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File:1.jpg (2.03 MB,2048x1536)

 No.102927[View All]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
607 posts and 273 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute meower


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didn't know they could have orange eyes


that cat's eyes are saying on topic sager


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Imouto got a new catter


good. she deserves one. don't we all
cute small face on that catter


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there is a special kind of cat I've encountered that stands by as an observer, paying no mind to passerbys, but will slink away if you stop to focus on them
the key to capturing them is to walk past, prepare your camera, and then turn around to pic them in the window of opportunity you'll have
this time, it worked like a charm, though success is not guaranteed


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and a pair wishing for freedom


>there is a special kind of cat I've encountered that stands by as an observer, paying no mind to passerbys, but will slink away if you stop to focus on them
omggggggggggggg i encounter these meowers all the time >_<
did you pat him where his fur's sticking through the grille


goofy furball jail


i did not... was short on time and only stopped for a pic


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Oh yeah, and here's a size comparison


absolutely epic beasts


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trying to steal my meat


on topic sager


gotta slink


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She has grown confidence


what's that funny tube thingy on the left


noob vs pro


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Looping gif fail


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you can make it loop ish with a little cut but the camera still drifts to the point that it's noticeable


one of these things https://catit.us/products/catit-senses-play-circuit
they actually use it a fair bit


My oldest cat had to go to vet today because he's been coughing for the last week when playing with the young cats. Had upper respiratory infection and got antibiotic shot. He's been sleeping all day and doesn't seem that pissed off that I took him to the place he hates the most. Was shocked he let me put him in the carry cage without drugging him first. He must have been feeling really sick.


poor sick kitty :(


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mom brought the cats


on topic meower


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mom took the cats again
(it was actually some time ago, i just forgot to post the pic)


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and this one had a sort neckerchief that you can barely see to the right of his head


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give snoof



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It's my cat's 15th birthday today.


woah, looking good for a cat that old




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Kinda looks like an action shot with whiskers looking like movement lines and blurrines making it look like there's rapid movement


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Cat log


holy meow
what happen if you pat it with an uncovered hand


just will do the cat trill and then start purring


this triller just trilled me


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This is from taking her to the vet a month or so back


aww did she get hurt when she fell down from heaven :3


cute but no, I just wanted to make sure she didn't get any bugs or sickness after being outside for a few days


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cat still sleeping in same spot after I got out of bed and inadvertently put some sheets over him



cat down at the local snoof 'n' squeeze


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