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File:1.jpg (2.03 MB,2048x1536)

 No.102927[View All]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
692 posts and 315 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


she meows and eats treats!


hmm what's up with that ai watemark


my phone can remove certain details from photos and replace it with ai gens




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feedings cats


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rare pic of scurryer


give chase and get him


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Catblog: After being bitten on the tail we thought she was fine at first but then developed an abscess that we discovered the morning we were supposed to fly overseas. After rescheduling all of our arrangements by one day we took her to the vet and she had to get a cone around her neck and a drain, and my aunt looked after her while we were gone. She had the cone off and had more or less fully recovered by the time we arrived back.


Cat's been annoying in the cold temperatures. Wants to play like all the time and doesn't put up with a day where I'm busy


NO! That cat's too BEAUTIFUL to deserve being bit.
If you work from home you work for the cat.


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She's trying to chew the leaves sigh...


first leaves this indoor cat has ever seen in his entire life


SHE actually escaped once


and the cat seemed different... ever since.... HE returned...


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After 16 months of waiting it finally happened. Thumb cat has accepted me and slept in my lap. This was unexpected but my attempts to bribe her with cat treats seems to be working. I'd grown used to her running away whenever I entered the room.


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Later that day Tom cat decided to take a nap in my lap too. Thumb cat approached later on to sit in my lap again. But she saw Tom cat sleeping and didn't want to get smacked in the face. He barely tolerates her so it's 50/50 on if he'll allow her to sleep next to him. He was fast asleep but she ran off anyway to slumber on the cat tree.

Thumb cat has also decided that since we're now cool she's entitled to eat whatever is on my plate. I had to bribe her with a piece of steak to get off the dinner table.

The other two black cats and the new grey cat still aren't willing to let me pet them. But I'm working on it. Grey cat is so spooked whenever I'm around that I've been unable to take a picture of him so far. But his leg seems to be healing up well (it was broken when he first snuck into the house for food and a warmer place to sleep).

Nightly fights are starting to be a regular thing since we now have four boy cats in total two of which still have their balls. The old Tom cat has been winning them all thus far.


this is the BEST news ive heard all year


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cat is ascending


catch your meower



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what cat breed is that?


Some people said a serval, but i think african desert cat might have been it...


Savannah cat i mean. It's a cross bread between serval and a domestic cat


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midnight black
receptive to cuddles but NO buttstuff


dein schwarzes katz sind asketisch




This sounds like a chuuni magic spell.


>Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.


pat the abyss


dumb midnightard


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lol this idiot thinks he fits


cute dumb fitard


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hehe they get along so well


flipping bosons they are cute


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cat is fascinated by this strange light




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We have the garage door up because it's summer here and this cat invited itself inside. It's very fat and it's stomach wobbles when it runs. It was very friendly and my own cat was sleeping in a box. They hissed at each other when the visitor found mine, then the latter ran out.


Are you another Australian who likes incest? 'Cause that'd make three of us
>It's very fat and it's stomach wobbles when it runs.
That's his Primordial Pouch :3


>They hissed at each other when the visitor found mine, then the latter ran out.
this mogger just mogged me


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New Zealand, but close enough. We call it a valgus in my family as an inside joke. It came back later that evening but not inside.


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Huh, our late cat had that and I just thought he was fat.


i hope your new cat becomes friends with your old cat

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