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File:vlcsnap✝[SubsPlease] Isele….png (987.99 KB,1280x720)


I hope isleave is just going to be about the MC meeting new girls and effortless swooning them. All while being great at everything and stumbling across amazing opportunities.


File:[SubsPlease] Kaminaki Seka….jpg (200.7 KB,1920x1080)

Why are you still watching this? It seems so bad


File:vlcsnap✝[SubsPlease] Edoma….png (410.94 KB,1280x720)

i thought it might get slightly better and im a sucker for any anime remotely isekai or fantasy


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai wa Sma….jpg (363.21 KB,1920x1080)

I mean I like kuso isekai too, but Iseleve just makes me feel gross...


Thanks for the reminder! I forgot to watch isekai smartphone.


I have no idea what this series is about


it's a free-write by ota


tbh desu


I hope it isekai's itself into the real world where the author is made to atone for his crimes against humanity for making this and Shinka no Mi.


File:[SubsPlease] Iseleve - 04….webm (4.87 MB,1920x1080)

You know, I get the same feeling with this like I did with Shinka no Mi. Which heavily adds to my suspicioun that the author is deliberately writing the worst trash he can possibly think up to see just how much crap people will eat up


File:[SubsPlease] Iseleve - 04….webm (2.82 MB,1920x1080)

Even when it comes to making absurd settings for the MC to make himself look good in the author manages to pull it off in the most mundane way possible. I find it infeasible that someone could be this unintentionally incompetent.


Both series have the same author?
This really is the season of generic isekai.


all you gotta do to be successful is hit the gym


File:[SubsPlease] Iseleve - 08 ….jpg (481.25 KB,1920x1080)

This fucking anime...


would love a bear pet


File:[SubsPlease] Iseleve - 10 ….jpg (517.35 KB,1920x1080)



File:iseleve.mp4 (12.29 MB,960x540)



This is hentai, right?


I'm pretty sure that even hentai does better animation than that...


gardening hentai


File:marchen.webm (2.96 MB,960x540)

Even Marchen tried harder than this...


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (244.14 KB,1920x1080)

I hated the show, but now I feel kind of sad about it. Well, it's still really popular, right?


File:C-1687316374242.png (1.01 MB,1025x1217)

Don't feel sad for it. This slop is doing just fine in popularity despite being low effort trash on both the author and animation staff's end.


0:32 is epic


This is a show that's made me acutely aware of how much reading subs affects my experience of anime. I am able to excuse some of the in action on screen as I distract myself with reading.


I wasn't taking it too seriously when another anon said iseleve's core premise is that being pretty solves all problems. I just thought it was merely a coincidence of bad writing. But after watching this last episode, I can't deny it. All it takes for the prince to be forgiven of assassination attempts on the princess and to become repentant is to have his magically induced scars, magically healed by the MC.


Is this the inverse Magical Destroyers where a seemingly shallow kusoanime was actually deep this whole time?


I wouldn't call it "deeper" than Magical Destroyers, just that it doesn't try to be deeper or really try much at all. It's got about the same depth of subtext as Destroyers but less of it.

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