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File:__akemi_homura_kaname_mado….jpg (3.51 MB,2048x2048)

 No.113933[View All]

68 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:C-1703648585100.png (1.59 MB,852x1203)

that wasnt so hard was it




File:waterfox_HXnnd8wVu8.png (248.19 KB,1405x903)

Someone did it already...


Thanks for the puzzle and the source!



just found this thread again


blehh I'm feeling really tired, but I guess I can join for a little bit before I drift off to sleep


File:C-1709803977262.png (1.99 MB,1561x1113)



File:116397619_p0.jpg (2.27 MB,2105x1488)

pic of cat




thought it would be a fun surprise that way :3



File:C-1710981185564.png (2.43 MB,1636x1148)

hardest one yet


File:98941557_p0.png (13.52 MB,7856x5616)

glad you enjoyed


File:kuon and nekone by guaizi.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.57 KB,1654x2339)

Kuon-Anon's love for Utawarerumono is cute so let's puzzle this:



File:original_by_akai sashimi.png (Spoiler Image,3.49 MB,1312x1856)


Noo I missed this!
Oh, it looks the site was updated since I last did this.


eroticute feetoes



This site seems broken, some buttons don't work


Well, sometimes


File:Screenshot_2024-06-29_20-5….png (1.02 MB,1922x1082)

this was tough


File:5ed91369-7999-4d27-870a-f….webm (10.34 MB,666x1000)

cool new feature


Ooo, the record button didn't work for me


Didn't work on firefox for me either, had to use different browser.


File:b8b0212c9e285bdde925780f9f….jpg (2.74 MB,2000x3000)

hope you guys enjoyed it


File:countryside-Kuon.jpg (Spoiler Image,777.67 KB,896x1152)

Smaller puzzle (414 pieces) of one of the results of >>>/maho/489 -Anon's efforts:



File:02577-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.46 MB,896x1152)

I had to go AFK and missed the conclusion, but good job! Using AI stuff for puzzles is an interesting challenge because the horizon and other stuff isn't consistent, so it adds a layer of uhh.. nonsense?
And man, this is making me look at my LORAs again and all the errors. Maybe I can still improve it...


>Using AI stuff for puzzles is an interesting challenge because the horizon and other stuff isn't consistent, so it adds a layer of uhh.. nonsense?
that makes me like it less. a pleasure of puzzles is when you figure out that some piece has to go somewhere specific because it's the only place it could possibly go because of how the whole picture works.


that has been a problem before with human-made backgrounds being too plain or nondescript to figure out


Yeah, this was the hell puzzle >>114166


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (296.93 KB,1920x1080)

It's time for a wanderful puzzle! Seems varied enough for a screenshot to work.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (Spoiler Image,352.51 KB,1920x1080)

Here is the source image of the current puzzle if you need a hint!


File:waterfox_hEHET5BzRC.png (674.45 KB,1321x717)



File:very disapproving Non.jpg (140.13 KB,1208x899)

Leave it to PreCure fans to need a hint to solve such an easy puzzle.


File:2c7c1287d6608fb799a7418c78….png (6.45 MB,2611x1861)


File:6ef3c843-6a74-4b16-8cbc-5….webm (6.78 MB,1000x712)


Had fun with this puzzle, thanks!
Actually liked the false edges, might use those in the future as well. Not having the frame of the image closed until later in the process leaves more space for working on different parts of the image without too much clutter inside a frame.


Neat. That puzzle was a bit too much for me, but that was a great choice of image.


File:asuka gin.jpg (Spoiler Image,441 KB,1447x2047)

An easier puzzle but with false edges:



the false edge thing confused me. I must have put edge pieces in the wrong location


What are false edges? I'm bad enough at these...


corner pieces are not actually corners


Oh now I see, so it's like there's multiple zones of the puzzle. I see a top-left corner piece as the side of her head so there's at least 4 total regions, but probably at least 8. I guess he keeps adding more ways to make the puzzles more frustrating and some people like that. I can't say I'm one of them, though.


There aren't multiple zones, its just that a number of pieces have a one straight smooth side like a piece belonging to the edge of the puzzle. These pieces can actually help with the assembly of samey or monochrome areas of the puzzle.

>I guess he keeps adding more ways to make the puzzles more frustrating and some people like that.
I don't try to make puzzles frustrating and chose an image where false edged arent a pain in my opinion (puzzled it myself as a test before opening a room for posting here).


File:1722104418724.jpg (Spoiler Image,336.6 KB,579x819)

I guess I just don't understand how the fake edges work. If there's a side that's flat then everything else connecting to it has to be flat too, right? I guess it's possible that there's only two "zones". Yeah, now that I think about it more it could be easier, although not at the beginning.

>I don't try to make puzzles frustrating
Oh, by "he" I meant the operator of the puzzle site. He all sorts of weird things like rotated pieces, sticky pieces and unlocked zones and other stuff that increase the difficulty.


File:Screenshot_2024-07-28_10-2….png (996.51 KB,1922x1082)

Not bad but I think I prefer regular ones.


eroticute feetoes


File:nshi.jpg (Spoiler Image,714.1 KB,2500x1852)

Seconds, please~!


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