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File:Yuuka.png (99.51 KB,238x238)


Got banned from heyuri cuz anonwaha is a faggot.
I need a good site to migrate to.


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Well, uhh... welcome? I'm not really interested in talking about bans on other sites and stuff, but ummm.. hi?
What are you looking for exactly?


just looking for a place that’s comfy


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (322.3 KB,1920x1080)

"Comfy" is a very nebulous thing.
Well, there's a few places like that I think. I'm obviously biased to kissu, but there's also, uhhh.... hmm... I really don't know actually. It seems like places are dying and popping up all the time, especially the more topic-less relaxed places. Any time I think there's a place that seems relaxed there's a bunch of political rants or other stuff that pop up and it really taints my opinion. There's a lot of chat room places with one active 'general' thread at a time, like shamikoo, doush.io or smug's kohi, but I personally can't handle that. There seems to be a strong 2D focus on those places, but in reality they're just "blogs but with a random 2D image attached" places.
Uhhh... what were those sites that listed stuff? allchans.org or something?
This reminds me that I should start assemblign a list, but the aforementioned short lifespans of places makes it really annoying.


>Got banned from heyuri cuz anonwaha is a faggot.
what is he a mod now



This place is a wretched hive of scum and villainy


i think a big contributor to kissu's comfiness is that people dont rage about the norms that much. compare it to smuglo.li which is too /r9k/ about it all the time


post lots of youtube links and you'll fit in


plus anonwaha is a powerhungry asshole


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It's a haven for those that can 空気を読む


A good way to find strangers to chit-chat with online is to find where people who share an interest congegrate and try those.


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So, in other words, for anyone who isn't an autist, hiki, or general weirdo? What proportion of the userbase does that leave, precisely?


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0% since everyone here is one of those.



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Flip the norms.


I liked smug/a/ for a while, but being a massive yurifag and listening to another yurifag complaining about yaoi and globohomo and how the jews are ruining Japan (as if Japan hasn’t had homo characters for decades) and that a few years ago anime had no gay (male) characters was too much of a turn off for me. Never gone back since.


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There's no perfectly comfy imageboard but Kissu's probably the closest you'll get to it. Smugloli actually discusses anime unlike 90% of other places, but like others said they really like complaining about le normalfags and black people, since that *somehow* ties into anime. Kissu avoids both of those and the only relatively annoying issue here is that some people, definitely not all, become passive-aggressive or outright childish at the slightest hint of disagreeing with a discussion. Generally >>119710 is correct, though. Most people here can 空気を読む pretty well and discuss stuff without it becoming an insult fest.


hi laala


I don't know if there's anywhere that seeks to emulate the early English-speaking internet, there was this "small Internet" fad two or three years ago though.
Maybe look on wiby.me


It's weird to hear that, considering yuri lovers on alt imageboards used to be man-hating 3D


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you're obviously not, based on the OP


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You are in the right place


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i hope you enjoy being here with us forever!


I think part of what helps kissu maintain a relaxed atmosphere is that you're still allowed to be edgy, calling people slurs and making jokes about race and sexuality, but actual discussion of controversial real-life topics is kept on a pretty tight leash. I can call people niggers, but something like >>119722 would get you banned pretty quick.


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my negis


wrong. I do not like your post. It just makes every post after it more likely to cause an explosion of deletes.


do you know who I am?

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