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File:[gg]_Joshiraku_-_04v2_[EA….webm (860.62 KB,1280x720)


Day two of C101 is coming up. Is there anything that strike your fancy?


I can't really think of anything. I haven't been paying attention lately. I guess it'd be nice if the anime adaptation of Utawarerumono inspired some new fan works, but hoping for something to trickle down and get scanned and translated and so on is a recipe for disappointment.


literally had a dream that i was wandering around during the comiket and getting my head and body stuck in tight passages and doorways (not fat)


File:media_FlQ2sPgacAASQT3.jpg (450.98 KB,2048x1536)

Any news of cool stuff? I bet Aquaplus will be there since it's been a busy year for them. Their artists are (pic related) but I wonder if there will be any merchandise like there was for the 2015/16 which was when the Utawarerumono VN and anime returned.

Half your body sticking out? Were you in the R18 section?


no actually the setting was that I was there before the crowd was let in so it was pretty empty, I was getting sneak peeks at a whole bunch of handcrafted goods and decorative items.


not Cket but I ordered Kessoku Band's album.


File:1691891854929038.png (1.85 MB,2392x1630)

It's been so long since then it's 102 now, and it's been confirmed that we're going to Orinrin land.


C101 felt like a big disappointment for my tags, so I wont get my hopes up.
I always feel pangs of guilt about not being able to buy anymore, too


Also the trend of the way NTR is written now... is getting old.
Same thing every time


Hmm, isn't that the tanuki girl in the middle? It's weird to see her in an active role, although I never really played the fighting games so maybe this doesn't mean anything.

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