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File:R-1709856945189.png (2.07 MB,3541x2508)


Why do people like marcille and fern? They're so miserable and are probably drains to be around, fern can even come off like a bully to her friends whereas marcille feels like a girl who nags because she feels left out


Goblin energy or something like that, at least for marcille.


It's called motherly... You single parent child...


Marcille probably caretakes to seek approval because of her insecurity, yeah


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (294.96 KB,1920x1080)

Fern can come off as a bully? What? She's in some way the glue of the group keeping everyone together while also being mindful of the more trivial problems they deal with. Like Frieren's tardiness and apathy towards lagging around from time being no concern to her. Or with Stark helping him gain confidence in his skills and teaching him how to act more proper and less slobby. The way she cares for them can be seen somewhat as motherly like >>120816 said, but for Stark I see it as she harbors a more intimate affection towards him and wants him to be the best he can be for her. And she does have her dere moments with him where she shows a bit of how she appreciates him or cares, and these moments are some of the sweetest in the anime.


I'm surprised you dont find fern to be a loathsome cunt!


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What about this elf


NEET Elf is sex.


File:[SubsPlease] Edomae Elf - ….jpg (210.59 KB,1920x1080)


She likes the most OK flavor of energy drink out there


Also devoted energy drink fans tend to have erotic behavior


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Back when I drank energy drinks, I liked monster rehab the most


More of a fan of Rockstar, the Fruit Punch flavor one if you want to get specific.
Redbull is probably the peak one though.


Erratic, I meant. Its only erotic when its a girl (male) fan


I wonder if a girl like this was keways wife, if we would get tired of the nerd/otaku lifestyle.


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No you.


That seems like the opposite expected outcome of such a situation...


Anon wants eldali's brain in fern's body


I think you're supposed to pity marcille? She obviously got picked on in an earlier stage of life


I haven't watched the anime, but I read some of the manga. Fern and Stark have such abysmal chemistry that it's painful watching the author try and ship them.


Stark is just not a very interesting character


Anon likes all the scum of the earth women in chainsaw man but well-meaning but flawed girls are loathsome cunts?


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The only good chainsaw woman is Nayuta


funny, I feel that way about Fern. maybe the anime made her cuter.


I read the manga too, but I just find Stark to not really have a place in the group. The last few episodes of the anime illustrate my point, Frieren and Fern are off doing magic stuff while Stark sulks around and does nothing.
Fern and Frieren already have their boke/tuskkomi thing going on, Stark doesn't fill that role, either.
I think just a magic master/apprentice duo traveling around could have worked fine.


he is a bit of a third wheel


I think thats the point, like >>120852 said, yeah


Why does she keep looking with kimoi eyes


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (334.89 KB,1920x1080)

Can't really disagree. Thought he'd have more of a side roll doing other things while Frieren and Fern were doing their exams but he's just kinda out of the picture entirely for the time being.


He's sleeping in a drinking Juice
What more do you want??

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