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 No.100566[Last50 Posts]

This is a thread for sharing general news about anime or video games or other entertainment that you don't feel like making a thread for.

I find myself not wanting to make a new thread for stuff and then I either forget about it or I put it in the blog thread as a last resort, which is quite awkward. Maybe other people feel that way, too. Well, here's an attempt to fix that.
This is not a containment area for such news, rather it's just a more centralized thread to put it when you don't want to create a new thread to share some info before moving on to something else.


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The next Precure has its name and it's Hirogaru Sky! Precure. I hope this means something more fantastical and exciting. It would be cool if it takes place on floating islands, and I could imagine it involving birds which would be really nice. Just, please, something more interesting than food and not something as depressing as disease.


I've had it up to here with birds from Suite already.


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I think it could be done well. Perhaps more importantly, what if there's a birdgirl??? Granted, Laura being great was mostly because of her personality, but being a mermaid didn't hurt.
If the recent pattern of "great show, meh show, great show, meh show" holds then we should get a great new Precure!


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Saw that there's an adaptation of a work from the SoreMachi author coming in 2023. Not sure about what it is, but I liked SoreMachi so I'll probably end up watching this too, especially since it looks to have a good budget behind it.



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Oh, yeah. It's not new news, but for those unaware the licorice girls have FOUR manga coming, or something? I get news alerts on anilist for stuff that has been streamed which is pretty cool. Anyway:

I'm not much of a manga person, but I find it interesting.


It seemed like a breakout hit, wonder if they'll continue the anime as well


There's an upcoming event in February with the VAs, so it wouldn't surprise me if they announce a second season there.


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The $30 Steam version of Dwarf Fortress came out today. Even with actual graphics (which look nice) I don't think it's the kind of game for me


Next anime season is looking pretty crazy, again.

You've got the Mushoku Tensei studio doing a comedy genderbend SoL that had me fooled into thinking it was prime Dogakobo while watching the PV.

Nier Automata anime by A-1.

The supposed 'actual' Junji Ito adaptation which will make up for the godawful one that came before.

Then to top it off Gen Urobuchi making an original samurai action anime.

There's a lot more, especially when it comes to sequels, but that's what immediately stuck out to me. Also the Trigun anime, but I'm more worried about CGI than excited for it.


Oddly, there's a new VR (beat saber like?) game featuring Kizuna Ai of all people. It's odd because I thought she was retired, didn't expect them to keep using her but I guess brand recognition is brand recognition.


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Looks like Sentai Daishikkaku is getting an anime.
It's a really fun manga about rangers! I remember someone posting about it on kissu a couple months ago(that's how I heard of it) so I thought I'd mention it here.


Like Power Rangers?


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Yeah, it's loosely inspired by power rangers.

The difference here is that the rangers are the villains. You can read the first chapter to get the whole premise, but that's basically it.

By the way, here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEOfuX7sSFg
It looks to me like it's got some pretty good animation, so that's nice.


It would be hilarious if it was some old toku anime cut together with western animation


i really liked automata, so I'm hoping this is good




『めぐみん です』



I should ban you for posting this....


Chainsaw Stanley.


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Chainsaw Stan


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I have to agree that it's probably the worst link in recent memory. I didn't know sankaku was branching out.

If people weren't paying attention to the seasonal anime thread, Fran already had season two of her show announced and there's a "trailer" but it's just clips from the first one. People seemed surprised by this somehow so I'm pointing it out again, but it did say "Season 2" at the end of the last episode so it's not like they weren't already planning it.
People gave Bocchi a lot of attention, but Fran's show was really great, too.


A URL that bad is almost quaint


Preview video for the 2023's Precure! If you're one of the people that wants to be surprised when it airs, then don't watch this video!
It looks like my hope for "floating islands" was answered


(this video is just a summary of what just aired a a few months ago though)


but there's barely anything left to adapt... And new manga chapters get published extremely slowly, it's already been half a year since the last one



Heh, good for him. Aninimatrix had some good parts to it and I guess it's safe to assume it was the stuff he didn't need to compromise on.
It's still so bizarre to see this stuff in Forbes of all things.


The pacing might be kind of off, but I'd be fine with more "music video" scenes


Live action remakes are an ecosystem of parasites


Well, it doesn't need to happen "now" or in the future. It could show other characters, or maybe the 6th layer outside of that little village. There's a whole lot of stuff they could do without actually advancing the main story. THey could show the town up top, or go into the past with previous adventurers (white whistles would have a lot of potential) and so on.


They could just make stuff up and write their own ending, isn't that what usually happens


New Lycoris Recoil (OVA?) anime announced.
Probably not very surprising judging by how successful and popular it was. It already has a bunch of manga stuff which I think I already mentioned in this thread


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cant wait for takina and chisato to consummate their marriage in the second half


Didn't even realize there was a Metroid Prime remaster out... This was one of my favorite Metroid games and I'd love to go back to it again. Also apparently it runs really well on emulator



Also now I'm hoping for remasters of Echoes and Hunters, especially with an online version of the multiplayer. That'd be extremely boson.


It's official: Kage's getting a second season.
Coming to your nearest threatre.... at some point in the future.


One of the least likely things I've seen


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A somewhat new forum is making the rounds in mainstream social cricles.
The place is hangout for old Otaku and those passionate about accurate and proper translations of games and other Japanese media. They have composed a shitlist and compilations of shoddy translations and the people doing them


I've even read someone mention from as the "cartel" if you know, you know...


lol I'm gonna' buy this.


Yeah, I'm sure it's fun and it's definitely a workout. Wii Fit had a boxing game in it that I enjoyed and I would actually think of of Kenshiro because it would end with a "throw as many fast punches you can until exhaustion" part right at the end in which the punching bag would fall apart.
Man, I need to get back into video game fitness.


Atelier Ryza is getting an anime this summer?
I can and cannot understand how Ryza is getting so much attention. I would love to see an Arland trilogy anime with Totori and the gang, but alas.


You know exactly why Ryza gets attention.


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Looks like they're re-releasing Rune Factory 3 on Switch and PC. The characters are absolutely amazing with their various quirks. If you never played it, it's really a treat to see their stories.
Anyway, I might have to actually buy a physical game again for the Collector's Edition just because I love RF3 so much. It brought me so much happiness back in the day, it's truly a great experience. Well, the dungeons and combat are pretty simple and it sucks how the game ends when you get married, but they might add some new content to very slightly remedy that part... maybe. If you played 4, then 3 is a step back in game mechanics, but the girls are definitely better.
Anyway, it's coming in September.


Dungeon Travelers 1, 2 and 2-2 are getting translated and coming to PC! Previously only the second one got a translation (and my physical copy is a prized possession), so this is pretty amazing.
The bad news is that it's not coming to Steam, but something called "Johren". It had shown up on the Steam DB, but then disappeared, so no one knows what happened there. It might be a censorship thing, but I don't think anyone actually knows.
There's multiple sites called Johren that have games so I have no idea which one is actually correct. I guess follow some links around and you'll find it.
Anyway, this summer!




Almost 2 months later I'll probably rf3


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Seems like SF6 is giving all the original characters their original outfits as alternate costumes. Pretty neat, and I guess expected of Capcom who've been really doing well with nostalgia recently.


There was a Nintendo Direct today and there are some new games and remakes.
A new 2D Mario game seems great to me, but I don't like the 3D visuals in the newer 2D Mario games. But, I'll say that I appreciation that some of his animations are an homage to the NES/SNES design of Mario. It looks kind of Live2D-ish.


Super Mario RPG remake.
It's very surprising that this happened because this was supposed to be one of the games in licensing hell.
Again, the visuals kind of bother me, especially the generic UI. Nintendo's 3D shading on Mario games can be pretty weird to me. It's great in original content, but when they do remakes or try to re-capture the old 2D look it looks bizarre and strange to me. Kinda funny, because a lot of original Super Mario RPG stuff were 3D renders that were then traced or whatever you would call it.


Star Ocean 2 remake (not to be confused with its two previous remasters)
The theme of weird visuals continues. I loved this game and I've talked about it on kissu, but I have conflicting thoughts. The character portraits are very different so I no longer recognize the characters apart from their clothing. Rena is no longer cute. The 2D-3D hybrid thing is what the original game used, but it's a bit jarring when it's using the same 2D visuals from 25 years ago with the 3D of modern times. However, it seems like they're keeping the static-ish camera and that gives it a nice pre-rendered look that is vitally important.


There's other games in the direct, but those three were what caught my eye immediately. Silent Hope could be great, but I don't have anything to say about it.


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>Silent Hope could be great, but I don't have anything to say about it.
Actually I do have one thing. These are Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons cows, so that fills me with hope.


As a mario fan, I deeply dislike this. Part of what made RPG the classic it is was the 90s era renders and music.
All of em except New Luigi and DS are meh, but are saved by the co-op being fun and even though they dont have online multiplayer, because its mario and simple even the most casual of casual family members will play it with you and have a good time.
I remember a Star Ocean game being incredibly self-pitying and self-inserty and when I complained about it online I was point blank told "You don't play a Star Ocean game for the story".


that boy mallow's gonna have some good pouts in him


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Kinda late news, but I just found out that Tsukihime remake is fully translated now.


>I remember a Star Ocean game being incredibly self-pitying and self-inserty and when I complained about it online I was point blank told "You don't play a Star Ocean game for the story".
Star Oceans are pretty much harem RPGs with 15+ endings so you can be with your waifu/husbando so yeah they're supposed to be self-inserty.


I'm fine with it. Mario RPG aged gracefully enough that it doesn't really have much to gain from getting a remake (unlike, say, Paper Mario 64), so they could've done literally anything with this and I wouldn't have minded. What they did go with, basically recreating the original game's graphics in real-time 3D, is probably the best choice they could've made.

I also appreciate that, for the most part, they're using the original Mario RPG designs, as opposed to going back and putting everything on-model. The main Mario designs standardized around NSMB, and for the most part, they've been pretty strict about sticking to them. It's neat to see them use the Mario RPG toads, for example.

>Kinda funny, because a lot of original Super Mario RPG stuff were 3D renders that were then traced or whatever you would call it.
The word you're looking for is 'prerendered'. They'd take a 3D model, render out images of it on a fancy-pants graphics workstation, and then use those images as sprites in a game. The specifics vary, and there's a good chance they messed around with the renders afterward in a program like photoshop, but broad-strokes that's what they did.


I would argue that they would never remake the N64 Paper Mario but I dont know now with this and them acknowledging the Super Show in the movie. Hopefully this means a return to RPG Paper Mario!


Another "didn't see that coming":

Love Live Metroidvania. Looks very pretty


No Maki No Play


you will because you is in it


Suicide Squad (Batman) Isekai.
Huh. Well, Batman was once a great cartoon in the 90s and sadly the American animation industry is dead so this is kind of cool.


i don't mind trash pairing with trash


The DCAU still makes some good shit. They didnt need to hop onto the "ZOMG IP I KNOW AS AN ANIME!!!" trend


I'd actually probably consider watching this in dub because DC's VAs are pretty high quality and professionals compared to the usual bargain bin voices that normal dub companies use. Only issue I'd have though is that Mark Hamill retired and Conroy died...


i'm a sucker for isekai so will probably watch this



I know that people were complaining about it in the comic book thread, but I think that in its own unique way the western way of using the same IPs for everything actually plays into a pretty interesting isekai. Unlike others where it's some nobody becoming a generic adventurer in the new world it's putting established characters into an unfamiliar setting and letting them flourish. Ironically for how done to death comic book characters can be they'll probably be a breath of fresh air in the isekai genre.


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Another good example of this I know of is the Hokuto no Ken isekai where it's Amiba that gets sent to another world.


This was a fun stream.


Sweet. Sabikui Bisco is getting another season!
The strange thing is that this studio has done nothing else:


huh. Well if it still has jellyfish I'll probably watch it.


>The strange thing is that this studio has done nothing else
Are they not the same company as this Studio Oz, who have been active since the 80s?


It doesn't seem like it since MAL has the same thing: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=20978
There's also Oz Inc: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=6475

They could be related somehow? Although, I could also see different people independently naming their media company Oz, particularly if they were children in mid 20th century.


Look if there's any matching directors or producers. It's probably a technical company that exists for legal purposes in handling the IP


Junji Ito's Uzumaki is getting an anime adaptation apparently, a trailer was released.

Also the youtube video can't be viewed in a lot of regions, so someone uploaded it on catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/bterhl.mp4


half of the time whenever junji does body horror I laugh at how absurd it looks. Not always, but in this case....


How many times have they failed to adapt Junji Ito so far...


Going with full monochrome is an interesting choice, gotta say. Animation feels rotorscoped at times, which is odd, but maybe that's just me. Hmm.
I think the early and last parts of Uzumaki are really damn good. But when it gets to the middle section with the jack in the box and vampire babies, yeah, those are kinda silly.


I'm pretty sure it's CGI with a 2D filter or something like that. Don't think it looks like the movements of traditional animation. Although I have to say it's not as distracting until they have a character sitting still


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yeah you're right. It just lost it's appeal after jack-in-the-box.
To be honest, after chapter 4 I thought he lost the point and the plot.



lots of tech companies are doing what I consider "last resort fundraising". Putting their reputation in the ditch to try and hold on a bit longer


This is kind of weird when you think about it. More often services like to keep around long dead accounts to bolster their user counts, so deleting accounts is a just a weird move all around.


Investors only care about active (aka income generating) accounts. Dead accounts are unnecessary maintenance cost.


>maintenance cost
It cant be more than a bunch of rows in some database...


It's excess weight


it's nothing to do with users,
it's about incentivizing, or promoting to investors, that they're interested in getting people to use the platforms by doing vendor lock in systems.
Like how apple users are forced into the apple ecosystem and can't escape it like a Mormon can't escape from their cult. Investors love that sort of thing because it promises a growth at any cost mentality.



It was the opposite for me, it's the moving heads in particular that looked odd. The dad looked fine, though.
I think it has still has good chapters past dad's death like the chapter with the snails, that one's great. The rearrangement of the village and everything that comes after is awesome and a perfect way to end things.


Tencent bought Visual Arts which is Key by another name.
Apparently the company has a successful gacha that made way more money than any VN (of course) so that was probably why it was purchased. Key is generally spoken of in a past tense and methinks this will solidify that fact as it becomes a footnote in a conglomerate's portfolio. Alas, these are the times we live in as the video game industry continues to amalgamate into a few giants. If not for indie games and a few Japanese companies things would be looking quite bleak.
But, I did just learn that Loopers got an English release in June https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loopers and Ryukishi07 is the writer? Dang, that sounds like a nice swan song.


you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain






I completely forgot about this. When did they last even mention this, a couple years ago? Notably, no release date is given so I have to wonder when it will be released. 2025 maybe?
homu homu


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Yeah, couple years ago, we'll have to see how soon this "soon" is.
I'm sorry Satan, but they can't make another one without Yoshinoya.


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I think it's got more to do with money than honouring the dead or whatever.


2024 Winter according to the Japanese trailer
It definitely wouldn't be the same without Matsuki Miyu, but the replacement of voice actresses isn't unprecedented. Kuwahara-sensei has had at least three different voice actresses.
Shouldn't that be "salary" or "pay"?


>2024 Winter
wonder why they changed that text


Check this out.


ohhh yeah nanite
broke all the shading when it was enabled


Disgaea 7 has a trailer out. I didn't think they were making any more of these. Nothing can compete with the beauty of Disgaea's old sprites, but the stylized 3D isn't too bad.
They're really going after the nostalgia value with the song that was used in the first one, a bizarre intersection of punk and an SRPG. I actually saw Tsunami Bomb at Warped Tour. Man, what a weird time capsule of that era. Just thinking about it now makes me wonder how it all happened. But, I guess people like myself did enjoy both...
Anyway, SRPGs and grinding are both things I enjoy so this looks fun.


butterfly was only a small part of the plan...
now there's EIGHT of them, brought back
coming out NEXT MONTH


Nozomi is NOT smart enough for a Microsoft Excel job



wait wtf when was this announced


At Aniplex Online Fest earlier this month, but it didn't get much attention due to just being a compilation film rather than anything new.


There's going to be another Dragon Ball anime, but with a twist. I found the older Dragon Ball stuff (Bulma and such) without the training montages and power level stuff to be quite enjoyable, so this might actually be up my alley. It's got Toei animating it and it's announced a year in advance, so it will probably look great.
If the Precure pattern holds up then next year's Precure won't be that amazing, so at least they won't be pulling away from it.


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Wan year later and the next Precure is Wonderful. Will it be able to break the pattern and be great or will it be another buffer year like Healin' Good or Delicious? But, they're also doing Dragonball so that may not be a good sign. One of them should be good I think... right?


i get the impression it's gonna be about dogs
like you know wan-wan, paws, ears on the pu, tail on the exclamation mark



mew mew?


I think this series gave me my /ss/ fetish


I'm sure they're going to lean into the wan-derful thing, possibly a catchphrase since it's pretty good


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Looks like the strange delay in it coming to Johren has been explained. Dungeon Travelers 1 is coming to Steam! It's a bit strange that this one and not 2 and 2-2, but Steam is famously idiotic when it comes to Japanese stuff. This game, which was on PSP, is apparently so reprehensible that it needs an age gate on Steam like a porn game. Nonetheless, it's good to see. Feb 14th is the scheduled release date.


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Hopefully she does more inventing and book reading instead of magic stuff and aristocrat backstabbing...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU7mLtj7nxU PoE2 WASD movement lets gooooooo


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfCTYe3smt4 asmon'd reaction is pretty funny


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>asmon'd reaction


streamer reactions are about the same as news articles


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It seems like they will explore the Monolith a lot more in Stalker 2. Also, I wonder who the Zelensky-looking suit guy is—feels very out of place in a Stalker game.

I would love to see some more international characters in The Zone, like Mercs who speak different languages or a canon UNISG.


>suit guy
Probably Ecologists faction?


I was hoping for an ongoing show with cours and stuff and not a movie, but a short preview is out for the DDDDDDD adaptation. Looks and sounds quite nice.


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Oh, and the reverse isekai arc for Eminence has been announced as a movie, Lost Echoes/残響編. Seems like there's gonna be a broadcast on the 28th with more stuff.
>Looks and sounds quite nice.
It does, it took them quite a while. Nearly ten years since its release. It's also gonna be two movies, according to ANN:
I recognize the fat guy from the pic where he talks about wrong opinions on the internet heheheheh


i wasn't aware the one with the glasses and short hair was a girl


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The FATnime of the century is coming. Kakugo your butts.


that's one HELL of a belly


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I've seen nice art of this now and then (really nice bodies) but had no interest in reading it. Wow, a proper /qa/ anime! I wonder if it will actually be interesting to watch.


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All of the girls' weight fluctuates across the series, and from what I've seen this is far from the biggest.
Well, I went and read the first six chapters and I can assure you it is very promising. It's a buncha fantastic dorks fooling around united by their bad diets and being out of shape, that get semi-tardwrangled by a guy who teaches them about massages and exercise. Solid emphasis on soft meat as well as moOOoOre nipples and anatomically correct muscle fibers.


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Jesus Christ why haven't I've read this yet?


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I don't know, why haven't you?


Jesus Christ this is like unironically hot...


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What's 'ironically' hot?


Astolfo with his monster energy


Yeah, alright. We have the official /qa/ anime.
There's no way this isn't going to dominate kissu when it comes out (and maybe I can steal that belly CSS)


Something that you don't find hot, but are calling hot as a joke.


small penises


shut UP


when you catch flak it means you're on target~


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Overlord's Holy Kingdom movie is coming out in Autumn. It's gonna be compressing two books into one film and you can see the geshdarn suriidii from a kilometer away but SURELY it can't be worse than the splat:
Featuring Bocchi the Neia lmao, here's hoping she pulls it off well since so much hinges on her performance.


see >>118689 honestly.
God Overlord just rubs me the wrong way.


Those visuals seem kind of rough to me, especially for a movie. How does it compare to previous stuff in that way? (I'm just not an Overlord guy myself, but I know people here like it)


I'd say it's better than usual. The lighting in general is pretty nice while Wrath coming out of the flames looks great. From the start they've been using 3D in every scene where there's more than half a dozen generic characters, for angels, goblins, trolls, thousands and thousands of undead, soldiers, quagoa, the staff, the mecha suit, lizards, really way too much stuff and normally it ranges from not too bad to why would God do this, in the trailer it's more towards alright.


Linking this before watching it

GET IN HERE! A, or perhaps THE /qa/ belly anime?! The only way it could be more /qa/ if Koruri was in it!


oh man it looks like a slideshow.... damn


Commenting on it now after watching:
The animation seems limited in the preview which isn't a good sign. Well, someone investing in this would be quite strange, I guess. The anime adaptation existing at all is pretty amazing, even if it turns out to be low budget.
The voice is kind of ehh, too, but I could warm up on it.


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Speaking of Elves... New Futanari no Elf chapter dropped today and it happened


Oh, wow. It's still so strange to think of how it started and how it is now. It was just a cute comedic thing with some silhouettes or bulges here or there. I actually did read the first 5 or so chapters when they were out and never expected it to go this way. I kind of expected that one theory I heard where the human girl is actually a succubus and that's why everything is so lewd around her, so seeing that womb tattoo thing in the corner of my eye in that image made me think it was real. Huh.
It is amazing art, top of the class, really. Although, I do kind of miss the ecchi humor stuff. I think a split into a side R18 doujin while maintaining a more silly (and lower detailed and easier to draw) main story would fun.


anyone here like video games?


UE5 is gonna change the game. STALKER 2 is using it and the graphics look fantastic in the trailers alone!


With how shit the recent adaptations of Berserk have been there's been very little hope for the future of the series in the hands of major studios. So in their place fans of the series are giving it their own shot, and making an adaptation for the first few arcs of Berserk before the Golden Age.

At points in the trailer you can definitely tell it's fanmade, but some parts as well look genuinely good.


After waiting for many years (or 1 extremely long one), Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Punch finally had a BD torrent uploaded to nyaa. And yet I hesitate to download.
162 MB for a 1080p dual-audio 23 minute episode?

That just seems wrong.


Apparently Valve is making its own Overwatch clone. It will be hilarious to see TF2 outliving even its own devs' attempt at a "TF2 killer".


I wonder if they looked at the failure of Blizzard to deliver on the RPG elements of Overwatch and are going to improve on those with this. Maybe even a PvE mode like people were hoping for.


is it really appropriate to brand any character shooter an attempted "TF2 killer"?


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I'm just quoting the hero shooter fans; they're the ones who rave on about how TF2 will definitely die when the next big cartoon shooter game comes out.


I don't think that game is going to do well. It looks like it's trying to copy the art style of Overmatch but without the graphical quality or the character of Overwatch. There was nothing about the gameplay that really showed it to be all that different either, it was also just a downgraded Overwatch.


I meant the art style of Overwatch not Overmatch.


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The DDDD movies have been turned into a show... or something? It's already started airing! Episode 0 seems to be an epilogue, so uhh... don't watch it. I don't know what the deal is with that. That's worse than what they did with Higurashi Gou (or was it Sotsu)
It's definitely worth trying it in the summer seasonal stream just based on the manga. It looks very pretty and atmospheric, but I'll hold off on watching it for now.
The nyaa comments are very unhappy about the subs, but they're never happy so I don't know if it's meaningful or not. There's certainly time for fansubbers to step up to the plate.


>The nyaa comments are very unhappy about the subs, but they're never happy so I don't know if it's meaningful or not. There's certainly time for fansubbers to step up to the plate.
Seems like they released dubtitles instead of regular subs, so I would definitely wait for fansubs.


Gainax is now officially dead.



As unfortunate as it is to see, this comes as no surprise. For the last decade or so Gainax has only been Gainax in name.


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oshikko 2


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The Kana show!


haha, piss!


This girl is wearing really cute boots and outfit. I wish it were me..it isn't fair.


The remake era marches on with Rayearth


this is like a really old CLAMP work right


nvm, of course it is


Ah finally, Bloodborne on PC... sort of. Someone is making a Bloodborne overhaul mod for Elden Ring it seems.


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Utawarerumono ZAN is coming to Steam! I really hope this isn't the big announcement that was supposed to be in November. It can't be, right... I mean, they seemed excited about it. No one gets excited about ports and Aquaplus hasn't really done anything lately... Come on Aquaplus, it's your 20th anniversary and you can't just do a remake and a port!
But, I'm still VERY happy about this! ZAN is something that's currently stuck on PS4. It's the story is Utawarerumono 2 and it's a musou game. I've heard some of the story moments are superior to the original. ZAN 2 is something that was never translated, but it's the same thing but for Utawarerumono 3. Please buy 500000 copies!


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>It's the story is Utawarerumono 2 and it's a musou game
Bleh. "Its story is that of Utawarerumono 2". I'm sure some stuff is removed and some other stuff added. I haven't read too much about it, but I know there's minor differences. Personally, I think Utawarerumono 2 and 3 had absolutely fantastic real-time tactics gameplay. But, I do like musou games, too. There is also a ZAN 2 that is naturally a retelling/whatever of Utawarerumono 3, but it was never brought over. I kind of wish I had money so I would have bought the collector's edition for this stuff even though I didn't have a PS4. Oh, well.
I should have attached the Steam video instead. YEAH! Its theme (sung by Suara of course) is very good!


>real-time tactics gameplay
I mean turn-based...
man I just can't do anything correctly right now.


dumb incorrectard


Man, anilist's news thing is so cool, because...

AHAREN SEASON TWO ANNOUNCED! I loved the humor in this show so much, so this is fantastic news.


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If you're talking about good comedies getting more seasons, then it's important to mention that this fucking SNAKE got her ATMs to loan her more gambling money that might go towards another season.


Apparently some episodes of the Ranma remake and a couple other things were leaked and you can find them on nyaa. But, they're low resolution and lack subs so I'm not really that interested in them.


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The leaker also released softsubs for everything now. It seems to be getting a lot of attention on social media, so it'll be interesting to see if this has any consequences for licensing and distribution schedules going forward.

Something about seeing this phrase on ANN makes me chuckle.


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>It seems to be getting a lot of attention on social media
I wonder what that will mean for nyaa since it's named there in the article. Then again, torrents are a magical lost technology from the before times so I'm only seeing a few hundred downloads. Streaming sites will probably get all the links.


This shab will probably get all my bites.


New Atelier game in 2025. Good to see non-gacha Atelier games are still being made.
Protag seems like a sexy older woman, or "hag" as the kids call them. This probably just means she's 22 or something. The style reminds me of recent Atelier games that weren't Ryza.


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>Protag seems like a sexy older woman, or "hag" as the kids call them. This probably just means she's 22 or something.
Still better than the average age range of typical teenager protagonists. Even better if her mental maturity matches her body and very nice rack. BBA supremacy.


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Well, I do have a special place in my heart for girls like Totori and Shallie and the other teen Atelier protags, but I know what you mean. Maybe other party members will be the cute flatties that people remember from Atelier. It does kind of feel like Atelier is maintaining its pure sexy appeal direction instead of being a mixture of cute and sexy. (Well, the oldest Atelier games had boober alchemists)
After looking at my old screenshots, she does remind me of Sophie a little, although Sophie was a bit more plump.


I didn't like the direction they went with Ryza so I am a bit worried. I'll have to wait and see what the supporting cast is like first before I can have any hope for it.


>sexy older woman
a S.O.W.







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I'm a complete outside of the series, what did they do wrong in your opinion?


Only the Blue haired anime girl is cute. The rest are boys or mature women. Well there is nothing wrong with mature women but these don't look like interesting mature women. The Protagonist is boring, the orange haired girl sounds like a gyaru and the yellow haired girl look like a gyaru and doesn't have an interesting personality either.


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Well, thematically it's more sexy than cute. I think it's kind of similar to Monster Hunter in that it sought more mainstream appeal which means it may alienate long term fans that were in it for specific reasons. Atelier has gone through a few stylistic changes over the years, though, largely when it switches artists. That there's a video that recognizes overseas fans is pretty crazy when Atelier was previously joked about for being so extremely niche with few sales.
I guess in general it feels a lot less like relaxing Gust SoL and more general, uhh.. what would you call it, regular video game stuff?


IIRC this somehow led to Ar Tonelico trending on twitter as a sort of example for Gust doing ero even before the thighpocalypse


FREEDOM WARS IS COMING TO STEAM AND SWITCH! This is one of the last unique games stuck on the Vita. It's best compared to Monster Hunter, but it has its own unique with its gun and melee gameplay that had you climbing on top of robots to sever their parts for drops or to disable their attacks. The closet game to this (and I like it for this reason) is Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, but it's just not the same as there's no mech climbing.
The story was also pretty good, in particular its setting of you being a prisoner that has to essentially buy increased human rights back with points.
It had a fairly strong multiplayer scene at the time, so this should be something we play together if you liked Monster Hunter.




speaking of thighs


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She's the least interesting character, but it will probably still be good. Great to see another entry.


adding that madoka kaiten has been announced for winter of next year


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This was also a double announcement where Kyoani also released some promotional material for an upcoming 'City' animation, of which the source is the same author as Nichijou.

You do have enough money to buy the BDs this time, right /qa/?


By chance while watching a speedrun it mentioned Lunar in the State of Play video >>>/jp/81254

There's a Lunar Remastered Collection! I have mixed feelings. Lunar was huge to my young mind: >>96100
But, it's just I'm tired of remasters and remakes. The first Lunar has been redone like 6 times across so many different platforms, but it's actually new that the second one gets acknowledged. But, hmm... if they do an accurate translation then it could be worth it. Not buying a PS5 for it, though.
The dream of a Lunar 3 is as far as ever. Oh, I remember taking part in forum threads sharing theories of what Lunar 3 would be about...


That's actually kinda smart. People have been saying for years that emulation is around the corner but even the most recent videos show it is still miles away from unplayable. Simply porting the assests to pc elden ring makes sense. But if a true PC port actually comes out with the remake like many people expect then its going to be an absolute disaster for anyone who touched these projects. Could be really sad to see tbh.


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I don't think anyone needs to worry about a true PC port coming out anytime soon.


yay more fern


el dorado is coming


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File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (204.3 KB,1920x1080)

People were probably expecting this, right? Congrats and stuff since I know some people here really loved that show.


Expected? Yeah, probably, considering its success. Still, it's the first yuri to get a second season in over a decade so it's certainly cause for celebration.




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I don't think either of these was unexpected, but good news all the same. Two beautifully animated shows to look forward to again.


15 Year lie arc, lez go!!
also oshi no ko will probably be finished by then


the 15 year sperm


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Looks like the whole Utawarerumono trilogy is coming to the Switch
Very unlikely this is the Utawarerumono announcement as the big Aquaplus 30th anniversery event is two weekends from now. Japanese websites can be so pretty, so very un-modern in all the good ways:https://aquaplus.jp/30event/


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So this might be something to make a thread for since it seems pretty big, but for start I'll just post it here: https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/231350.html

The short of it is that NicoNico stuff is now going under region locking. For me anyway, I can still access videos, but NicoNico Seiga is blocked. Trying to go to an illustration I was looking at gives me this: https://www.nicovideo.jp/region_restriction

Their reasoning is stated by:
>However, with the changing times and the diversification of devices, it has become necessary to take comprehensive measures that consider not only Japanese laws but also recent social conditions, international circumstances, and foreign laws.
>After careful consideration, we are reviewing the scope of regulations to ensure the continued operation of Niconico and its services, while maintaining our compliance with Japanese laws. This includes revising regulations on content that may violate foreign laws or offend public order and morals.

I'm not smart enough to really think about the future ramifications and what this means in the long term. My gut tells me they don't want to put up with gaijin internet anymore and considering the shit Japanese creators get over social media like twitter I can see why, but that's just gut feeling and not founded on much else but anecdotal evidence.
Either way I'll just leave this info here as that and let you come to your own conclusions and people more savvy than I discuss.


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This could be because of that ransomware thing that happened some months ago. I don't recall ever hearing anything about NicoNico having trouble with loud twitter types.


Sucks to hear but expected; it's not like geofencing is anything new at all.
I haven't personally used NND much since over a decade now.


This is Seiga, though. Sorta like Pixiv in that it's for sharing images, I believe? I've never particularly been a fan because the UI is so much more cumbersome and only occasionally stumble my way there when looking at image sources.


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Yuru Camp is getting a season 4. The new style was a bit strange at times, but I still liked S3 so I'm looking forward to this. The show with the oldest and malest demographic in that one chart continues on...


I hope they follow up on Nadeshiko's newfound retro train obsession.


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Aquaplus announced an original VN named Jasmine, a 3D Toheart remake, an original RPG, and of course the Monochrome Mobius sequel already mentioned in the Utawarerumono thread.

What a way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the company! I think we can count on Utawarerumono and probably the RPG making its way to English, but I'm not sure about the others.


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>3D Toheart remake


Well, it's $18, or $25 physical. A strange decision, but at least they passed the cheap production costs onto the customer. If it's just 3D still shots then meh, but if there's animation then it might be kinda cool.




Iruma-kun S4!
Probably not much of a surprise since it already had 3 seasons and the source material is still ongoing.


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The next Precure is going to be idol themed. I have a bad feeling about this since it sounds more grounded and less magical and it's rare that I like an idol show. It needs to be very cute or something silly like the fruit tarts, but maybe Precure could pull it off.


bottom reads like "you and lolol precure" heheheh
i imagine it'll depend on how much magic they integrate into the idoling business, which may be a fair deal judging from how not particularly grounded wonderful has been
aaaaaaaaaaaaa i have three seasons to catch up with


I am worried too, but I also have no reason to pass judgement until I actually see the show.


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Aquaplus seems pretty active lately, although this is just a port. Aquapazza is coming to Steam.





most powerful mc of the season (kotaro lost)


ahem.... *cough*

The anniversery last year passed without any announcement, so better late than never.

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