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File:summer 2024.png (7.19 MB,2152x5121)

 No.129059[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?
189 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:extra rule.png (10.41 KB,683x394)

Make an additional rule (and put it above the prefer high res rule) with these settings, I believe it should block out 720 and below


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Ooh, good idea. That seems like a perfect solution. Thanks!


Most shows are no different between 720p and 1080p. Most of them aren't even in 1080p and are just upscales. I realize they're broadcast in that resolution. But the 720p version is typically better if the encoder knows what he's doing since the studio upscale has been undone.


if you watch it fullscreen on a 1080p screen then what does it matter whether its in its native 720p or upscaled 1080p...


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Huh, it wasn't downloading Megami Cafe at all, either. Something weird with Taiga and AB's RSS thing recently, I guess. But now I can watch two episodes at once, so that's nice.

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This year was the first time I ordered groceries online and had it delivered to the door. It's really weird and feels futuristic. It's not good for everything, such as wanting to actually look at raw vegetables or just browsing, but it's really nice. I even ordered some frozen yogurt to see what would happen and it came in some layered cardboard pouch thing that did a great job of keeping it cool. There's also subscription options so it happens automatically, but I think I'm going to hold off on doing that for now. I've also started ordering some bulk cereal and protein bars on amazon and it seems pretty efficient. I think I'm going to look up to see if Costco supports this stuff.
When I told my mom about it she said this stuff is bad for society because people need to go out and socialize and I don't think she's wrong exactly, but not everyone enjoys being surrounded by people. *cough*

Have you done this stuff before? I think I'm late the party in trying it.
16 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


on topic sager


slowpoke ager


I refuse to use these services or use the self checkout. I'm not bagging my own groceries and I'm not letting some random person pick out my meats, veggies and fruits. I don't use the self checkout because I don't want people to lose their jobs. They've already gotten rid of bag boys and forced the cashiers to do double duty. Now they close check out lanes and have one person watching over 4+ self checkout registers. It's annoying and the things always make you wait for someone to come over and confirm you aren't stealing.

I stopped shopping at one big box store because of these problems. If I go to my local grocery store they always have 5+ lanes open and the selection of meats is much better because it has a real butcher shop inside. They also have a real bakery.

Going to the grocery store is like the only reason why I leave the house anymore. So I guess I do "socialize" with the people there. I also like being able to walk around with a firearm inside of them. I usually run into random people also carrying and we talk shop about guns and I've even gone to the range with a few of them in the past. Never had a bad experience so far. At least the police haven't been called. I did have one lady who was obviously a Cali or NYC transplant freak out about it once and stop recording me and she threatened to call the police. But then a bunch of other people with firearms started to gather around and told her to stop being stupid. She got scared and ran off. With any hope she went back to where she came from. Our are has become flooded with such people since covid. They all moved here because of the cheap land/rent and they've been trying to get a lot of the local laws changed.

Anyway, I try to support local business so I won't use these services. We didn't even have uber and whatever the fast food delivery services were until a year or two ago. We tried one of the fast food ones but it ended up costing $10+ more than usual and the food was cold by the time it got here. I saw a lot of people doing it for side money at first but it finally calmed down. People don't like random people touching their food and we don't have lazy people here to support that kind of business plan.

My ultimate goal is no longer having to use the grocery store at all. At least not weekly. I'm working on getting chickens and eventually other livestock. I already have some cows. I want to add pigs and goats into the mix along with the chickens. I want toPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I rambled in my last reply as I usually do. I just wanted to add; The absolute worst thing about covid was all the 24/7 businesses closing and those hours never returning. I used to get all my grocery shopping done between the hours of 1-4am. It was really comfy and usually I was the only person in the store. There was always at least one checkout lane open with an actual person manning it.

Since the panic no place stays open past about 9pm here excluding the one 24/7 gas station. So now I'm forced to shop with all the other people and I hate it. The local grocery store isn't that bad. But if I go into any of the big chain grocery stores it's awful. The worst humanity has to offer on full display. People are rude and always on edge. They don't discipline their children and let them run all over the place. I've even had some steal things right out of my shopping cart just because they were too lazy to walk a few ales over and get it themselves.

Now I only go to the local place where none of the new transplants set foot in. They think it's a "racist store" because of the name or something. I don't know why they refuse to enter it since it's named after the guy's family that owns it. But whatever the reason I'm thankful. These people are insane. They assume all the locals are dumb and they keep trying to "educate" us on social issues. We never had a problem with "racism" until they started moving here in droves. City won't do anything about them because they're made so much money off taxing the new residents since covid. We've had a lot of outsider investors coming in to convert old factories and buildings into apartments for these people. They even let them have a bar right on main street after denying the locals that for years. We'll probably be bred out in a generation or two.


I get free bags at self-checkout

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 No.87056[Reply][Last50 Posts]

So the DDDDD thread made me realize that kissu doesn't really have any threads dedicated to manga that I could find. The focus seems to be too much on seasonal anime. I realize that this is because manga is much harder to find/follow than seasonal stuff as there are no clear guidelines for it and Westerners don't read comics nearly as much as the Japanese do.

Anyway, what manga have you been reading recently? I just read the latest chapter of Shimeji Simulation a few days ago. As with anything made by Tsukumizu so far it is great. Definitely recommend it to everyone here and I do hope it eventually gets an anime adaption as well like SSR.
210 posts and 116 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It seems like recently there has been SO MANY HIATUSES



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This is one of the things that keeps me from being an "ongoing" manga reader apart from just being bad at remembering to read stuff. There would need to be a Taiga thing for manga that autodownloads or something and then a pop-up tells me that it happened. But, if something updates 3 months later (or worse) I can't just jump back into it. I'm going to forget important stuff!
I'm going to read some Puniru chapters and...
Oh wait, the Kernel Scanlations only goes up to Chapter 4.
Well, I guess I'm done with it then. It's cute and a little bit humorous, but I'm not sure how much I can judge it after only 4 short chapters. I think this cute SoL stuff is far more enjoyable in anime form so I'm fine waiting for adaptation to land.


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I can't believe they actually had sex, got up from my seat when that happened.
All in all, great manga. Interesting how it doesn't really have a main plot around which everything revolves around, it's more like a couple dozen characters having their own ongoing stories whose plotlines intersect.

For example, the government has put a mole into the mercerado operation that's taking place in this faraway island (that's the horny druggie who's let herself go). They give some mercerado to the frustrated mangaka next door, getting him hooked. But this operation has opponents besides the government, so an assassin comes in to take them out, who during his preparation period meets with a separate assassin that is chasing a different mark across their own plotline. He succeeds in taking the farmers down, but then faces a new problem when he's trapped by a local serial killer. And now that the operation has been dismantled the mangaka suddenly can't afford the drug's higher price, and so must overcome his addiction with the help of a neighboring ghost. This is only a fraction of what goes on in its three volumes.
There isn't any central element here, nothing is fixed in place, but it flows exceedingly well just from these people inhabiting the same space and pursuing whatever it is they're looking for. The design, at a structural level, is impeccable.

And it's absurd, it has SEXO, droghe, mort, terribly unexpected twists, et PræCūra, but these unrestrained wacky things its bold characters pull do in fact impact these plotlines in serious ways. It's not simply comedic, you gotta appreciate that.
It's not only dense in its plot, but in its visuals too: it's exceedingly hard to find a page with three panels or less, and in the whole of its three volumes there is only a single spread, this being its penultimate page. Perhaps 90% of its pages have between 5 and 7 panels, the other maybe 10% featuring 4, and each panel has a shape different from the rest. Tons and tons of diagonals and varying sizes. The character designs have a stilized flatness devoid of gradients that gets it compared quite regularly to Kumeta and SZS, and a lot of its backgrounds are outright blank, although it manages to fit in quite well. Deceptively dialogue-heavy too, that at least for me made this feel unexpectedly slow but not in a baPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I'm currently reading Homunculus - It's absolutely incredible, these characters, the plot, how things are explored. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW fucking hell, it's so good. I don't know how to talk about it in general, sorry for anybody reading this but woah, you've gotta read it man

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 No.95721[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
309 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I've had asian scrambled eggs a lot. They're super dense, so white rice offsets the strong flavor of the eggs.


i put some of the boiled chicken from my chicken broth onto a pizza to use up that boiled meat but it kinda just sucked


What's a good recipe/method for making refrigerator pickles? I just got a bunch of cucumbers from my garden, but they're fuckhuge and not really the ideal size for pickling.


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Can't say I'm aware of any. I think you just add dill and uhh... maybe some other herbs? Salt probably? Uhh... yeah. Oh, and vinegar of course.


Gonna do a three kilogram lamb leg oven roast

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 No.95318[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Do you read them? I started reading .jpg related because of that one anon who loves it so much. I find it very soothing so far.
However this is not a thread for only this one, but for visual novels in general. I thought the board was kind of missing one.
277 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It isn't my favorite controller ever but I've found PS4 controller to be a pretty good all-around PC gamepad. The touch screen is really helpful for when you need a mouse. I re-programmed the PCB in my joystick to emulate the PS4 touchpad. So now I can hold down the start button on it and navigate with the mouse pointer using the joystick itself.


I've found these PCBs to be really good for PC support on *nix and they're easy to work with. If you get one with the headers you don't even have to solder. I'd like to get a large shell and build a custom gamepad out of one of them. They're just small enough that they could fit in something comfortable.

You can force it to identify as dinput, xinput, switch/Wii controller and about 4 different other things. It works with both PC and every console since the Xbox 360 era. Steam support is really good.

Steam keeps taking over more of my gaming stuff. At first I really didn't want to rely on it for controller support. But it simplified configuration of all my fighting games when we're using more than one controller. So I've defaulted to it now for most stuff. I haven't used joy2key for anything in a long while.


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I was surprised to see Atri survive voting in the seasonal stream, so now I must read it before the anime really gets anywhere!
It's quite interesting to see the options in a modern VN. It has some option to send information to external TTS software for unvoiced lines? Huh. Japanese TTS might be better (Zundamon, etc) but this still seems like a major immersion breaker to me.


zundamon narration??? i think that could be fun


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I'm also surprised to see that you can choose to display multiple languages at the same time. Good for language learners, I suppose. (For those 3 people on the planet learning Japanese for VNs). My assumption is that this was a feature made for the international release as there's also Chinese, but in theory I guess it could help Japanese people learn English if they wanted to for some reason. (I think those people would be playing FPS'd or something)


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Yeah, the reason Zundamon was originally brought up on kissu back in early 2022 was because it was a TTS voice used in some Japanese streams. >>90430
Sadly it's too difficult to use it in English, but you can use that thread if you want to try it.

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 No.130867[Reply][Last50 Posts]

423 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


oh yeah just remembered in akagi they turned over new dora/uradora when there was a kan
is that the only time that happens


Well you should know what kan does pretty well from what mahjong soul does. You flip over the next dora indicator on the dead wall. When you declare riichi, you look under the dora indicator for bonus points. Then you draw a tile that is otherwise inaccessible to the other players. AKA the dead wall are the set of tiles at the top in this image >>131529

As for the terminology.. it's all pretty straightforeward... if you have no tripplets and no dragon pair and you win on a 2 or 3 sided wait you probably have pinfu
Ipeiko is when you have 234 234 of the same suit


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You see that most baiman hands all look the same.

Pinfu, Ippeiko and tanyao with multiple dora


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You don't have to worry about the complicated ones


I messed up the word order... when you kan you get a tile from the dead wall...

Adding new dora indicators only happens from uradora due to riichi or kan

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 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: February 7th, 2023
595 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


In practice places like guca had three "threads" and total heat death.
Those who want chatrooms want chatrooms.


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I know this happening happened awhile back and was probably discussed then, but I can't believe Wizardchan didn't even survive until my 30th day.

I've never seen a board come back from the dead so I guess it's gone, even though Allchans still lists it as active because they barely update anymore.


>30th b-day


It's a certificate issue. Just click on enter site anyways. Besides, Wizchan is a kuso IB plagued by trolls.


One of the great ironies of Wizardchan is that I don't think any wizards ever posted on it. Back when hotwheels admin'd it I think he was like 17 or something and that was probably about the average age. Of course these days an imageboard where everyone is at minimum 30 years old might just the default for the older ones...

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 No.102559[Reply][Last50 Posts]

pouting at the fact that kissu has a bump limit
386 posts and 324 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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sepia flashback pout


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the foreheads just made each other pout...


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 No.102927[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
563 posts and 251 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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This brat...


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Big Cat is Watching


>According to a story circulating on the plains a few years back, some Indian children were so enamored of a cat that they saw within a wagon party -- for they had never before seen an ordinary house cat -- that their father offered to trade two horses in prime condition for the "little puma," as they called it. The cat being a beloved family pet, however, the offer was politely refused.

- Oregon Trail guidebook pages 13-14

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 No.62191[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What have you been dreaming recently?
346 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Just had a dream... kind of?
I found myself in the border between sleep and waking up. Without opening my eyes, I started thinking about what to do. That's when I noticed that I didn't know where I was, or what I was doing. I started to try to think; was I trying to sleep? Was I waking up in the morning?
I heard some people talking outside. That's bad; normally I wake up before everyone, so that could be a sign that I overslept. Opening my eyes slowly to try to make sense of what was happening, I found myself on a very dark room. I couldn't see much of what was happening, but I slowly realized that it was my maternal grandparents' house. The window was closed with a curtain, but I could see a bit of the glow of the Sun, and it looked more like afternoon than morning. That's when I remembered - ah, I actually took a nap during the day. That's pretty rare for me, but this time I was very tired... wait. Something was strange. I wasn't visiting them - why am I suddenly here? Then, my mouth opened, and my jaw got stuck. Finally, I understood: I was stuck in one of these dreams where you can't wake up easily. However, this time it was a big letdown. I just had to struggle a little and within less than two seconds I woke up, in my paternal grandmother's house. After waking up for real, I remembered that I tried to rest a bit and noticed that I was going to have one of these dreams.

I used to have a lot of these dreams back when I was a kid. I'd notice even before going to sleep: my jaw would get heavy, my eyes would get shut and I could only open them with great difficulty. After I managed to sleep, I would then be greeted by the dream. It would always be the same situation - I am in bed, my eyes are open, but I can't breathe, can't move and can't speak. I would try to struggle out of it, but it'd always take lots of time and effort to do it. Sometimes, I'd wake up only to find that I was still on another dream, like there were layers of dreams to wake up from.

I think there's a specific word for that, but I never cared enough to search it or tell anyone about it. But it made nighttime hell. I would have these dreams multiple times a week; sometimes, inside the dream I would start floating towards the ceiling; other times, I would feel immense terror. I would always wake up in the middle of night, sweating profusely. It was horrible. This time was a bit different - it's the first time that the place I was sleeping on during the dream waPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Had a weirdly vivid dream where v went on a losing streak in majsoul and had a psychotic meltdown in a thread.


Had two strange dreams about breaking out of the matrix this morning. Can't remember the first but still vividly remember the second.

In the second dream I was walking down a street with a girl. She dropped something into a storm drain. I decided to reach in and get it. When I looked down the drain I noticed there was a lit path down there. She told me not to go but I couldn't resist the urge to see where the path went.

When I dropped down reality kind of tore in two. Like I could tell the street was faked. It was like a prop from a movie set. I told her I'd be right back and started walking down the path I'd found.

When I got to a turn I saw a bright light down at the end of the corridor. I ended up in a very bright room filled with computer consoles and robots driving around attending to various tasks. I walked for a bit and stumbled upon another simulation like the one I'd just left.

There was a small ground of people standing at the entrance of that simulation's "cave" for lack of a better word. I asked them what was going on. They were pissed off that I'd escaped my own because it was going to alert the controllers. Since I hadn't taken the same precautions as they had. They told me I had to go back to my own simulation right now before the controllers figured out I was missing. They promised to come free me and everyone else in that simulation once they'd gotten more people unplugged from their own. One of them looked like Picard from Star Trek and he was tinkering with some machine. He gave me a direct order to go.

I didn't really believe them but these people were obviously upset so I left. I decided I'd go back to my own "world" and break out again later when I had more time. Probably during the middle of the night or something.

I got lost on the way back looking for my own simulation. I ended up following one of the robots for awhile as it was attending to whatever tasks it was doing. I stumbled upon another room filled with computer consoles. Except these had small black domes of them that would convert matter to and from binary data. While I was poking around some half robot half organic beast monster thing waddled into the room. I hid behind something so he wouldn't see me. He was messing around with one of the computer consoles. Then a few more came into the room with a human. They placed her in front of one of the domes and she disintegrated into pure light. Leaving only a bit of hair behPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Saw a scary one.
Lived in one of the higher floors of an apartment with three (four?) other people. One of us had their bedroom right next to the entrance, two of us were farthest from the entrance, with our own personal verandas.
There would be paranormal occurrences regularly, a being would try to break into our room and we'd have to kill it. It seemed to be a normal thing in that world. Each of us had the affinity to fight against a certain type of enemy. One day it was skinwalker time, but the guy with skinwalker affinity was not in the room. We had two hours to do something about it before the being would get into our room and kill us all. We waited and waited, but the skinwalker guy never came.
Two of us were at the veranda while the third one was sleeping in his room next to the entrance. Two of us decided to lock the hallway leading from the entrance to our rooms while waiting for the one with the skinwalker affinity to return, leaving the sleeping guy for dead if the skinwalkers were to get in. One skinwalker gets in. We hear screams from the other guy, banging on the door, but we don't let him in. He starts breaking down the door, we're begging him not to let the skinwalker to us but he breaks in with an axe. We tell him to kill the skinwalker with the axe, but he's pretty upset with us. So upset that he starts going at it on his own head with the axe. Blood and brains everywhere, he's dead, we're panicked. The remaining two of us run towards the veranda, trying to climb into our neighbor's room and escape. Some random guy falls to his death, I hear a girl scream "dad!!" as he impacts the ground. I peek into the neighbor's room and see Kaiki Deishu and Shinobu (lol). I cry for help, they head out the neighbor's room, presumably headed towards our room. Then I wake up before I get to see them in action.


Had the best dream ever. I got a great computer with a massive screen that curved all around me. Ate spaghetti with tomato sauce while sitting next to Frieren and Saber.

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 No.125141[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
1379 posts and 264 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


been trying to get scratches off of my phone using a watch scratch removal liquid. Guess it's working


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these stairs have been broken for like a year and parts keep falling off


those things always seem to break down for whatever reason. Maybe they buy cheap parts and just keep it around for legislative requirements


As the great late Mitch Headberg said:
>Escalators can never break. They can only become stairs.


Going to work a bit earlier than usual today

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I was worried about the new Geass because of that one post about it being not as good, but watching the first ep it was pretty much what I'd want out of Geass (maybe a bit more fanservice would be nice though). It was over the top, full of style, and most importantly fun. That's the one thing that made Geass the masterpiece it was, it was a masterclass in bringing fun to the audience and getting you excited. If this anime can bring back that feeling of hype and not get into the weeds about 'proper writing' this/ironic meta references that then it should be great.

Looking forwards to the rest of this. Also the CG wasn't bad at all.
12 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It really feels like they wrote it at a self-contained, alt-universe spin-off and then someone decided they needed to hedge their bets by throwing in a bunch of cameos so the whole thing got plopped into the main timeline. Maybe it worked from a marketing perspective, but it really tanks the show itself. Forget Nunnally, Kaguya is also one of the world leaders and she's not sending Kalen in to save her relative from nuke-wielding psychopaths?


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Ehh, it's fun. Will it be as good as the original? No, of course not. But, I think the whole "I'm 20 years older now" thing makes it harder to enjoy sequels this far along. Maybe they'll do something crazy with the story in a way that satisfies old fans, but probably not. The first couple minutes of episode 4 makes me wonder where they're going with it.


The first ten minutes of episode 4 combined with all the other cameos that came were actually what set me off on this rant here >>131250
Because it's not just about the series being 20 years old and trying to build off of that, but it's the complete lack of regard for everything accomplished in the original series and all the characters from it that should be at the forefront of the new resistance. Or even better, who should have stopped it in the first place.


should have had a 10 minute intro where it showed all the original series characters being killed


At least that would've taken balls. A well executed coup scene could retain respectfulness towards the conclusion of the original while inducing fervor towards the new resistance. It would've eliminated the necessity of running an Olympics in your head to work out how the setting works/exists. Instead the writers half-assed it and wanted to both have their cake and eat it. They want people to point and go "WOAH I REMEMBER THEM" to characters from the original they know people love and ride that nostalgia cash train, but at the same time want people to be invested in the new merch and cast they put forth.

We need more dumb execs that will force the writers to kill off the old line of merch for the new one because that's what they want to sell and talented writers who love the characters that will give them an appropriate sendoff.

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 No.121041[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Now that there's a bunch of people that have at least seen it in the stream, Undead Unlock is pretty amazing, huh? Seems like a nice high budget production. I haven't been excited for an action-y anime in a while
158 posts and 100 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Also, damn, looking at this again knowing what I do after seeing the rest of the anime...
These single frames that flash on screen during the intro are quite interesting. So this is the something that will happen in future, huh? It does look sort of similar to the God in the visions. God has nice boobs.


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I continue to be amazed at the quality of this art. The lines are beautiful and clean.
So many panels are directly seen in the anime because the quality is just so high and the presentation can't be improved upon. It's like the guy wrote it as a director of anime or something, or however you would say that.


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I read one chapter or two after the part where the anime ended and I think I'll stop. I could finish this story in hours whereas waiting for the anime will give me months of experiencing things for the first time. But I have to say again how well choreographed everything is. Yoshifumi Yozuka is very talented. This thread should survive until August 1st, so until then!



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WE'RE ONE WEEK AWAY FROM THE ANNOUNCEMENT! I'm bumping this thread so I don't unremember!
What do you think it will be? A new season? A movie? Both? I'm hoping it's a season with at least 24 episodes!

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General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
77 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Brings my spirit down when i read about some japanese player achieving a significantly higher record score in difficult shmups like batsugun but it only gets like 10 likes, no comments, the guy has less than 100 follows despite working so hard at it and then compare that to any teen playing valorant putting some shorts out of a low kill streak or just their new knife skin and they get loads of attention for it.


you should post something in his channel instead of bemoan society here


This is the way the world works now. 99% of "content creators" are just ripping off someone with actual skill and claiming the work as their own. Or they're copying the work and striking down the other person to avoid competition. Once you break the 100k or so subscriber threshold you can coast along doing almost anything you want and the rules no longer apply to you. The "platforms" only care about revenue. They'll throw their full support behind people that didn't make it on merit simply because they're easy to control, safer and likely a failed actor looking to "make it".

Did you know up until the early 1900s actors and whores were considered the same class of people? There is a good reason why that was the case. They sell their body for profit while contributing nothing of value.

I've tuned out of the gaming scene for a long time now because I saw the way the wind was blowing. Content is no longer something to be enjoyed for what it is. It's something to exploit for attention and money. I wish the endless drama merry-go-round would stop. Perhaps some day it will. At least we get games every now and again that are more than a marketing campaign.


holy crap what a miser


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Well, not 99%, but some people trying to make a living from it will do such things, yeah. There's still people doing it out of passion, but doing something for fun and doing something for money produce two wildly different results. For every scummy guy there's 500 amateurs that really have no chance of "success", but if you're not watching those amateurs then it's your own fault. It's just like the older days of the internet in that you need to go out of your way to find the good stuff since the algorithm only favors those that play along.

>while contributing nothing of value.
Actors actively bring value to my life in the various forms of media I consume practically daily! Entertainment is an extremely important role in civilization as we continue to automate things and increase our free time. Pretty much as soon as we started agriculture we've needed entertainment. Without voice actors what would we talk about on kissu...
When I was a kid I thought it was dumb that acting or sports was considered a job, but it's something that produces value for many people financially and emotionally. People slaving at a traditional job all week can relax on the weekend with friends and watch the athletes or actors do their thing. It most certainly has value. A basketball player can be paid $20 million because the ticket sales and TV deals he attracts generates $200 million. At the end of the day he's still a pawn that's used and discarded just like an office drone or miner.

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 No.105227[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Do you have any experience gardening?
I decided that I'm going to attempt gardening this year. My dad grew up on a farm and we had crops in the backyard when I was a kid. I still have the old tilling machine that's in good shape and some other rusty tools, but I don't have a hammer to mine silver from nearby rocks so I won't be able to upgrade the stuff.
I think it's too late for my geographic location to start growing early Spring stuff from seeds, so I need to buy some that are already a few weeks old from a local nursery, or maybe online? This stuff sounds kind of fun as long as your expectations are reasonable.
240 posts and 144 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you should figure out why wifi doesn't work. That's how most transfer is done. Otherwise pic yourself up a cheap digital camera


Oh, not wifi, just using a direct USB connection. Didn't think about using wi-fi since it's less elegant than a direct connection.


i tend to email myself stuff because I'm primitive. But there are probably filesharing options like mega... or probably something like google drive...


although, if one wanted to try they could try for an FTP or similar type of solution


You just unlocked a fond memory I have of childhood. I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my Great-Grandmother with a bucket of "snap beans" that we prepared for lunch together. She made homemade fried chicken and biscuits along with sweet corn and green beans. Along with a massive jug of sweet tea. Then she wrapped it all up picnic style and we walked over a mile into the fields where the men were working to have lunch together.

I want to go back.

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