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File:__akemi_homura_kaname_mado….jpg (3.51 MB,2048x2048)

 No.113933[View All]

113 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There aren't multiple zones, its just that a number of pieces have a one straight smooth side like a piece belonging to the edge of the puzzle. These pieces can actually help with the assembly of samey or monochrome areas of the puzzle.

>I guess he keeps adding more ways to make the puzzles more frustrating and some people like that.
I don't try to make puzzles frustrating and chose an image where false edged arent a pain in my opinion (puzzled it myself as a test before opening a room for posting here).


File:1722104418724.jpg (Spoiler Image,336.6 KB,579x819)

I guess I just don't understand how the fake edges work. If there's a side that's flat then everything else connecting to it has to be flat too, right? I guess it's possible that there's only two "zones". Yeah, now that I think about it more it could be easier, although not at the beginning.

>I don't try to make puzzles frustrating
Oh, by "he" I meant the operator of the puzzle site. He all sorts of weird things like rotated pieces, sticky pieces and unlocked zones and other stuff that increase the difficulty.


File:Screenshot_2024-07-28_10-2….png (996.51 KB,1922x1082)

Not bad but I think I prefer regular ones.


eroticute feetoes


File:nshi.jpg (Spoiler Image,714.1 KB,2500x1852)

Seconds, please~!



Kemonomimis in the bath:



File:Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 0….png (2.2 MB,1920x958)


Aqua and Akane from Oshi no Ko wearing Kana-merch:


good puzzle mate



Puzzling this penta-pout at https://jiggie.fun/pout


puzzled it out


File:waterfox_cVWx964B4m.png (13.72 KB,255x228)

Wait, I'm going to remake this. Apparently there's a new "fake corner piece" option on by default and I hate it.
Why is he turning this into the Dark Souls of puzzles or something. Puzzles are supposed to be relaxing...


File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (384.76 KB,1920x1080)

Puniru is a kawaii puzzle! Remade the puzzle without these stupid fake edge things >>135206
This show has a lot of varied frames that would work for this.


File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (403.2 KB,1920x1080)

Huh, I just got kicked out and didn't see the last message the other person sent and I didn't have time to take a screenshot.
I guess the 'temporary room' thing really does kill the room one minute after completion. Well, that's awkward. Sorry, I didn't see your message so say it again here!


Ah, missed it... but am going to puzzle >>135208 now:



new puzzle https://jiggie.fun/A2IkAf

eroticute feetoes


File:e4efe5eea5037a36215eb4fa79….png (2.07 MB,1353x1830)

congrats guys it was hard wasnt it?


Yeah. I don't want to stare at 100 identical pink pieces even again... but i'm glad we did it.


Thank you for a puzzle of this cute GIRL!



DEFEATED that stupid fucking red cloth


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We did it. A bit more relaxing than the Zudamon one.


You did another after Zundamon?


got another one for the big field of pink pieces lovers


Yeah... no...
Still, Puniru is cute, so i might help a bit with finishing the body... but after that i'm out.


yeah nah cunt


File:9cc6f7ca4d7d2928b3b26fdcc7….png (2.35 MB,1254x1770)

well done


Oh nice, you finished it.
Though, maybe the next one can have a little bit more varied background...



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We did it.
I love this artist because of the amount of details it has in the images they make. Was very fun!


Christmas is over, Sakura-Santa can rest now.





ignored the irl family online christmas puzzle and zoom call to play video games



https://jiggie.fun/n6Zl6i cute small puzzle


My idea is to label each puzzle piece a random number. So when you look at the reference picture, you hunt for the number and that tells you where it goes. But you don't label the pieces in order, so that you don't automatically know "1" is on the top left.


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Too green! #


hmm it might be already difficult enough with basic numbering


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CUTE image




follow up on it when its solved op.... sigh shab


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