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File:mahjong souls.jpg (137.19 KB,1500x500)




A BOY?????????


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Is this event still there?


it starts on the 14th


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Well damn, guess we're gonna have to have some /qa/ jong.


It's out. But there are no free rolls.

It's over...


Is this what mahou shoujo has come to?!


vermin buy us all kuro


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yeah, that'll just be 1000 dollars


I spent 15 bucks and got Miyu.


how many people do we have who would play.

- Vermin(me)



that's 3/4
who in this community is going to finally work up the courage to learn mahjong 🀄


If you're gonna put the time to learn an Asian board game just learn Go


it's not a language. it's a board game


oh well, I guess I'm going back to programming


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I'd be up for some jong... tomorrow


progaming > programming
jo-ing > jong


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im an oj progamer


you can play more than one game in your life


File:[Jarzka] Saki 04 - Beat Do….png (561.64 KB,852x480)

some jong ≈ jo-ing


Free five tickets! Don't forget to claim them!


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For how long? Still have a few hours before I can hop on....


Not sure when they expire but I doubt they'd expire before the event is over.


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I got Illya in one of the summons...


So is anyone going to start up a room?


if you do


I gotta roll my characters. one sec


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Majsoul Friends Room 74931(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=74931


File:C-1700190760506.png (5.5 MB,3066x1991)

need one more


If we don't get a 4th in 5-10min just start


The mythical 4th player. Old legends of 100% Orange Juice spoke of them, but few could confirm it for real


uh, well. someone tell me here how long you want to wait. I'm staring at an O(N^4) nested loop so it's fine for me to wait


I gotta go in like an hour


nwm the 4th showed up


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thanks for the host


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miyu so cute


kan on 4 chun ruined my last round musou


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How so? I don't really get how that stuff works.


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not him but I think he's saying he was waiting on a red dragon (chun) to finish a kokushi musou, which is a rare and extremely valuable hand, also it's satisfying to build.


i got a redraw on that hand and figured since it was last round if I didn't get it I wouldn't win. Then tried to turn it into an honor heavy hand when it wasn't possible


the most ridiculous part of this event is that some of the outfits are explicitly sexual


these are Prisma Ilya characters here sir


wh-what do you mean......


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It's great isn't it?



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liggy lig a loli


sagely licker


aint that just her normal outfit


Yes but you can clearly see her... you know


her what




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Don't make a lady say it.


oh you can see the outline of her cameltoe
she should probably loosen that up a bit, it looks like it's really riding up on her


ban this guy kissmin


i'll loosen her up hehehehe(Death to all perverts)


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i'll ride up on her hehehehe


life to all perverts


I'll tighten him down hehehehe


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the kimosager


the kimobumper


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Prepare to be tightened


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explode where?


It cost so much to bond characters...


if you're not going to be pouring money into your gambling waifu, why even live




File:[MahjongSoulless] Pon no M….jpg (377.41 KB,1920x1080)



I keep forgetting to watch this


Blue Archive collab

Insane how many comments/likes there are. I knew BA was popular but Japanese are crazy for it.


cunny archive combines japans two favorite things; cunny and gacha games


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Is gacha actually that popular?
Or are its fans just obnoxiously vocal about it?


it's funny how they didn't even have an anti-cheat until Trevor designed and broadcasted himself using a calculator addon to rise up the ranks


ero armpit. not gross like those weird armpits people draw.


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fucking nyaggers


me logging onto mahjong soul


Everyone keeps talking 'bout mah John.
But what of your John?



i 'jong


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Heads up - two free tickets in the mail. Make sure to pick them up!


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Another heads up - Anniversary rewards are out. We get TWO (2) more summoning tickets in the mail! Don't forget to claim them!


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Cheers. I haven't played recently so would have missed it, but thanks to your comment I got myself a free Archivist!


Congrats she has some nice emotes. Also very cute.


when's the nikke crossover


File:atarashiako-2.png (87.01 KB,240x240)

There's another ticket in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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