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File:[SubsPlease] Hikikomari Ky….png (2.33 MB,1920x1080)


/qa/! /qa/! The latest fashion fad is here! You don't want to be left out, do you?


File:fern shirt.png (910.78 KB,1920x1080)

Look, look! It's amazing!


File:hiki blank shirt holding.png (825.97 KB,1920x1080)


File:hiki face.png (63.37 KB,258x222)

(this was very annoying to crop out...)


File:R-1699412739125.jpg (1.4 MB,2067x1447)

it doesn't fit


File:1699410128664.jpg (249.8 KB,1920x1080)

Sorry, Terakomari. I already have a favorite vampire princess.


How the HECK did you clean that so well? I was going to make a blank template of the zoomed in shirt but it was too much work.
Do you have a 'blank' of that by any chance?


File:1699410128664.zip (5.14 MB)

It's pretty shit since the color of the shadows isn't exactly right, but here's the psd if you want to use it


File:leviathan.png (481.23 KB,945x673)

literally bernkastel when she spams meta to summon a billion massive chip damage screen covering uninterruptible leviathans


File:65rtrjh.png (636.99 KB,1499x449)



It's the UN Owen Was Her face!


/qa/ belly not big enough


File:1699410128664.png (1.27 MB,1920x1080)

Seems great to me!


slutty face to go with her slutty exposed shoulders


Me when speaking to glasses girls in bishoujo geemu.


File:1699410161251.jpg (168.3 KB,1920x1080)

no, komari, this isn't going to prove to the other crimson lords how cool you are


So you like Nirvana huh?


File:[Takara] Ashita No Joe 2 -….jpg (79.66 KB,640x480)

He had to fight Mendoza... for Komari's honor


File:1699410128664.png (493.04 KB,802x757)

oh yeah, used this


File:Hokuto no Ken 066 (DVD 640….jpg (70.18 KB,640x476)



File:komari.jpg (245.07 KB,1920x1080)

anonymous you can't just show an impressionable hiki all that look what you did....


File:shirt.png (935.28 KB,1920x1080)

There's nothing cooler than THIS.


File:1699410161253.png (Spoiler Image,584.69 KB,1344x756)

komari.... no.......


I know Komari is strong, but Laura's a precure...


File:elle shirts.png (1.63 MB,1920x1080)

Kinda looks creepy. oh well


File:1699914232394.png (632.99 KB,1024x576)


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