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Can't contextualize but "To be found would be nice".


The desert region is just one of the biomes. It seems to be semi-open world and the best description that I've seen is that it's basically like a giant open guiding lands where each region is like its own guiding land. Or something like that.

BTW demo for PC is out tomorrow. I'm never been more excited to play a demo.



image text


ah yeah whoops

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I made this thread a couple years ago.
Laugh at me or AMA
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You could have bought the /qa/ mansion with that kind of money...


>a couple years ago
It's been well over 13 years anonymous...


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money well spent


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$80 for a night with Marisa.

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I present to you De Qataris Pronuntiatio, or, On The Questionable Realizations Of A Toponymic Tetragraph And Its Many Compositions, Lesser Known Among Imageboarders.

Since time immemorial, two questions have remained present in the minds of all those dwelling /qa/: what do we call ourselves, and how do you pronounce the board's name? It has long been a matter of ⟨/qa/⟩'s phonemic composition, whose myriad expressions appear to contradict each other at every turn. Herein you shall find an authoritative examination of its manifestations and the underlying logic, motivated by the recent anniversary, and based on General American English and General British. (I am sadly forced to neglect Australian pronunciation for the sake of my sanity and time, nothing personal mate.) It's very long, but its length is necessitated by these phenomena's complexity.
The two books I've consulted the most are Gimson's Pronunciation of English (actually by Cruttenden), and Kreidler's The Pronunciation of English, while getting transcriptions from The Oxford Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English with some usage of Cambridge here and there.

I'll first go over general English grammar and fundamentals, then compounds, and then free-standing ⟨/qa/⟩. Some of these are heavily subject to board changes, take ⟨/qa/bal⟩: of its 39 total hits, 35 are from 2017-2018. Likewise, 65% of ⟨/qa/non⟩'s 449 instances come from 2020-2021. Patently tied to historical contingency. Also, some words included are less than nice, but they're important to the overall analysis.


No.XXXXX = a 4/qa/ post and its number.

⟨xxx⟩ = a word as it is written, not pronounced. After words with ⟨/qa/⟩, the added parenthesis (XX) represents how many times it appears on desuarchive, totalling the root alongside plurals and such.*
/xxx/ = broad transcription, the word as made up of logical units, phonemes.
[xxx] = narrow transcription, specific sounds independent of the logic behind them.
E.g., English ⟨cat⟩ is broad /kæt/, but narrow [kʰæt], with the extra puff of air that English speakers add at the start, but which is generally not treated as relevant.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
21 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


very important thread, bump


I had never really thought about it. I just pronounce it as cue ay.


Yes, this is largely the default reading, though it's not as obvious as it may seem at first.


i'm using this


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Oh yeah? Which one?

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How to cheat at video games? Cheat Engine is basically malware.
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Figuring out how to make your own cheats can sometimes be fun. I've used an emulator that came with a built-in debugger to play around with that before.


making a note to myself to look into Squalr


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I'm not sure what you mean by malware. It does read processes, but isn't that how it works? I'm not aware of any other cheat program in existence these days. Maybe there's something in non-English languages like Chinese or Russian? Those people are pretty good at hacking stuff.
In-game cheats are unfortunately a relic of a time before DLC so you're not going to find them anywhere else...


I think he means the sort of sketchy software that does what it says it's supposed to, in this case it's provide cheats, but it also cooks your GPU mining bitcoin.
Never had a reason to update CE, so I don't know if it actually went bad.


People throw that bitcoin accusation thing at everything so it's impossible to tell when it's legitimate. It seems unlikely that CE would be doing it, though. Maybe it's a bug or it messed up with a hook and eats up a bunch of RAM as a result or something.

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 No.121041[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Now that there's a bunch of people that have at least seen it in the stream, Undead Unlock is pretty amazing, huh? Seems like a nice high budget production. I haven't been excited for an action-y anime in a while
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I figure they'd still cover the same amount of material as in a season as well.


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It just doesn't seem right... A movie special would be fantastic, but wouldn't they refer to it as a movie? And wouldn't people assume 'sequel' meant the same format? Bleh, this could be some lost in translation stuff.
Well, movies do generally look a lot better so if this is just a shorter stand-alone movie then it is certainly going to be absolutely gorgeous. Looks like the same director is involved, although maybe anilist is just making an assumption there. But, I hope it turns out to be a one hour special leading into a new season. Or, maybe a holdover as the studio focuses on Fire Force.
I hope anyone here that was holding out giving the first 24 episodes a try will do so. It's really good and you can skip past all the recaps! At least give the first episode a watch, and then the first 4 or so with Gina.


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The BDs are out on nyaa! There's no subs so you'd have to apply them somehow if you don't know Japanese (I don't so that's something I'll have to learn at some point). I had to find some non-spoiler moment from an early episode so people can click it without worry if they haven't seen it yet.
It looks really good! I don't have the BDs of many things due to the file size, but I think Undead Unluck is worth it.


showed up in my feed


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Hearing the second verse of OP/ED songs is really a surreal experience. My mind says they end at a specific point, but then...

The first OP and ED are definitely the best, but the second OP grew on me while the second ED was still kind of meh. Still better than most, but compared to the others it's definitely last place.

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What would you do if you were evil?
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I've called this series Acro Bike more times than I care to admit...


Probably nothing different. I am quite cautious so I would not do anything that would get me in trouble or make me a target even if I was evil.


so weird of the Hoenn people to build something like that over a river...


If your kid won't risk his life on sick BMX stunts, he isn't elite four worthy.


i'd sexually harass the magical girls

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How do you keep track of your favorite artists' new pics?
Back in the good old days of 2008, you could just hop on Danbooru or Gelbooru, and you were set. But now, you've got Twitter, Pixiv, the boorus, patreons, paywalls... It's a mess of crappy sites that make it impossible to keep things organized.
Most of my favorites are saved on SankakuBooru, but that site is turning into absolute garbage with its limited searches, limited blacklist options, and to top it off, it’s slow as hell.
>inb4 "Shitkaku"
Yeah, yeah, I get it. Their clickbait news site sucks, but the booru USED TO BE GOOD.
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it has a high requirement of tag quality and the uploads need to be manually approved, but it doesn't have nonsense requirements and all you need to do is upload image and tags


gelbooru is great for uploading stuff that is still alright but not likely to get approved at db though


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they got me banned on pixiv, where else u can post teh pics i wonder


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I really don't have the motivation to bookmark artists and follow them the way I used to. I follow some on pixiv, but that's about it. I'm not going to make a social media account. Dan/gelbooru is pretty good at finding new artists to look up by searching for characters or something and finding good images in the results and that's mostly how I "discover" artists, but if I see a "source: twitter" I just forget it. I don't care about food blogs or all the garbage associated with social media itself. I don't know how you'd find an artist that only makes original works.
I'm sure the furries have made a better system, they're always ahead in this kind of thing.

Pixiv allowing AI was a huge mistake. Filters do a decent job, but the damage has been done.


Back in the day I used people's booru.org boards for the hyper specific shit but that site's been dying since the beginning of the decade. These days I use Twitter and Bluesky even if I'm not a fan of either.

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I'm Brazilian and just found out that my father's great-grandparents were Polish and my mother's great-grandparents were Italian. Is it worth pursuing dual citizenship from either of those countries? I don't really plan on living in the EU, and my lawyer mentioned it would cost around $1,000 just to initiate the process. He would need to research the documents and find definitive proof of my ancestry, but even then, my request could be rejected due to the records being too old or complications like my great-grandparents having given up their citizenship when they left their home countries for other reasons
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>skills based immigration
Not really interested. I already have a cushy semi-NEET job at an American company.
I can't imagine working in Italy or Poland would pay better than my remote position. Even if it did, I wouldn’t want to, because commuting to a workplace again is something I never want to do. Working from home as a semi-NEET is the ideal setup for me.


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I can't speak to what the process looks like for Polish citizenship, but I do know a bit about the claims process for Italian citizenship. Since it was your great grandparents, I'm going to assume they probably emigrated some time in the 1880s to 1920s ish. From what I understand, you can claim citizenship from any ancestor of yours that was or is an Italian citizenship. Obviously, claims from living ancestors are much more likely to succeed compared to claims from deceased and very old ancestors. One particularity about pursuing Italian citizenship, particularly if its from that time period I mentioned, is that I have heard the constitution of that area was explicitly sexist, so women did not have the same citizenship rights and may not have been able to renounce their citizenship. In that case, you may be able to claim citizenship through a great grandmother, for example. But, as you mentioned, the process isn't a guarantee to citizenship and it can take a rather long time. Last time I looked into this, it seemed that the process would take 1-2 years and cost somewhere in the ballpark of $6000 USD.

Unless you have a reason to pursue citizenship abroad, I'm not sure whether I would recommend it considering the cost. The only reasons I can really think of for why you would want to pursue is if you want to live or travel abroad. It goes without saying, but citizenship to an EU country would allow you to live and work in any other EU member state, but you did say you don't plan on living in the EU... The only other thing I can think of is that an EU passport is a bit better than a Brazilian one, and it may be better if you need to access consular services abroad for whatever reason.


>I can't imagine working in Italy or Poland
I mentioned it here >>134619, but this is a misconception I sometimes hear. If you live in an EU country, you can live and work in any EU country. So, even if you have Italian or Polish citizenship, you would be able to live and work in Spain, or Germany, or Sweden, etc. Pre-Brexit, I remember hearing that a lot of British pensioners for example would move to Spain in their retirement, and lots of Polish people would move to the UK to work manual labor because the pay was better than in Poland and the UK had a shortage of workers in that area.


You're Brazilian, you don't need to create more reasons for people to mock you.


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I wanted to look into this because my great grandpa was German, but since he moved moved in the 50s it isn't applicable. You'd think it would make more sense if it was recent. Disappointing.

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Less than a month left for ARTS11.

Are you planning to go? What releases are you looking forward to?

The previous day, there is also a concert by ButaOtome, Sekkenya and Reirou no Hydrangea: https://tiget.net/events/326809
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It's definitely something I'd visit and plan a trip to Japan around if I were to ever visit Japan. Or Futaket, you know, just to make sure to collect every Yukari artistic work.
I hear summer events in Japan are a nightmare of sweat and heat, so I'd probably stick to autumn or winter for sure. Well, if I could tolerate crowds. I think the VR comiket stuff they have (had?) are pretty cool, especially when you get your own offline local copy of the booths.
Uhh, what was I saying again? Oh, yeah, Restaisai is cool, but just not something I'd ever attend.


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Did anyone go?

The 2hu events look fun and it's at times like these I wish I wasn't an autistic coward who's too afraid to travel abroad alone.


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I didn't go, but I have a image file dump upload of someone who did.


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Glad to see Mannosuke getting some love. Truly the 2hu i wud b.


I sorely miss the 4/jp/ upload threads. I never explored music much when I was younger, so they provided a gateway into various genres of music that I've now explored further.

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What kinds of tea does /qa/ like or enjoy? Usually I have black milk tea with honey in the mornings, but recently I've been somewhat trying out different blends and leaves, trying to delve deeper into the world of tea since it's one of the few things that can calm and relax me. Right now I'm enjoying some delicious lavender tea sweetened with lavender honey. It's very smooth down the throat and is working wonders at unraveling the tenseness in my nerves from the cold I'm starting to suffer. Didn't even need to add any milk too for the smoothness of the sip. I find it lovely.

What I'm really interested in at the moment is going deeper into green teas since I've always seen so much on brewing it and whatnot but I don't know what's really reliable info for it.
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if it's warmer than room temperature I can't drink it sorry
but then it is no longer real tea if it's not hot


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Sometimes I want to get into drinking tea, the healthy stuff, but I just never get around to it. I even grew some stuff to make tea-like stuff, like mint and chamomile and stuff but just never got around to it. It's basically like cooking, but cooking is supposed to provide me with lots of food to eat.


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I sometimes make this using sencha teabags. It's a nice alternative to plain water though I'm not sure if drinking it before bed is such a good idea like with any caffeinated teas.


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I'd recommend matcha more if it wasn't so expensive. Relaxed focus compared to coffee, and much quicker to prepare than loose leaf once you get the hang of it.


It also attracts Japanese spirits.

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Have you seen the storytime generals on 4/a/? I ended up checking out the ShimSim one after the manga ended and it looks like a qualitatively new thing. A new historical epoch.
They're basically a chain of chapter dumps, sustained by a dedicated OP and a group of people interested in reading whatever manga manages to get traction, a notoriously rare thing to happen. At the end, the OP may announce what they're going to dump next, and the community will move on to that as well. They differ from regular ol' dumps in that they carry around in-jokes and all that as well as getting perpetually bumped and remade like a standard general. Right now there's even some friction between /tkmiz/ and the storytime's community, mainly over the former's liberal use of spoilers.

It's like, rather than a segregated topic growing a micro-community, it's a micro-community hopping from topic to topic. Turned the whole thing on its head.
61 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The biggest thing that's driven away people from 4chan is the cultural shift from OC is king to the current moderation's deification of their extremely narrow view of what's "on topic".
The original mission statement of 4chan has been lost. It's not supposed to be an ossified discussion forum, it's an "image"board. A great deal of why 4chan's devolved into the toilet for discussions people aren't allowed to have on the civie internet (hello every racist thrown off of reddit welcome to your new home~~~) is because that's what the mods have made the place into.
I don't think you're all wrong. The general thread is in some respects self defense from the mods. All the traditional cultural threads on /a/ for example have been expunged in the name of them being off topic. DBS, for example, can tap the OP and say they're a thread about an anime/manga and while individual posters are frequently banned for going off topic, the general as their forum for those tangents remains. And so they evolve.
When I look at storytimes that aren't one anons autistic necrobump vigil, that's closer to what I see. A little circlejerk from ye olde days given license to not be deleted by the OP and the dumps.


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>And so they evolve.
And evolved it has. Since then it's gone through a lot of invading posters throwing their own characters into the mix, particularly Gigi, and at one point they were making edits of them getting pregnant with x-ray saiyan babies. Seems to have been effective, funnily enough. I can't say if the lolisho and homosexuality has changed in this last year, but it does look like Krillin's yabba dabba doo NTR has become ubiquitous in other shonen threads like CSM and OP.


Sounds kinda gay


No u, most definitely.


That reddit thing is kind of interesting. r/anime would naturally be downwind of 4chan, so a blog thread telling people not to do the ronery thing kind of makes sense.
I remember back on 4/qa/ we'd talk about the "hima-fication" of generals- language dulling down to small words in short sentences unrelated to the thread's subject matter until a general thread becomes indistinguishable from another. I think reddit's awful UI would probably prevent that from happening, but I don't really care enough to look.
Kissu has definitely had quite a bit of discussion over its blog thread. It's a force of nature that must be corralled occasionally, but I think it's in a decent enough spot. It's allowed to exist as long as people keep it to blogging. People must do everything in their power to resist the desire to follow the path of least resistance and contain everything into one thread.

>I don't know the details of how /jp/'s originated either, maybe someone could expand on that. The only thing I know for sure is that it was already fully-formed by the time it reached /qa/.

I think it just transferred the ronery threads from /a/ with the creation of /jp/. I thought all that ironic "floor-shitting NEET" stuff is stupid and I couldn't tell you its origins.

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Does anyone know what happened to all the channels that were in Theatre?
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allows web embedding but not video... anyways, yes, it's that github I posted. I think setup isn't too hard


Sadly.... seems to be less and less Cytube platform sites, and even fewer that still work from within this platform.

Thank you for the github link... I will give that a shot in the morning. :-)


It was late.. but tried to get the files loaded into one of my spare linux boxes. It kept asking for a username and password to authenticate with GitHub... going to try again today.


eh, sounds like github strangeness. You should just be able to clone or download the source code then follow the wiki instructions https://github.com/calzoneman/sync/wiki/CyTube-3.0-Installation-Guide


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welcome to kissu

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 No.129059[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?
326 posts and 152 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Preview of you're into that


Thank you, I ended up not doing something else today so I kept watching it. I had seen up to and including episode 7 before and intended to finish it today, but didn't realise it had 25 episodes - I only had up to 11 downloaded. It's really good and I like this sort of setting and theme. I should finish reading Higurashi and Island as well.


oh shit..... it's 6am and the sun is coming out.... and i have to work.....


i posted this in the wrong thread....


Thank you for your recommendation
Just whatever is worth watching

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I was feeling bad that I'm not able to appreciate some kinds of art. Music, paintings, animation, food, games, sports. But maybe it's not so bad. If I don't know what I'm missing out on, I won't crave it when I can't have it.


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Well, getting into a a form of art doesn't necessarily mean you're going to turn into a hyper-elitist with super narrow tastes. There's a lot you can appreciate without needing to go off the deep end.

Lately I've been looking a lot at illuminated manuscripts, from the somewhat goofy Romanesque of the Codex Manesse (I'm sure you know this one) to the elaborate books of hours like the Duke of Berry's or the black books. Bible moraliseé, too, and fencing manuals a bit. Lots of scenes accompanies by floral patterns and fancy borders and marginalia monsters that inspired Bosch's depiction of hell with its hideous abominations. I'd like to be able to draw this kind of stuff one day and use them in the fiction I wish to write, though that's a long ways off for now.


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Look at the difference between it and the Duke of Berry's, what a difference a century makes.


It's interesting coming back to this video over a decade later. 4chan is still terrible (obviously) but I'm not sure if it's for the same reasons as the video originally described. Rather, it seems that his complaints now apply more to the mainstream internet as a whole, especially social media.
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I'm not going to watch this video but why is Suigentou holding a razor?
1. How does that relate to the video or is the the infamous clickybait I keep hearing about?
2. Why does she need a razor if she is a doll? She can't grow body hair.


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Suibuntu just got done shaving some mutant bushy lolis, and no, it is infamous but not baity.


Now you have raised even more questions. What is the backstory behind that image?


I don't know, actually. The source is futaba.


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>There's no shortage of people joking about how they NEED to watch this two-hour video on Peruvian rodents at 3AM
Found an example while looking up how to correctly season mah skillet.

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