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 No.102927[Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.


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She grew fat because my dad would coddle her and give her too much food. He even gave her scraps of meat in the kitchen when she swiped at him when he was preparing steaks. We all really loved that cat.


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Growing up, I thought cats were just fat. But ours was seriously obese.


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Our cat had a really gentle meow. It was like "Miiiiw! Meeeiiiiiw!". As you might imagine, she was a lethargic kitty. But occasionally she would rouse herself and attack a bird. Mostly when she was young.


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As a kid, I was always selfish and would force the cat to play with me. I would raise a kitty differently this time around, being more hands-off. And I'd give it less food.


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This cat was a real treasure. I'd love to have a kitty again.


Nice cat, dude.


kewl /qa/ts


Beautiful cat. She did seem to be a bit chunky, but also very cute.

>I'd love to have a kitty again.
I understand the hesitation since the costs add up, but it's hard for me to imagine life without one. I think the more isolated a person becomes the more they benefit from a pet.


>I understand the hesitation since the costs add up
For me it's a matter of space. I live in a unit in a cramped suburb, so I don't even have my own back yard.


wtf you have the same desk as me
how is it?
bet its a total pain in the ass how with every little motion you make the desktop is always sliding off the little rubbery nubs you stick on the top of the drawer and making them come unstuck


I had a cat that looked like that when I was young. But he was a boy and he used to be quite adventurous, he would hunt ducks and possums.
But we moved houses and put him in a shed for the time it takes for cats to get used to the new houses as their own and this shed had those angled slat type windows and he somehow managed to squeeze himself through it and ran away from home. Sad.


powerful cat


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it's easy to move around. no problems


why do kissu cats love to commandeer computer chairs so much


all cats make themselves relevant by being an obstacle every so often


once i stepped on my fatass cat and it yowled and ran under a chair =(


A cat is fine too


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Nice cat, dude.
Used to have two cats when I was a kid, wish I could get some again but my apartment is too small and I live in the middle of a city, sigh.


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This was my cat. She passed away a few years ago. As soon as you sat down anywhere she would be on your lap immediately. She loved cuddling.


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I wish the landlord allowed pets.


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Anonymous requested it so here's cat tending to my cold by warming up my lap


GOOD kitty.


I think part of the deal with the poofy haired breeds is that when they are going obese it's harder to tell since you can't see just how flabby they are.


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only one thing to do during a power outage...
Take spooky cat photos


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That sucks about the power outage, but those are some awesome cat pictures
This one in particular is quite atmospheric >>103530


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For a second I thought your cat is the one in gif related.


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omg is that your kitty??


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grumpy cat in a jolly basket


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He got woken up. He was curled up in a ball, but I don't have any pictures of that unfortunately. The basket was very clearly too small for him and yet he insisted on sitting inside it.


such is the nature of a cat


Amazing pics of amazing cat


These are not my cats, but these absolutely are some cats that everyone on Kissu needs to see!


I can hear the Ghast from Minecraft


not my cat, but an account I follow posted a video of his cats appearing while he is trying to record


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a light in the darkness


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bidet cat


awesome pissu cat


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took pics of some cats on the street
not my best, but here they are


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this one had a wide face


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did NOT corner this one it got scared by a car



Cats usually run away when I approach them.


Then take a pic from afar.


I want to pet them not take pics.


Sir, this is the cat pictures thread.


Cats do that.


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rare capture of tree scratching in progress


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one under a car


It always worries me that cats do this. Afraid the little guys are gonna get run over ;_;


Never in my life have I seen a splattered cat, so I imagine they must be doing something right.


allergic to cats but they seem to enjoy coming over to me anyways


For what its worth the engine noise scares them away before it can even move


nyaa nyaa neighbourhood


One, possibly two of my sister's cats died like that


when i got a bike a year ago and riding a bike was still novel to me i would go around the neighbourhood and encounter scaredy cats




I don't remember whether it was just the one.


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i met a scaredy cat on a neighbourhood bike ride


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what i have to deal with every time i have meat for dinner


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is that an entire bird
no wonder the cats going nuts


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er meant this


heh it really does look like a bird


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bro got shelves for the cat so she could escape the kid



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this from another bike ride
cat wouldn't let me get close


Oh no someone spilled paint on her (cute patterns)


hmm doesn't look so scaredy
it's got that kinda moderately fearless gaze with those lowered brows
mysterious shadowy cat


Cow cat


the cat reviewer


the /qa/t review


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This is not my cat, but I think /qa/ needs to see it anyways


Good cat, I like it.




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grocery cat


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This one was very interesting. When I first walked by, they scuttled away behind the door (you can see the hole entrance) and my response was to sit there while simply extending out my hand. The cat slowly came back out and briefly ran their head into my hand like a weird nuzzle. I tried to pet them, but the cat recoiled, so I let them keep driving their face into my hand. Gradually, they got more and more comfortable around me until I finally managed to start petting them, also gradually getting closer and closer to me, meowing louder and louder every time I stopped the petting. I had to shoo them away when I was leaving, because they had started to follow me after getting up.


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AAAAAAND I managed to capture their purring.
Eat your heart out, >>106737.


damn you on-topic sager


Well mr. on-topic bumper, what do you think of the cats?



love how cats love being up high
there's an episode of Sketchbook Full Colors about that
what dere type is that again
kinda grating meow


saw a black cat with fluffy tail on a bike ride the other day and i stopped in front of it to take a picture but it escaped.


Yeah, >>106469 loves to jump on top of the fridge. Leaps from the table then sits there for a few hours, safe from everything that goes on below. Though she's also gotten inside of the dishwasher several times.
As for the meow, yes, it's very aggressive, but the dissonance kinda made it cuter. Very demanding kitty.


cat hisses at me when i say ow for biting too hard


post video


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I guess this is a cat blog. Well, my cat got angry at my sister was visiting and while I was laying in bed playing my DS my cat jumped onto my bed and starting peeing.
He does this sometimes and it seems it all goes back to there being a new human guest, even one that's really nice to him and that he should remember.
What a little punk he is


older or younger sister?


feral cat!


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very nice video of cat enjoying herself 8/10


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this one hogs my bodypillow next to me when i try to sleep sometimes. love him to death though

i adore how she turns to the side to look at you


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nice white beard and feeties


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cousin also shared about forty of his own they're very good so here's some of them


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what would you call this expression


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this one's from when they adopted the two


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classic hitler


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the end


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AAAALL the cats


me on the top


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demanding fatso missed me
started meowing as soon as I stepped in




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Cat found a new sleeping spot...


rly good cats guys keep it coming


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my big sister's cat


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your nee-san has a nice pussy


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Just realized I've posted most all my cats on kissu at least once except this one. He was a good cat.


prune cat


Sorry for your loss. It's the worst part of having pets...


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Thanks, yeah really wish they'd have a similar lifespan to ours so we didn't have to see them go so much...

The funny thing is that he used to be really huge when he was younger, just transitioned into a skeleton with age.


You could get turtles or parrots.


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what a big boy


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easy enough to do when he's just sleeping in my chair


AMAZING fluff monster of a cat. Do you ever put your face in that belly?


sometimes yeah, he's mostly calm when he's sleepy like that so he can be used as a happy pillow
although when he's in a playful mood he'd bite my head if i tried...


is he loud when he purrs


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We had a very fluffy black and white cat when I was little, probably a Norwegian Forest mixed with something else.
Sorry, no pics.


He seems to have some rather spiky hair, the way it bunches up.


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It's just really long, he's really soft to pet. Also becuase its so long he sheds a lot so while grooming him at one point I was able to make a felt ball from his fur that the other cats enjoy playing with.

Not the loudest purrs I've heard but he definitely makes it known when he's in a good mood.


It's that mine (>>108957) is also super hairy and also sheds a lot, especially during summer, but her hair is always very smooth and sticks together almost as if it were velvet.
It looks to me a bit like the difference between the two cats in >>108855.


tiny curled up cat


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Grandma's cat caught a mouse.


what a strange expression


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she likes to sit on top of the fridge


all-out cat assault in this thread
I won't lose to cats...


bright blue cats


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it was hard to capture just how fat this one was
if you scratch his butt and chin at the same time it makes him spaz out a bit but in a good way


on topic sager


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I sage when I have only one cat to post
now there's these two I'll take care of while mom's away
you fucking faggot


off topic bumper


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she figured out a way to stave off the cold


cool cat
hidey cats


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Dad's cat. Getting a good pic of him was a bit tricky since he is always moving around.


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He is starting to get fat.


Love to play with animals I don't usually see when I go to other peoples houses, and that's a suave looking kittey


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He is a bit of an odd cat, he only wants dry food. We try giving him canned food and some human food now and then but he doesn't seem to like it.


I have a shorthair that's like that. It's nice for my other cats since they eat up the canned food though.


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evocative cat shadow


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my mom's cat is weirdly enamored by our sink and shower faucets

tell me about it, he camps out in front of my room's door all the time, so whenever i open it, he's just there and i have to step over him (and also make sure he doesn't run into my room)


clean cat
dirty toilet


Those look like hard water stains, which are a major bitch to clean without scratching the porcelain


SNUG cat !!!


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this one was playing with a plastic bag but I couldn't get a pic because they immediately approached me


on topic sager


good cat love friendly cats who immediately approach you


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Haven't seen one of those in a while.


Sorry to hear about your loss.


Kissu Presents: Mysteries of the Cat.

Meowing outside my door, my cat clearly wants to enter the room. I open the door and he just sits there looking at me. I give him a minute, and he's still just sitting there as I talk to him and tell him to come inside. Another minute passes and I lose patience and close the door. Remembering how his cat brain works, I immediately open the door and he walks inside without incident.


post pic of cute cat in doorway


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Well, he's not there any more.


sunbeam kitty


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what a great expression


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classic bored cat


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another black and white one


catch that tail


the cat harasser


tail looks like a penis from that angle


does that mean >>114163 wants some tentacle action


i just want some cat action


Cat that was standoffish towards me is slowly warming up to me. Today he rubbed his face against my hand and started purring unprompted. But... he likes to bat at my hands :/


good and good! i llove getting attacked by a spirited cat


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this one noticed


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this one didn't




actually i did feel like i'd already taken a pic of >>114273 and yeah it's >>112392


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Found this cat in 2021


2021 cat. wow




flofy cat


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i cleaned off the bits of dirt on his face they were bothering me


I prefer my cats au naturel.


even shopped the ear
but yeah i agree with >>114302


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my cat reminds me of my past dog


lmaoing@that tard look


cat+jeans combo meal


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cat sitting snug behind a wall thinking it'll stop me (it won't)


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i will catch a video of her sprinting down the hallway someday


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Can't see it that well, but there was a cat sitting in the middle of that stairwell, it looked really cool in person.


I love the face markings. It makes the cat look silly, but in a cute and endearing way


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weird looking cats


cats will sometimes eat grass


strate floff


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fat fag tard


she's not fat, just round


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I'm running out of cats to take pics of
went into a vet and was told they didn't have any




why is the cat caged up as if he commited tax evasion


the cat is in debtors' prison


the web is there just to stop them from leaving while the chain is holding up a sign
nothing devious, there's loads of houses that do this


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you didn't like the picture?


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herp derp


sigh I'm starting to like Pippa's voice




you are doing gods work


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hey compulsive thread split tard, go do your thing


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too jailed to take a good pic, posting it anyways


i think that's a nice picture on topic sager his dark eyes make him look forlorn about his position


the pic was fun to take i had to get down on the floor to get a proper shot mr assfaggot


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shhhh don't scare him


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Here's a cat I saw in Gdansk.


Werm cade


why do they all imprison their cats what a weird neighbourhood


fear of them running away or getting ran over
it's not rare to come across notes stuck on poles and all that saying "lost my cat naruto he was orange please phone this number if you find him"


they must really love their cats then
i thought they have bars over the windows because of thieves or something


oh, that too, yes, that's for thieves
the nets though those are for the cats


cat burglars


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had to retreat and wait until the dog stopped barking


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the catnapper


gonna nap with a cat
forgot to mention this one lost to the pat big time, dropped to the ground stretching their tum and followed me around afterwards


hehe love clingy cats


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Okay that's a very cute cat.
But why sage?



because I only had one cat to post
different cat the first one had a narrower face


how often do the cats let them pat you vs running away


I mean, let you pat them


looking at this thread's reachable ones it was 9 vs 3 so 75% pat


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Took a picture for >>>/jp/64649 >>>/jp/64655


there's something weird about this i can see it in the pixels


thank you
beautiful cat with very nice colours


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catfriend was having a very good evening on top of of the staircase


imagine gently pushing them over and then they roll down every step to the bottom...


that's very unfriendly behavior!
(knowing him, he'd probably just catch his balance on the first step and be very confused)


what an extremely good cat and good composition of the photo making it look like he's about to tumble real far off a tall staircase


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Here is my cat. He turns 12 this year.


king of his domain


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if you pat him what happens




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Depends on if he wants pats


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Bonus picture of tree rat


thank you for sharing
your cat is a noble creature


haha look at him go


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turns out there were TWO cats in >>114763
twice i came across them cuddling and twice the scaredy one scurried away
i'll get'm next time


What the heck


the brave one is protecting the scuredy one from the cat harasser


my campaign of nekohara is endless and unstoppable


cat harassing sager


Give them food


i actually am planning to go around the neighborhood with those funny food packs that instantly draw them in just opening one every so often and seeing if any come out
it's gonna be fun


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Cat brought them in one day. Raised three on a bottle before releasing them into the wild. The above pic was from my friend's house. He's been keeping him inside for years. The animal refuses to return to nature.

He takes it with him everywhere. The girls at the bank love him.


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If you're wondering no they don't make good pets. These three tore up the house in the 2 or 3 months I had them inside. They climb on everything (including people) and leave scratch marks all over your arms and legs. They can jump really far and consider humans to be mobile trees.

They're really cute when they sleep in the hood or front pocket of your hoodie though. When they aren't busy being nature's crack heads they can be kind of chill. They can't control their bite instinct though. If your hand smells like food they'll bite you every time and their teeth go all the way to the bone.

I've also bottle fed a lot of wild rabbits and many cows in my time. But this is a cat thread so I'll stop posting cat food. No idea why
didn't kill them. He kills everything else he drags in from the woods. He brought them to me one at a time over the course of like 30 minutes. Was very gentle. I think he either killed the mother or found the nest and she wasn't around at the time. He's usually scared of tree rats because one messed him up really bad a few years ago. Took his hind legs weeks to heal. After that he stopped chasing them.


s-sugoi... kissunonymous is a beast tamer!


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Here is my old barn Tom Cat. He died about 7 years ago. He liked to fight any other cat that walked through my yard.


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I'll go through my SD-card later for more cats. For now enjoy this one.



holy flip

Pretty cool story about the squirrels... and to the new cat poster, thanks for posting your awesome kitty and for the promises of future cat pictures.


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Over at grandparents before returning home from Thanksgiving and remembered to snap a pic of their cats before I go.


snuggling meow meows


cat is with original owners. apparently hissing at them all the time because she doesn't have all the rooms she normally does...


deleted cat blog posts are an affront to kissu


rub those fuzzy catters


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I have acquired some of those cat treats I see on artist's Twitter and Pixie so often. Now to see if the cat likes them...


pixie... flippin autocorrect...


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I've bought something that is presumably the exact same thing and my cat liked it at first but seemed to get sick of them, so maybe they really are a 'treat' that you shouldn't give them more than once every couple weeks at most. It was quite expensive, too, so for a couple reasons it's just not good to use this much.
(I saw "Inaba" on the label and naturally had to buy them)


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cat seemed to like it a lot.


mlep mlep mlep mlep mlep mlep mlep mlep mlep


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thats how you fatten up a cat


how did you get that epic blue fringe on your work cat


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these cats are about to POUNCE


The day Anon became cat food.


that is a LOT of cats thank you for the fieldwork


why do they all look so angry with you anon? you must smell weird...


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Country cats


flippin congregation


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Anonymous was saying they wanted more pics of my choco cat so I got one of her being sleepy


You have such a good cat bro


i get more of a chocomilk feeling from her, you know?


it's the feet


that's okay. as long as next time you remember!


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quad cats pic i forgot about


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grass cat
i asked the owners of a separate house if i could take a pic of their cat and they were happy to oblige
but the cat wasn't...


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and rain cat


all beautiful cats
it looks like youre in a different nicer neighbourhood now where they dont put cages over their windows


most of my pics are actually from two different neighborhoods, >>117462 is from the non-jail 'hood
the second two are from a weekend trip i just returned from


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high intensity blurcat


Thread hit bump limit but I am still here to appreciate the cats.


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better pic of this fatty


stumpy kitty with dirty face


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also this scaredy bugger
i was able to pat her for like a min only after she ran beneath the table, had to go prone in order to do so
she purred, but still scurried away anyways


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this one has a big chin though i didn't capture it well


best part of visiting rellies is the rare cats you get to pat




New phone for better cow photos


post photo of the cow cat biting you


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rgb cat




is his tail swishy swishing from side to side while he stares at it


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Was on a Tor library and deeply amused to find out someone was using it to download cat books.


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Photography equipment placed properly


mrrrrrr mrrrrrr mrrrrrr mrrrrr


Nice, the extra-fluff of the winter fur is in full bloom :3


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New computer case came in


sitting 'hind a window
(i'd reply with the kaomoji of someone peeking from behind a corner if i had it, the that's like (°| )


thank you for your regular catblog


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rusty jail cat


WP source, please?


I think my cat is getting fat... she's turning into a real cow


It's on nanahira's website


that cow cat has a really thick, fat tail I've noticed


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someone seems to be regularly leaving food and water outside the building for this one
darted under the plants with its elongated face


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one by a parking lot


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pretty dirty


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and another scaredy bugger




did you go inside a stranger's house for that last one


not the first time and it won't be the last


thank you for your service friki


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I present to you the next step in cat evolution. A cat with thumbs!


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This cute little guy showed up at our house a few months ago. I've finally gotten him tame and now he spends all day laying in laps. He's scared of the vacuum cleaner though so whenever we run it we don't see him for the rest of the day. I think he hides in the rafters of the basement.

He's got extra digits on both his front and hind paws. He uses them to. When I blocked the cat door when he first showed up he figured out how to reach in and pull it backwards using his thumbs. He picks up stuff all of the time. The other cats have started to recruit him for odd jobs like opening doors and other things they can't do with their lowly thumbless paws.

Our oldest tom cat hates him. This little black guy follows him around like an annoying little brother and wants to share all the good spots with him. He's already run off the tom cat from the
>his beloved grandma lap
>his favorite towel
>his favorite pillow
in addition this little guy has started attempting to eat the Tom cat's food. Tom cat gets special wet feed that costs about $2-$3 per meal. The three new cats are only given lower quality wet feed and dry feed. We've had to start locking them in the basement when we feed the old tom cat otherwise the tom cat will smack the shit out of them.

Still working on taming the other two strays that showed up. We're taking them to get fixed in a couple of weeks but I haven't been able to get them to let me pet them yet. Can't even take their picture because they run whenever they see a human. I've been regulated to watching them from afar when they're out hunting in the yard. The come in the house after everyone falls asleep and sleep in the living room. They bolt whenever we wake up to cook breakfast.


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car bugger
>otherwise the tom cat will smack the shit out of them.
very nice work with the strays, and hearing them cooperate with thumbcat is surprising but plausible, neat stuff


when you get the cats fixed can you leave this one intact


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the dark grey one tried to block my path while i was riding my bike but i showed him


he slinked out through the bars of that fence then slinked riiiiiiight back in


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i offer a rare bird with a hand


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Someone teach my cat not to be a tard




wtf are those sounds
it's like a chimp choking on a maraca


hes trying to avoid getting voice doxxed


In the hallway of the apartment trying not to get a noise complaint


Also her mauling my hand is really cute!


I know right
love cats


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ready to pounce on that bird :3


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this one was sitting in the middle of a restaurant, sleeping save for occasionally waking up when feeling someone approach him
i managed to pat him a bit before he got away


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this other one kept running across the premises and eluding anyone that so much glanced at him
thankfully it stopped for a moment and looked my way so i could take a decent pic


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update: a dozen coatís came out of the woods and had a standoff with one of the cats
wasn't able to take any pics though


elegant and healthy looking cats for strays
hope the cat won


How do I keep my sister's kitten from going outside? It's not that safe for a cat, especially a kitten. It also doesn't seem to be attached to anyone, it gets on my or her bed at night to sleep but generally it's pretty unresponsive. I know cats are supposed to be like this but I feel bad for my little sis.


unless you want to put a shock collar on it and create one of those detection boundaries


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tried to get cat to move out of the way of the monitor by stacking stuff on him
it didn't work...


high willpower cat


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Shut the doors and make sure the screens on the windows are secure? I don't understand the question because lots and lots of people have indoor-only animals. You just have to be vigilant and never again keep a door open without the cat being secured in another room or whatever. It's a small price to pay.


Are you sure the cat is unwilling to leave and not just too encumbered to leave?


use the spray bottle its what theyre for


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Stop mooing


Oh nvm. She ate and wants activity


good gentle kitty with a pleasing to the ears mrow


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jailed white cat
bitch hissed at me


good girl


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flip you but also here's a fatard


hooooooooooooooly flIIIIIIIIp


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bitch hisser animated


cute hisser


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To do or not to do anything....




the feet poster


dumb feetard




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I never got around to posting about it back in December last year but this is another bike ride cat.


That cat is SCARED


scaredy cat


all scaredy buggers will be taken pics of


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cat sitting on router (it gets warm)


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ambient blurry cat


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and a fat fuck from somewhere in Egypt



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hehe cat bird watching


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someone else's desk blocker


in the way!


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Cat is getting those gains


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He does look muscular actually. Are you putting whey protein in his milk?


look at his big paws
look at that big cat


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Git off me


cute and fluffy!


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That Hitler cat look


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awesome catter
loungin' around


Isn't it more of a cowcat?


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Cow demands butter


wonder why my thumbnails keep getting messed up on this phone... is exif stripping too harsh all of a sudden...


foot exhibitionist


she meows so cutely


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Cat wants balcony time that she will never get after being an idiot


no give it to her


restaurant cat going out into the street while they cleaned up inside


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undercar cat


and the twins i managed to FINALLY get a pic of after months of passing by
they were sitting the two together licking each other it was cute


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i failed at the last part....


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good job catfriend
sometimes those cats just slink away too quickly you know?


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oh and yeah they do but thankfully it doesn't happen that often


Another cat jailed for crimes against the state


that cat could SO fit through those bars every one of those cats if faking it


he can indeed pass through, and jumped from some stairs onto that rooftop


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saw him last week.... image quality is poor as i didnt want to come close and scare him... he was just sitting there like that


>saw him
That's how three letter agencies operate, sometimes. Agents will deliberately show themselves to you to notify you that you are under surveillance.
'Don't do bad things.'


but he's not glowing


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take that nap cat






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W-w-wha-what do we d-do now?


post it again and you will be forgiven..........


You just imagined it.
Nothing to see here, friends. Move on.


cia thinks he can gaslight me


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not him, but I can at least offer this one
seems he was a bit hurt but it was outside a vet school on some very open uni grounds so maybe they were able to help


if they can catch him before he slinks away


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I guess I can upload a couple more pics of my cat, although he's not doing anything amazing in them apart from being naturally cute.


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When I tell him that it's time to leave so I can go to bed he'll lay on his back and move around like a snake. I have no idea why.


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Official anime cat ED.


The cat is writhing in agony from being made to get off the bed.


he's such a good friend


>although he's not doing anything amazing
cats, their mere existence is amazing, don't have to be doing anything special


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'tis the season for cat cleaning


is it ok for them to eat mice? wont they catch a disease or something?


More of a thing for wild mice


I usually throw it outside if I can catch it or they're done playing with it. My cats don't generally 'eat' mice, just eventually play with them too hard until they die and then they leave it as a present for me.


>My cats don't generally 'eat' mice, just eventually play with them too hard until they die


mine eats silverfish when bored. Dunno how that does the cat's digestion


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Just because you can do that with little girls, does not mean that it's okay to do with cats.


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literary fatard


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Cat has brain problems


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I love catards.


incredible self control to not pull that tail


maybe you have mice or something nesting back there/in the walls?


cute cat but god I hate that sound


spank that cat


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this one escaped prison and got a white eye for it
was hard to take a pic of, a passerby had to help me and it still came out blurry


it's a girl highly possible judging by color


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Koko suki.


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Neighbour's cat seeing me through the window.


damn that's a great pic


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SUPER cutes!


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Looks quite human


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whats the difference?


the cats have been SO GOOD lately



I think that's it.


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Cat connection protocol whiskers:




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just adopted this cutie


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big paws.


Is that an eye on her belly?


apparently they're good at catching mice (she already caught one!)
poor thing was pregnant when she was a stray, before she got rescued not too long ago. that's a little stitching from when she had her c-section, her belly fur still hasn't come back yet.


You opened your house to a non-virgin cat?


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cat renaissance


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How do a cat's 7 lives function, anyway?
Do they recover from lethal damage?
Are they reborn anew?
Does fate rewrite itself down a path that is harmless to them?
Do they receive memories from the future and then pursue safety on their own paws?

Has this ever been scientifically explored without putting them into airtight cages with radioactive materials whose radiation may or may not release poisons into the cages?


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faraway yet particularly loud neko
you can baaarely see the brown one rearing its head from behind the bricks


they escaped from the window cage...


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like this shadow ninja that sprinted away but thankfully stopped under a car long enough for me to take a pic


pic of cat stolen chair


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did NOT take a good pic but rest assured that after spazzing around in circles and back and forth through the fence this one lost to the pat and was dropping to the ground for more


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grump grump


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and mom's rendition


squeeze it


sometimes but that makes her leave so it's not ideal


Didn't know where my cat wet. The first floor neighbour in the building over got a cat and was walking along the railing. Cat was staring at it somewhere unusual


Cat attack


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Traditional Japanese cat pictures.


pic it


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Jokes on you, it was actually a cow


the meow cow


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shhh they'll hear you


...catch catch catch catch catch catties...


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found one drinking gutter water weirdly enough


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how is thumbcat lately


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Caught red handed interrupting the stream....


catch him good


saw a cat slink into a storm drain before I could take a catpicture.


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My phone has AI cropping. Very convenient


Also this is now a perma thread



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tardlaughing@this pic


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cute cattard


there's a lot of tarded-looking ones


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meow meow


"Jo'on-dono where's my soba?"


Has the same facial structure as the one cat, the janny cat from /jp/? You know what I'm talking about


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this also happened to me but i still managed to snap a faraway pic thankfully


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forgot about posting this one with its ears perked up
passerby kid asked me what i was doing and i gave a quick answer while slinking off myself


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I found this 12 year picture of my Tom cat. This was about a year after he first showed up.


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Found better version


big gold cat


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Was on a nightwalk and somehow noticed this cat relaxing on some discarded furniture.
In hindsight I wish flash wasn't on.




Cat seems to vomit food back somewhat often after eating...


uh oh... is your cat old?


Not exactly. I don't think it's problematic. Just eats too fast


Somewhat often is expressed in human terms like once every 2 weeks I guess... So it's not frequent enough to be concerning but just enough to wonder


dumb vomitard


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mom's on vacation and this time's she's left these two for me to take care of
mrs. russian blue does this thing where if you scratch her head at certain moments she'll close her eyes, lift her muffs, and display her fangs even though she loves it but it's impossible to take a pic of
i don't know what's up with her mouth, she does it all the time and i love pinching my fingers against those two exposed teeth whenever i'm scratching her jaw
she also lets me put an ear to her chest when cuddling and it sounds great, she's already pretty loud as far as cat purring goes


you only sang the praises of one cat... what does the other one get up to


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mrs yellow really likes to hop on stuff, and unlike blue who's fond of sleeping on my bed in the dark, she prefers to rest where sunlight will hit her
that's why she was sitting in the corner of the sofa, because it's the spot that gets the most light, and i've made some space in the kitchen for her to use


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although she's not as cooperative, she's more likely to sit wherever, and sometimes she'll meow for no reason then run away if you approach her in any way




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Cat dump coming as promised


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another pair of good cats what is the world coming to




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This brat...


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Big Cat is Watching


>According to a story circulating on the plains a few years back, some Indian children were so enamored of a cat that they saw within a wagon party -- for they had never before seen an ordinary house cat -- that their father offered to trade two horses in prime condition for the "little puma," as they called it. The cat being a beloved family pet, however, the offer was politely refused.

- Oregon Trail guidebook pages 13-14


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I'm glad I brought my phone with me.


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looks a bit dwarfy


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oh yeah forgot about mr nose



huge nostrils


they're actually moderately big, they look enormous because somehow he ended up with two large spots on top of them
you can see it if you zoom in


Oh yeah, heh.


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the cow looks at you with suspicion


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maybe he can finally lose some weight with that exercise


she's not fat!




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night time meower encounter


Kind of cute, but kind of mysterious and scary


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saw one TEAR across the road as i was going home


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Rabbit hijack


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What relaxing scenery. It even has a big grey boulder. Very nice.


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My mum is a freelance gardener


it shows, very nice


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*wiggle* *wiggle* *shift*


Yeah, that looks really nice. Even the grass is nice and fluffy.
I need to try something like this someday, although maintaining something pretty in the heat here seems less fun.


it is a very nice garden i fantasize about moving out a bit further away from the city onto a nice plot of land with high fences where i can build a garden like that...
and then sic a MEOWER!! >:3


I dunno if grass can naturally grow like that outside of here. We had torrential rain the other day which caused basement flooding, so the lawns all have lots of water making them quite lush. In a dry climate it would be harder...

but alas, this is gardening thread conversation


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he WONT escape


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visited friend and turns out there's a cat that goes spend time in his backyard and he's nice and open to cuddling so they put up some cushions for him to rest on but also he's been rubbing too hard against their plants and killing or at least badly hurting them, it's a problem


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bugger likes to rush into the house whenever the door opens even when he's covered in dirt from scurrying around and after we left him outside he started meowing so we'd let him in but alas too bad you filthy tard


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¥/qa/'s feed



hopefully a cat slinks through it


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Walked away from the toy to play with the packing paper. Yep, it's a cat. The toy probably has catnip inside it, too.


cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute meower


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didn't know they could have orange eyes


that cat's eyes are saying on topic sager


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Imouto got a new catter


good. she deserves one. don't we all
cute small face on that catter


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there is a special kind of cat I've encountered that stands by as an observer, paying no mind to passerbys, but will slink away if you stop to focus on them
the key to capturing them is to walk past, prepare your camera, and then turn around to pic them in the window of opportunity you'll have
this time, it worked like a charm, though success is not guaranteed


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and a pair wishing for freedom


>there is a special kind of cat I've encountered that stands by as an observer, paying no mind to passerbys, but will slink away if you stop to focus on them
omggggggggggggg i encounter these meowers all the time >_<
did you pat him where his fur's sticking through the grille


goofy furball jail


i did not... was short on time and only stopped for a pic


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Oh yeah, and here's a size comparison


absolutely epic beasts


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trying to steal my meat


on topic sager


gotta slink


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She has grown confidence


what's that funny tube thingy on the left


noob vs pro


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Looping gif fail


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you can make it loop ish with a little cut but the camera still drifts to the point that it's noticeable


one of these things https://catit.us/products/catit-senses-play-circuit
they actually use it a fair bit


My oldest cat had to go to vet today because he's been coughing for the last week when playing with the young cats. Had upper respiratory infection and got antibiotic shot. He's been sleeping all day and doesn't seem that pissed off that I took him to the place he hates the most. Was shocked he let me put him in the carry cage without drugging him first. He must have been feeling really sick.


poor sick kitty :(


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mom brought the cats


on topic meower


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mom took the cats again
(it was actually some time ago, i just forgot to post the pic)


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and this one had a sort neckerchief that you can barely see to the right of his head


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give snoof



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It's my cat's 15th birthday today.


woah, looking good for a cat that old




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Kinda looks like an action shot with whiskers looking like movement lines and blurrines making it look like there's rapid movement


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Cat log


holy meow
what happen if you pat it with an uncovered hand


just will do the cat trill and then start purring


this triller just trilled me


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This is from taking her to the vet a month or so back


aww did she get hurt when she fell down from heaven :3


cute but no, I just wanted to make sure she didn't get any bugs or sickness after being outside for a few days


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cat still sleeping in same spot after I got out of bed and inadvertently put some sheets over him



cat down at the local snoof 'n' squeeze


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this retardcatard sat down for cuddles but got up to walk away when i sat down beside it
it did theeexact same thing a second time and then i just let the fag go


heh, you got trolled


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He looks nearly identical to my dad's cat, he even got that tummy flab.


big fluffer


they’re looking a little rusty; I recommend oiling them more often to prevent this.


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Was at an animal shelter yesterday to play with the cats. Most of them were pretty timid but a few let me pet them.


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VERY sneaky nyanko


( ° ° )


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comfy cat is glad im back


back from where


from visiting family for thanksgiving



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so talented...


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I come bearing gifts for padoru!


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I took more but I don't want to fill out captcha again


So cute and comfy, reminds me of my tabby when he was a bit older too. But he’s looking a lot healthier than mine was. Hope he got a love this Christmas.


He's 16 years old next month! All the black cats hid all day but he hung out with the family. Claimed the recliner and didn't move for the last 12 hours or so. Rolled over a couple of times and took about 10 baths.


this is the best christmas gift i could have possibly asked for


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the sleeper awakes


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This rat...




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Since >>134367 she had a haircut and got bitten on the tail by another cat a couple of days ago, but is fine now after taking her to the vet.


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tail bites


saw a bloodied cat with a wounded nose but did NOT take pic it would've been disrespectful


glass puffer fish looks very close to cat push off ledge territory


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My cat doesn't do that. It's also fine.


what DOES that fat lunk do


she meows and eats treats!


hmm what's up with that ai watemark


my phone can remove certain details from photos and replace it with ai gens




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feedings cats


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rare pic of scurryer


give chase and get him


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Catblog: After being bitten on the tail we thought she was fine at first but then developed an abscess that we discovered the morning we were supposed to fly overseas. After rescheduling all of our arrangements by one day we took her to the vet and she had to get a cone around her neck and a drain, and my aunt looked after her while we were gone. She had the cone off and had more or less fully recovered by the time we arrived back.


Cat's been annoying in the cold temperatures. Wants to play like all the time and doesn't put up with a day where I'm busy


NO! That cat's too BEAUTIFUL to deserve being bit.
If you work from home you work for the cat.


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She's trying to chew the leaves sigh...


first leaves this indoor cat has ever seen in his entire life


SHE actually escaped once


and the cat seemed different... ever since.... HE returned...


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After 16 months of waiting it finally happened. Thumb cat has accepted me and slept in my lap. This was unexpected but my attempts to bribe her with cat treats seems to be working. I'd grown used to her running away whenever I entered the room.


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Later that day Tom cat decided to take a nap in my lap too. Thumb cat approached later on to sit in my lap again. But she saw Tom cat sleeping and didn't want to get smacked in the face. He barely tolerates her so it's 50/50 on if he'll allow her to sleep next to him. He was fast asleep but she ran off anyway to slumber on the cat tree.

Thumb cat has also decided that since we're now cool she's entitled to eat whatever is on my plate. I had to bribe her with a piece of steak to get off the dinner table.

The other two black cats and the new grey cat still aren't willing to let me pet them. But I'm working on it. Grey cat is so spooked whenever I'm around that I've been unable to take a picture of him so far. But his leg seems to be healing up well (it was broken when he first snuck into the house for food and a warmer place to sleep).

Nightly fights are starting to be a regular thing since we now have four boy cats in total two of which still have their balls. The old Tom cat has been winning them all thus far.


this is the BEST news ive heard all year


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cat is ascending


catch your meower



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what cat breed is that?


Some people said a serval, but i think african desert cat might have been it...


Savannah cat i mean. It's a cross bread between serval and a domestic cat


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midnight black
receptive to cuddles but NO buttstuff


dein schwarzes katz sind asketisch




This sounds like a chuuni magic spell.


>Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.


pat the abyss


dumb midnightard


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lol this idiot thinks he fits


cute dumb fitard


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hehe they get along so well


flipping bosons they are cute


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cat is fascinated by this strange light




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We have the garage door up because it's summer here and this cat invited itself inside. It's very fat and it's stomach wobbles when it runs. It was very friendly and my own cat was sleeping in a box. They hissed at each other when the visitor found mine, then the latter ran out.


Are you another Australian who likes incest? 'Cause that'd make three of us
>It's very fat and it's stomach wobbles when it runs.
That's his Primordial Pouch :3


>They hissed at each other when the visitor found mine, then the latter ran out.
this mogger just mogged me


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New Zealand, but close enough. We call it a valgus in my family as an inside joke. It came back later that evening but not inside.


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Huh, our late cat had that and I just thought he was fat.


i hope your new cat becomes friends with your old cat


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Sleeping cat.
He's so skinny now because he's old and on a special low phosphate diet, but he's still active and behaves like he's much younger. Sage because I just bumped the GPU thread with pics of him.


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cute old cat hope hes had a good life so far and that the rest of it is nice and peaceful and fluffy
holy IT'S HIM!!!!! PIC RELATED!!!


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on topic sager


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Being a computer parts model is exhausting


PC part gravure modeling.





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Rare focused eyes


this focuser just focused me


WARNING: meowers detected. you will be meowed in this thread


da catz

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