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When did you first start using imageboards?


Around 2011. Was mostly on forums before then, and found the ability to be Anonymous a whole lot less stressful.


I am also around 2011. That was when I finally resolved to walk away from MMORPG addiction and then started exploring the internet again. After stuff like YTMND faded away I just lost my connections to the 'real' internet so I fully entered the fake MMO worlds.
The sad thing is there's a parallel universe out there where I started in 2003 because some guy on EmuParadise told us about some new place called 4chan that everyone was excited about. I just wanted to play video games so while I read the thread I never actually clicked.



I got around 2012. Same as >>110053 I also found posting anonymously less stressful and witched from forums.


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2008 or 2009, someone on facepunch was talking about it, only started mainly using imageboards in about 2012 or something though.


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I found out about imageboards after seeing my older brother using /b/ and local boards around 2013, so I started lurking and making cringy underage posts in /mu/ and /a/ out of curiosity. This went on for some years, but at one point I kind of forgot about them until I discovered altchans in 2018 or so. I still didn't post much until le quarantine, during which I really got into them. So in a way I still feel like a newfriend. My brother is in his 30s now and is a riajuu so he probably doesn't use them anymore.


I think I first found 4chan in 2012, but didn't become active on there until the following year. That was around when I was getting into anime (2011), and was my first foray into the anime fandom, although I would also be active on /b/ and such for a time as well.


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Also 2011. I had been on various vidya forums since 2005 or so, but was more focused on IRL friends than online communities. An acquaintance assumed I was a fellow /b/tard so I went to check it out. Lurked heavily for a year or so before slowly starting to post more.


I don't recall the exact year, but around 2006 when I was still in primary school.


2015. /a/ was my first board


/r9k/ in 2015 was my first encounter with a board.
i was looking for a place where virgin misfits could talk to each others and it was alright until it got invaded with sexhavers and faggots.


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I lurked 4chan every now and then in mid to late 00's for the funny gifs and macros but didn't become a regular until 2011. I used various forums before that. I started out on /mu/ and /co/, then /a/ and /jp/, and then I got fed up with the mods' spectacular show of incompetence and then came here thanks to a /jp/sie mentioning this place.

A bit off-topic, but speaking of /jp/, it's sad to see good posters who are still stuck there simply because they don't know where else to go.


Right now, I just discovered this site and this is my first post. Nice to meet you guise. ^_^

Btw, sorry for the noobiness but how do I set my avatar and signature? >_>


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started with the 'sharty in 2022



Never really ventured there much but I get the feeling that at that time the board must have been a cistern of negativity and downward spirals.
Glad you got out of it.


my very first time going onto a board firsthand was...sometime in the mid 2010s, maybe 2016? i don't really remember. i went onto /b/ out of curiosity once.

i didn't start actually using imageboards, as in, posting on them until...way more recently than i'd like to admit...like, in 2020 or so >_>...

hai newfren ^_^


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I think it was like late 2009 / early 2010, I was playing Warcraft 3 mods at a Cybercafe, and one of them was an anime-themed mod called Anime Wars. Within the mod, there was a secret boss character named Ryūgū Rena tucked away in the corner of the map. She had impressive speed and strength, which piqued my curiosity. I googled her name and stumbled upon a /jp/ Umineko Thread. Intrigued, I downloaded Umineko, played it, enjoyed it, and began frequenting /jp/ regularly. Interestingly, I have never watched or read Higurashi.

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