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File:ecbfd24346feec7e9a94b739d9….png (90.5 KB,368x1000)

 No.118337[View All]

Are tabletop games a good way to make friends
66 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Does the master library need to downloaded and added separately
No it should have come with the program, are you using any linux distro by chance?
Also goddamn that's like a really strong mechanic.
>if we're not able to play if there are some circumstances that make playing impossible.
Ah hell let's just try to make it to tomorrow and figure out what would be a perfect time.


Is that strong? The build is very focused in one area with near to no combat skills. Maybe I should remove some of those skills and invest more into combat.


Generally speaking, I would not super-specialize unless I know the system well enough. Playing to one's sole skill (when that it is own minigame with extra requirements on knowledge of the game mechanics) to offset one's many weaknesses can be challenging.
But I am not involved in your game. If your party and DM are fine with it, you shouldn't let my words discourage you.


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I'll probably post the roll20 link tonight.
I only have two issues:
1) The skills usually have like an Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard kind of thing, I'm assuming you're going with easy for all of them (which makes it at +0) which is why the skills are like, really high
2) You need a ranged attack if you want to be viable in this game. Or at least stealth so you can use that wrench of your as a club.

All of this will be rememdied tomorrow so let's not worry about it too much.


Well actually you might not need stealth, you can still use that wrench as a makeshift weapon, but I would recommend a pistol or a submachine gun.
But we don't have to worry about it for right now.


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Here is where we're going to be playing.
Remember, this is just a session #0 and just getting the characters ready and get like a general overview of how GURPS is played.

If you don't have an account, just make one.


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Take screenshots when you play! I have no idea what it's like (and won't play due to needing a mic and all), but I'm interested in seeing it.


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You don't need a mic as a player. It's just easier for me to bullshit on the fly.


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Okay so I am really fucking DUDE right now, so right now I just want everyone to know that it is at 1pm EST tomorrow (Feb 3).
Even if you aren't going to play and you just want to record me being a sperg, go ahead ;^)

I think we should do a mix of voice and text. Like if you're willing to talk, go for it, but if you aren't, just be willing to listen to me and I'll read your text and go from there.


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So I'm really excited for today's session, I hope everyone has fun too!


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so far


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We managed to get our shit in a pile and now we got until next week to start playing.


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Gentlemen, I was told you were in severe need of firepower and medical care.
I've come to remedy both of those things.


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Pay no mind to these disadvantages, I assure you it will all be under control.


How does armor work in gurps?


Basically it negates damage.
Like if someone shot him and it hits, and the damage is like... let's say 40 (7d6) he'll take 5 damage.
Plus its like dwarf fortress adventure mode where combat is like, you can target a limb at -2 for a targeted and minus the hit location.

So for example, Combat Medic getting hit in the torso, damage is 40, it negates 35 of the damage.

Any of this make sense?


I think to make it more interesting, there should be HP for the armor so it isn't totally OP.
It's GURPS, just make it consistent.



Also, I discovered talents exist. This has lead me to re-evaluate my prior choices and shuffle some stuff around, as well as change post-combat shakes for thalassophobia because what good is a medic that gets frozen after combat? I already had selected cannot float previously, so it makes sense.


If you rolled 40 with 7D6, I'd call you a damn cheat.


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:^) there's a 0.01% chance of it being rolled, so it could happen.
That's fine, just need the character finalized by Saturday.


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>there's a 0.01% chance of it being rolled, so it could happen
Then I'm certain it will.


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I have finished the major NPCs for the mini-campaign.
Now all I have to do is make a super scuffed MSPaint looking battlemaps.


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I am humbling asking for this thread to have a little astrick for the time being so I can update the people in the thread.
I really don't want to make a thread about the exploits of the game.


No, that explanation is detailed but doesn't explain the math behind it.


it's like the basic manual says
>Subtract DR from basic damage.
really, just that
in this case if someone hits me in the torso with an attack, and rolls for a certain amount of damage, then when you have the result you do X-35 in this case, and that's it
you can check it our yourself in the basic set pg. 378-79
>Example: Filthy Pierre is struck by an axe, which does cutting damage. His attacker’s basic damage roll is 7, but Pierre is wearing DR 2 leather armor, so he suffers 5 points of penetrating damage.


So if someone rolls less than that it does no damage?


Imagine trying to cut through plate armor with a saber.




Pretty much yeah.
But because I don't want the players to like a Sundowner, they got narrative HP. You'll know what I mean when it happens :^)


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To anyone that wants to join!
You can still join if you want, there's always a slot open for someone!


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First session of the tabletop game was played.
There was no random encounters (thank god), and the group managed to clear out like a squad of 9 or 8 Wehrmacht Soldiers. Got like, 2 more areas to clear out.


Sent off in the company of a settler, his horse and a wagon, we set upon a southward road intermittently patrolled by Nazi scouts, blessed in their absence, riding through the rolling hills and steppe grasses overseen by the thickly forested mountain range further past our goal. We arrived much like the Greek tyrant's leased workforce, welcomed by a number of armed men disinterested in the possibility of paperwork, garrisoned across various posts behind low cover and a shack where they housed their supplies along a crackling radio and we killed them all.


Are you playing in a fantasy setting or something different?


This 5.56 cartridge right here ain't no fantasy.


how many cute girls are the this campaign
how many lolis are in this campaign
if the PC group isn't 50% loli at absolute minimum then you are doing something seriously wrong


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>how many cute girls are the this campaign
None at the current moment.
>how many lolis are in this campaign
None at the current moment.
>if the PC group isn't 50% loli at absolute minimum then you are doing something seriously wrong
Players can make whatever they desire.


Takes place in 800BC North Caucasus where Nazis got an oil field set up.
I'll get my trip right one of these days.


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Roleplaying as a loli is tactically disadvantageous. Look at these damn penalties, I'm not putting up with this stuff.


>those who wish to roleplay "heroic" children do not have to play less-capable characters - they can create their characters normally.
If you want more realism, just put fewer points into the attributes and skills that you think the loli has not grown into yet and instead put them into attributes that you reckon her lolicious genius has unlocked for her.


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Just play Savage Worlds instead.


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Oh hell if SM-1 isn't a point issue, I could probably make legal lolis/very petite women a thing :^)


I may be a bit late for agreed upon time of tabletopping.


This week? Because there won't be a session today, Andy has w*rk stuff to do.


Ah I see I didn't know that.


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Tabletop game is today.


Is the campaign still going?


Yeah, it's just life keeps fucking me over and I keep having stuff happening to me.
Saturday is probably the last session for the mini-campaign but we'll still be playing afterwards with the same characters.


Is it 1pm EST?


Does your computer not have a clock?


I will be late

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