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For anyone looking to jump on the Fate/ train for the new anime, here's a quick guide of what you probably want to go through. I'm also going to assume you're committed to this enough to dive head-in to the VN. If you're looking to test the waters first, you can try out the ufotable anime and then come back, there will be some spoilers you get from doing this but you probably already know most of them from hanging around otaku circles. Also, my knowledge isn't perfect so I may be missing some things.

Step 1: Read the VN
Download the Mirror Moon TL of the enhanced Realta Nua version with the ero scenes from the original game patched back in. The TL isn't perfect, or even really that good, but it's what everyone you talk to will be quoting and the official TLs for Fate have proven far worse in the past. Play through all three routes in order, try to get all the bad ends, but make sure you get Mind of Steel and Sparks Liner High as those "bad ends" are on par with actual alternate endings.
Adaptations: The stay night route technically has anime and manga adaptations, but both do the old VN adaptation thing of mashing routes together and are generally low quality in terms of art and animation.
The UBW route has an awful movie adaptation and a quite good TV anime. It does favor style over accuracy to the lore, which upsets some autists, but it's overall a solid adaptation and the only good way to see these characters in motion. There's also a manga, but it's pretty new.
The HF route has a movie trilogy which looks pretty, but rushes the plot way too much, ignores the VN writing to an excessive degree, and rewrites thinks to make Sakura look better. Only watch if you're a sakugafag or a Sakurafag. There's also a manga for this, which is really good at covering the whole story with great visualizations (especially for the lewd scenes), but it's got a lot more to cover before it's complete.
All of this is to say, you really have no choice but to read the VN because the only good substitute only covers the middle third and the game makes you do routes in order so you have to play that part anyway.

Step 2: Round out the core trilogy
Hollow Ataraxia, a fandisc VN, is the next step and the official not-quite-sequel. It introduces a lot of new stuff to the world. Anime never ever.
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i don't know if the others are bad because I've only tried the ufotable ones and I didn't feel like the expanded franchise was good so I never tried. Tsukihime bored me in the prologue chapters. Also you didn't mention Kara no Kyoukai which, while is an alternative tsukihime, does expand upon how the human magic system works


Fate/stay in the kitchen is the closest thing we have to the HA day sections.
Prisma Illya is the closest thing we have to the HA night sections.

The only reason I added Tsukihime to the list is because Assassin's master is a dead apostle and those don't really come up anywhere else in Fate. I wouldn't be surprised if stuff from other Nasuverse works showed up at some point later, but this is already a lot to work through.


The Tohno family in Heaven's Feel come up in both Tsukihime works


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My interest with Nasuverse is only via Melty, but the Kara no Kyokai movies were good.

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what does this do? friends? i like anime degeneracy and kindness.. uh idk? picture will u tell me how to use this? are you guys nice
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The hidden boards are >>>/secret/ and >>>/megu/


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¥she doesn't share the secret secret board
Heh, newfriends don't know about [redacted].


Not so secret now, is it bud?


just made a post in the secretest board


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This scene has revolutionized anime as a genre.
All i can say is, "Wow!"


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Korean media looks so off-brand.


this anime is japanese

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Why can't western social media sites have cute anime girls pop up on their login prompts?
I would feel more inclined to login to facebook or X formerly twitter if their was a cute girl asking me to do it.

I always thought China would never surpass the West but this really has shaken my faith.
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Those are the bilibili girls


>Why can't western social media sites have cute anime girls pop up on their login prompts?
In the west it's illegal to like cute things and you're a pedophile rapist and cringe and kimoi and aren't those for children anyways? *puts up flat and generic stencil*


Steam had the cute girl (male) at least


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Bilibili is pleasant to use, coming as a longtime Nicodouga user.
Shame I don't have time to invest into Mandarin at this point so I just skim read and fill in the blanks with Japanese and some duolingo Mandarin of the most common words.


in the end jashin poster was on the right track getting on the train early

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While rewatching Cutie Honey in Giko yesterday, it made me reflect on a certain sentiment that you always seem to hear, how "ADHD" content is nowadays. Which I've always assume means filled with constant stimulation and energy. But when you take a look at the media/anime being put out now, and even really with all the supposed 'kohai' tiktok stuff that's just someone talking plastered with games, a background essay meant to be ignored. There's not any energy in those at all. It's a farce with pretty colors.

Even on a broader level there's really nothing energizing about anything in media, not only supposed 'brainrot' garbage. It's all extremely tame and boring compared to any anime that put even a teensy amount of heart into making something bombastic. The realization sorta hit me while watching Onimai back when it came out, but really came into its own watching the two back to back last night. Onimai is good, don't get me wrong, but the energy it presents is several levels below that of something like Galaxy Angel or even Milky Holmes. Although I guess with that they're different genres in a way since SoL is generally more relaxed, but there's just no modern replacement for anything of that style nowadays and it's annoying the supposed replacement is magnitudes less exciting than its predecessor. This goes doubly so for any isekai which feel similar to the aforementioned 'brainrot' content in that a vast majority is meant to glaze by your eyes and pass the time rather than hook you into its fantasy world.

I just want to feel hyper and attracted to the screen like a magnet, I don't want to be bored. And today's media just seems to command my non-attention.
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Something that it seems Netflix has been doing on purpose is, according to them, diversifying from only content you would watch actively to also things they design for people to leave running in the background in a second screen:
>A major focus is a more strategic approach to the “second screen,” or the phone that viewers often hold in their hand while watching TV. The Netflix mobile app has traditionally been a way to watch Netflix on mobile, no different than the TV app. But Kim sees the mobile app moving forward as a “Swiss army knife” to grab users’ attention in different ways.
https://fortune.com/2023/12/19/netflix-chief-product-officer-eunice-kim-second-screen-phone/ | https://archive.is/813TT
>I’ve heard from showrunners who are given notes from the streamers that “This isn’t second screen enough.” Meaning, the viewer’s primary screen is their phone and the laptop and they don’t want anything on your show to distract them from their primary screen because if they get distracted, they might look up, be confused, and go turn it off. I heard somebody use this term before: they want a “visual muzak.”
Here we're not talking about dumb internet videos, but full-on TV shows and movies, yet somehow following the same logic of fighting over the scraps of your attention. As >>136310 said, it's more about quantity over quality.

What I personally think makes the biggest difference is that the ones throwing several videos together to the point of unintelligibility are doing so as a form of absurdist self-parody, like the counter-reaction that made skibidi and sigma into nonsense words as a joke, or the template reaction overload of so-called 21st century humor. People taking about sigma males and skibidi toilet exist without any irony to it, just like how my cousin Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


This is especially painful in my engineering degree. Lean Six Sigma, an important quality control tool, is now made of two funny internet words.


>they might look up, be confused, and go turn it off.
This is weird, I thought the idea of having something in the background was to have stuff pop often enough to keep people watching without requiring much real context so they can go back to browsing Facebook or something. That's not anything new even, lots of news shows and TV sitcoms and the like were not exactly made to need all your attention. I know my family leave stuff like that on all the time but only really pay attention for brief periods between conversing. Sports are another good example of this (it's why handegg gets away with so many commercials).

TV shows do need to do something to compete with the endless wave of free content that exists to get a click and then be added to your recommendations algorithm to show you more baity titles to click on. I would prefer they focus on quality and rewatchability, earning the full attention of viewers, but I guess going the route of something lengthier that you can just leave running instead of constant interaction dings may work in a world where people have more screens than they know what to do with.


my older sister says she likes having tv on in the house when she's home alone because she just wants to hear the sound of people talking
maybe this is the descendant of that sort of desire


maybe you should go over there and keep your older sister company

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loli loev pizza


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japanese love curry

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What anime/manga/VN has the best reaction images?
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Yeah Mewkledreamy is great, especially with question marks! Lots of those!


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moetan has a lot of frames with reaction image potential


Not expecting much since it's so specific but does anybody here have that SZS panel where that fat hikkineet goes: "I work and work but life never gets any easier?"

It's amazing what doesn't get saved but somehow leaves an impression on us huh.


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You're misremembering the scene, it's a cute girl who works and works even though life never gets better.


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Practically a law that all the Konosuba stuff has to be mentioned


There's a new panty and stocking coming out soon™.
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I never enjoyed this as much as others do, but it will be fun to watch it with others


i still haven't watched the original


Hopefully we get a No Pan Night #3 as well.


Yeah, and HL3 is just around the corner.


you shouldn't sequel stupid ideas that people came up with

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How come more modern anime struggles with making me feel so often while games are still able to do it pretty easily? It's not like we lost the writing ability, it's right there.


Because most of it is adapted from trend-chasing "novels" by glorified fanfiction writers whose highest aspiration is to help people kill time on the train to work and because you're not playing the big, popular games that come out these days.


reminder there is nothing wrong with being a glorified fanfiction author

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 No.133774[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's time to cool off with the 2024 autumn season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more sequels?
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I'm gonna watch it without subs and enjoy the blonde girl actually explaining to me what she is saying because just like the MC I probably won't understand her either.


Dare i call this the s-word.

Someone take initiative and make a new thread!


singaporean??? sork????


It's either onions or food for gentiles.


could've been SLUT as well

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Why should threads die? Isn't there a reason to keep around everything on the chance that somebody goes through the site and finds something that gets them to reply even if it's in the far future?
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>because suddenly people were being forced to pay for their hosting out of pocket again
What else did they expect? It has been the rule of the internet since day 1 that you pay for your hosted contents out of pocket. The fate of websites are determined by how that payment is acquired. Those who don't want to pay for that shouldn't expect any free lunch.


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It must be noted that 'the gravy train' is dog food that is occasionally eaten by hobos


You don't understand how crazy things were back then. People were hosting talks and getting paid big money to teach a room full of people how they could become millionaires by buying up forums with existing users and running google ads on them.


I prefer Alpo.


So fucking trve
There are tons of dead, self indulgent neocities blogs too

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 No.90678[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Which side does /qa/ take? Obviously pixiv would probably be better for searching (although boorus are even more preferable for that) and viewing a long list of art at once. However, in recent days I've been using twitter's feed more and I think that in terms of discovering new artists and likewise finding interesting stuff from people you haven't already followed it's a lot more convenient. Also the previews are a lot easier to see. So in terms of finding content, which do you think makes for the better go-to feed?
245 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Heh, that's pretty good. (and thanks for the translation).
There was that time at the very beginning when there were AI-derived jokes like the rainbow penis that artists drew themselves, but things have advanced a bit too far to see fun errors like that, really. Well, generally.


looks like bluesky's pop is going up by the millions, enough for a norp i know to send me links to it
aaaaaand there's drama over loli already
>Aaron Rodericks didn’t know what he was looking at.
>A post on Bluesky featured a sexualized image of a dragon that shared visual similarities with a human child. It had been reported to the company as a potential violation of the network’s community guidelines, and now it was being reviewed by Bluesky’s head of trust and safety.
>The guidelines ban CSAM, which is illegal to distribute. They say nothing, though, about anthropomorphic dragons. And the artist claimed that the dragon in question was 9,000 years old.


>And the artist claimed that the dragon in question was 9,000 years old.
A sound and reasonable argument.


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Who whould have thought that migrating to a twitter clone with the same twitter people and the same twitter rules made by the former twitter boss was a bad a idea?


misskey is a waste of time to sign up for english-only speakers


Im from heyuri, what is this site like? and what are the good parts and the bad parts about this site?
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I have mostly moved on.
I only hold a grudge to the main admin, who I suspect loves kids
as for why I bumped it? im bored.
my hobbies are music and gaming really, I play guitar and sing for a living, plus play drums.


i agree, akasaka should be barred from writing manga


>I have mostly moved on.
No. Can you stop bumping the thread?
>I only hold a grudge to the main admin, who I suspect loves kids
Who cares.


can someone delete this autistic thread, thanks.


No keep it

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 No.112729[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The new league starts in a few hours so I thought I'd advertise the /qa/ mansion guild here in case anyone wants to play it. We're around 6-7 right now, but I have enough guild slots so that we can accommodate pretty much the whole /jp/ spinoff population that still plays games (upper limit of 30-ish if I'm assuming generously). The bulk of us are going to be playing on softcore-ruthless so I'd recommend doing that too if you want to reap the benefits of a shared use stash. But, anyone that just wants a bunch of free space can join to use it in normal/hc too. We have a good deal of space https://files.catbox.moe/b6cox8.jpg so poor NEETs can enjoy the convenience of paying without needing to spend a dime.

So if you're interested post your userid or character name ITT if you want me to invite you, we're fine with anyone that's not a complete subhuman.
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Oh yeah, update on this.

One of my friends can't play because they haven't resolved a certain CPU bug, so I've got one extra key lying around if anyone wants to try it out.


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this shit is


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not going to survive


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the day


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is it....

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I kinda wonder, how do people discover new music today? There's such a vast expanse of stuff out there and most all of it is hidden in its own corner of the internet. If you know what you're searching for maybe it's easier, but finding completely new stuff that appeals to you seems like an extremely tough endeavor. Are there any good methods /qa/ knows of or is word of mouth the best way still?
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File:Fuura.Kafuka.full.437756..jpg (118.82 KB,1920x1200)

You have read the entirety of Scaruffi's website already, right anon?


Who cares what some dweeb said about music?


Hi Kafuka!


Oh I love websites like this, thank you


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please talk to people or creep on their likes instead of relying on algos that poorly mix those recs with paid ads anyway

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