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File:[SubsPlus ] Gushing Over M….jpg (217.35 KB,1920x1080)

 No.120896[View All]

There's been many a time where I've stumbled upon a character and ironically stated, "Yup, that's me". Pretending or even lying to myself that I'm that character. But that's not the case here, this is me. I am literally Magia Baiser, Baiser is me. The mangaka wrote the story and I was who it was based on. You could not possibly craft a character that was more me than this. That's because if you were to change anything it would not be me, since it's me.
85 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It gets way more lewd


>I feel like it could get repetitive quickly
You'd think, but it actually keeps itself quite varied and constantly evolving.


Have you listened to the BDSM ASMR yet?


Amateur-tier. I've heard AI-generated art cover ASMR do better.


Yeah, it's not an amazing ASMR. Think some people are just more naturally talented at it than others
Is kinda funny to say because Utena's VA is actually a complete amateur https://anidb.net/creator/59120 and despite this I feel she's killing it as Utena.


To be fair, I was mostly talking about the severe lack of foley. Her voice is fine, but without any real sound effects to speak of, it feels like a flat and amateurish work, that has a frankly boring premise. The lack of any real noise besides the sound of her voice in particular, makes it feel like something that was recorded in a sound booth, which kind of breaks any illusion of ASMR being in-world. It'd be like watching Star Wars without sound effects, you would think to yourself that it was ridiculous.


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It sounded better in the manga.


File:[SubsPlus ] Gushing Over M….jpg (317.98 KB,1920x1080)

Isn't this just dialogue from the show but edited to sound like ASMR?




Oh I didn't even listen to it for more than a minute, yeah that's kind of a weird ASMR idea...


sage negated


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yes that's my point


Utena is wife material.


File:[SubsPlus ] Gushing Over ….webm (Spoiler Image,4.47 MB,1920x1080)

A more perfect personification of /qa/ you couldn't find


File:[SubsPlus ] Gushing Over M….jpg (Spoiler Image,193.75 KB,1920x1080)

I haven't been this giddy and excited for a seasonal anime since... Bravern last week. And then before that it's been years, normally only watching an old classic can really get me going yet here we are. I absolutely adore the direction this anime received, if merch/bd sales are really breakout like predicted I can't wait to see what the studio's able to do in a second season given a sizeable budget. Given what I've heard about the source material (not spoilers) things only get better and better from here on out, and with the preview of the overarching story going forwards shown here I am fully on board it. At the scene where Sister grabbed Enorme you could really feel the impending doom awaiting her with how they panned out from nothing with that giant closeup to give a sense of scale. It reminds me more of a shot taken out of a horror game than something ecchi/action like this, especially when combined with whatever that sound used was (sounded like a clock into some sort of I don't know what it is). Really leaves a lasting impression of the looming darkness behind Venerita's seemingly innocently evil plan. I love it.


This show is great and I'm sad we're only getting a few more episodes this season. I wish they would have had the funds to do 24 episode season and adapted more of the story. I've been holding off on reading more of the manga until the anime finishes. Since I don't want to spoil myself more than I already have (I got up to the intro to Lord fight).

I know I'll burn through the rest of the chapters in a half day a few weeks from now.

I got several people to watch this show which was kind of surprising since they don't usually share my taste in anime. My friend's girlfriend has already banned him from watching any more of it. I told him not to watch it with her because I knew she'd get jealous. But he wouldn't listen.

I'm so happy they used protection during the intense hand-holding last episode. This show promotes good values.


Is the studio even big enough to do that many episodes at once?


My worry is despite being a break out hit they won't get back around to doing a season 2 any time soon. Even if they do they might not be able to get the same cast back for it. I really hate when something like this gets adapted then they stop making new episodes right as the story is getting good.

They did 12 on a shoestring budget. I don't see why they couldn't do 12 more with the merchandise, BD and other forms of profit they've made off this project. It has already paid for itself many times over along with boosting the careers of everyone involved.

Sometimes I wish anime in Japan was managed like western cartoons were back in the 90s. Where they'd sometimes do 36+ episodes over the course of a couple of years. Then green light another run of 24+ after a couple of years of showing reruns. I do like the variety we get with so many 12 episode anime series per season. But most of the time I'd trade the 3-4 bottom-tier shows each season for 1 good continuation. There are tons of series that never got a second season that would have done very well simply because it was impossible to get some of the original cast back due to other obligations (or the fact that they waited 10+ years and everyone involved is already dead)


This is not about budgeting, but about actual people doing actual work.
They divide into different teams each of which then tackles an episode. Of course, they share some of their labor force. But some key members will be busy from beginning to end of the episode's creation, and can't be employed elsewhere.
The anime industry of today consists of lots of small studios, and when they aren't actively hired to work on something, they work as subcontractors for the studios that are. It's a system designed to mass-produce single-cour anime.
There are still a few giants, of course. But outside of shonen, there is not actually a lot of demand for long-running anime.


Shonen and those family anime that have been continously running since like the 70s


The powerlevel stuff in the last episode was dumb.


File:[SubsPlus ] Gushing Over M….jpg (275.53 KB,1920x1080)

You're just jealous your stars are lacking.


If Utena wore panties, do you think they would gain more stripes the more excited Utena gets?


File:star punishment.png (Spoiler Image,11.31 MB,6696x2216)

An interesting touch is that you can see her count going down as punishment progresses. Very subtle, I hadn't noticed it but it's in the manga too. Chuuni not so chun after being molested.
It's a nice collage, don't you think?
I do dislike the constant mention of stars in the Gigant and Enorme fights as well as their leadup, it's my least liked part of the story, reminds me of Kaminaki's second half talking about follower count all the time when none of the fights are won based on raw power levels. But, after this it becomes established that power and transformations are based on exploring one's feelings and passions and it flows much better. I also think the impact of Kiwi's first transformation is much weaker than everyone else's later la Verità.
That sounds really interesting, do you have any material going deeper into it?


File:star punishment.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB,6696x2216)

Woops, saved that as png by accident.


The difference between png and jpg compression is insane. The png one is literally ten times bigger.


I do not, unfortunately. Most of my understanding stems from Shirobako, with a few tidbits from discussions with other anons, such as when people asked about split-cour shows.
I remember seeing a chart that nicely visualized the different episodes being worked on in tandem, each demonstrated a by a bar that was several months long (but I can't remember how many months exactly) and, barring accidents, finishing just in time for airing.

It is partly the fault of anon (though I don't blame him since he never planned on publishing the png in the first place). I managed to compress it to 6.37 MB, which is of course still too big for its purpose.


Whats the point of breaking down a woman like this if she never loses to the cock


sounds like a you(ri) problem


Cocks do not appear to exist in that universe, so the question of how girls are impregnated is still up in the air.

But the point of breaking a woman like this is so she turns into a bratty loli with a weak butt.


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It is a spoiler in context


No, that's a legitimate spoiler box. Do not read.


Oh. Huh.


dumb surprise boxtard.


The mistake is understandable since the content of the spoiler could also be seen in the episode being discussed.


This is truer than you think.


I don't think scissoring among the clouds can be an explanation for yuri pregnancies. Otherwise, how would they have procreated prior to the invention of aeroplanes?

Or are you suggesting that men were only eradicated after that point?


Although the scene is rather confusing, what happens is that the lolification occurs purely inside of Utena's mind. Other people still see her as spanking an adult woman.
Oh, no, I mean about the spoiler. The current scientific consensus is that procreation happens when ahoges touch in an intimate setting. The course of events in the absence of ahoge continues to be a source of heated controversy.


I thought she bent reality like Alice does with her dollhouse.


She just hypnotized herself so that her opponent's mindset wouldn't seem so dumb and boring, but instead cute and bratty.


i'll live with my headcannon


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There's a lot of series that lose their roots after going through their first more serious arc. I'm very grateful this isn't one of them though, understanding how to relax and cool off giving some breath between arcs by giving us some more akogare'ing.

Also Baiser is getting more and more brazen with her horniness...


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The manga does very much have inbetween chapters of lower stakes or sillier stuff, like Korisu's playground encounter with Magenta that was moved to way earlier, or yesterday's episode whose first half is chapter 21 while the second is from 42. A concern with this is that the future pacing for S2 is kinda screwed, but it's self-evident that they did a good job. Also, Utena's fundamental goal is to keep the back and forth going, that's the entire reason she came to be at odds with Enorme. Her akogare is eternal.
>Also Baiser is getting more and more brazen with her horniness...
An observation most pertinent to the events as they later unfold beyond the adaptation. Consequences await.


File:[SubsPlease] Mahou Shoujo ….jpg (354.18 KB,1920x1080)

Coming off the final episode, the inbetween chapters made for a perfect finale to the season that left open the chance of a continuation while also wrapping things up in a satisfying manner. Venarita's scheming and the wider world of Mahou Shoujo are still out there, but for now in Utena's hometown she's satisfied with having achieved an ideal balance. She can peacefully play out her role as the villain while toying with her idols. Glad they didn't try to go for an anime original end so the massive success can be capitalized for a second season.

Although here's hoping that they can upgrade to a better studio with a larger budget in S2, since that was probably my biggest gripe with the anime.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (282.34 KB,1920x1080)

Yep, that's me. I've been known to eat a hamburger now and then and people even say "hey, don't you eat hamburgers?"


File:Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete ….jpg (233.07 KB,1920x1080)

Started watching the BD version which came out a couple days ago. The moans are nice.


Yeah, I'd imagine the moans add a bit more to the scenes to give you a complete experience.


Damn, no wonder that guy cares about banding.

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