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File:kissu's favorite anime thr….png (96.95 KB,2306x2024)


Everyone knows about 3x3s and whatnot, but what about your particular AOTYs for every year? Have you ever given thought to that? Think it'd be interesting to see how much how this graph kissu can fill out, and what everyone picks.

I think even for myself I'd have some trouble for some of these years with how much good stuff is in them.

https://kissu.moe/test.html or https://files.catbox.moe/vhp590.html : Easy fill-in horizontal template
(Edit the background-image property of the body segment of this to whatever image you want as long as it's a variation on >>109261 and it should work.)


Gimme some time, but in the meantime...
Who are you quoting?


Every year prior to 2000: Gundam.


If we're only including TV series, I don't have anything for 1970, 72, 74, 75, 76. There's probably at least a show or two in my backlog from these years but nothing very high priority. (No I'm not going to watch Ashita no Joe, I already read the manga.)

How can anyone in good faith believe that ZZ is better than Maison Ikkoku? And I'm not even a ZZ hater.


File:1511631623012.webm (565.28 KB,316x450)

>1970 >1976 >1982
>1971 >1977 >1983
>1972 >1978 >1984
>1973 >1979 >1985
>1974 >1980 >1986
>1975 >1981 >1987


File:Untitled-1.png (6.18 MB,2306x2024)

that took a long time...


Great taste. You need yourself some Dougram or some Urusei Yatsura to fill one of those empty spots.


Oh shit, I forgot UY was 1981. Was looking through my completed list and I'm only 2/3rds through it so it's still in watching...


Looking back, there's actually a whole bunch of mecha in the 70s huh. Dang, that much more to add to my backlog.


I saw the deleted post.


File:1686019909688.png (93.5 KB,2306x2024)

Here, fine, use this if you want or change it around to whatever looks best.



File:[Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle P….jpg (55.46 KB,680x645)


File:[SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama w….jpg (189.39 KB,1920x1080)

The .psd is there. Fix it yourself.


what's 1994


Sailor Moon?


File:[SMC] Sailor Moon S 117(R2….jpg (45.46 KB,640x480)

It's the best season of Sailor Moon, yes.


File:easy modo.png (45.86 KB,2306x1011)

Also here's easy mode for anyone that finds the OP version too hard to fill in.


File:im paste im paste im flipp….png (2.9 MB,2306x1011)

Easiest chart of my life


damn...i dont actually watch a lot of anime do i


File:1489454706554.png (532.99 KB,1096x720)

Just cut it down to whatever works for you!


File:64714425_p8.jpg (248.3 KB,900x1273)

I found some of these years are extremely tough to make a choice in, think if I had to rank them the 10 hardest years (in no specific order) for me would be:

1. 1998
2. 1999
3. 2002
4. 2003
5. 2004
6. 2005
7. 2006
8. 2007
9. 2010
10. 2017


Surprisingly enough, given all the good stuff that came out that year, I would not even for a moment consider anything other than CCS for that year. Personal taste aside, I would also name CCS as one of the best anime of all time in an "objective" sense.


File:aoty chart.png (4.09 MB,1794x2024)

Had to go and finally make an AniDB to read up on seasonal charts and refresh my memory. More depresso than I expected, and a lot of movies, but I'm happy with how it came out.
Teh spermer.


File:Texhnolyze_07.DVD(H264.VOR….jpg (27.16 KB,704x480)

Anybody that likes Texhnolyze/Haibane Renmei is a cool dude in my book. Also nice idea to add movies to the list too.


How are you guys making these charts? Manually?


I already watch a wide spread of years so that wont help. I have only 1 to 3 anime to pick between in the first place to be "AotY" every year


File:C-1686171289152.png (44.68 KB,428x514)

Texhnolyze is a special case because back when first watched it I really didn't like how everyone dies and wished it would've gone more into people's lives rather than focusing on its leaders, but looking back on it it's got this sense of desolation that's really well done, especially when they go above ground. Haibane is also bleak but in a different way.
Yeah, manually. Most are pics I googled, others I already had, and a few I downloaded the anime to grab a screencap of it.
That just makes it easier, doesn't it?


Well that probably helps you make decisions then. Not like it's supposed to be the definitive AOTY but rather just a personal chart.


Jesus, what a pain in the ass. Ah well.


You can go with the abbreviated chart, I think the end result is worth it.


File:chart.png (7.87 MB,2306x2024)

I had 5 years left so I used those spots, marked in red, for the best ones that barely didn't make it. (yeah I cheated sue me)

The ones in gold are what I believe to be the best anime ever, and not likely to ever change for their respective year.


File:Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 0….png (553.51 KB,1383x1214)

Thanks to ChatGPT and especially vermin for fixing the most important part, I now have a working html easy version of this chart based on >>109261

Just look back at the OP for the catbox file, save it, and then open it up to get started. Screenshotting the results works fine.



I really need to get to finishing Aria one of these days... It's on my list of things to watch at like an episode every other year so I can savor it. Also what's 1986? Looks almost like KOR but that's 87.


reminds me that i need to stream oedo808 sometime


Oh god, I should have waited another few hours before starting to do it manually... ;_; at least I didn't have to download the images one by one since I used one of those 3x3 makers, so there's that.

I actually cheated a bit by not putting Aria 3 times.
>It's on my list of things to watch at like an episode every other year so I can savor it.
I've been doing this with the K-ON! movie for like 10 years now, saving it for when I feel real kuso.

1986 is Maison Ikkoku aka KOR with adults.


File:[Moozzi2] Kimagure Orange ….jpg (919.91 KB,1440x1080)

>1986 is Maison Ikkoku aka KOR with adults
Sold. Also just realized I recognize the name as being one of the Rumiko works I haven't seen, think I'll have to bump it up on the watchlist...


Yeah, I figured the absurd amount of time it takes to edit everything was pretty off-putting so I wanted to make it a bit easier on people. Probably should've gotten that done first...


>I've been doing this with the K-ON! movie for like 10 years now, saving it for when I feel real kuso.
Huh I'm the opposite, the better my mood is the more I want to watch nice+cute stuff. I don't want to 'waste' it by watching it during kuso times.


File:anime-by-year (June 2023).png (2.47 MB,1844x809)

Wasn't going to bother doing one, but now that the lazy-man's version is available I thought I might as well. Still only did from 2000 onwards though, since for many of the earlier years I have only watched one or two series to date so if I did the whole thing then it would be more just a chart of what I've seen rather than of my favourites.
I judged based more on which anime I remember most fondly, rather than simply on the score I gave it at the time, so there may be some bias towards series I've watched more recently or which are popular in communities I frequent. Also limited myself to one entry (not necessarily the first or my favourite) per franchise to provide more variety.


File:C-1686240539905.png (413.5 KB,640x480)

cant believe someone else on kissu loves strawberry panic


Strawberry Panic is one of those knockoffs that ended up better than the original.


Fellow yurifans and strawberry lovers, enjoy.
Reposted without art in sjis tags, didn't look right.


Always wondered how people made SJIS art, seems like it's harder to do than regular art.


there are dedicated sjis art text editors


i looked t this code and thought huh its easier to make a gui in a web page than anything else no wonder it took off
then noticed how big the interactivity was


I like this one


2006 had quite a few strong contenders - a few years ago I would probably have said Higurashi instead, but the Gou/Sotsu mess has kinda soured me on the franchise, and others like Death Note and Paprika were also worthy of some consideration.
I ultimately went for Strawberry Panic because I am a big yuri fan and, at least off the top of my head, I think it is still to this day the only 'pure' (ie. not including supernatural/thriller/etc. elements) yuri romance anime that actually tells a complete story, for which reason it remains my go-to suggestion for newcomers to the genre.


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I tried my best.


Little Witch Academia!!!


no matter how bad you are at programming, you can always hobble together a webapp


It's times like these where https://myanimelist.net/anime/season comes in handy...


File:C-1686298430011.png (11.58 MB,5122x4497)

If saving this html page works i'll continue later. Such a pain..
There are some years where I was very active with watching shows, but still. I've seen something from every year of every season it seems.

Ought to rewatch ergo proxy sometime...


I used the anime.plus 'favorite years' section, given that shows a breakdown of what you've scored everything you've watched from each year (rather than by season).


what's 2008? never seen it before


One Outs


2020 and 2008 were weird years with only memorable but unpopular series that didn't hit big with the otaku but were interesting takes on the standard genres


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I object to 2021 not being the year of Laura!



amazing taste


File:waterfox_Pl4PPr3Zki.png (115.12 KB,256x337)

Elly will never forget


Surprised there's not as many people picking Geass for '07


But it started in 2006.


File:498c3934dca1bf14aa382ba980….jpg (1.77 MB,6047x3974)

Well it ended in 2007 and that's year I associate with it in my mind...


The great Elle wall was toppled...


File:evanescence.jpg (92.19 KB,770x472)

>Ought to rewatch ergo proxy sometime...
Funny that I see this post right after considering streaming Ergo Proxy after thinking my memory of it was poor from how long it's been since seeing it. Guess it's probably a sign that I should go for it.

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