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File:2024 already somehow.png (5.76 MB,1930x3887)

 No.117644[View All]

The winter season is upon us. It will be difficult to match the quality of the autumn season, but hopefully there's some good stuff to watch.

91 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Worth a try.
I have trouble articulating what I like about it without resorting to platitudes.


Yes it's good but I like dynastic China stories


File:[SubsPlease] Tsuki ga Mich….jpg (289.35 KB,1920x1080)

i don't get it why are they saying this
it's not like hyuman society tolerates other races enough that they'd allow them to attend their top schools would they?


Don't you introduce yourself as the human Anon Ymous to strangers?


File:[SubsPlease] Kusuriya no H….jpg (281.93 KB,1920x1080)

One of my favorites of the season and probably one of the ones I'll go back and rewatch as well to see how much of what's been revealed so far I missed hints of earlier. It's more of a detective-ish show with an overarching plot than what you'd think of normally when you think of apothecary anime. But the setting being in ancient China is pretty unique and I love the characters, especially Maomao. It has pretty intelligent design to its mysteries as well, being more actually smart than magic smart.


i think it makes more sense after you finish the episode but yes it's stupid


File:[SubsPlease] Chiyu Mahou ….webm (3.26 MB,1920x1080)

needed to post it for me to realize why megumin sounded wrong in my head
it's the /qa/ voice


They are spending way too much time on this flashback of a minor character's previous friends when none of them are going to survive.


i won't have you besmerch Helk like that


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Something I like about Unwanted Undead Adventurer is that it respects the audience enough not to throw a flashback of last episode when discussing something about it


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it's idea of dragon species is also neat


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The annoyance at Undead Unluck's recaps is valid, but at least it's absolutely gorgeous outside of them. (Well, it looks good in the caps too)
If you've got 500 manhours to work on something then I'll take the recap shortcut over that 3D environment shortcut


I thought someone might make a comparision to UNdead when I talked about Undead, but I was mostly talking about flashbacks in general. I dunno if the source material of U+U does the same flashbacks or not, but it's more of an exception that does it too much


very gay magia episode


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cool that they adjusted the roster like a precure series


Very old phone


teenschoolers don't get to buy the latest


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It's amazing how much they embeleshed on the magic. And from the looks of it, it gets even crazier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obrYt7GWv5o


holy shit... that's some legend tier magic


manomanomanomanomanomano that's truly the best display of magic ever done in animation


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Celebrating a mahjong episode 🀄


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NICE mahjong set
You will make it out of nyagger hell


sets. One is my fathers or perhaps grandfather, the other is my late grandmother's who was intending to give it to father something like 20 years ago


albeit, I put ceran wrap over it because they'd be a pain to dust with an open case


I love gushing


There's some strange jizz in the upper right corner of your image.


metallic rouge sucks so much balls
and you even have bravern in the same season
can't imagine it's going to find any success


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what the heck was this sudden sakuga


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It looks so weird to see anime characters move like Disney ones. I associate these exaggerated flamboyant movements too much with it. There's no reason to make them move that way either since Japanese people are typically very reserved in conversations.


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File:[SubsPlease] Nozomanu Fush….jpg (217.6 KB,1920x1080)

Been leveling a shaman in SoD and it's piss easy so I decided to watch some new anime on the side with all the running downtime I have. I remember it from the stream and it didn't seem that offensive from the onset and I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised that it's pretty watchable and a bit entertaining. A bit more laid back than solo levelling but a similar theme of making it on one's own.


File:[SubsPlease] Nozomanu Fush….jpg (267.03 KB,1920x1080)

Actually, scratch that last remark. Rent does a bit more relying on others and actually has friends. Animation's not bad either.


Although similar to Solo Levelling the OP sucks


Or is that the one with the skeleton guy that stopped being a skeleton in the first episode? The boobs are nice, but yeah I don't think it's for me.


Solo levelling's kinda shit and fun. Though it got me wondering, if S-rank is the highest rank and Jibun Woo can't even stand against an A-rank how the heck did he manage to solo an S-rank boss that'd require at least a couple S-ranks to take down especially if the world's systems are a linear progression of ability where speed/durability/strength are all determined by one's rank...


Yeah, that's the one. He's still an undead, but a far cry from a skeleton. If you didn't like the premise I wouldn't say it's worth going out of your way to watch.


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>Jibun Woo
Heh, their names do kind of sound like that. So it's the greatest anime of all time, right?


Which bosses are you talking of


The helldog one in the Demon Lord's tower


Ranks are simply labels the author uses to say "this guy is strong" and "this guy is weak", but there's no underlying anything to support it. They're irrelevant.


It's sort of not surprising and I'm not really disapointed, but I'm kind of amazed at how little stuff happedned in "the wrong way to use healing magic"


This is the best part of the story. After this battle, the MC takes off on a journey, and it gets more boring with every arc.


Rose's story and character is interesting and the journey of the heros trying to find their way in another world is pretty bog standard and skipable


also I ended up dropping solo-leveling after it became apparent that it couldn't make the story entertaining


the web novel or the anime


>the story
I've not found a single dungeons-appear-in-reality or tower-conquest story that had a story worth its time.
You'd probably be better off picking up a random cultivation webnovel.


Anime. The comic is still a good leveling story.


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Anyone that waited to watch Undead Unluck once all the episodes are out...
Well, they're out.


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (291.88 KB,1920x1080)

A good quote to leave off the past 2 seasons with.


Sengoku really knows how to work with power levels

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