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 No.90678[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Which side does /qa/ take? Obviously pixiv would probably be better for searching (although boorus are even more preferable for that) and viewing a long list of art at once. However, in recent days I've been using twitter's feed more and I think that in terms of discovering new artists and likewise finding interesting stuff from people you haven't already followed it's a lot more convenient. Also the previews are a lot easier to see. So in terms of finding content, which do you think makes for the better go-to feed?
231 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I will keep using boorus and Pixiv. I hate Twitter.


I gave up on Twitter completely a few months ago.
Everything I get now is from Pixiv and boorus.
I miss a lot of artists (a ton have Pixiv accounts and haven't posted to them in like 4 years), but fuck it.


i was trying to look up >>>/jp/79161's author yesterday and his work has barely been uploaded to danbooru so i had to use nitter i really wish i could upload the pics...


You may need to just work with Nitter or something like that and list out some artists that you often miss but want to see more of.


I found a nitter instance that works!
Everything kept saying that Nitter stopped working a while ago while I was searching around, but this one works.

god, I love this guy's work

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 No.113933[Reply][Last50 Posts]

113 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There aren't multiple zones, its just that a number of pieces have a one straight smooth side like a piece belonging to the edge of the puzzle. These pieces can actually help with the assembly of samey or monochrome areas of the puzzle.

>I guess he keeps adding more ways to make the puzzles more frustrating and some people like that.
I don't try to make puzzles frustrating and chose an image where false edged arent a pain in my opinion (puzzled it myself as a test before opening a room for posting here).


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I guess I just don't understand how the fake edges work. If there's a side that's flat then everything else connecting to it has to be flat too, right? I guess it's possible that there's only two "zones". Yeah, now that I think about it more it could be easier, although not at the beginning.

>I don't try to make puzzles frustrating
Oh, by "he" I meant the operator of the puzzle site. He all sorts of weird things like rotated pieces, sticky pieces and unlocked zones and other stuff that increase the difficulty.


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Not bad but I think I prefer regular ones.


eroticute feetoes


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Seconds, please~!


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 No.121041[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Now that there's a bunch of people that have at least seen it in the stream, Undead Unlock is pretty amazing, huh? Seems like a nice high budget production. I haven't been excited for an action-y anime in a while
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File:Undead.Unluck.S01E24.To.Yo….jpg (202.2 KB,1920x1080)

Nice! I was going to check in a few hours. Looks like the preview video has the same atmosphere as where the "to be continued...?" thing left off at the end.
So it will continue in winter, starting with a one-hour special? It's not saying the one-hour special IS the sequel, right? It's be weird for it to only be an hour long otherwise. AWESOME!
David Production will also be doing Fire Force in Spring so I hope they have enough people. But, I guess it will be the same situation as Undead Unluck starting one season ahead of Urusei Yatsura.


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The special is listed on anilist now: https://anilist.co/anime/179930/Undead-Unluck-Special/
I really, really hope this isn't the sequel entirely and there is a season attached.
It's weird for something to just be an hour long, right?


probably is, but if you UNcut the recap and OPs 12 episodes probably came out to 160minutes. So for 60minutes you'd basically be getting a more compressed half season


I figure they'd still cover the same amount of material as in a season as well.


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It just doesn't seem right... A movie special would be fantastic, but wouldn't they refer to it as a movie? And wouldn't people assume 'sequel' meant the same format? Bleh, this could be some lost in translation stuff.
Well, movies do generally look a lot better so if this is just a shorter stand-alone movie then it is certainly going to be absolutely gorgeous. Looks like the same director is involved, although maybe anilist is just making an assumption there. But, I hope it turns out to be a one hour special leading into a new season. Or, maybe a holdover as the studio focuses on Fire Force.
I hope anyone here that was holding out giving the first 24 episodes a try will do so. It's really good and you can skip past all the recaps! At least give the first episode a watch, and then the first 4 or so with Gina.

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Surely, /qa/ recognizes this butt or on the other hand bulge, right? Nier and Automata were the only Yoko Taro games I'd actually played before deciding to go and finish each of them in their entirety. And while similar to Drakengard in story quality, the gameplay for these RPGs actually sucks you in.

So what experience or opinions does /qa/ have with the series, or Taro in general? Automata's got an anime out right now that I've been putting on hold until I beat everything, but maybe people have seen and enjoyed it as well.
29 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What an amazing outfit


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After months I'm finally back to finishing automata...

But now I want to learn how to combo so there goes 500 hours of learning how to play the game like a true action game.


20th anniversary of Drakengard, yay!


Was thinking about Louise again... Wish there was a route in which she could be saved...

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 No.130867[Reply][Last50 Posts]

514 posts and 123 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Mahjong Soul Game Log: https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240730-fd217d4b-be64-46f9-93b1-13aee058b7c2_a924782294
like, I'd feel bad if I could blame myself for not winning but in the choice between a shanpon and ryanmen... not picking the shanpon cost me 1st place. If there were some sort of logic to it then sure, I'd feel like maybe next game I can work on something, but there's nothing to work on... I just didn't come in 1st because the deal in tile was wrong


I even did very tricky waits where I targeted people and they dealt in. Just it didn't matter


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really, how does someone self draw the dora this far into game? There was nothing I could do to come in 1st other than make a 6p discard on a 2m7p shanpon as apposed to a 58 ryanmen.


sometimes you just gotta say haps


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The new league starts in a few hours so I thought I'd advertise the /qa/ mansion guild here in case anyone wants to play it. We're around 6-7 right now, but I have enough guild slots so that we can accommodate pretty much the whole /jp/ spinoff population that still plays games (upper limit of 30-ish if I'm assuming generously). The bulk of us are going to be playing on softcore-ruthless so I'd recommend doing that too if you want to reap the benefits of a shared use stash. But, anyone that just wants a bunch of free space can join to use it in normal/hc too. We have a good deal of space https://files.catbox.moe/b6cox8.jpg so poor NEETs can enjoy the convenience of paying without needing to spend a dime.

So if you're interested post your userid or character name ITT if you want me to invite you, we're fine with anyone that's not a complete subhuman.
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Yeah, well, you're gay.


>minions suck
>D2 skelly necro sucked as well
But minion stuff is fun...
That's why Titan Quest was so cool with multiple masteries having pets. Man, I should play that game again sometime. I wonder if there's any other games with fun minion stuff that released lately. Commanding a little army is just so cool.


Buid an army
trust no one


dumb trustard


New league is focused on a sort of city-builder kind of mechanic. Seems really neat, gonna play this season.

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Do you think he'd be happy or sad at the state of things today?

I think he failed in the end.
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I guess the government publishes that they think it's similar potency to opioids. According to a 1994 paper. I think addiction is a personal thing though


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Shaft anime any day now.
Any day now...


For me. Keeping in mind pack of cigarettes = 20 here. Price for my preferred brand 20 years ago: $2.25. Price when I stopped smoking them a couple of years ago: $8.50-$13 depending on where I bought them (cheaper in my home state). I smoked 1 and 1/2-2 packs daily (so 30-40 a day). So I was spending $20 everyday and also buying a snack/drink or something along with them.

Compare to vaping: Initial cost for vape $120+ for first vape (large one) and $50 or so for salt nic vape (pen type). Cost for replacement cartridge every week: $5-$10. Cost of juice every week: $25-40. Cost of replacement batteries yearly to bi-yearly: $25-$50 (can't buy replacements for pen type).

Compare to rolling my own cigarettes: Cost for machine to stuff tubes: $50. Cost for 8 ounces tobacco: $8 (makes 200-250 cigarettes). Cost of 200 pre-rolled filtered tubes: $3.

Making your own is much cheaper. Also vaping is rougher on the lungs despite the advertising and promises. I can chain smoke cigarettes all day while working outside in the heat and/or walking/hiking. With a vape I can't do that. It's too hard to catch my breath.

Main reason I don't vape anymore: I just ended up doing both. I'd vape between cigarettes. Now the only time I use a vape is if I'm going to be somewhere that doesn't allow smoking. But over the last year or so these places have banned vaping to. So it doesn't make much sense anymore. If I stay at someone else's house I'll sometimes take one. Since they're more prone to allow vaping than smoking. Also with vape it's possible to take "ghost hits" that don't let out any vapor. But they're hell on your lungs.

I typically smoke 2-3 cigarettes an hour. Sometimes more now that I roll because they're so cheap. My mother is a true chain smoker. I've seen her fire up another while the last one is still smoldering in the ash tray.

The average is skewed by people that report only having 1-2 daily or people reporting less than they truly smoke. The average smoker in my experience has at least 15-20 a day. Most people smoke an entire pack or just under one so they have one in the morning left over upon waking. IfPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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This OVA drove me insane. Felt incredibly cowardly the way it constantly retreats into self deprecating humor and overdramatized smears of people who do the things they so enjoy depicting. MCs only dream is to get rich enough to make Otaku disneyland? And all the while they plaster real headlines from news of the world as if its supposed to remind you reality exists? Fuck outta here. This kind of paralyzing indecisiveness, neither committing to embracing their work nor committing to 'growing up' is infuriating to watch.

Still laughed at the interviews though.

wtf do you mean they were just mad that they didn't get to scam the otaku first and lost that opportunity to the suit


Rather than Otaku disneyland I thought the goal was a world where everyone was otaku and otaku were not oppressed.

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Would buying this count as an investment?
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Basically a coin has value because of something that happened, it's not created with the value at the beginning. Rarity through time passing or an error or something like that makes it rare and desirable. If a resource has value like gold, then you want the pure resource and not the resource molded into something else which will then have its priced increased artificially.
An amazing collector's edition gold coin is made from like $50 of gold and sold for $500. It's a complete scam that preys on gullible people and it's a well known thing. I think it's even lead to investigations, but I could be wrong on that.


a 250$ silver coin sold for 2800$


the thumbnail looks like a tiny egg cooker


was wanting to grab some costco gold


wasn't sure if this was some sort of joke but costco actually sells gold...
Can't see the price but I guess it's 2% higher or is this one of those scams where they try to capitalize on people who believe all of organized civilization will collapse?

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 No.73454[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you been working on anything? Art, programming, etc.
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Was doing some studying and went to do some practice exams, and I was struck by the lack of quality multiple choice printables. I ended up spending the afternoon making a bunch of scantron bootlegs... (´・ω・`)


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I made them in 50, 100, 150, and 200 question variants, alongside side bordered and non-bordered versions (borders around every 10 questions to improve readability). There's also a few arrangement variants of the 50 question version.

Maybe some studious Kissu fren will find them useful.


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I've been working on a modernized version of virtualdub. Basically, a front-end for ffmpeg and vapoursynth/avisynth scripts along with built-in capture card support and importing of various digital audio formats (BD rips, DVD rips, LD rips, digitized tape and so on). I started working on this because I've been incredibly frustrated by all the random tools I've needed to use over the years. Many of which are still Windows/NT-only. Capturing analog sources is very frustrating because they haven't made a proper capture card in 20+ years now and most of the tools to control the proper ones are Windows XP-era software. Most of this stuff doesn't work correctly in wine either.

ffmpeg along with the various codecs can do a lot of this stuff from a CLI. But it's a maze of options and the documentation for a lot of edge cases isn't that great. If you haven't been using these tools and scripts for 25+ years it's almost impossible to get started. You have to spend weeks crawling through old forums and mailing lists to learn anything and you have to stop mid-project often to spend hours reading the documentation.

There really isn't a proper GUI application for this stuff either. There are a lot of GUI options for editing video provided it's already in a format you want. But taking an old NTSC/PAL source from analog or digital and cleaning it up + producing a good encode (either lossless or lossy) for distro is a huge pain in the ass.

I thought it would be pretty simple to do this considering ffmpeg can do most of it by itself provided you know your way around. But the options for cross-platform GUI applications is still kind of awful. I've ended up using C++ and Qt to do the GUI stuff. I didn't really see another way if I wanted support for the 3 major platforms people use on workstations. While I'm primarily making this for Linux/UNIX I really wanted to retain Windows and Mac OS support because I know a lot of people still use those for video work.

Anyway, I'm calling this a "Video Mastering Application". Aside from the GUI itself the most important things about it boil down to;

- A package manager to manage all the various Vapoursynth/Avisynth filters along with the various codecs needed to do anything
- A new file format to store "projects" to store all the meta data and misc. stuff associated with each mastering project. Basically, a renamed .mkv file with an extra attachment that stores the meta data
- A list oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I forgot to mention that one of the main things I'm hoping to eventually do is provide a seamless client to server interface. Basically, you can send off projects to a powerful encoding server that would spit out finished encodes in various formats. In other words; batch processing.

Right now the situation is you have to track down a bunch of stuff manually. The existing repos are a bit garbage. No one has properly collected all that stuff together and documented.

The core of this project is basically an IDE for video editing/scripting. In time I'll provide a GUI for common filters and an easy way for other people to do the same through python scripting. When I started this was basically a text editor with syntax highlighting + mpv to display the results in real time. Then I moved on to providing a GUI for ffmpeg and the codecs it supports.

So instead of loading a .VOB in one application. Splitting out chunks of it. Saving that as its own file. Importing it into my script. Editing it in another application. Saving the script. Opening that in ffmpeg and having it spit out an h.264/265/whatever encode. Which I open in yet another application for muxing. While doing a similar process separately for each audio track. Then another round of editing for subtitles in yet another application. Then muxing it all together. Then testing in mpv. I do most/all of it from one application.

As I said before ultimately my goal is to provide an all-in-one solution to mastering video and audio. With the recent changes in the Linux landscape like pipewire this is finally becoming possible without many hours of configuration to each individual system. Linux finally got something akin to Video for Windows in the last couple of years. So it's ready to take on the role Windows has been required to use for decades now. An application like this is badly needed for both sides of video before and after the editing step. Meaning it would be useful for making clean video to work with from traditional sources (IVTC/color correction/deblocking/lots of other common errors) and the final step before distro (encoding into different formats for distro/creating a true lossless master to store the video long term).

There are a lot of great applications for editing video already. But no one has really bothered to make an application for producing goPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I'm remaking the OPED videos that are there in the kissu threater to serve as intermission time and so on.
Basically I use ytp-dl to download NC OP/EDs from youtube and throw them all together. Unfortunately, Davinci Resolve has issues with the downloads from youtube so I have to convert them with Handbrake and THEN add that and encode it again or whatever. The resulting file is multiple gigabytes, but I split them out and again put them in handbrake to compress them.
I really don't know any of this video encoding stuff, but it seems to work so that's enough. This time I added about 5 Utawarerumono songs hehehe

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I miss board-tans. I find it sad that the board this one belongs to abandoned her. If you try to post her on her home board now the people using it will call you an outsider.

Who's your favorite board-tan?
19 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It's cold, huh?


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thread-tan getting really into tf2

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fduck everyone and fuck everyon on this site
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virus image dont click


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yep. that's me right there


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She looks like she's looking for her glasses


Why is Aqua such a slut?

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Do you make an active effort to get along with people you don't know or have you become so jaded by the state of the world that you don't bother anymore?

I try to be in the first camp but I keep finding myself in the second. I'm nice to strangers though and most of the time they're either nice or indifferent towards me.
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I could get acquainted with most people just by acting normal, but I never tried to go any further than that since people tend to lose interest once they realise I'm an awkward spergtard with no normal hobbies and no social media accounts. But this goes both ways; I am not interested in making friends with people I have nothing in common with either.


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Same, I learned this through my family and just talking about cooking. Apparently everyone loves the culinary arts on some level and are enthusiastic to talk about different recipes or different foods you've eaten. And I love food so it's easy.


used to be a forklift certified king myself


We weren't certified. They showed up 10 minute video from the 1980s and turned us loose in a plant with about six other forklifts. It was fun drifting them. The flood was covered in detergent from all the used detergent bottles. They were supposed to put down quick dry but we never had any. So I spent my days slipping and sliding all over the place picking up 1,000 pound bails of plastic and loading them into massive machine. Would have been okay if that was all I did. But they expected me to run both machines I was loading with only one helper.


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I've learned that it helps a lot to have a normal, socially acceptable interest. Ever since starting a garden I can make small talk about something that other people understand and it really makes things go smoothly. I can even make token complaints about the weather, which is itself a subject that seems to be a routine thing to talk about even when no one is truly interested in it.
Cooking would definitely fulfill the same purpose. I guess this is closer to how things are supposed to be.


late rome was pretty entertaining in it's spectacular failures
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irreverent bump


You did it!


love me some war trivia


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I had no idea those kind of fortresses existed as far as Russia. They're an Italian invention. Must have had something to do with Italian architects being employed to build a lot things in Moscow and Saint Petersburg: https://www.rbth.com/history/332444-how-italians-built-moscow-kremlin

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What's the meta on choosing a fan? I know EEs like to suggest altering the voltage to make any bladed fan run super fast.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


you could buy multiple fans


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Make sure to get one that doesn't suck. heh


I only need one adoring fan


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By Azura! I can't believe the great and mighty Grand Champion wishes only for mine eyes only upon him! What luck that I have exclusive rights to the grown tread upon by him!


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I have an old fan, about a decade old, that still works. Personally the most important distinction of a good fan is that it makes consistent noise. It's important that it moves air, but it's also very important as a source of uhh.. white or grey or whatever color noise they call it. I can't stand silence when it comes to sleeping. This is one of the things that really sucks about online shopping, although it's also kind of rare that you get to hear them in person before you buy them, too. And that's why my fan is a decade old.

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Why has this thing of a song becoming a meme not really happened on imageboards again? U.N Owen was her, Ievan Polkka, Caramelldansen and ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER are perhaps the biggest examples, but I remember back in 2010-2011 /v/ was in overdrive and going through a phase where a lot of catchy songs would become memes there. It started with HARMONY (Robot Unicorn Attack), then Fukkireta, then PONPONPON, etc. For /a/ and /jp/ I guess there's JIBUN WO, Hare Hare Yukai, the many catchy classic Touhou/Vocaloid songs, the /jp/ theme song, gachimuchi (gachimuchi also got popular on /v/, it's how it got transferred to the normsphere on twitch many years later), ME!ME!ME!, various Japanese MADs, etc.

I guess the modern incarnation of that would be those viral TikTok songs, but it just feels 'soulless' in comparison for a lack of a better word.
38 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i think its just that imageboards are just not the center of memes anymore, other sites generate memes and maybe they get co-opted by imageboards?


Taylor Swift seems fairly popular and she seems to have a dedicated following that presumably do remember and care about her songs.
I think we have to remember that we are on the outside, I have never even heard a Taylor Swift song, maybe you have not either. That entire world is something that we never interact with so to us it could be easy to say that nobody cares about modern music but that's just because we don't.


I think 'Soulless' is an apt term for it since modern trends aren't really made by humans but instead algorithmically driven with people not really having much of a say in the matter.


The mistake you're making is you think people that care about Taylor Swift are people. They are not people. They are cattle. That's why they watch TV and gossip about whatever the TV is gossiping about.

Anon is not like this. He has refined tastes that are not driven by advertising agencies and propagandists. The reason imageboards no longer spawn memes is because they are not allowed to spawn memes. Anon weaponized memes and the other side fought back. They flooded all our homelands and spread us to the four corners of the globe. We are no longer allowed to operate as a real community anymore. This is a trick. It keeps the TV watching zombies contained within the walls of the largest propaganda service ever conceived by man. Where they can be drip fed content curated by the propaganda overlords and any original content can quickly be silenced and censored before it's seen by more than 10 people.

Let's use your Taylor Swift example; She does not write her own lyrics. She does not produce her own music. She does not design her own costumes. She does not design her own sets. She never interacts with her fans (zombies) in any kind of real way. She does not hold handshake events. She does not appear anywhere organically. She does not have a real boyfriend. She's not even a real woman. But she (he) is an effective mouth piece for the people doing all of these things. Taylor Swift is not a bigger draw than the Superbowl no matter how much the TV tells you that lie on repeat. She's is artificially promoted like most everything else in this horrible world.

We should be thankful for Taylor Swift. It prevents more of the zombies from discovering real content like we consume. Thus ensuring that we can continue to consume it without worrying about what the zombies would demand be changed the moment their TV-kami started telling them to hate on repeat.

The world makes a lot more sense when you start to understand how much of it is really fake.

The only reason glorious Nippon cartoons even became popular in the west originally was due to the fact that people sought out content outside of this fake TV zombie curated garbage. Mainstream social media is just TV 2.0. It's a walled garden where all the dumb zombies can be contained so they don't infect the rest of mankind with their bad tastes and stupid opinions. The only diffPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


We are all cattle, memes themselves are the product of cattle. If you use or create memes, you are cattle.

Regarding Taylor Swift, a quick google search says that she does actually write her own music. But I do get your point, most pop singers don't. But then that's not really new or even restricted to pop music. Most Opera singers don't write their own operas nor do they design their own costumes and sets. Taylor Swift probably has more input in regards to her costume and sets than most Opera singers do. And a lot of what you are saying could very easily be applied to Idols as well.

I don't think your average Taylor Swift fan would care about what we watch, I think most of her fanbase are western girls and young women, though having said that many of them probably do read manga and watch anime and such. The average fan probably does not but I think there would be a lot that do.
I think if people like Taylor Swift and not anime then that's fine, everybody has their own interests.

It depends on what you mean by fake. Because everything could easily be called fake, you could be called fake, I could be called fake. Taylor Swift clearly is a real person and she clearly does make music that people like, not you or I but people none the less. The fact that she writes he own songs means she is more authentic than much of what I listen to, most of the cute anime songs probably aren't song by the people that wrote them.

It feels weird to be defending Taylor Swift but here I am...

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