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File:Sachiko Happenings Thread ….png (597.51 KB,900x735)

 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: February 7th, 2023
595 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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yes but only on PC. on phone, I just see is pic related
>failure to pay
failure to pay what? I mainly shitpost and don’t touch politics.


I had some ISP related problems back in May and can tell you that in my case 4chan does not connect in such circumstances.


Is onesixtwo.club dead?
They had something I wanted to mirror.
Last seen 2024-08-26.

Edit: It looks like nuked everything and started over with JSchan anyway... rip




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 No.125141[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
1546 posts and 296 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


In approximately two hours I will leave the house and get to the workplace to work on my job.


love the comute


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bed -> bathroom -> computer commute


ate a bag of utz ridged sour cream and onion chips and a packet of peanut m and ms
tasted SOOOO good


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 No.95721[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
331 posts and 120 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Made a pretty good cabbage soup with sossidge.
- Roux
- Water
- Cabbage
- Onion
- Garlic
- Smoked sausage
- Bay leaves
- Boullion cubes
- Maggi sauce
- Fish sauce
- Black pepper
- Chilli powder

Dead simple NEET dinner.


>- Roux
it took me many attempts to get roux right >_<


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Made some quinoa and peas and chicken again, which isn't amazing, but this time I used canned chicken. I've been very paranoid over canned chicken, but I guess it's been around long enough that it's safe. It was already cooked and in a liquidy broth with some solidified fat blobs in it.
The chicken was a little pink, which I don't trust, so I saute'd it a little bit after shredding it to make it white.
I've been running out of freezer space so maybe canned chicken is a way around this. Seems decent enough, but I'm sure this isn't as efficient as other methods of buying chicken, but I don't like venturing into the outside world so long term storage is good.


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How do you mess up a roux? It's just fat and flour stirred together.


i messed up the gravy that i was trying to use the roux to make

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Has /qa/ watched any movies or films lately? What did you think about them?


Watched Bo Burnham: Inside. It was pretty good, and I encourage others to watch it, but this part bugged me. It bugged me because of how spineless and trite it is, and maybe that's the point. A visibly aged Bo watches his younger self with contemptuous disinterest. When his younger self launches into talking about how he's experienced others kill themselves, he distracts himself and looks at his phone and only looks back up upon hearing, "if I could kill myself." Every subtle look on his face conveys a bewildered and dismissive message in response, as if to say, "Really? You think this is going to change anyone's mind?" It's a very good visual metaphor and conveys the the sort of internal turbulence someone feeling those emotions expresses.

What bothered me was that it gave none of those raw, nihilistic sentiments about living a voice. The film was and is ostensibly about the experience of isolation and alienation from meaningful human interaction. The extent to which those ideas were raised was forced into the narrow band of "acceptable in polite society" critiques: "Hey guys, my mental health is really bad right now.", "I want to die.", "I want to put a bullet in my head." Nothing vulgar or backed by any emotion other than brief, terse little one-off statements that give no insight into their thoughts. The "I want to put a bullet in my head" comment immediately preceded this scene, but that emotion was immediately defused by a smash cut into, "I just want to say for the record that I do not want to kill myself. I'm not going to kill myself. And if you're out there and you're struggling with suicidal thoughts and you want to be yourself, I just wanna tell you: don't. Okay? Can you not? Please? Just don't, alright? Fucking quit it with the... but, really, don't be yourself."

I think it really cheapened any resonance that the "mental health updates" throughout the film could have had. For context, this scene takes place about half way into the film, but additional mentions about Bo's mental health come up a few more times afterwards, and when the film ends, one of the end cards was the typical "If you or someone you know is struggling..." with a link to a website, as you can see in the video.

It's just... odd. It's a strange sort of self-censorship in a film that is immortalized and most well-known for the scene, "Welcome to the Internet" (httpsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Fucking censors mangling direct quotes.... Do NOT "be yourself." K I L L... Yourself!


I've seen that guy posted elsewhere on the internet before (years ago) and his humor really never clicked for me. I remember him as some happy-go-lucky guy that looked like he was 12 so it's weird to see him with a beard and long hair being serious. He reminded me of silly 00s internet humor, although a bit dated by the time he did it. So it's a whole movie of unlinked skits or something? I don't know how the suicide clips relates to an internet song.
Comedians swerving into serious territory isn't something I generally like too much. I've never really seen any of them do it well, they seem to add humor where it shouldn't be and can't take things seriously enough, perhaps because they feel pressured to perform due to their reputation and career. There's the saying about the jester being the only one allowed to speak truth in front of the king (or however that went), but I don't think it really applies to most of these people.

I'm not sure what the last movie I saw was...


>So it's a whole movie of unlinked skits or something?
Essentially, yes. Typically 3-5 minute scenes, but some are really short, less than 30-45 seconds. I wouldn't call them "skits." There's not really any punchlines. They're all loosely connected in that they're about isolation and alienation. The film is set during the COVID lockdowns and, according to the film, Bo never leaves his house for nearly a year, and doesn't until the very end whereupon he's locked out and wants to go back inside. This was probably my favorite scene. It was completely out of left field, but it's amazing in recreating the exact sort thing he's critiquing.

>I don't know how the suicide clips relates to an internet song.
Between the scenes you would consider "worth watching", are shots of the disorganized and cluttered room Bo lives in. They're moments where you can faintly glimpse into the mind of the author and empathize with the same feelings during the pandemic of loneliness, and cabin fever. Maybe these concepts don't translate well to an audience that wasn't bothered during the pandemic and not being able to go outside or interact with people...


Watched Robocop 1 & 2, both films were enjoyable, very enjoyable.

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Hello Kissu! I am an interdimensional image board traveler and want to know when this site had its golden era. Thank you!
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>There's no variance in a month than in a year, I think.
Oops. I meant to say there's MORE variance in a month than in a year. Lack of sleep is getting to me with these random word substitutions...


Umm... I just bit this shab.


this sites golden era is whenever somebody takes a pisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssss


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (219.8 KB,1920x1080)

It is she who bites

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 No.95318[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Do you read them? I started reading .jpg related because of that one anon who loves it so much. I find it very soothing so far.
However this is not a thread for only this one, but for visual novels in general. I thought the board was kind of missing one.
293 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:Utawarerumono_Mask_of_Dece….png (3.03 MB,1671x1275)

Yeah, I'm sucked back into it. The last time I read it, it was on Vita but now I've got my monitor tablet thing in bed so I can do the PC release of Utawarerumono 2 and 3! Unfortunately it's really not made for higher resolutions, but you can get a patch for the 3D parts at least to scale them higher than 720p.
I guess my plan is to read 2 and 3 again, then do an AI translation thing for the BD bonus disc (which I'll make a thread for) and then I'll see what Utawarerumono-related announcement Aquaplus has for November. It seems unlikely to simply be a remake, so I'm really hoping for a brand new Utawarerumono story. They did a prequel with Monochrome Mobius, but you can't compare VN length to something like that, although it did have the same Aquaplus charm.
Anyway, yeah, November will be an announcement for something related to Utawareumono and ToHeart. In an ocean of gacha, Aquaplus gives a reason to think positively of the future of (some) media!


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I really should read Underwater Ray Romano someday. There's a remake of the first game isn't there? Should I read that or go for the original?


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I am currently eyeing Tokyo Necro. I asked about it, and people said it's really good if you like edgy content with big sword fights and lots of blood. Somehow the budget for this game wasn't a lot of money yet /vn/ called it Nitro's magnum opus. Hopefully it's what worth it.


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I read the original like 14 years ago and then the remaster when it came to vita/PS4 which was like 5 years ago? I would say the remaster is a better experience.
The original has sex scenes, but they're not very good. They feel tacked on instead of part of the story. In some VNs they're the culmination of relationships and feel natural, but in this one they're just there to hit a quota. "Well, I'm a new female character in the party so I guess we need to have sex now with a couple paragraphs of dialog."
The remake is of course easier to play on modern PCs/vita, has a higher resolution, and the gameplay is better. They applied the stuff they learned from making 2 and 3 and ported it back to 1. The combat is still simple and easy when compared to 2 and 3, but it feels better than the original. There's some optional bonus content battles completely unrelated to the story that are kind of fun, but it doesn't really add anything to the overall experience. If I remember right you had to farm % drops to unlock the ultimate optional battle, which seemed lame to me.
There's an option to mix in some Uta 2 and 3 music for related moments which sounds cool to me, but I can't remember how that worked. Music is such a huge part of VNs that this seems really good, though.
There's DLC for Uta 2 and 3 characters to be used in cleared/optional battles, but that's atmosphere and gameplay balance destruction so I wouldn't recommend those.


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Remaster it is then.

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From pointy sticks to plasma cannons, what are you favorite weapons in real life or fantasy? Weapons are more than just implements of destruction, they represent the culture and time period around them, and many cultures find certain types to be sacred or at least ceremonial. In fantasy they can similarly be an important part of worldbuilding, or more importantly just be really cool. Even wizards often need a good item in their hand to cast their magic.
Cuteness is not considered a weapon in regards to this thread!
9 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Monster Hunter itself has some cool weapons, my favorite as a concept is probably the Charge Blade. You've got a regular sword and shield, but after you charge it up you can slide the shield onto the sword and it becomes a two-handed axe and it's just plain amazing to see in motion. The weapon this guy uses here is quite ugly unfortunately, but hopefully non-Monster Hunter people can understand what I mean with it. The Charge Axe has a similar thing, but it's two-handed axe changed into two-handed sword so it's a little less cool.


The Mini Rocket Array from Warzone 2100. You load it up and when it goes near a target, it goes WHOOWHOOWHOOWHOOWHOOSH and empties itself all at once.


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I think the bo staff is really cool. There's a special Chinese mythological one that can change sizes (I'm not well versed in Chinese myths) but I think the real version is cool enough on its own. It might not seem much better than a stick, but it's usually paired with a stylish character that performs a bunch of acrobatics with it that makes it look (and play!) fun.
Obviously this is also influenced by the best ninja turtle using one.


I like the Bo as well, I actually have one and I have been trained how to use them a bit. My Karate dojo trains with the Bo instead of Nunchucks because they are easier to get and you can actually make them yourself pretty easily.

My Bo is simply a 6 foot length of Tasmanian oak that I got from a hardware store, I sanded it smooth and then oiled it and people at the dojo would say that it was better than the one they had which they brought from a proper martial arts store.


Speaking of monhun.

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 No.129768[Reply][Last50 Posts]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
140 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I have this great idea for a pokemon game. You play as a referee for battles. You say when pokemon are unable to battle and call out illegal tactics and maybe look the other way in exchange for cash under that table. You could oversee pokemon battles in prison


Been playing dominions 6, it's great. You can play MP pirated too if it's direct connect (/domg/ blitzserver).
A lot of things to learn in this game but that's just what I need right now.


i am playing minesweeper


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Miku boxing is out of stock on Amazon. Maybe I should have pre-ordered months ago, but I really wasn't expecting it to be out of stock on the day it released.
Now posted in the correct thread since my brain glazes over when I see gacha characters


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I'd like to see Greg Egan's Orthogonal trilogy adapted into an anime.
The setting is a universe with an alternate law of physics whose consequences include that
¥ light of different colours travels at different speeds and there is no maximum speed of light
¥ liquids largely don't exist as a state of matter, they're all explosively unstable
¥ temperature acts weirdly (I didn't quite understand it from the books and Greg's website but it seems like the characters use gases as a way to dump arbitrarily high amounts of heat energy from their bodies)
¥ the direction of the arrow of time is determined by local conditions (entropy I guess) and in the greater 4-dimensional universe, the worldlines of objects can go in any direction. You can be hit by a tiny meteorite whose worldline is perpendicular to yours, which you will experience as something traveling infinitely fast, punching a great hole through your stuff and massively damaging it
¥ related to the above, it's possible for time-reversed matter to interact with ordinary matter and both see time running backwards (e.g. objects reforming from a broken state) for the other
and more.

The consequence of the alternate physics most important to the plot is that it is possible for a spacecraft to accelerate away from a planet so that it is travelling infinitely fast, i.e. 'sideways' in 4D space relative to that planet, then turn around and return, such that a short time passes for the planet's inhabitants but many generations pass on the spacecraft. (In our universe, it's the other way around, a lot of time can pass for Earth but the spacecraft ages less)
The plot is a multi-generational drama centered on precisely such a spacecraft, which the inhabitants of the planet built to buy time against a world-ending catastrophe.

Now, a problem I have with Greg Egan's books is that I never really like the characters, I'm only there for the math and physics. The characters tend to be annoying, unlikeable 'Young Adult protagonist' snarkers, and I never care about their stupid emotional problems. The plots mostly aren't interesting to me (Orthogonal's plot is one of his better ones, he successfully portrays the epic scope of tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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But.. how? It sounds utterly incomprehensible from the very beginning. You can fill in the blanks by ignoring things in the text, but how is anything going to look if time is so distorted on a fundamental level?


>¥ the direction of the arrow of time is determined by local conditions
this in particular seems pretty fucking trippy
like, how does regular matter interact with time-reversed matter? because of course there's a lot of stuff surrounding the broken object and only one part of a person going back in time i figure it'd really fuck them up
>Now, a problem I have with Greg Egan's books is that I never really like the characters, I'm only there for the math and physics.
kinda sounds like it's the same for him, seeing as he has a hundred thousand words on the topic but i can hardly find anything about worldbuilding, writing characters, or the like
the only reflection i managed to come across was his six paragraphs on avatar (the movie), giving it a short trashing
though he does have a several more pieces of fiction written, just seemingly no commentaries


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don't get too hung up on the time-reversed matter thing it mostly comes up in the third book

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Are mmf threesomes gay? Do you think it's strange that something that is 200% straight for girls is questionably homosexual for guys? Or is it just the equivalent of girls doing yuri-play?
20 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i do believe that rape should be a team sport


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I am a pioneer. One must find new places and tame the untouched virgin wilds. It wont do to explore already plundered temples.

That is to say, I aint about sticking it where someone else's been.


If the guy before you had a smaller penis then it's gay until you penetrate further than he did and then it's straight again.


If you have to pay a woman for sex that is pretty fucking gay.


There are no guy acts, just gay thoughts. Intention is key. If fucking a man's ass while thinking about pussy is gay, then masturbation is also gay

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 No.62191[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What have you been dreaming recently?
351 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I had a dream where I revisited another dream I had years ago. I was at some bad-mitten tournament taking place on a mountain. If you got the birdy or whatever they're called past the person you switched places with them. That is how you would advance to the top of the mountain where you could join the cult hosting it. But it's a trick. I figured out the first time I went there that they were tricking people into joining so they could milk them for their blood. They all have some disease that requires regular blood injections to stay alive.

This time I was going to leave as soon as I realized where I was at. But my little sister was there and they had fooled her into joining. I lost track of her and searched everywhere. Finally after down 100 flights of stairs I ran across the person in charge of the cult. We got into a heated passive aggressive argument where I let it be known that I know that they know that I know. She called in security to deal with me but I escaped on to a bus. On the way to the bus I found my little sister and got her out of there.

As we were leaving the cult members were chasing us with needles.

Ridiculous dreams like this is why I think dreams don't come 100% from our own imaginations.


Dreamed I needed to go pee. Spent a few seconds in the bathroom trying to wake up since I had a sneaking suspicion I was in a dream. It didn't work so I peed in the toilet, but I woke up just in time to hold it in and I ran to the toilet and peed for real.


Had a nightmare where I locked myself in a bathroom while someone was trying to kill me.


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I had a dream the other night where a norm anon turned himself into a banana and started living under my bed.


Had ANOTHER nightmare about school

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 No.100566[Reply][Last50 Posts]

This is a thread for sharing general news about anime or video games or other entertainment that you don't feel like making a thread for.

I find myself not wanting to make a new thread for stuff and then I either forget about it or I put it in the blog thread as a last resort, which is quite awkward. Maybe other people feel that way, too. Well, here's an attempt to fix that.
This is not a containment area for such news, rather it's just a more centralized thread to put it when you don't want to create a new thread to share some info before moving on to something else.
191 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.







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I'm a complete outside of the series, what did they do wrong in your opinion?


Only the Blue haired anime girl is cute. The rest are boys or mature women. Well there is nothing wrong with mature women but these don't look like interesting mature women. The Protagonist is boring, the orange haired girl sounds like a gyaru and the yellow haired girl look like a gyaru and doesn't have an interesting personality either.


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Well, thematically it's more sexy than cute. I think it's kind of similar to Monster Hunter in that it sought more mainstream appeal which means it may alienate long term fans that were in it for specific reasons. Atelier has gone through a few stylistic changes over the years, though, largely when it switches artists. That there's a video that recognizes overseas fans is pretty crazy when Atelier was previously joked about for being so extremely niche with few sales.
I guess in general it feels a lot less like relaxing Gust SoL and more general, uhh.. what would you call it, regular video game stuff?


IIRC this somehow led to Ar Tonelico trending on twitter as a sort of example for Gust doing ero even before the thighpocalypse

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Zippyshare will shut down by the end of this month.
I think the impact is limited since it's meant as temporary file hosting, but a small number of files have survived for much longer due to continued downloads.
If you know some old files you want on Zippyshare like those on some DDL sites, download them now.

On the other hand, if Mediafire was to go down, the impact would be much larger since lots of files on it are now over a decade old. The same can be said for Mega due to the huge amount of files shared on it.
26 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>When I went to startup phase 2, I discovered a most dishonest and hate filled group. I learned that I had been dehumanized for a very long time. My personal details had been given out. Secret deceitful plots had been made to cut me out, and drop a bomb like I am a target to destroy
And this is why the internet would be better off if all people like that were to drop dead


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There were people always saying "just post the nhentai link d00d" "use nhentai it's just better" "they even host all the fakku stuff panda doesn't". I am vindicated in my choice to not make it my main source of hentai.



why do you think exhentai is immune to this. Isn't the owner a US citizen


Because there's one huge difference in how they've operated.
>which allegedly failed to process takedown notices
People knock on Ex for it, but they do respond to takedown notices.


that's a courtroom defence. It would be brought up in court alongside a set of other evidence

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If vern likes Chinese culture so much, how come he hasn't played the new Taiwanese metroidvania to show his support for their indie studios? Or does the sight of a fox make the vermin scatter?
8 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The enhanced blade wasn't as good as I'd thought it'd be..


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I'm really loving this game so far. The combat is fast, intense, and flows so smoothly as you get into the groove. The parry system's like your Sekiro one but instead of posture you deal "Internal Damage" that can be converted to actual damage through the use of talismans that you gain charges for via each parry. It's got a pretty forgiving window too, and if you miss the perfect parry by a bit you still gain a charge and pull off a parry but take some internal damage yourself that you'll need to heal somehow (can't kill you, however).

Certainly not the type of combat system I expected going in, but I'm ecstatic at how fun and unique it is.


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Yi's kinda hardcore...


acts tough but he secretly loves a snoof


for some reason read this initially as
¥The Immoral Mayor
and thought it was some sort of ero city builder

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 No.129059[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?
267 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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in a similar vein ossan adventurer had a good episode this week too
going strong on its main theme of hard work vs natural talent
though tournaments will never feel as satisfying as db's were...


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Like this version of Alya.


Is there no oshiko this week?


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MC has a perfectly fine imouto to date and yet he goes for the unrelated Russian slute instead.


that's pee dude!

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