>This isn't literature, this is fucking blogging~ /lit/erati No.9221795, March 10th, 2017
I learned recently that there's a blog thread on /lit/. A real, proper, flesh-and-blood aimless blog thread: the "write what's on your mind" general, which, somewhat surprisingly, somewhat unsuprisingly, encompasses even more that the average blog thread. There's a lot of people describing their general state and and ideas rather than the banana they ate. More meditations and discussions over it, and emotional stuff, but still a lot of regular blogs.
It looks like it has been a thing since at least 2015, being remade anywhere from the next day to a couple weeks later:
https://warosu.org/lit/?task=search2&search_text=write+%22on+your+mind%22&search_op=op&search_ord=oldTechnically the abbreviation WWOMYN goes back to 2017, but it only really took off as the subject in 2021, and in 2022 it began to be regularly labeled /wwoym/.
It made me ask, are there any other boards with blog generals? Not generals that
became blogs or which have blogs pertaining to a project (like those of /fit/), but which work by design as a catch-all for whatever comes to mind. After going throught all of them, I found that /cgl/ has a "feels thread" (the current one got immediately "derailed" by tfwnogf), /adv/ has a kind of vent thread you sometimes see in forums, the "get it off your chest" /GIOYC/ thread, and if you discard blogger universalism in favor of narrowing down the demographic then there's also /lgbt/'s gay/lesbian/etc generals, /r9k/'s /r9gay/, and half of /int/. I don't think that really counts as having a topic.
But furthermore, when reverse-searching some specific terms I learned that there also blog threads in leddit! /r/anime specifically, and they call it the "casual discussion friday thread". They have a link in the sidebar that should send you to the newest one:
https://redd.it/1ffh71m"Casual" here means that you can say anything you want, interestingly enough. Though the OP comes adds some caveats. It's peculiar in that its comments are automatically sorted by new rather than best, meaning upvotes effecti
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