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File:1.jpg (2.03 MB,2048x1536)

 No.102927[View All]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
518 posts and 230 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


the meow cow


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shhh they'll hear you


...catch catch catch catch catch catties...


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found one drinking gutter water weirdly enough


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how is thumbcat lately


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Caught red handed interrupting the stream....


catch him good


saw a cat slink into a storm drain before I could take a catpicture.


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My phone has AI cropping. Very convenient


Also this is now a perma thread



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tardlaughing@this pic


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cute cattard


there's a lot of tarded-looking ones


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meow meow


"Jo'on-dono where's my soba?"


Has the same facial structure as the one cat, the janny cat from /jp/? You know what I'm talking about


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this also happened to me but i still managed to snap a faraway pic thankfully


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forgot about posting this one with its ears perked up
passerby kid asked me what i was doing and i gave a quick answer while slinking off myself


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I found this 12 year picture of my Tom cat. This was about a year after he first showed up.


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Found better version


big gold cat


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Was on a nightwalk and somehow noticed this cat relaxing on some discarded furniture.
In hindsight I wish flash wasn't on.




Cat seems to vomit food back somewhat often after eating...


uh oh... is your cat old?


Not exactly. I don't think it's problematic. Just eats too fast


Somewhat often is expressed in human terms like once every 2 weeks I guess... So it's not frequent enough to be concerning but just enough to wonder


dumb vomitard


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mom's on vacation and this time's she's left these two for me to take care of
mrs. russian blue does this thing where if you scratch her head at certain moments she'll close her eyes, lift her muffs, and display her fangs even though she loves it but it's impossible to take a pic of
i don't know what's up with her mouth, she does it all the time and i love pinching my fingers against those two exposed teeth whenever i'm scratching her jaw
she also lets me put an ear to her chest when cuddling and it sounds great, she's already pretty loud as far as cat purring goes


you only sang the praises of one cat... what does the other one get up to


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mrs yellow really likes to hop on stuff, and unlike blue who's fond of sleeping on my bed in the dark, she prefers to rest where sunlight will hit her
that's why she was sitting in the corner of the sofa, because it's the spot that gets the most light, and i've made some space in the kitchen for her to use


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although she's not as cooperative, she's more likely to sit wherever, and sometimes she'll meow for no reason then run away if you approach her in any way




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Cat dump coming as promised


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another pair of good cats what is the world coming to




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This brat...


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Big Cat is Watching


>According to a story circulating on the plains a few years back, some Indian children were so enamored of a cat that they saw within a wagon party -- for they had never before seen an ordinary house cat -- that their father offered to trade two horses in prime condition for the "little puma," as they called it. The cat being a beloved family pet, however, the offer was politely refused.

- Oregon Trail guidebook pages 13-14

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