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File:[ASW] Akuyaku Reijou Level….jpg (188.06 KB,1920x1080)


What is your proudest 2D/otaku related accomplishment? I can say I've watched Evangelion as a kid. Pretty cool eh? While everyone else was watching Pokemon, DBZ and Yugi-oh I was feeling funny looking at Shinji grab Rei's boobs by accident.


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My collection of smug anime girls.


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Not much of an accomplishment, but I 1cc'd Imperishable Night on normal. It was quite some time ago and I doubt I could do it again now


Buying cheap figurines I've had my eyes on since I was underage with no money for them. Looking at limited merch and being able to order it if I want. It's a nice feeling compared to just daydreaming about buying them when I grow up.


The first anime I watched was To Love-Ru on some streaming website as a kid. I was too young to care about the ecchi. I watched it for the plot.


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (272.05 KB,1920x1080)

Learning enough jp to smoothly read through most eromanga I take interest in.


It's kind of similar but also completely different; I watched the porygon episode of the Pokemon anime when I was a kid. My dad is a Tech Guy, so a lot anime I watched growing up was pirated. One of those series was Pokemon, and for whatever reason the torrent he downloaded included fansubs of the Japan only episodes mixed in with the official dubbed versions of everything else.


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I bought an Ougi figure in Akihabara.


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I ate banana


When my JSL teacher found out I was running a bootleg anime/video game business out of my school locker. I thought she was going to turn me into the police for being a criminal. But when she took me into a room alone she ended up spending 15 minutes yelling at me in broken Engrish about how being an otaku would ruin my life. Then she gave me that disappointed look I assume you get from your mother when you've really fucked up (wouldn't know. I only had father who would give regular beatings).

She was more angry about me spreading the virus that is otaku shit than she was about the whole selling pirated media on CD-R/VHS for $5-$20 a pop thing. I also had rental options. $1-3 a night depending on demand. Had everything from anime, to south park, to wrestling PPVs. Any game you wanted. Emulator+ROM packs. You name it. DBZ and wrestling PPVs, PS1 and Dreamcast games were my big money makers.

Anyway, I knew I was real otaku when I made actual Japanese person upset.


Once upon a time I helped moderate an anime database (which lots of others copy/copied from, including MAL way back in the 00s!), but I eventually deleted my account since it began feeling like a job and users were too stupid to do anything properly. I was the only active moderator besides one other guy and he pretty much just stuck to himself. As a result, the areas I was interested in, mainly staff & seiyuu credits, were essentially only handled by me. I'm satisfied with where I left off seeing as I added/fixed quite a bit, though it makes me sad that there's no anime database sites out there I'd actually want to dedicate my time to anymore. They all have too many issues... retarded rules, exclusion of certain data points like episodes, staff apathy or some mixture of the three.
I also did QC for a couple fansub groups in the distant and not-so-distant past which was nice. Once again began feeling like a job so I quit, but I like to think I did a decent job. Tangentially related to that, I've also helped spread several series and difficult to find specials in the past which I like to think brought people some enjoyment.

Other than those two, I still occasionally contribute to a JP seiyuu database (just tracks appearances in anime so nothing too significant) & a couple other sites which I take some sort of pride in. I also buy some merchandise when I can, but it's so expensive that I can't reliably do so in my situation.


Why was the image deleted?


I deleted it myself since left unexplained it probably would have caused confusion. It was just showing what I added to the database, which is already mentioned in the post anyhow.


Koruri was hungry.


What do you think of the state of anidb now


It's still probably the best database anime-wise but staff apathy is slowly ruining it. Senior staff hardly ever promote anybody so nobody can actually moderate anything, a lot of rules only exist in the heads of the staff, and it's becoming messy. A ton of data is still being added, especially characters, files & credits, but the aforementioned messiness and lack of regulation makes it extremely inconsistent.

An example is https://anidb.net/anime/17504 (there's many others this season), where all the staff of episodes 1-2 are added but nothing else at all staff-wise is. Korean credits are a mess, background cast is added inconsistently, and no random person is going to know what the comment "山﨑香" means ... why not just throw "as" in there which entirely changes the meaning rather than using 3 different ways to signify that on the same page? This also prevents regular users from adding credits, since now all their edits to the existing ones have to be manually verified which no staff actually do anymore.

It seems like the guy adding Precure staff has also stopped now, which isn't surprising. Seems like he finished Hirogaru then bailed.


I recently tried to add a bunch of information to anidb. I submitted it months ago now and it still remains in moderation limbo. But someone that added things after me on the same page had their stuff approved the same day.

Most of the problems are caused by the network of gatekeeping like that. It discourages random people from contributing when they've actively ignored or chased away by the handful that want to gatekeep access. Gatekeeping isn't always bad. But it is when you have people like that in positions of power.

This is a problem with most things that require manual moderation. The good people burn out quickly and leave. Or they get frustrated by having to work with lazy good for nothings. While the people that are only seeking the power never leave. They aren't interested in making something good/fun. They're only interested in lording over others.


Yeah, that's a big problem from the staff apathy part. Nobody's ever promoted so there's something like 3k+ pending change requests, probably more now since since that was from when I left, and a lot of the staff only grant submissions they randomly come across rather than actually checking the queue. The single other active site-wide moderator I mentioned in my post pretty much only handles adding anime entries & other basic submissions now.

I don't think it's as much intentional gatekeeping as just none of the people with actual power pay attention to the site anymore; the couple that do practically only maintain the anti-leech system to prevent automated mass scraping.


Anidb is dinosaur stuff at this point. It's clearly not intended for the 18-25 audience which are the vast majority of anime fans in the West. I personally have always used MAL over it (even though I didn't have an account until recently) due to liking the interface better, and while MAL is more 'modern' in comparison it's also past its prime due to being web 2.0.


But also anime fans even in that demographic tend to be interested in retro things including the old net


AniList does seem to be the main one taking traction now which is a bit sad to see, as I really dislike the site both design-wise and data-wise. They don't even have basic episode info and their song info is extremely spotty. Browsing their staff is atrocious as well.
Times change though I suppose. If people find value in it, then good for them.


It has traction because the users of it aren't as much of mouthbreathers as ANN or MAL and its open source


From what I remember, the only reason that AniList even took off was because MAL stopped working for Taiga or something. Maybe there was some actual discontent that lead people to using it before that, but that's the only reason I use it anyways.


There was some political discontent over an article but I doubt it caused that many switches.


Yeah, Taiga not working with MAL is a huge blow


What probably caused AniList to gain more traction over MAL was that it had a similar raw database of titles to MAL while also allowing 3rd party application access. Since when MAL killed off support for that I was practically forced onto it as I use Taiga mainly for list-related stuff. If Taiga were to launch support for Anidb, or vice versa Anidb gain support for Taiga, then I'd be using it for everything in a heartbeat. But for now I just use it as my main database lookup for anything anime related.

Also I guess not having any LN or manga info probably made people more partial towards using MAL over it.


beating Phantasy Star without looking anything up online


dont have any


I think it's also just a more familiar design for todays youth which naturally is todays demographic for anime as many people age out of watching anime as they get older.


My first figurine of course!


When I was at a LAN party and I beat Super Mario World 100% in one playthrough while blackout drunk. (I was quite surprised to wake up to a lucid state and see the 96 exits cleared on the save file.)

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