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File:[MTBB] Bakemonogatari - 09….jpg (258.54 KB,1920x1080)


Are you good at catching references in media?
20 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Yeah, if someone posts him on /a/ or /his it has to do with Japan and Christianity.


File:[MTBB] Owarimonogatari S1 ….jpg (536.8 KB,1920x1080)

This one is a bit strange to me. It's referencing the Powerpuff girls artstyle along with a squid kid from Splatoon. There were previous Powerpuff girls references made before.


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I remember those earlier times on the internet when referencing Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was seemingly a requirement. Apparently it was a thing over in Japan as well?


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Do you drink/like energy drinks?

I've noticed quite a few of the people that I talk to drink them, but I personally find them pretty gross and not all that helpful.
33 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Hey, show some respect to my girl! No one talks smack about my Rosie Palms!


Ayase shouldn’t have lost as hard as she did


well, I ended up eating my words. I was feeling surprisingly good up until lunch so I decided not to drink the energy drink (monster) I brought. I instead drank a powder drink that has caffeine and B vitamins (effectively an energy drink). it’s weird that I was feeling so decent with 3 hours of sleep.


I have now gone one week without energy drinks.
I am still a gormless, lazy, and unfocused good for nothing, just as I was while drinking energy drinks but now my heart isn’t going crazy at least.

Resisted the urge to try and replace them with Zyn as well.


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I’ve had gween tea w/ one spoonful of coffee powder for the last two days….headaches are terrible but I least I feel nothing emotionally…
Other than that I don’t like monster/red bull, not a fan of kidney stones.

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Can we take a moment to pay our respects to Utako Shimoda. Who blessed us with the seifuku.
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A boy after my own heart.


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Does anyone know which great person we have to thank for the introduction of sukumizu? They should be honored just as much as Utako-sama.


sukumizu are trash, bro.


>it's a shirt, a sweater AND a blazer together
And underwear, too.


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The japanese school system in the 80s?

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The new league starts in a few hours so I thought I'd advertise the /qa/ mansion guild here in case anyone wants to play it. We're around 6-7 right now, but I have enough guild slots so that we can accommodate pretty much the whole /jp/ spinoff population that still plays games (upper limit of 30-ish if I'm assuming generously). The bulk of us are going to be playing on softcore-ruthless so I'd recommend doing that too if you want to reap the benefits of a shared use stash. But, anyone that just wants a bunch of free space can join to use it in normal/hc too. We have a good deal of space https://files.catbox.moe/b6cox8.jpg so poor NEETs can enjoy the convenience of paying without needing to spend a dime.

So if you're interested post your userid or character name ITT if you want me to invite you, we're fine with anyone that's not a complete subhuman.
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File:[ASW] Akuyaku Reijou Level….jpg (199.63 KB,1920x1080)

I don't really care about this because minions suck and only chaos/curse witches are good. The D2 skelly necro sucked as well. You literally couldn't kill any bosses with it.


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Yeah, well, you're gay.


>minions suck
>D2 skelly necro sucked as well
But minion stuff is fun...
That's why Titan Quest was so cool with multiple masteries having pets. Man, I should play that game again sometime. I wonder if there's any other games with fun minion stuff that released lately. Commanding a little army is just so cool.


Buid an army
trust no one


dumb trustard

File:[MTBB] Monogatari Series ….webm (580.38 KB,1280x720)


What's your favorite yokai/Japanese folklore being? I think most people are probably going to say kitsune, but the bakeneko is interesting as well. The Sawarineko in Monogatari was based on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakeneko
It's a cat spirit associated with curses that not only it can possess people like how it's demonstrated in Monogatari, but also kill them and take their place by shapeshifting into the person, similar to how kitsune also have shapeshifting powers. It's the opposite of the maneki-neko which brings good luck. You know, that cat figurine with a raised paw.
15 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah, for the more major yokai, people will have put some extra work into the article, but if you pick any random example from category:yōkai, it will probably be a mess. sadly the best resources like YokaiDB seem to remain untranslated. i also came across this interesting paper about it https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.13110/marvelstales.27.2.0276.


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the bakeneko is also the inspiration for the original kusuri arc from the ayakashi series, which the mononoke series was based on.



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>Typically 99 or 100 years
And here I was looking forward to marrying my PC when it turned...


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You probably know a fair bit more than you think, but normally when they're presented in anime and stuff the youkai aren't exactly treated as or specifically stated to be folklore monsters because they just are. It's ingrained into the culture so seeing them isn't as out of place. And even then because it's so ingrained there's many different interpretations. Like the Nine-tails from Naruto is an interpretation of kitsune and in the folklore nine tails signifies the highest level of kitsune. Likewise for a more recent big shounen, in Jujutsu Kaisen Ryouman Sukuna is an actual piece of folklore himself too. Uchouten Kazoku is basically entirely about youkai and folklore.

Though I wonder at what point we stop calling things folklore and start calling them just urban legends? Since Hanako-san is technically a youkai but is more of a recent thing in that it's post-WWII. Similarly there's a fair bit of urban legends/yurei/yokai that one can see across japanese fiction that have certified themselves in the culture post-WWII but I don't know if we can call them folklore either... Technically I think they should be.

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One of my favorite shows is getting a sequel soon. I really like this series and think a lot of people passed over it because it was said to be a Madoka rip-off when the anime came out. I've been reading the LNs and they're really good. I think they'd be a perfect series for someone learning kana.

The new season of the anime should be really good because it will cover what is arguably the best two LNs in the series. The only downside is it'll probably be 12 episodes instead of 24. It's a lot of content to cover in 12 episodes. The first season felt really fast paced because of that. I don't want to spoil anything but suffice to say characters are introduced quickly and certain events happen too fast.

Anyone else a fan of Raising Project? I don't understand why this series isn't more popular. It feels like only a few people have seen it. I am hopeful season 2 will do good in the ratings and maybe we'll get some OVAs or something. A proper video game based on this series would be really fun.
12 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[GJM] Mahou Shoujo Ikusei ….jpg (125.13 KB,1280x720)



This series better be fucking good because I just merged the entire series into a single .epup




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They're not really connected. Battle harems were the previous braindead LN template that got adapted way too often. The edgy mahou shoujo trend just fell off over time as Madoka became a distant memory and the genre slowly reverted back to light-hearted stuff like Twin Angel and Ore.

She was just playing the game to the best of her ability.


File:[GJM] Mahou Shoujo Ikusei ….jpg (108.39 KB,797x720)

I remember not reading the books themselves but hearing about how it really changes after the first round of games where Himekawa starts to take charge and really differ from how she was in the beginning.

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Wait so does this mean there could be a way to fix the atmosphere on mars and make it habitable again by releasing volcanic activity or something? Or is this suggesting all the water vapor is gone and escaped through the atmosphere
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will someone please think about the rocks


Other planets exist for the sole purpose of being repurposed into livable planets by us humans.


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Rocks need to be free of the corrupting influence of humanity.


What if I told you we originally came from Mars and the planet lost it's atmosphere in the last mini-nova.


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And its magnetic field? So there was one and blast damaged it?

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Are anime end cards still a thing? I don't think I can recall the last time I watched a seasonal that had end cards in it.
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This reminds me of that show with the cute wide girls in the apartment. Madoka!


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Onimai had cute end cards from lots of different artists.


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This is my favorite end card and I remembered to turn off the subtitles this time. We usually translate them if we have time.


>Next time: Mahiro and first time girls-only gathering.
I have no idea what kind of gathering. I'd guess a hangout, but I have no context to help. My Japanese is terrible.


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I guess I'm just unlucky and the few seasonals I do watch nowadays happen to be the ones without end cards.

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 No.120896[Reply][Last50 Posts]

There's been many a time where I've stumbled upon a character and ironically stated, "Yup, that's me". Pretending or even lying to myself that I'm that character. But that's not the case here, this is me. I am literally Magia Baiser, Baiser is me. The mangaka wrote the story and I was who it was based on. You could not possibly craft a character that was more me than this. That's because if you were to change anything it would not be me, since it's me.
130 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[SubsPlease] Mahou Shoujo ….jpg (354.18 KB,1920x1080)

Coming off the final episode, the inbetween chapters made for a perfect finale to the season that left open the chance of a continuation while also wrapping things up in a satisfying manner. Venarita's scheming and the wider world of Mahou Shoujo are still out there, but for now in Utena's hometown she's satisfied with having achieved an ideal balance. She can peacefully play out her role as the villain while toying with her idols. Glad they didn't try to go for an anime original end so the massive success can be capitalized for a second season.

Although here's hoping that they can upgrade to a better studio with a larger budget in S2, since that was probably my biggest gripe with the anime.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (282.34 KB,1920x1080)

Yep, that's me. I've been known to eat a hamburger now and then and people even say "hey, don't you eat hamburgers?"


File:Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete ….jpg (233.07 KB,1920x1080)

Started watching the BD version which came out a couple days ago. The moans are nice.


Yeah, I'd imagine the moans add a bit more to the scenes to give you a complete experience.


Damn, no wonder that guy cares about banding.

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I thought you were meant to look down on long-term lurkers for being pathetic cowards and freeloaders, but as the “lurk moar” meme has been taken more and more seriously, it seems people have come to see lurking for months or even years before posting anything as an integral part of board culture. I couldn't disagree with that idea more. It goes against the spontaneity that makes the internet fun. For most communities, if you can't get along with it after a few days using it, you should just leave it alone, rather than stalking it until you can pretend to fit in. And I enjoy seeing people share their first reactions to a forum or board, before gradually becoming more seasoned posters over time. It's refreshing.
48 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>A regular 4chan poster who comes here certainly has a bit of trouble fitting in.

I am against elitism in general but this is not a bad thing.
Imageboards need to dissociate with 4chan as much as possible to find their own niche and thrive. The alts that just advertise as !Not4chan die fairly quick, meanwhile I was delighted to see Kissu go 5 years in a flash.


To answer your question people simple say stupid shit these days. I lurk on one forum yet there still seems to be a lot of unfulfilled social interactions that stem from there. Compared to that, I guess imageboards are better if you lurk though. Not all of them but most. On the flip side, very young kids born after gen 4 pokemon will not lurk period. A lot of them are straight up illiterate, so the older bunch will most likely take their time to lurk even if its like useless too, seeing that older crowds are slowly posting less and less anyways. Didn’t really mean to turn the topic into IBs dying but….if you take out lurking they legitimately fucking die lmao. If i wanted to talk to literal children i’d hang out on youtube or something.


I think the problem with Tohno is more the atmosphere on it than the number of boards. Everybody on the site seems miserable and depressed...
Well that's why I left it anyway.


im miserable and depressed here too dont worry!!!!


No, stop, you're going to scare them away!!

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Cool website, nerds.
Let me know when you incorporate vim keyboard shortcuts like the actual cool software out there.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Turn your typing into an RTS game


File:1489537879714.jpg (329.73 KB,2362x2362)

doas pkg_delete vim && doas pkg_add emacs


I don't use unix-type operating systems.



Why dont you just get an extension for that

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Do you use any software that other people may not know about that you like?
I started using (and eventually even bought!) this thing called Wallpaper Slideshow after trying a bunch of free ones and getting frustrated. https://www.gphotoshow.com/wallpaper-slideshow-pro.php
Basically, you give it folder(s) of your choice and it will assemble a collage image of them and make it your background. You can configure it with a timer that changes it and I have it set to 15 minutes. I had originally used John's Background Switcher that someone thankfully linked to me a few months ago: >>91800 https://johnsad.ventures/software/backgroundswitcher/
I liked this one more because there's less wasted space, more options, and it just generally seems to assemble the image better. I turn it off before I go to bed each night though because I'm worried that it's keeping my hard drive active all day, which probably isn't good. I should maybe research that sometime...

This pairs well with something like Grabber ( https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber ) that can bulk download tags from booru sites.
Of course, this stuff is kind of wasteful if you don't have an extra monitor with a wallpaper that's largely visible, but I find myself like that sometimes so it's pretty nice.
84 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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This is something I've been using for a few years and it just exists passively in the background so I forget about it. It's a simple program that automatically reduces the blueness of your screen dependent on your set sleep schedule and/or time of day. This is important for reducing eyestrain and supposedly it helps you sleep, but I can't confirm the latter. It's based on the reasoning that blue light is artificial and new whereas the sun in the evening and even fire is orange and that's what our eyes have adapted to process.
There are other programs that do it (and newer OS versions have their own version I think) but this is the one I've used. I wonder if there's better stuff out there, but this is free and it does exactly what it's supposed to do so I haven't bothered looking.


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Been thinking about this ever since I got my Bluetooth headphones. They support LDAC, but Windows has no real bluetooth codec support like Android does. Found this which replaces the Bluetooth driver and adds support for LDAC, AptX LL, AptX HD. It works too. I was skeptical at first, but I tried it out with my Fiio BTR3 which has a little LED indicator that changes color based on codec used, and it absolutely works. I seriously appreciate being able to use LDAC with granular settings. My headphones used to cut out whenever I would walk to the kitchen and stand near my fridge, but now it just cuts down to a lower bandwidth and maintains the connection.

It's paid, but with a week-long trial period. If you buy it before the trial expires, you get a discounted price. Only gripe is that the license is hardware-tied, meaning you need to buy additional licenses for any additional computers you have. The price is discounted for additional purchases, but it still is kind of annoying. Still, I think it's well worth the price.


Nice, a software thread.

Does anyone know any script that blocks users or tage on pixiv? Either that or filters posts based on region? I'm trying to block gaijin on my feed. Some bug man and worse koreans are okay I guess, but western posts I want them out of my feed for the most part. Too much crappy art from them.


somehow AG Grid has become more intuitive through their latest maj. vers update. Everything gets set through a single ```setGridOption``` function that uses a string key to act...


Moved to >>>/maho/391.

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 No.67883[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I want to nakadashi *girl* has become a popular phrase on imageboards (mostly 4chan). But it's a mix of Japanese and English. If I was going to say "I want to cum inside Holo" fully in Japanese, how would I go about doing that? In the English sentence, nakadashi is a loan word and it is the action being done, but in Japanese I don't think 中出し is a verb. Can it be verbified by adding する to it? And then you conjugate it to say you "want" to do it. So the end result would be 私はホロで中出ししたい which would translate to I want to cum inside Holo. Am I correct?

Japanese is fun to learn.
336 posts and 81 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>What is the fastest way to look up kanji without an OCR?
At least for manga I got a habit of drawing them to look them up, doesn't take that long to draw a kanji anyways. I feel like it reinforces what it looks like to me and I can do this from my phone when travelling as well. Maybe not necessarily the most effective way as I've never tried OCR, but I can do it on public transport commute with ease which is better than not doing it at all. I also bookmark the kanji and vocabulary to import to anki via yomitan when I get home.


I use this website occasionally for kanji look up, you've got various methods to search by. Not really fast, but faster than trying to draw it with a mouse. https://kanji.sljfaq.org/mr.html


I draw them on google translate or japandict.com on mobile because you cant draw on the most drawable platform between the two on google translate



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The Kissu Filesharing Thread
It's a thread, and you share files in it.
You can link them, or possibly upload them directly if they're small enough since kissu supports archive files.
70 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Does this count as a surprise box?


i shift clicked it instead tehe


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Not sure if people will be interested or not, but here's volume 1 of the R18 music collection from uh, well, you can look at the dates on these. They're MP3s inside a RAR so they might have uhh... what's the term, bit decayed or something. I'll let some audiophile figure it out. Anyway, if anyone is interested I can upload the rest.


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Convert those mp3s to FLAC if you want to restore the lost data!

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The answer is (8r^3)/4pi


what question is this the answer to


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The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun.

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