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How come more modern anime struggles with making me feel so often while games are still able to do it pretty easily? It's not like we lost the writing ability, it's right there.


Because most of it is adapted from trend-chasing "novels" by glorified fanfiction writers whose highest aspiration is to help people kill time on the train to work and because you're not playing the big, popular games that come out these days.


reminder there is nothing wrong with being a glorified fanfiction author

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 No.133774[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's time to cool off with the 2024 autumn season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more sequels?
167 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm gonna watch it without subs and enjoy the blonde girl actually explaining to me what she is saying because just like the MC I probably won't understand her either.


Dare i call this the s-word.

Someone take initiative and make a new thread!


singaporean??? sork????


It's either onions or food for gentiles.


could've been SLUT as well

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Why should threads die? Isn't there a reason to keep around everything on the chance that somebody goes through the site and finds something that gets them to reply even if it's in the far future?
48 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>because suddenly people were being forced to pay for their hosting out of pocket again
What else did they expect? It has been the rule of the internet since day 1 that you pay for your hosted contents out of pocket. The fate of websites are determined by how that payment is acquired. Those who don't want to pay for that shouldn't expect any free lunch.


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It must be noted that 'the gravy train' is dog food that is occasionally eaten by hobos


You don't understand how crazy things were back then. People were hosting talks and getting paid big money to teach a room full of people how they could become millionaires by buying up forums with existing users and running google ads on them.


I prefer Alpo.


So fucking trve
There are tons of dead, self indulgent neocities blogs too

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 No.90678[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Which side does /qa/ take? Obviously pixiv would probably be better for searching (although boorus are even more preferable for that) and viewing a long list of art at once. However, in recent days I've been using twitter's feed more and I think that in terms of discovering new artists and likewise finding interesting stuff from people you haven't already followed it's a lot more convenient. Also the previews are a lot easier to see. So in terms of finding content, which do you think makes for the better go-to feed?
245 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Heh, that's pretty good. (and thanks for the translation).
There was that time at the very beginning when there were AI-derived jokes like the rainbow penis that artists drew themselves, but things have advanced a bit too far to see fun errors like that, really. Well, generally.


looks like bluesky's pop is going up by the millions, enough for a norp i know to send me links to it
aaaaaand there's drama over loli already
>Aaron Rodericks didn’t know what he was looking at.
>A post on Bluesky featured a sexualized image of a dragon that shared visual similarities with a human child. It had been reported to the company as a potential violation of the network’s community guidelines, and now it was being reviewed by Bluesky’s head of trust and safety.
>The guidelines ban CSAM, which is illegal to distribute. They say nothing, though, about anthropomorphic dragons. And the artist claimed that the dragon in question was 9,000 years old.


>And the artist claimed that the dragon in question was 9,000 years old.
A sound and reasonable argument.


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Who whould have thought that migrating to a twitter clone with the same twitter people and the same twitter rules made by the former twitter boss was a bad a idea?


misskey is a waste of time to sign up for english-only speakers


Im from heyuri, what is this site like? and what are the good parts and the bad parts about this site?
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I have mostly moved on.
I only hold a grudge to the main admin, who I suspect loves kids
as for why I bumped it? im bored.
my hobbies are music and gaming really, I play guitar and sing for a living, plus play drums.


i agree, akasaka should be barred from writing manga


>I have mostly moved on.
No. Can you stop bumping the thread?
>I only hold a grudge to the main admin, who I suspect loves kids
Who cares.


can someone delete this autistic thread, thanks.


No keep it

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 No.112729[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The new league starts in a few hours so I thought I'd advertise the /qa/ mansion guild here in case anyone wants to play it. We're around 6-7 right now, but I have enough guild slots so that we can accommodate pretty much the whole /jp/ spinoff population that still plays games (upper limit of 30-ish if I'm assuming generously). The bulk of us are going to be playing on softcore-ruthless so I'd recommend doing that too if you want to reap the benefits of a shared use stash. But, anyone that just wants a bunch of free space can join to use it in normal/hc too. We have a good deal of space https://files.catbox.moe/b6cox8.jpg so poor NEETs can enjoy the convenience of paying without needing to spend a dime.

So if you're interested post your userid or character name ITT if you want me to invite you, we're fine with anyone that's not a complete subhuman.
105 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Oh yeah, update on this.

One of my friends can't play because they haven't resolved a certain CPU bug, so I've got one extra key lying around if anyone wants to try it out.


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this shit is


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not going to survive


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the day


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is it....

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I kinda wonder, how do people discover new music today? There's such a vast expanse of stuff out there and most all of it is hidden in its own corner of the internet. If you know what you're searching for maybe it's easier, but finding completely new stuff that appeals to you seems like an extremely tough endeavor. Are there any good methods /qa/ knows of or is word of mouth the best way still?
31 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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You have read the entirety of Scaruffi's website already, right anon?


Who cares what some dweeb said about music?


Hi Kafuka!


Oh I love websites like this, thank you


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please talk to people or creep on their likes instead of relying on algos that poorly mix those recs with paid ads anyway

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After years of being told I'm in the wrong line of work I've decided to take a shot at what I was born to do: writing.

I'm going to write and publish a LN before the end of this year. I just wanted to tell someone so I stick to this goal. I don't imagine it'll be that great but I've taken a look at other books and LNs people are publishing and they aren't that great either.

Will my friends here read the first draft when I'm done?
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I am aware. I read the rules on how they want fanworks to be and don't have much intention on selling it. If it turns out to be something substantial in the end and is something people would buy I'll go through proper channels like the anon who made Udongein X and Artificial Dream in Arcadia.


asahi is cute


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I agree!


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OP if you're still around, I hope your writing adventure is going well. I promise to read your cute magical girls book if/when you finish it.


Thread getting bumped is kind of depressing. Since other stuff took so much of my time this year that I haven't gotten anything down yet. I have managed to flesh out the story some more. I have a BIG BAD, I have an MC, I have most of the world fleshed out. I just haven't figured out how I'm going to get from the initial introduction of the first MC to the second real MC.

I'm going to set-up a dedicated emacs machine for writing so I'm not so sidetracked with software projects and try to focus more on this after the holidays. Since every time I got started on this over the last months I'd get side tracked working on my various software projects or video projects. Video stuff ate up A LOT of my time over the summer. Far more than I expected since I ended up working on three shows I never planned to. It got so busy I didn't even finish the one video project I planned on doing this year on time.

 No.121174[Reply][Last50 Posts]

what OP/EDs do you like? I was thinking about the popularity of LycoReco when it came out and how nice it'd be to see more anime inspired by gunslinger girl since that was one hell of a boson anime. the OP for it being one of my favorites and having that early 2000s english indie song for its op. also do you remember that in the same season lycoreco aired there was another original anime "engage kiss" that failed miserably and was just a soulless gacha cashgrab checking boxes to try and hook a playerbase, lycoreco had no tie-in and was the biggest anime besides bocchi so goes to show how far creating something good takes you compared to trying to cash out on the trendy market researched ideal money printer
190 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Can't post best OP without best ED. Hinata my beloved!


you know the manga for this actually picked up again thought it would be on hiatus forever


Thats good to hear! The show was really good from what I remember, maybe i should rewatch it.
I like the ED more than the OP; both are good, I just like ナナヲアカリ.


That whole era around 2010 in youtube the Japanese rightsholders were so autistic about expunging everything from youtube.
I got a giggle a few months ago seeing Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari in my recs, they finally uploaded the tv version officially to advertise off/monster.


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I came to pay respects


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Who died this time?

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Do you support Konoha becoming a "mascot" for kissu.moe? I'm going to miss seeing her every time I visit /qa/.
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The blog girl


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Could just post more images of her, no?


Oh Konoha why can’t you just play Fortnite like a normal girl your age?


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She's more into kohaige like needy shab overdose


That anniversary stream was so good; was such a great surprise seeing Konoha show up.

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Do you feel pleasure or relief in seeing others fail in competitive scenarios or do you want to win purely by your own efforts?


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It depends on what their character is like. If they're a good sport about it then I'd want to give them my best effort. If they're an asshat then of course I'll partake in a little schadenfreude, little faggot deserved it.


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I hate competition and generally try to avoid it. I guess if I'm watching people do it then I'd prefer whatever is most entertaining, which is usually an even match.


not in them failing itself, no, but seeing it serves to reassure me that i'm not doing so bad and that does make me happy


i like it when cute girls cry and pout

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What's the lain of the modern day? There probably is none, is there.
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modern lain


can i be modern day lain? no reason i just want to be


do you even understand what lain is about or are you just a waifufag?


the teenime


fourteen years old without the n


Has /qa/ ever haggled?
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>wasn't too sure about how to lower the car value itself
My first time buying a car I went to an honest car dealership that set the price what it is, no up-sells, no hours long financing trying to get you to purchase supplemental yadda yadda yadda. Still managed to haggle like a grand off the car by saying I'd walk lol


A decade ago, I was visiting this shady site selling self-defense lessons and when I moved to close the tab, a voice loudly yelled WAIT! Apparently you can rig your website to play a sound file (they used a baby crying as an example) when you move your cursor to the tab bar. Also a pop up window appeared offering a better deal.


We don't really have haggle culture in my country. People who attempt haggle are just seen as a nuisance and may even be ignored in online second hand trades.
Haggle culture is inefficient for everybody involved. It is better if people try to offer reasonable prices and leave it at that so the buyer and seller does not have to constantly waste time in their life trying to get a better deal. I can't imagine having to haggle all day every day like they do in some of the poorest countries because it's just expected.
I walk into a store and if I don't like the price I leave and find another store. This makes haggling unecessary.

It's fine for large purchases like cars and houses though, it makes more sense to argue for a while when we're talking thousands or hundreds of thousands, but not for cheap items.


I love haggle culture online. Whenever I use ebay I try to find listing that have the "make an offer" to see if I can drop the price. Usually 60-80% of the original list price is achievable. In public is a different matter though. I couldn't imagine haggling at an electronics store or a furniture store or something.


I'm way too scared of offending other people to try to haggle. I'd much rather not buy it at all.


Are there any games that can properly depict war in its extremely stressful and horrific light? Or will we only really be able to to get that sort of experience made eventually through VR? I feel like, thinking about the potential of AI, this could be one of the few genres that AI would be almost necessary to properly make a less gamey more overbearing experience.
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Thinking a bit more there are stories that elicit feelings of dread and feet. Cousins that make you feel sick for reading them. With that in mind it's possible to make the reader question their mental wellness. But it's far from causing the same outcomes


is that how your other discussions have gone


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I know what feet are, but what are cousins?


my phone is on the fritz...


Very low quality toes.

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