam links, if anything, I recommend listening to the full versions of the songs you like.
This is from the same artist, you should check out her whole discography if you like songs like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDM0Y5dNRtA
I want to rewatch it for the same reasons. That ED is how I discovered Sayuri back then, the CD included an acoustic version of one of her songs.


I wouldn't worry about spamming links here, I made this thread in the first place because I really love anisongs and the thoughtful composition usually put into OP/EDs. I've spammed a bunch of them in the past myself too. Also kinda funny that you mention finding Sayuri from KnH since that's exactly how I found out about her too.

In other news I was relistening to Shana's themes and while the first OP is my favorite visuals+song, the ED is the best outright song.


Ok thanks


File:[Dmonhiro] Maze Tv - Nced1….mp4 (9.34 MB,634x480)

A classic



Bonus /m/ version.


You just cant beat the groovin chibis


The Kaijuu 8 OP is really good. The music is typical 00s rock (which is kind of nice to hear again) but the 3DCG is absolutely phenomenal. This is stuff you see in big budget movies or something. It even got the fluid stuff right.
I wouldn't object to seeing shows done with this level of quality, but obviously that would take a lot of effort and money and people use 3D in anime to get away from that.
So, for now I'll just appreciate masterful usage of 3D in an OP.


What are the manliest openings /qa/ knows? Getter is a pretty obvious one for how the anime is basically the embodiment of GAR


I've yet to watch City Hunter but its ED, GET WILD is known for being manly.


From one of my favorite /qa/ threads


Already posted: >>123790 which qualifies. And this is kinda kuso but it's the only one I could find on youtube.


Gonna break the manly combo for a moment to post the Watamote ED.


this used to make me cry...


File:1440702560136.png (88.48 KB,287x288)

That's not very manly.

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