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File:1688069964888590.png (1.31 MB,1080x1920)


I've been looking at 4chan/w/ and found the powerlevel thread. It's like a thread for posting wallpapers which reference some anime/manga/game/whatever but try and be pretty stealth about it so it won't look weird in public.
There were some really good ones there, but there aren't many wallpapers for phones there...

What wallpapers does kissu use? I've been using pic related on my phone for a long time now, it's Okabe's phone wallpaper from the Steins;Gate VN. Pretty stealth but still a nice reference that somebody who's also read Steins;Gate would catch (not that that's happened to me yet...)

This could be a nice long-running thread so I'm posting it on /qa/, but maybe it's better for the seasonal boards? Though those don't get much activity compared to the 2 main ones, so I put it here


File:[Silver_zero_Subs]Alps_no_….png (8.46 MB,1440x5872)

I use the bottom part for my lock screen and the top part for my home screen.


File:Madoka Magica 1.png (2.08 MB,1920x1080)

I just use desktop-sized powerlevel wallpapers zoomed and cropped a bit. I can't be bothered to change them, so I'm still using the Madoka ones from 10 years ago when I riced the thing.


File:alice wallp1.png (6.55 MB,2800x2800)

Lock screen.


File:[SubsPlease] SHY - 02 (108….png (1.81 MB,1920x1080)

My phone and tablet don't have any custom backgrounds set up at all. I don't respect mobile-ware enough for that.
I have thought about editing pic related into a wallpaper of some sort, but I haven't gotten around to it yet and I am not entirely sure what exactly I want the end product to look like either.


File:alice wallp2.png (3.5 MB,1400x1600)

Home screen.

A shame the artist disappeared since she has a pretty nice art style.


File:14b2b1420096d933a8924ab5d6….jpg (3.13 MB,4093x2894)

this one, but original characters don't seem to have anything to do with power level


I was about to post mine, but I remembered it was a picture I took in my backyard and I don't want to doxx myself.


File:C-1707866574970.jpeg (323.98 KB,761x1049)

I've used this one for like, iunno, seven-eight years at this point? Extremely low power level.
It's an edit splicing the two version the author made back then, since I liked Jester Thomas in the back but not Havel and Giant Dad on the front.
That's pretty inventive, and very pretty.


File:C-1707866678763.jpeg (79.42 KB,735x1041)

And this one too, which I like quite a bit and fits very well.


It only works because his personality contrasts with being a Lich


Well yes, that's essentially the story in a nutshell. Though I meant it fits in that it's rectangular, fits the screen.



File:1624155193616.png (1.45 MB,1500x1030)

I just started using this one as my wallpaper about two days ago?

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