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File:kissu streams.png (230.94 KB,924x847)

 No.123829[Reply][Last50 Posts]

This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
Current stream plans:
Sentai Daishikkaku on March 21st and 28th
153 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


oh. That explains it... this guy is something of a genius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36hn4IzNmq8


Also Orb's music was done by him



File:Go! Go! Loser Ranger! - S0….jpg (369.13 KB,1920x1080)

oh wait, I mean March...


was thinking it was weird to plan a month and a half in advance, this makes more sense

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 No.88567[Reply][Last50 Posts]

339 posts and 188 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Right now? I don't have any booze and the stores don't open for another 4 hours.


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im drinker i drink


The rum has still been my friend. It's either spiced rum with cream soda or vodka with tonic. Wonderful drinks.

Any time is fine. Now is always best.


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Today's a Blue Label day.


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I have attained peak drunkness. This is perfect. This is zen.

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Since someone posed the idea to me after the Lost Highway stream, and I liked the idea myself, I'll be holding more streams on the rest of David Lynch's films until we've made it through them all. I've got no set time for any of this and when I start will be based on a whim, but I'll make sure to give at least 2 days notice for anything I do decide to stream.

I may stream Fire Walk With me as well, but if I do please be prepared for heavy spoilers concerning anything Twin Peaks. Unless there turns out to be a large enough gathering of people interested in watching it I don't know if I'm prepared to rewatch the entire first two seasons yet.
17 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


JOIN now! I command


I joined but the quality was pretty bad and it kept lagskipping and I'm not hearing impaired and the layout of the giko windows is not great. Maybe I'll watch these on my own to join the discussion.


Guess I'll probably do just yukkuri next time, the stream was working fine on my end not sure how others were getting lag.


I kept getting zapped with sleepy spells during all the exciting bits and missed most of it. Lynched.


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In keeping with catching up on my inconsistencies, I'll be continuing this marathon tomorrow!

Next up is Inland Empire, a bit earlier than the same time as usual though, we're starting at 7:00PM EST because it's a bit long.

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 No.82349[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I was reminded that another year has passed since the last time the /qa/ anime chart was updated, so I thought it was as good a time as ever to bring it back, update it, and improve on it a bit in the process.

The format for deciding on picks this year will be the same as the last with the addition of maybe singling out a specific anime of each year to be the most /qa/ anime of the year. For the current candidates that should be easy since there's only 4 of them, but for this year we'll have to conclude all the seasonal polls first and then afterwards decide.

The polls will be made separately and then linked in the thread with at least 3 days allotted for people to decide on winners, and I'll make a new poll for each season every day, starting with Winter 2021 today. To not make cheating so easy I'll make it so an IP needs at least 3 posts to vote, which shouldn't really be hard for anyone I hope. Also the AOTY polls will probably all be at the end or sometime in-between since they shouldn't be as hard of a decision.
141 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


So, who's going to win next year?


Time to look back at spring! >>>/poll/5554


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Finally remembered! This time I will NOT forget after a week.


I just bit this shab.


File:[Erai-raws] Mahoujin Guru ….jpg (83 KB,1280x720)

Wait a minute, Kukuri won AOTS for /qa/ and you guys STILL managed to forget her? For shame!

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The seasonal stream is starting on the hour!

Nothing to report on.



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 No.74491[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Does /qa/ know any fun facts?

One I just learned is that copper is actually more dense than iron.
355 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (127.56 KB,705x967)

I'd imagine people could try and dox people with this, but they'd need to get the time right or else they've just pissed away 700$


this is for people who make maps in arcGIS like for surveying


Detecting objects in motion seems like more than just making maps for surveying. Unless you are wanting to survey a target's house for when there is moving objects so you can make a map of their activity over time.
With enough money you can gangstalk vicitms from the comfort of your chair.


the objects in motion thing is to make digital elevation maps. i did a project in college like this it's like using drones and targets on the ground and then rasterizing an area. this is for making maps


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Donkey Kong 64 is, to my knowledge, the only N64 game to use delta time. Speedrunners of the game take advantage of it by deliberately creating slowdown, allowing them to clip through geometry easier.

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 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: February 3rd, 2025
595 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It's a strange thing isnt it? I've seen it happen on other imageboards aswell. Moderators that just despise the people posting on the board. Which i find strange.


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Another day, another fag assblasted at Yotsuba.


you know at least i respect that he's owning up to it


Because they were offended by them.

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 No.137851[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Thread detailing our intention to subtitle episodes of the anime Medalist. This thread will be edited as required or abandoned if there's no interest

Unless we are able to do the entire tasks in 4 hours we will always be one episode behind current. Going further beyond one episode is not allowed. Quality is not as important as getting things completed.
Enter your subtitles using https://aegisub.org/downloads/ or into a text file with whatever formatting you want.
Translations take priority over all other work.

- Managers/Logo designers/PR People
No idea guys allowed.
- Translations
- Timing
- Typesetters

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
279 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah was a bit busy, working on it today and maybe tomorrow too, but should have it done by tomorrow afternoon at max


ganbatta ganbatta


Thanks. There was less dialogue this time around so I was able to rush through it and Salchow released earlier today so I'll just steal their TS again and not worry about it. Here's the file. I'll put it all together and upload it tomorrow when I wake up, so please get any proofreading in the next 12 hours or so and I'll throw in any needed fixes.


Nice, glad it was an easy job. I’ll try to go over it while working and see if there’s anything to fix, but usually you’re on point.

Kinda feels really good doing all this TL work since I feel I’m getting better at it each episode. Hopefully at some point in the future if we keep kissusubs going in some form I’ll be able to do same day subs.


Alright, I'm assuming everything was okay with it because I've got stuff to do this afternoon and can't wait more.

Glad you're enjoying it. I think you're improving too, there were a good number of lines this time that I didn't need to do anything with.

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 No.125141[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
2014 posts and 418 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


hair's getting too long and getting into my ears again this is why it gets cut


my cutoff point is when hair starts getting caught in my glasses frames


organized my keys. put old ones i don't use anymore on a ring, then put my duplicate keys on their own ring so that if i lose my main set of keys i'll be okay. also put little labels on some of them so i remember where they go to. prying the rings apart really sucked though. my thumbnails really hurt now. one's a little bloody :(


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also, i went to home depot and got some keys duplicated, but FUCK those machines. why the HELL does it need to hold onto my key the whole time after it makes a scan? stupid piece of shit means i had to pay, wait for the mini lathe to finish the key, then the machine drops your keys on the ground without warning, and then you've got to do it AGAIN and AGAIN for each key you want to copy instead of it being designed sensibly where it lets you scan as many keys as you want and then queue them all at once


My hair is longer than some women's now.
I just really hate going to the barber.
Gotta learn how to cut my own already.

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It's time for the newest Monster Hunter game! We had lobbies for the last two games that came out on PC and this will be no different. I hope you like brown!
It's supposed to release on the 27th, but MH launches can be quite, uh... eventful.

Who's up for hunting some monsters?
49 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>26 minutes


i was using entry-level hr gear
my weapon was rank 6
my hands were cold
also my brother was playing so it doesn't actually count as my time


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This is what you deserve


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Modders are the strongest race


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Finally started my "buyfag" life; albeit not anywhere near the level I've dreamt of, with only second hand stuff so far.
What anime goods have you bought /qa/?
29 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (242.63 KB,1920x1080)

Very nice. Seems like it was an extremely unappreciated show outside of kissu and maybe some other imageboards, so it's good to see a BD sold to someone here.


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literally nothing lately, they killed everything in my countreh and hrew away all the ppl who does something leaving only local substitutes with tm's


cute image




I would like to post my display cabinet here but I need to clean my room first and set up the second cabinet I have

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 No.102927[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
749 posts and 339 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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Rare focused eyes


this focuser just focused me


WARNING: meowers detected. you will be meowed in this thread


da catz

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My enemies tremble,
for I have God on my side.
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[Serenae] Kimi to Idol Pre….jpg (270.56 KB,1920x1080)

>She's about to break into a Monogatari monologue


File:[HorribleSubs] Owarimonoga….jpg (88.75 KB,304x304)

Who quote?


I used it to signify quotes from the image






This site is obscene and should be banned


the /secret/-name poster.


Obscenity is made-up unconstitutional nonsense that the supreme court allows because it's crooked. The original spirit of the first ammendment was very clearly "you should be able to say whatever you want and not face government persecution", and the idea of obscenity law didn't exist at all until like a century after the constitution had been ratified.

If you want things excluded from first ammendment protections, pass a new ammendment delineating those exceptions. It shouldn't be hard to get a supermajority to agree to ban things like CP.


And as long as they never try to get a supermajority on-board, people will keep believing that a supermajority is on board.


File:[SubsPlease] Around 40 Oto….jpg (309.73 KB,1920x1080)

There's no way I can handle 52 minutes of this. Someone summarize it.


"you should be able to say whatever you want and not face government persecution"
The founding fathers were all freemasons
This should be no contest but elitechumps have to elitechump and Norpadorp Personality Units can’t but norpadorp (merely repeating the prevailing zeitgeist of course except this characteristic trait seems to be breaking apart alarmingly enough)
(and no not because they’re mentioning bog standard polyp talking points i mean they are beginning to brush around the overall System, just barely but that’s how EVERY conspiracy theorist started)

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 No.136191[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's time to FREEZE with the 2025 Winter season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more isekai?
101 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:vlcsnap✝[SubsPlease] Salar….png (968.01 KB,1280x720)

I am all caught up now. There needs to be more Ulamandra. She's starting to be a bit of a side character.


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Yeah, too much focus on other stuff. I hope she gets more focus, but there's still the 4th general that has barely been introduced so I wouldn't hold my breath on it going back to her.


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They did a thing with Gnu-ome for the first couple of episodes. And she had the side story with the rat-japs. I figure she's now being sidelined for not showing enough skin.


File:[SubsPlease] Ameku Takao n….jpg (253.3 KB,1920x1080)

that feel when every Japanese illness is related to murder


thought about it a bit and sakamoto is really just a low budget Spy Family with no stakes

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