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 No.100566[View All]

This is a thread for sharing general news about anime or video games or other entertainment that you don't feel like making a thread for.

I find myself not wanting to make a new thread for stuff and then I either forget about it or I put it in the blog thread as a last resort, which is quite awkward. Maybe other people feel that way, too. Well, here's an attempt to fix that.
This is not a containment area for such news, rather it's just a more centralized thread to put it when you don't want to create a new thread to share some info before moving on to something else.
105 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ohhh yeah nanite
broke all the shading when it was enabled


Disgaea 7 has a trailer out. I didn't think they were making any more of these. Nothing can compete with the beauty of Disgaea's old sprites, but the stylized 3D isn't too bad.
They're really going after the nostalgia value with the song that was used in the first one, a bizarre intersection of punk and an SRPG. I actually saw Tsunami Bomb at Warped Tour. Man, what a weird time capsule of that era. Just thinking about it now makes me wonder how it all happened. But, I guess people like myself did enjoy both...
Anyway, SRPGs and grinding are both things I enjoy so this looks fun.


butterfly was only a small part of the plan...
now there's EIGHT of them, brought back
coming out NEXT MONTH


Nozomi is NOT smart enough for a Microsoft Excel job



wait wtf when was this announced


At Aniplex Online Fest earlier this month, but it didn't get much attention due to just being a compilation film rather than anything new.


There's going to be another Dragon Ball anime, but with a twist. I found the older Dragon Ball stuff (Bulma and such) without the training montages and power level stuff to be quite enjoyable, so this might actually be up my alley. It's got Toei animating it and it's announced a year in advance, so it will probably look great.
If the Precure pattern holds up then next year's Precure won't be that amazing, so at least they won't be pulling away from it.


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Wan year later and the next Precure is Wonderful. Will it be able to break the pattern and be great or will it be another buffer year like Healin' Good or Delicious? But, they're also doing Dragonball so that may not be a good sign. One of them should be good I think... right?


i get the impression it's gonna be about dogs
like you know wan-wan, paws, ears on the pu, tail on the exclamation mark



mew mew?


I think this series gave me my /ss/ fetish


I'm sure they're going to lean into the wan-derful thing, possibly a catchphrase since it's pretty good


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Looks like the strange delay in it coming to Johren has been explained. Dungeon Travelers 1 is coming to Steam! It's a bit strange that this one and not 2 and 2-2, but Steam is famously idiotic when it comes to Japanese stuff. This game, which was on PSP, is apparently so reprehensible that it needs an age gate on Steam like a porn game. Nonetheless, it's good to see. Feb 14th is the scheduled release date.


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Hopefully she does more inventing and book reading instead of magic stuff and aristocrat backstabbing...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU7mLtj7nxU PoE2 WASD movement lets gooooooo


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfCTYe3smt4 asmon'd reaction is pretty funny


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>asmon'd reaction


streamer reactions are about the same as news articles


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It seems like they will explore the Monolith a lot more in Stalker 2. Also, I wonder who the Zelensky-looking suit guy is—feels very out of place in a Stalker game.

I would love to see some more international characters in The Zone, like Mercs who speak different languages or a canon UNISG.


>suit guy
Probably Ecologists faction?


I was hoping for an ongoing show with cours and stuff and not a movie, but a short preview is out for the DDDDDDD adaptation. Looks and sounds quite nice.


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Oh, and the reverse isekai arc for Eminence has been announced as a movie, Lost Echoes/残響編. Seems like there's gonna be a broadcast on the 28th with more stuff.
>Looks and sounds quite nice.
It does, it took them quite a while. Nearly ten years since its release. It's also gonna be two movies, according to ANN:
I recognize the fat guy from the pic where he talks about wrong opinions on the internet heheheheh


i wasn't aware the one with the glasses and short hair was a girl


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The FATnime of the century is coming. Kakugo your butts.


that's one HELL of a belly


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I've seen nice art of this now and then (really nice bodies) but had no interest in reading it. Wow, a proper /qa/ anime! I wonder if it will actually be interesting to watch.


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All of the girls' weight fluctuates across the series, and from what I've seen this is far from the biggest.
Well, I went and read the first six chapters and I can assure you it is very promising. It's a buncha fantastic dorks fooling around united by their bad diets and being out of shape, that get semi-tardwrangled by a guy who teaches them about massages and exercise. Solid emphasis on soft meat as well as moOOoOre nipples and anatomically correct muscle fibers.


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Jesus Christ why haven't I've read this yet?


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I don't know, why haven't you?


Jesus Christ this is like unironically hot...


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What's 'ironically' hot?


Astolfo with his monster energy


Yeah, alright. We have the official /qa/ anime.
There's no way this isn't going to dominate kissu when it comes out (and maybe I can steal that belly CSS)


Something that you don't find hot, but are calling hot as a joke.


small penises


shut UP


when you catch flak it means you're on target~


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Overlord's Holy Kingdom movie is coming out in Autumn. It's gonna be compressing two books into one film and you can see the geshdarn suriidii from a kilometer away but SURELY it can't be worse than the splat:
Featuring Bocchi the Neia lmao, here's hoping she pulls it off well since so much hinges on her performance.


see >>118689 honestly.
God Overlord just rubs me the wrong way.


Those visuals seem kind of rough to me, especially for a movie. How does it compare to previous stuff in that way? (I'm just not an Overlord guy myself, but I know people here like it)


I'd say it's better than usual. The lighting in general is pretty nice while Wrath coming out of the flames looks great. From the start they've been using 3D in every scene where there's more than half a dozen generic characters, for angels, goblins, trolls, thousands and thousands of undead, soldiers, quagoa, the staff, the mecha suit, lizards, really way too much stuff and normally it ranges from not too bad to why would God do this, in the trailer it's more towards alright.


Linking this before watching it

GET IN HERE! A, or perhaps THE /qa/ belly anime?! The only way it could be more /qa/ if Koruri was in it!


oh man it looks like a slideshow.... damn


Commenting on it now after watching:
The animation seems limited in the preview which isn't a good sign. Well, someone investing in this would be quite strange, I guess. The anime adaptation existing at all is pretty amazing, even if it turns out to be low budget.
The voice is kind of ehh, too, but I could warm up on it.


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Speaking of Elves... New Futanari no Elf chapter dropped today and it happened


Oh, wow. It's still so strange to think of how it started and how it is now. It was just a cute comedic thing with some silhouettes or bulges here or there. I actually did read the first 5 or so chapters when they were out and never expected it to go this way. I kind of expected that one theory I heard where the human girl is actually a succubus and that's why everything is so lewd around her, so seeing that womb tattoo thing in the corner of my eye in that image made me think it was real. Huh.
It is amazing art, top of the class, really. Although, I do kind of miss the ecchi humor stuff. I think a split into a side R18 doujin while maintaining a more silly (and lower detailed and easier to draw) main story would fun.


anyone here like video games?


UE5 is gonna change the game. STALKER 2 is using it and the graphics look fantastic in the trailers alone!

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