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After years of being told I'm in the wrong line of work I've decided to take a shot at what I was born to do: writing.

I'm going to write and publish a LN before the end of this year. I just wanted to tell someone so I stick to this goal. I don't imagine it'll be that great but I've taken a look at other books and LNs people are publishing and they aren't that great either.

Will my friends here read the first draft when I'm done?
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I am aware. I read the rules on how they want fanworks to be and don't have much intention on selling it. If it turns out to be something substantial in the end and is something people would buy I'll go through proper channels like the anon who made Udongein X and Artificial Dream in Arcadia.


asahi is cute


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I agree!


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OP if you're still around, I hope your writing adventure is going well. I promise to read your cute magical girls book if/when you finish it.


Thread getting bumped is kind of depressing. Since other stuff took so much of my time this year that I haven't gotten anything down yet. I have managed to flesh out the story some more. I have a BIG BAD, I have an MC, I have most of the world fleshed out. I just haven't figured out how I'm going to get from the initial introduction of the first MC to the second real MC.

I'm going to set-up a dedicated emacs machine for writing so I'm not so sidetracked with software projects and try to focus more on this after the holidays. Since every time I got started on this over the last months I'd get side tracked working on my various software projects or video projects. Video stuff ate up A LOT of my time over the summer. Far more than I expected since I ended up working on three shows I never planned to. It got so busy I didn't even finish the one video project I planned on doing this year on time.

 No.121174[Reply][Last50 Posts]

what OP/EDs do you like? I was thinking about the popularity of LycoReco when it came out and how nice it'd be to see more anime inspired by gunslinger girl since that was one hell of a boson anime. the OP for it being one of my favorites and having that early 2000s english indie song for its op. also do you remember that in the same season lycoreco aired there was another original anime "engage kiss" that failed miserably and was just a soulless gacha cashgrab checking boxes to try and hook a playerbase, lycoreco had no tie-in and was the biggest anime besides bocchi so goes to show how far creating something good takes you compared to trying to cash out on the trendy market researched ideal money printer
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Can't post best OP without best ED. Hinata my beloved!


you know the manga for this actually picked up again thought it would be on hiatus forever


Thats good to hear! The show was really good from what I remember, maybe i should rewatch it.
I like the ED more than the OP; both are good, I just like ナナヲアカリ.


That whole era around 2010 in youtube the Japanese rightsholders were so autistic about expunging everything from youtube.
I got a giggle a few months ago seeing Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari in my recs, they finally uploaded the tv version officially to advertise off/monster.


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I came to pay respects


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Who died this time?

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Do you support Konoha becoming a "mascot" for kissu.moe? I'm going to miss seeing her every time I visit /qa/.
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The blog girl


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Could just post more images of her, no?


Oh Konoha why can’t you just play Fortnite like a normal girl your age?


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She's more into kohaige like needy shab overdose


That anniversary stream was so good; was such a great surprise seeing Konoha show up.

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Do you feel pleasure or relief in seeing others fail in competitive scenarios or do you want to win purely by your own efforts?


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It depends on what their character is like. If they're a good sport about it then I'd want to give them my best effort. If they're an asshat then of course I'll partake in a little schadenfreude, little faggot deserved it.


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I hate competition and generally try to avoid it. I guess if I'm watching people do it then I'd prefer whatever is most entertaining, which is usually an even match.


not in them failing itself, no, but seeing it serves to reassure me that i'm not doing so bad and that does make me happy


i like it when cute girls cry and pout

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What's the lain of the modern day? There probably is none, is there.
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modern lain


can i be modern day lain? no reason i just want to be


do you even understand what lain is about or are you just a waifufag?


the teenime


fourteen years old without the n


Has /qa/ ever haggled?
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>wasn't too sure about how to lower the car value itself
My first time buying a car I went to an honest car dealership that set the price what it is, no up-sells, no hours long financing trying to get you to purchase supplemental yadda yadda yadda. Still managed to haggle like a grand off the car by saying I'd walk lol


A decade ago, I was visiting this shady site selling self-defense lessons and when I moved to close the tab, a voice loudly yelled WAIT! Apparently you can rig your website to play a sound file (they used a baby crying as an example) when you move your cursor to the tab bar. Also a pop up window appeared offering a better deal.


We don't really have haggle culture in my country. People who attempt haggle are just seen as a nuisance and may even be ignored in online second hand trades.
Haggle culture is inefficient for everybody involved. It is better if people try to offer reasonable prices and leave it at that so the buyer and seller does not have to constantly waste time in their life trying to get a better deal. I can't imagine having to haggle all day every day like they do in some of the poorest countries because it's just expected.
I walk into a store and if I don't like the price I leave and find another store. This makes haggling unecessary.

It's fine for large purchases like cars and houses though, it makes more sense to argue for a while when we're talking thousands or hundreds of thousands, but not for cheap items.


I love haggle culture online. Whenever I use ebay I try to find listing that have the "make an offer" to see if I can drop the price. Usually 60-80% of the original list price is achievable. In public is a different matter though. I couldn't imagine haggling at an electronics store or a furniture store or something.


I'm way too scared of offending other people to try to haggle. I'd much rather not buy it at all.


Are there any games that can properly depict war in its extremely stressful and horrific light? Or will we only really be able to to get that sort of experience made eventually through VR? I feel like, thinking about the potential of AI, this could be one of the few genres that AI would be almost necessary to properly make a less gamey more overbearing experience.
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Thinking a bit more there are stories that elicit feelings of dread and feet. Cousins that make you feel sick for reading them. With that in mind it's possible to make the reader question their mental wellness. But it's far from causing the same outcomes


is that how your other discussions have gone


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I know what feet are, but what are cousins?


my phone is on the fritz...


Very low quality toes.

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Early 90s kid here
For some reason I don't remember any popular Japanese flash games during the early 2000s
Did they make any good flash games back then?


Yeah, but I kind of struggle to remember ones that aren't pornographic, though. Stuff like that one with Mai from King of Fighters or the JSK Studio stuff. There was that one Crash game where you launched someone with a side view, and uhhh... ummm... hmm.. kind of drawing a blank...
The Touhou flashes I remember were non-interactive


I think I remember a few H ones, but I definitely didn't play much of them. And I'm not even so sure the ones I played were flash or not...

Although I feel like some H-sidescroller flashes I played were originally JP so those might be some.


some older hgames that are still maintained use swf. That's to say it was probably very influential on game design there but none of them made it over.


Nanaca Crash, right? That was what came to mind for me as well. https://flashmuseum.org/nanaca%E2%80%A0crash/

I didn't know at the time, but the VN it's based on is an absolute masterpiece too.


Yep, that's the one!

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Just found out about the 2015 janny chat log IRC leaks.
Have you guys already discussed this? Just Google "4chan janitor IRC logs" and look through them. Basically, a janitor went rogue around 2015 and leaked years' worth of IRC logs. They are absolutely hilarious, especially the absolute meltdowns moot and the /jp/ janitors had because of the the various shitposting factions that waged war with them around 2011-2015.

There's a janitor who confesses to taking meth to stay up all night so he can delete more posts (WhatWinterLeft / Saegrimr / Cat looks like janny), a janitor who confesses to molesting his nephew (Kazisho), and more. Also, AoC (previously known as "meido") talks about how he shat himself multiple times in school and received the school nickname of "dooky"

Also, BOOF was /k/'s janitor
VCR_Working and fsdfdsf were also obsessed with /jp/
Janitors from other boards constantly mocked the /jp/ janitors for managing the worst board, and moot publicly humiliated and ultimately expelled some of the /jp/ janitors from that channel
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You know me, Anonymous, and I make web apps for 10s, sometimes 100s of users!


I stand by what I said

IT is dead

our industry is just endlessly recycling trendy apps that add minimal societal value and its all run by greedy corporates that prioritize profit-driven features over transformative innovation or meaningful contributions to humanity


define IT


if you get within 5 meters of a computer at work you work with IT


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In Ternet

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What are your favorite controller designs? Are there any old, system-specific controllers that you prefer to use over modern ones? Or do you like being able to use the same controller for everything now?

I generally enjoy the better ergonomics of the modern ones, but I always feel weird playing N64 games with new controllers because using the right analog stick for the c buttons feels weird, especially for games like Paper Mario where they're used for menus instead of camera controls.
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I guess the D-pad would work there. I can't think of any N64 games that use both the D-pad and the analog stick, so as long as you're doing per-game mapping you don't actually need to have both mapped at the same time (same with Z and L). It's still the wrong hand and I feel like that'd create issues with stuff like Banjo that uses the buttons for both camera and special actions via button combos, though.


Weirdly, I think the Xbox UFO controller might be the best substitute since it also has six face buttons thanks to the weirdass black and white buttons that disappeared with the 360. Probably easier to find ripoff N64 controllers than OG Xbox controllers these days, though.


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>N64 games that use both the D-pad and the analog stick
Pokemon Stadium (Pokemon Stadium 2 in JP) uses all three ways to hold the controller if you include the minigames, so if you want only one remapping for the entire game you probably want to map the control stick to both analog sticks, and two of the C buttons are going to have to be mapped to weird leftover buttons like R1/R2, Select, L3, or R3.
Tsumi to Batsu (Sin and Punishment) lets you aim the gun with either your right thumb or your left thumb while you use the D-pad or the C buttons to move around.
Banjo has been brought over to newer consoles, so you could try loosely basing your remapping on the newer control schemes made for those.


For 2d, nip Saturn controller.
For 3d, I mostly use a ds4 out of habbit but I have a ds3 and 360 controller.

Dishonorable mention to the Dreamcast. Worst controller ever even xbox fat in my tiny hands was less annoying since at least its analog worked.


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>I wonder why they didn't just go with this labeling for B and A in the end, with B as the left button and A as the bottom button.
Miyamoto gave an answer in this interview:
The decision was made to position A and B in such a way as to match the Game Boy's buttons, with the B Button diagonally below and to the left of the A Button. But on the Game Boy this diagonal slant isn't as pronounced.
Confusingly, a non-negligible number of SFC/SNES titles still ended up using B as a "confirm" button.

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 No.71667[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Found a neat youtube player
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I just remembered about the existence of this. Old old site listing off different glitches for various games.


Nifty tool for making an RSS feed for specific manga on Mangadex: https://magmadex.org


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Really cool YouTube frontend Anonymous posted.



Really cool! But wow, older internet was really not meant to be in 1440p.


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Do you constantly work on your passions in some way? I think that working towards a goal always is a good mindset even when you're busy with other stuff in life, since it'll always help you come closer to achieving something similar to a "life-goal". My life's goal is making the perfect metroidvania game, but that's put on the backburner for me while I learn JP to go to Japan and also play every metroidvania to analyze why I love them so much and hopefully encapsulate that into a vision.

Though at some point I definitely need to learn some programming to get it done, and I need something that motivates me to learn a programming language over anything else... I think my problem right now is that I have no clear goals whenever I start up programming that I can work towards and so I get lost and drift towards things I know I can make progress in, like JP and analysis.
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Yeah, true. I need to make a lot of 3D assets to prove my sincere dedication to it before I'd ask anyone, though. Unlike CSS I could actually 3D model all day and have fun. Well, not retopologizing...
There's that saying "If you love your job then you'll never work a day in your life" and stuff. I really do wonder how people can tolerating staring at text for the programming thing, but I guess it's the same way for most things.


easy, you just ask me to program it for you


Yeah, that's kind of what I was leaning towards. But again, I need to do a bunch of stuff first so someone doesn't program a bunch of stuff and I don't fulfill my part of the effort. Things should be better next year and I can focus on the 3D stuff.


Yeah it's fine. I don't think I'm going to die soon


i guess the main thing I could say after consuming upwards of 100 games is to lean into free assets. AI requires a ton of approval if you announce you use it so free music, free BG and so on are very handy. In a lot of games I see people turn the stock RPGMaker character assets into their own drawn interpretations. People aren't looking for much, just something like a new fresh story and or gameplay to build scenarios that fit within their niches

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Are authors gods or should they just die?


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Well, it's their work...


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The author is there to give you something to think about and the material therein is wholly subjective to your opinions on it. There's many things I agree with which define the work they are writing, and many things I think are fucking retarded and make me thing they're sabotaging their own work.
At the end of the day they're just writing the things they want which isn't always what you want. If they write things you like they're gods, when they write dumb shit you don't like they should kill themselves.


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I am the Demiurge of my worlds, all the suffering that happens are for my pleasure and the strife that I create is sublime.

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 No.100569[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Server is now UP:


Legacy OP text We're fast-approaching the time of year where plenty of people are available, and there's a lull in media content to keep people entertained. So, I was thinking it'd be a great time to start up a Factorio server and play with Kissu! The plan is to play on a really big modpack known as Space Exploration which should ensure the server lasts a long while, and also that every person can be helpful even if they're new and it's late into the game. You see, this particular Factorio modpack revamps and expands Factorio beyond the typical endgame where you need to build a rocket out of the world, to where you will now need to escape the entire stellar cluster! Utilizing multiple planets and a space base in the process to reach this goal, Space Exploration forces the players to learn every aspect of it to keep their factory properly running. Especially with the added feature of bot decay which really changes the dynamic of the late game.

With all that said, I think it'd be good to get a head start and begin to discuss things related to Factorio related to optimizing Factories, or maybe even teaching new players/people that want to test things out how it all works. There's a lot to learn about the game and it can make it feel a bit daunting to new people at the start, so if you want to try starting up a world and seeing what makes sense and what doesn't initially I highly recommend it! Also remember that the server will be a group effort so there's no need to worry if you're not particularly good at one aspect since others should be able to help out as well!


So it's been over a year since the expansion was announced on the Friday facts for Factorio >>113631 and ever since every Friday the team has had blog posts giving updates on the content and changes of the expansion. Some of them extremely promising and posted in this thread like >>114141 that shows how completely reworked everything is being to make base building an even more enjoyable experPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>120 second lifetime of the bots
I'd take a more expensive crafting recipe for one that could be charged off roboports. Like a combat area around the port where they automatically deploy and kill stuff. Could make combat spidertrons more deadly as it vomits out robots to zap things along with their rockets, or a passive defense network where an outpost can be defended by a few roboports stocked with combat robots.


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So for this quality factory, it took an ungodly amount of time for me to set it up and even then I still struggle with blockages at times. I attribute most of the technical difficulties with it to being my first crack at quality. With the foresight I have now, if I had to choose a planet to start with quality I'd probably take Vulcanus next time instead. Scrap is already a bitch to deal with normally, but adding quality to that just introduces an entirely new layer of complexity and contingency preparation for how to make the operation work smoothly. The only saving grace is that Fulgora offers you infinite power if you build enough accumulators so you're free to utilize as many bots as you want. And you'll definitely want to be using bots for this planet. My spaghetti still remains for the initial design, but most everything higher quality related now is done via bots.


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>but most everything higher quality related now is done via bots.
And funnily enough right as I was looking at it to detail in my post a bit, one of the reasons I use mostly bots appeared. I was checking on the belts and normal quality holmium was congested because I filled up entirely the epic holmium chests I was using to store its plates. The initial idea was to train over scrap from a quality scrap mine and then let it be processed at a rate which could allow for continuous drilling of scrap, but that didn't really pan out, it only sorta works now because I made a secondary processing area for normal and uncommon scrap. Would be much better to just have the drills all storing to chests.

Then the main thing after is just figuring out how to deal with the byproducts of scrap recycling. I was tinkering with that for the longest while, but I'm pretty sure I've figured it out now. You just need to learn circuitry and conditionals, then have the byproducts sorted into chests, probably with buffers in-between for higher qualities, and once you're getting close to full on a chest have a requester chest that reads that value on the logistic network and send the materials into a big quality scrapper contraption to either attempt to get lower materials or the same thing at a higher quality. Once you get to legendary though I don't really like destroying anything unless I'm turning it into other materials, in that case just have a lot more buffer chests.

Though before any pure recycling to reduce quantity you should really be turning the materials into anything you can in other quality moduled assemblers. The advantage of scrapping more expensive buildings and such is whatever you get in return is all of the same quality. So say you scrap an Electromagnetic Plant and it rolls legendary, now you have a bunch of extra legendary materials for free that'd otherwise take you forever to attain through traditional means or trying to scrap raw materials into legendary.


it was around the end of space exploration that I realized these bots are incredibly strong, especially when combined with cars.


Yeah, that's my plan for whenever I get back to it. I'm going to cut off the mines from the greater logistic network and instead have a bunch of bots dedicated solely to a patch that take ore and sort them out into different chests that transport into trains that will then take them to different areas that probably will connect to the rest of the logistic network. Will most likely take a bunch of energy though, but it'll be well worth it to have an efficient quality sorting method that doesn't get backed up all the time.

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