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It's been a while since I've actively used this site.

Something that struck me on my return was just how much more imageboard-y it had become in my absence. Posts like >>133721 contain a kind of real-lifey cynicism that I generally didn't see that much before. There's also more social media speak, although I can't find any specific examples off the top of my head. I remember someone saying "bend the knee" though. It's not a huge difference, mind you, but it's definitely there, and I don't like it.

I've also noticed that there's a lot more generals, which I'm not a fan of. A large part of what I liked about Kissu was the site's hostility to them, where you were encouraged to either make new threads for new topics. Again, not a huge increase, but it's something that stood out to me just casually browsing

I'm probably not going to stick around. Partially because of the cultural shift, but also I'm just not interested in topicless imageboards as a whole anymore, and Kissu has been very much that since pretty early in its existence.
27 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If you're complain about posts by using an example it's probably best to use a post by a person that shows up more than once per a month. It's my post. I stick by everything said within it. I don't have to re-read it to know what it says. You need to accept that some things in life just suck and there is no harm in moaning about those things from time to time. If there was a magic happy pill or supplement without horrible side effects that actually solved the issue of insomnia I would have tried it by now and I would have suggested it.

If you don't like my tone. Too bad. I could pull the old
>I've been here longer than you
>I've been wasting my life longer than you on the internet
>I was probably using the internet before you were born
cards but I won't. Since such things are depressing to bring up anyway.

If you're accusing the author (me) or being a social media addict I have bad news for you. I'm 99% sure I'm both the only person here that doesn't have any social media accounts and also 100% sure I'm the only person that posts here from time to time that doesn't use a cell phone. I am a hermit that can type 155wpm and the main reason I even continue to use places like this is the fact that it's impossible to interact with anyone anywhere else without said cell phone. Soon I won't be able to any longer or be allowed to access my old accounts like steam. Since with each passing month more and more of them are taken away from me thanks to shit like 2fa via cell phone and all the major anti-ddos services labeling my web traffic as "suspicious". So don't get your pantsu in a twist when I notice someone doing something to promote such things and pointing out how stupid that is.

Soon the only thing I'll have left is Fidonet over HAM radio. At least until the FCC shows up to throw me in federal prison for encrypting my traffic.


>I am a hermit that can type 155wpm
Like the ring to it.


But can she do with SEVENTYFIVE magic points?


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me pwning the norps


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>I am a hermit that can type 155wpm

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Once AI becomes good enough to truly replace lawyers, would it be ethical to deploy them for the task?
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Yeah, you would. But that's where I'm wondering if it's ethical or not, to automate the judicial process. It feels like having no human representation is wrong.


I don't think they will ever be good enough, because AI is not actually intelligent, it would be relying on an algorithm of previous court cases instead. That might work in some cases but in many it would not as many cases throw up their own unique aspects so you can't really just rely on precedent for all of them. Otherwise you might end up with cases where somebody is sentenced far harsher than they would be because the AI could not understand the circumstances of the crime or maybe far less than they would be because of the same reason.


real dumboob hours


Ethical is debatable. From a legal standpoint yes AI would be good. Laws are a confusing mess of codes and rules and Lawyers are already soulless automatons, what difference would a literal machine make for reading and arguing on the basis of dense legal code?
Judgment is a different story. It's easy enough to judge things in black and white. Either they broke the law or they didn't. But judges are human and can sympathize. A machine would not question the law even if it was nonsensical and outdated, a judge could throw a case out because it's fucking stupid and a waste of time to prosecute.
A judge can also incorporate the intent of the defendant in whether wrong was done. For example: speeding in a school zone. You were going through at 50 mph and you got caught. A judge may be lenient and let you off with a warning if the reason you sped was a valid concern, like rushing to your sickly grandmother's house after she missed several calls.
AI cant do this, and it shouldn't do this. Shit's already loose enough it doesn't see anything wrong with ordering 1000 cheesy rolls at a drive through kiosk, it lacks common sense.


Having an AI judge is a terrible idea, it will repeat whatever biases are in the training data. If, say people with French names got convicted more often (due to real-life reasons or bias), an AI judge trained on those outcomes would gladly judge someone guilty for having a French name. They're statistical inference machines and they don't care about causation, only correlation.


In 1 hour and 30 minutes I'm going to be streaming DDD DDDD D episodes 1 to 9. (no episode 0 for today since it breaks the chronology and pacing)

On https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri

We'll be using a new locally hosted video stream system, so if you want you can open up the stream in VLC directly by using the files in https://rtmp.kissu.moe/streams/verniy.json when it's ready
It's a 1080p stream so I might switch to individual 720P files(the traditional method) if it doesn't work out.

The anime? It's by the author who did Oyasumi PunPun. It's better if you know less about it, but the animation and music are great.
75 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this series sound super interesting maybe i should read it


If a person believes in something and acts accordingly after getting power then they were not corrupted, they were enabled.
The quintessential allegory for power corrupting is Tolkien's One Ring, where characters do greatly deviate from their original goals because of its influence. Schizman doesn't.


The One Ring is different because it has a will of its own and is actively influencing the bearer's mind to achieve its ends. You can argue that Schizoman and Kadode were fundamentally evil and just smart enough not to show it until they thought they could get away with it, but the fact remains that they would have gone their whole lives as simple disillusioned losers had they not gained power and reevaluated their course of action based on that. I think Kadode not becoming a terrorist in the timelines where she didn't get the sonic screwdriver shows that the author's perspective is that the power is what turned her down the wrong path rather than simply allowing her to achieve goals she already had.


With Kadode we absolutely agree that power corrupted her or at least led her down a dark path, I don't think anyone could interpret it any other way. Ten pages after experiencing the power of the blaster she's derailing a train, in the two other timelines where that doesn't happen she's fine, the correlation is statistically significant. But your response to Schizman having ill intent from the start is to shift to hypotheticals. He didn't say "if only I had a gang of people to help back me up, then and only then I would take revenge on the invaders, oh well too bad." He did it himself, actively, starting from nothing, unlike Kadode. There are prior events (reading /pol/, Kiho's death) that make him go down that path well before any change in power occurs, independently from it. Moreover, Ontan's mother going derelict is unrelated to power or acting out of a sense of justice (on the contrary, she is forsaking her child), and if you want to argue that the self-serving government has been corrupted then you have to pretty much take an anarchist stance and reach back well before the start of the story to say it's been that way all along.

I think it would be easier to say that Asano's message is that power corrupts if he had shown any of his characters as upstanding prior to obtaining it, if he had brought attention to a clearer distinction between the before and after, or if he had shown a standard for responsible usage that others failed to follow, but they're mostly flawed from the get-go. What he does explicitly criticize is justice itself, and for you or I to say that their usage of power is irresponsible we're left to do so with our own sense of justice, which he doesn't endorse.


wouldn't mind naming my son schizman
he can be warm water's little brother

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I've taken notice of my poor health and mental faculties and I think that my diagnosis is I need more sleep. The issue with this is that I don't know how to sleep early or long and my brain resists the urge to give up precious time to be doing other things besides lying still. How do you convince yourself to sleep?
8 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You don't want it trust me it's very painful. I had a book on all the FDA approved drugs released by 1998 I would reference at the time. In that book it said it was a good possibility that my cock would fall off and to go straight to the hospital. I was so pissed off with that doctor when I called and he basically said
>lol keep taking it it'll go away
Figured out I knew more than him pretty quickly. Was really mad considering he hands out opioids and xanax like candy to everyone in town but for some reason he refused to give me anything worth a damn. But that's how you get treated in America if you don't have health insurance.

I've taken every sleeping pill other than the ones that were taken off the market and widely prescribed before the mid-1980s. They're all bad and will just ruin your sleep cycles. You'll get dependent and have to keep upping the dose. Depending on what you're on they can kill you if you attempt to quit cold turkey. Most aren't even good. Trazodone is prescribed off label for sleep because it has mild sedation as a side effect. In reality it's an antidepressant and no one should be taking that shit for any reason.

You want good sleep? Put your ass in bed at a decent time. Turn off the TV. Don't watch a screen after dark. Don't drink a bunch of caffeine after noon. Don't drink alcohol more than once a week. Don't consume sugars. Drink a lot of water. Accept that sometimes you'll won't fall asleep no matter what you do because your mind is racing about the fact that you live in horrible times in a horrible place called hell (this is hell).

I'm not trying to brag. It isn't anything to brag about. But when it comes to insomnia I'm sure I've got it much worse than any of you. Considering I have a legit reason to have it (mild brain damage aka slowly progressing CTE).

Whatever you do. Do not take a drug without researching it first. Do not trust doctors. They will give you plenty of bullshit just to pad out their numbers and got those sweet sweet kick backs. Most of them have never read a whitepaper and give no fucks about your health. To them it's all about the almighty dollar. I've also discovered that the vast majority of them are borderline retarded. They do not question authority. The few that do learned a long time ago not to go against the system. Least thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Oh another thing. Don't listen to all this horseshit about what good sleep/sleeping habits are. Before the invention of artificial light here is how people slept;

- In bed at/just after sunset
- Wake up around midnight for a couple of hours to do night work (stoking fire, checking on animals, stuff like that)
- Back to bed around 1-2am
- Sleep until sunrise/hour before sunrise

That's the natural human condition.

Another thing; I said to avoid using screens after sunset because it screws up your natural sleep cycle. This is also true for more sources of artificial lights. These modern LEDs and CFL bulbs are especially awful. Yes the same applies to your screen with redshift/blue filter. Incandescence bulbs are still bad but not as bad as more modern bulbs. Pretty much all sources of artificial lighting trick your brain into thinking it's still day time.

That is the main issue for more people other than lack of exercise. They laze around most of the day or work an office type job or NEET it up playing video games and watching screen until the wee hours of the morning. Then they try to go directly to bed and wonder why their brain won't shut off until the sun is almost back up. Your brain won't shut down because you've tricked it into thinking it's daytime nearly 24/7. Not to mention that you're stuffing your face full of stimulants like caffeine most of the day, consuming processed sugars in nearly everything you eat and not being active.

Live and eat like people 200+ years ago and watch your sleep issues vanish in 2-3 weeks. Guaranteed.


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not hard to fall asleep when you don't enjoy being awake


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>my brain resists the urge to give up precious time to be doing other things besides lying still
In the same situation right now, have been slowly embracing the fact that I don't need to get everything done in a single day, as long as I stay consistent and continue (what ever it is that I'd rather be doing) the next day.
Instead of living every day like it's my last, I leave notes/hints for my tomorrow-self to continue where my today-self left off. That was always a problem for me, the thought process I have right now, that lead me down a certain path in be it programming or learning something new, I almost completely forget about it the day after. Now I leave hints on my thought process for the tomorrow-me, like having a certain series of tab open, or a video paused and full-screened so I know where I left off yesterday, etc. Sometimes even adding sticky notes to my monitor for more long-term goals, or alarms on my phone. Helps me live in a thought span of multiple days, rather than a single day.
Also helps to know that not having a fixed sleep schedule will just hamper your ability to do any tasks, but I guess you already have that down.


Try using your imagination to focus on something like cutting diamonds or bouncing a ball or even a location like a beach on an island and try walking around. But don't get distracted and keep focused on the imagined scene. Don't do the bare minimum either, try to imagine the scene as vivid as when you're awake, as if you were seeing it with your physical eyes. Without building any tension in the body, ignore the body, just pure imagination.
Eventually you'll reach a point where the body starts falling asleep and you'll go unconscious.
Try doing this while leaning on an object for support. Watch when you start falling asleep your legs will begin giving way and you'll get to a point where you can no longer continue without falling down. After doing this a number of times you should get an understanding of what it's like falling asleep and then you just repeat this method in bed or wherever.

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Silly Kurumi, you can't do magic without the state authorizing you magic iPhone access!


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you know I've been thinking for a while that those uniforms remind me of another overlooked gem from a few seasons back and on checking they really do look similar


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This show is a scathing social commentary of people becoming reliant on handheld technology and losing touch with geometry


I still have my compass in my bag.
At the school I studied there was a legend of a kid that was killed with a compass to the neck in a fight with students from the rival school in the same street. All the teachers would make jokes whenever we used the compasses...


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Circle plus triangle, thought Kurumi with deep satisfaction, is water, and I don't need a notebook to tell me so. The notebook is in my own head.

And it was amazing the feeling of power that gave her.

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god I love gif peanut butter


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It used to be called jiffy penut butter before the reality shift


They should run the large hadron collider more


jiffy weenus nutter butter

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I'm going to reread Higurashi from the beginning after completing 7/8 of the original arcs then stopping several years ago - I don't remember why. However the console arcs seem complicated and I'm unsure of the order in which I should read them. Going with how the series was originally released, I feel I should read the original 8, then Rei, then the console arcs in chronological order.

Please, give me your advice.


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Hmm, well, at the very least the original 8 first makes sense. Rei right after the original, yeah. You should also watch stuff like Kira which has stuff not in the VNs and is kind of like Rei so you should probably watch it after that. The console stuff... I actually kept procrastinating forever and never got to those. Maybe I should get around to that around Halloween since I did get a nice setup going for my bed.


Do you remember when you stopped reading it originally and why? Once I got to a certain point it was impossible for me to put it down.


Thank you, I suppose that makes sense. I think I'm just going to do the release order more or less; I read a very brief synopsis of the console arcs and it sounds like they are intended to be read after you've completed the main story. I read the first little part of Matsuribayashi up to and including some of the puzzles and just finished rereading Onikakushi; it's funny what I notice now with that extra knowledge compared to before, and I think I'm starting to get why the series is so well spoken of apart from just the story being engaging.

My last saves in Minagoroshi were from around this time 3 years ago, so I don't remember too well. I didn't start Matsuribayashi after that, only starting it a few days ago. I have something of a problem where, when I near the end of a game, series or story that I'm enjoying I'll slow down my progress of it because I don't want it to end, which ironically ends it for me. If the console arcs and other content are as long as the main 8 however, I think it will take a while to get through everything.

Do either of you know if I can watch the 2006-2007 anime after reading the main 8 arcs? I recieved it many years ago from a friend via file transfer and I remember he said something about the anime being out of order and containing spoilers for later VN content.

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I am considering going on a carnivore diet. Nothing fancy, prolly just ground beef, eggs, and dairy products every day. I've tried more "balanced" diets before and I never felt any better. Lately I've been very depressed and started putting on weight, so I'm interested in seeing what life will be like cutting out carbs almost completely. I understand there are some risks because there hasn't been much research on these types of diets, but I don't really care about anything right now.

81 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I eat pasta and rice almost every day and I'm not fat. How do Americans explain that?


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ULTRA processed is what you should avoid more accurately. It basically means modern industrialized supermarket food.



Falling into the Ray Peat rabbit hole. I wonder how much of what he says is legit and how much is bullshit. One of his big things was eating food that would promote longevity, and yet he died at like only 82. I was surprised that he says lard is bad, apparently because (at least in the United States) pigs are fed a lot of corn and soybeans nowadays, so a lot of the toxins in those end up in the pigs' fat as well.


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My immediate issue are his citations range from 30 to 80 years old. Nutritional science has advanced a lot since then. It's true that food companies managed to change the accepted wisdom for decades and people that were saying stuff 80 years ago were proven right (like fat not being the enemy), but things have changed a lot. Many different organizations, government and private, research things constantly and the internet has connected the entire globe. Things look very iffy in an extremely active field like dietary nutrition when someone purposely avoids any information found in the past 30 years. Or is this a page from 30 years ago?
>© Ray Peat 2006.

I think the "seed oils are toxic to the body" thing comes to the wrong conclusions. If you're getting too much of it, it means you're eating lots of junk food and everyone knows that's bad for you for a host of reasons. You're eating lots of fried food, or super processed stuff with an ingredient list that takes an entire page. Are potatoes unhealthy because of potato chips? Many things are bad in excess, and sure, many "seed oils" are one of them. But, stuff like this is telling people that it's the seed oil itself and not that an extreme amount of it is used in junk food. Lots of people sing the praises of eating flax seed, but if you listen to this guy then you're ingesting poison.
Hydrogenated oils are definitely something to avoid outright. Although, this guy says seed oils are so bad that you should take the option of hydrogenated oils. Yeah, oil taken directly from corn is toxic as opposed to than corn oil that has been sent to a factory to have hydrogen bonded to its atoms to produce an artificial oil stable at room temperature. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogenated_oil
I was told hydrogenated oils were bad in a nutrition class back in like 2003 so the information was out there.

He also says fish oil is bad, so you shouldn't eat fish. Someone tell the people in Asia that soybean, sesame and fish oil is killing them prematurely at age 98. Since his fish data is from "fifty years ago" he's unaware of the actual danger of fish caused by environmental pollution accumulating in larger fish.
I'll read the vegetaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>seed oils
i like the term /fit/ uses for them

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How do you tell if you're dehydrated? Managing water intake seems like one of the most important health retention tips.


You can tell by the colour of your urine, if it's dark then you should drink more.


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just drink water, there's literally no downside


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I know I'm dehydrated when I'm thirsty.


i'm just always drinking water

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I'm 33 years old, and from elementary school up until now I've had a huge crush on Kinomoto Sakura and I think I will keep loving her until the day that I die.
Is there something wrong with my brain?
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Having a crush on Sakura is a sign of a healthy, working mind. She is, in a few short words, as cute as it gets.

Seriously, everything comes together perfectly with her. Cute voice, a cute, believable personality, and she's just also very cute in appearance. It's hard to describe without repeating the word cute a bunch, but you also seem to already understand in your heart anyway, so I don't need to try and get you to do so.




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Cute stompers.


I just bit this shab.

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5 years of hard work, huh...


working hard or hardly working, son?


They only had to do four episodes.


>Episode 1 was directed by Hiroshi Nagahama (Mushishi, The Flowers of Evil) and animated by studio Fugaku. However, Episode 2 was directed by Yuji Moriyama and animated by studio Akatsuki.
That kinda speaks for itself, I think


>The Flowers of Evil
Nice to see Mr Rotoscope has evolved to survive into the modern era by tracing 3d models instead of 3d pigs.

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I'm a latin american BR working remotely "with" U.S. companies, not "at" them. Essentially, I'm a middle manager between Latin American contractors and U.S. clients. I make $50k a year in what's basically a NEET job, just doing 1:1s with developers, clients, and handling invoicing. I barely work 2 hours a day.

You’d think I have it pretty good, being from a third world country and barely working, but then I look at the FAANG managers and directors I deal with and they're making anywhere from $250k to $500k a year. With that kind of salary, I could retire in a year in my country.

How do they even get into these positions?

When I check their LinkedIn profiles, most of them started as directors or program managers right off the bat... Meanwhile, I had to start as an intern. Honestly, I feel like where I’m at now is as good as it gets if I want to keep this a NEET job. But if you think differently, enlighten me
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>They're hiring foreign because you're basically making a lot more after currency exchange
I mean, yeah, 50k a year is like top 1% salaries here in BR considering 90% of brazilians make under 1k a month I'm doing pretty well for myself I would say... but I can't help but be jealous of the fortune 500 managers I work with that make up to 500k a year


1. Just because it's the first thing on their profile doesn't mean that's where they started, there's no point cluttering your resume with a decade of low-level grind when you're looking for high-paying project management positions.
2. That pay is exceptional for the first world too everywhere except a handful of extremely high cost of living areas and I could retire in a few years off that, even with the government stealing half of it.
3. They are probably doing a lot more actual work than you and you're probably happier watching anime all day. Or they're lucky enough to have found a team that holds them up and hasn't collapsed under their weight yet.
4. If you get into a company early you can get an important-sounding title right away and, as long as the whole thing doesn't collapse around you, you'll be set there for life.

Parties aren't strictly necessary, but it is key that you get people to like you socially. This is a lot easier in an office because just taking a few hours a week to chat with the people around you will impress you on them as someone who is good at their job and easy to work with. Parties do supplement this, though, and let you create those connections outside of your immediate sphere. You can also do this with friends outside of your professional sphere. Once you have some rapport with someone, just make sure they know you're looking for something more and hope they run across something you'd fit into. Or, alternatively, find something they're having a hard time with and come up with a way you could be the solution.


Move to the US and you will be fucked living the way you probably do in BR because in the US you have to pay for basically everything yourself. No government subsidization of your quality of living. So not only do you need to be payed equivalent between BR vs US, you also have to make extra to compensate.
That's why you are hired in the first place compared to a local US worker.

FYI I'm CAN payed in USD so US-CA exchange rate and standard of living are fairly good. I get paid about same that a mid range dev would be payed in Canada for the price of a high-junior level. And I would not want to move to the US on my salary if I were consuming at least 60% of my month to month. Because I would have to pay for health insurance and then I have to get a car. And living in US appartments is shit so I would need to buy a house


>Move to the US and you will be fucked living the way you probably do in BR because in the US you have to pay for basically everything yourself
That's already my situation here in Brazil. Government social services are shit, and the "free healthcare" is abysmal. Additionally, I’m a hikikomori and use zero (0) services provided by the government.
To be honest, I invest 90% of my salary in safe stocks and crypto with the hope of becoming financially independent and a real NEET again someday. At this rate, I’ll probably be able to retire in around ten years, by that time I'll be in my early 40s.
I also don’t want any additional responsibilities if it means commuting and putting actual effort into my work, so I guess the U.S. is off the table for me for now.


You might be right then. Because Canada has a lot of benefits and I can mouche off of family if need be. If Brazil maybe only has the family benefits then dunno.

The main thing to be considering here is that you can't just blind jump into a country, especially the US, and you need a job lined up.

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 No.82826[Reply][Last50 Posts]

media screenshot/video thread for stuff you don't necessarily want to make a thread for
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so many faces


Yanami ラブ


As expected of Meister Rozen!


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The Memories of Phantasm gets shit, but I really liked it. It's fun and their renditions of the music have this almost nostalgic way of getting you immersed with Touhou.

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Just saw a


hadukichang kawaii


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I for one, am glad to be her servant


saw it

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>2 years into quiet quitting
>still with the company
I'm basically a NEET and no one can stop me.
Any of you doing the same?
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i am mentally defective


it makes actually doing w*rk hard from time to time but nobody seems to notice


100% effort is zero effort.
top management wants you to put 200% effort into your work


Idiots should pay for 200% then.


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To add on, gambling based jobs don't require you to act in any manner that makes you feel like less of a human for doing. They just like when you make money and if you can make money you're good. Which is mutually beneficial for me because I like when I hit it out of the park and make money too. Only downside is that there's a bit of stress involved in it when the other thing is happening, but that's what humanity has alcohol for.

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