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File:301df07dab4ef0b53b81f73aaa….jpg (99.43 KB,410x620)

 No.100351[View All]

Gone from Ubuntu to Debian, but Debian kind of sucks as a desktop environment (constant freezes, poor drivers and performance issues. Also issues with Steam's client)

Where do I go next?
203 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What desktop environment should I use


If you need that and want to use Arch just use OpenSUSE tumbleweed


Prefer a windows like interface?
Need Wayland?


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It's fine. Was being sarcastic. I just have to put Firefox on it before the stream.



Gnome or KDE then. Or sway if you want to be a 1337 hacker


Only used gnome so not going to use gnome.
Might as well try sway for the style points.

I will eventually switch to zen or another more gpu optimized kernel and I think that's a reinstall. Can kde if too hard later


Actually I want animated background wall paper sigh... I think best to pick off of that rather than experience


Everyone in gnome trying to figure out how to do it while kde has it built in...


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GNOME kinda sucks huh... the artistry and UX feel behind KDE is really nice


GNOME is good for public workstations or hybrid laptops, where you will not be customizing it much


Issue i'm having is that KDE doesn't seem to want to let my monitor go up to 60hz. I click 60, screen goes black then reappears, says 60.. close screen and reopen settings and it says 30fps


also the fonts on kissu are not correct, but I guess I have to find what I'm missing there


Can go up to 50hz, but 60hz doesn't even give me a confirmation dialogue. Maybe the monitor is actually 59hz or something and it doesn't feed that information properly into devices


On another topic it might feed into this realization I had >>>/chat/95348


we have a sigher
we have a sigher


an alerter has been spotted on the premises
everyone stay calm


a calmer has been spotted on the premises
everyone stay alert


keep your eyes sharp, there's an inverter up and about


Is there any place other than this thread to follow this project?


KDE behaves very inconsistently... there's a lot of visual bugs and stuff


6 is coming out in 1 or 2 months which will help with a lot of Wayland issues apparently


yeah, it's wayland so we'll see what happens then. It's just a recreation computer so it's not a matter of productivity or death


File:C-1708398644033.png (356.88 KB,3452x1716)

Nice out of the box system monitor in KDE


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KDE's paint too is alright, but I think windows11 paint is better since it has layers now


Pinta (abandoned?) Has them


>Released February 26th, 2023
looks alive


oh wait... wrong year


[verniy@arch-verniy ~]$ winetricks settings sound=pulse
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5065: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5067: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
warning: You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
warning: You apppear to be using Wine's new wow64 mode. Note that this is EXPERIMENTAL and not yet fully supported. If reporting an issue, be sure to mention this.
Using winetricks 20240105 - sha256sum: 8f28985b06e9e04b5268e2aef3429b2a0f6abd4fd12c4a30472dfe66355128fa with wine-9.2 and WINEARCH=win64
Executing w_do_call sound=pulse
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5065: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5067: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
warning: You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
warning: You apppear to be using Wine's new wow64 mode. Note that this is EXPERIMENTAL and not yet fully supported. If reporting an issue, be sure to mention this.
Executing load_sound pulse
Setting sound driver to pulse
Executing wine C:\windows\syswow64\regedit.exe C:\windows\Temp\set-sound.reg
Executing wine C:\windows\regedit.exe C:\windows\Temp\set-sound.reg

Gaming on arch kinda sucking


Works fine for me. I use Lutris personally for non steam games and it just works and even when it doesn't it makes tweaking stuff way easier


I might just stream off of my PC using nvidia's Moonlight. People say it works well and is designed for windows to steamdeck(arch). Maybe I'll give lutris a try, but I'm also having Japanese font issues. The cost of electricity on running two computers probably outweighs the hastle of getting arch to work for this


actually it looks like my problem was just getting the audio to go to the right location. Still the Unity japanese text thing is going to be a pain i imagine.


Specifics depend on the game but for japanese locale fuckery all you really have to do set 'Locale' under System Options in the game-specific Configuration to Japanese.
Some games need you to install different fonts, that is done by simply opening winetricks and clicking through the options until you find the relevant bit. I recommend making one prefix for japanese games that way and recycling it, I basically just right click > copy on a different japanese game and redirect it to the .exe of the new game.
All of that assuming Lutris. Have fun arching.
If you run into arcane wine issues, this is your first stop.
There hasn't been a single game (ignoring hostile anti-cheat) I couldn't get running at satisfactory performance yet, despite >nvidia


probably deserves it's own thread, but this moonlight and GeForce Experience GameStream thing is pretty straighforward to setup and use. Seems like there's some possibilities with playing PC games on mobile and stuff


for example, I played some RPG maker eroge and it was clean, but we'd have to see when I put that Unity Game onto my PC.. but with wired internet it's likely going to be not IO bound


Just updated to Plasma 6. i was worried a ton of stuff would break but the only issue so far is that I can't get Steam to scale like everything else is on my display. Doesn't feel any different otherwise. I guess I'll see how Wayland plays out.


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Why are people on this jihad against Ubuntu to the point of even refusing to use derivatives of it that remove the things people dont like about it


because they make money on enterprise customers and they did telemetry stuff with amazon 20 years ago


Because they don't want to deal with their bs like snaps. There's a reason why, even as Ubuntu derivate, Linux Mint still has a backup plan. I don't really have anything against Ubuntu and I'd still recommend it though.


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Me sitting here on openSUSE waiting for plasma 6


>If you want to run Xorg without *logind or the various workarounds (patched video card drivers, seatd, elogind, adding your user to input+video groups) here is how you can do it on any kernel newer than about 5.4
5.8+ doesn't need the workaround anymore
> * As a result this fixes the following when using root-less build w/o logind
> * - startx
> * - weston
> * - various compositors based on wlroots


I think the whole "Try Ubuntu Pro beta with a free personal subscription on up to 5 machines." when you installed stuff pissed a lot of people off. Now fair enough normal people will just upgrade everything instead of using an older version of the OS and only installing security patches, but it leaves a sour taste to get ads from your OS when you're installing stuff.
I'm using Mint Ubuntu version because it doesn't give me any headache, but Mint developers are staying ahead of the curve on a potential OHSHITWTFRUDOIN ubuntu moment where they may have no choice but to abandon Ubuntu and switch over to Debian. By having a decent, even if not perfect Debian version ready at every step they would be able to quickly and efficiently move over if required. I would gladly use LMDE, but for now I have no issue with Ubuntu version so there's not much point.


File:Screenshot_20240313_182131.png (337.5 KB,1090x1182)

its here
its here


it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up


Yeah, I concur that it's relatively seamless, except I do feel a bit of a performance increasing using wayland. It even kept my graphical configuration without issue! If this is on a rolling distro this should be a fantastic release on fixed release distros.
It even looks like Plastik was ported over as a wm if you don't like the more rounded corners of Breeze.
It looks like KDE will be getting a donation for my tax return.
With OpenSUSE's YaST and Plasma it feels like I'm using Windows 7 forever, now I just have to hope KDE doesn't go insane like they did with 4 and I think tumbleweed should be fine for the long haul unless suse goes under


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (229.74 KB,1920x1080)

I suppose I have about a year and a half before I'm forced to use Linux. How much longer can I put off learning programming in the meantime before I have to start learning to use Linux...




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