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File:1629344722928.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.23 KB,600x800)


Is pleasure real or is it merely imaginary? We've often heard of material pleasures, bodily pleasures, etc., but as far as we are capable of knowing, it might not necessarily be anything but a mental phenomenon.
What if pleasure is just a meme? What if enjoyment does not exist? What if it's all mere poetic fancy, constituting nothing but decoration in art, pure artifice born from the inside of creative organ?
But if people do strongly enough believe in it and bring out works of art that represent this ideal very much in accordance to what they believe it is meant to be, then can it be said to come into being, or does it remain trapped on a canvas or on a piece of paper? If Man attributes the qualities of beauty, grace, harmony, balance to real objects that were created by nature, do those qualities indeed objectively typify them, or are they only assignations describing a subjective judgement, a mere product of circumstantial associations?

The World might not be objectively beautiful, but it is not objectively ugly.


pain and pleasure are imaginary


no one said you should be a neet or live disattached from social dogma. just by thinking that pleasure isn't real or chasing for it is pointless is not the proper way of how a human should live. look, there are someone who may idolize diogenes for his philosophy. indeed, his simplicity towards everything can be seen as a genius method to survive, but on the other side it also can be seen as plain naïvety. if you really wanna embrace his thought, then do as you wish. no need to shill it to young teens who are lurking here. if you really are corpo shill, be yourself. if you're not, then also be yourself.


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obviously it's real are you silly?
>What if pleasure is just a meme? What if enjoyment does not exist? What if it's all mere poetic fancy, constituting nothing but decoration in art, pure artifice born from the inside of creative organ?
then it changes nothing, I can only continue to enjoy a drink of water when I'm thirsty. In fact this very proposition is what feels to me like mere poetic fancy, mental hoopdaloops.


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I don't understand


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The World might not be objectively ugly, but Elle sure is.


cute boy!


beauty is in the eye of the beholder
and you have severe astigmatism


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birds seek refuge in the heavens

fish dive deep into the sea

kissu, embrace your nekomimi.

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