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Does /qa/ have any favorite cartoons? I've never really stopped to think about this since I always despised /co/ as a board and they never discussed any of the cool European comics I was into. So, as usual, I thought of some stuff off the top of my head and made a 3x3 based on it. I think it's pretty obvious that I was an MTV/Cartoon Network kid if you look at my picks. MTV used to be a pretty cool channel and had a lot of cartoons that were aimed at the teen demographic that is so common in anime/manga. I also watched a lot of dubbed anime on CN back then. Avatar would probably be in this since everyone sucks it off so much and lauds it as the best cartoon ever, but I've never finished. I thought it was kinda boring back then and it did not help that Nickelodeon was already declining in quality during the time it aired.

By the way, did you know that there were two new seasons of Beavis and Butthead released in 2022-2023? I had no idea about this until recently. I might check it out sometime.
14 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yeah, that's a nostalgic one




I think I've forgotten most of this stuff. Old Simpsons of course, uhh... children's stuff from the 90s I guess? Stuff like Rupert, David the Gnome, uhh, what else was there?
I really liked the old cartoons that wrote about magic and imagination and good things happening if you just believed in yourself. Good ol' sappy stuff is inspiring and really what kids need to hear if you ask me. Maybe the David the Gnome theme itself is emblematic of this kind of feeling. (video related)
Maybe I need to think more about this, because this is really deep in my memory somewhere...


I loved this show so much I became a bit obsessed with it. I'd daydream all the time about being part of the group and how things would play out if I were there. Being stuck at a boarding school but having the freedom to go wherever you wanted outside and actually doing things that mattered was so enticing to the imagination. Especially the whole conflict and interaction between the virtual world and real world, whatever happened in the virtual world had visible effects on the real world. And a lot of times they had to use guile and deception to keep a secret.

I really liked Kids Next Door too. The whole premise of kids leading double lives as spies/commandos was really fun.

There's just something so alluring about alteregos/personas. The ability to put on a mask and slip through the chains that bind. Deception, lies, trickery. Not knowing who you really are yet knowing all the same. Mutability, vague, indescript, undefined, outside the box.


Same, my friends and I had a field day with CL. Rewatching some episodes recently reminded me how dark it could get for a kid's show.
Shame about the reboot.

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How the fuck is SSY so highly rated????? It's built on nothing but endless retardation.

What other setting have you heard of where randos suddenly getting powers led to humanity's near extinction simply because they felt like it? The entire backstory is built on first-wave rando retardation on top of a thousand years of emperor retardation on top of scientist retardation all to deal with the absolutely irredeemable walking nukes that are cantus users. Sheer stupidity from everyone involved over a near geological timeframe but what's even stupider is its incredibly abysmal take on totalitarianism.

All across the story the kids have to deal with the blatantly sinister actions of their superiors in a way that almost seems to say "hey, maybe surveillance states are bad" (NO SHIT!) but then you learn that ACTUALLY, YOU KNOW, it was all justified and this is the only societal configuration that makes a shred of sense in this world, otherwise everyone would've died by now. The ending is supposed to be hopeful, but they haven't changed SHIT. FUCK ALL. It goes against everything it has built so far with how it's gone so out of its way to set up the world as stupidly grimdark and then ends with absolutely no answer to all the problems it poses. Espers still can't keep each other under full control so you need the queerrats to continue acting as an underclass of assassins, and you NEED them to be an underclass because if they're not they'll logically rise up again like they just did a few years ago, because cantus users are a cancer that'll destroy the earth itself if you don't keep them in check. So they should all commit suicide somehow, jump off a fucking cliff and let the world heal by itself.

It's all fucked up beyond repair, the rats can't undo their genetic modifications, they can't un-fuck-up their queens, the espers can't stop being nukes, but they can't kill each other either due to the feedback loop, and they can't kill the rats because they need them, nor can they undo humanity's annihilation, it's all set up to fail. It's either the status quo of an obligatory surveillance state or oblivion and this surveillance state is consistently portrayed as bad, so what is the anime trying to say? That in this extremely specific and very stupid setting it turns out totalitarianism is good? How does this apply to anything? If Saki genuinely means well, as she's consistently painted as up to Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


But why does she kill him only after finding out definitively that queerrats are modified humans? If it was only because she was personally close to Squealer his death could have happened at a much earlier date or even during the trail. Notable it's Satoru's voice that says the rhetorical question about how they don't see queerrats as human. Saki's answer to Satoru's question is killing Squealer, she sees him as human. Why position the scene otherwise? The alternative you're proposing, is that Saki answers the question about seeing queerrats as human by mercy killing her non-human friend. It's an odd response to the question.


I thought I read somewhere that the mother's mean age at first birth in Japan was 29 but I could not find it again, however the mother's mean age at first birth for Australia is 28.7 for reference.


Ohh and the Australian statistic was from 2014, so it's 10 years old.


I'm fairly certain that was her first opportunity to do it. She's not in charge of the sentencing and the others wanted him to suffer. She had to wait until everybody was busy elsewhere and make it look like an accident. The point is that patiently going along with things gives you opportunities to make small changes that steer society towards something better.

And he's not her friend, just someone she knows well enough to have developed some level of sympathy for.


>I'm fairly certain that was her first opportunity to do it.
Even if that is true, it is true by the construct of the author. The author could have chosen any number of ways to have Saki kill Squealer. The mere fact that the author chose to tell the story in this specific way reveals authorial intent behind the meaning of Saki's actions. The key here is why does Saki kill Squealer after discovering queerrats are part human? Why did the author not have Saki kill Squealer then discover queerrats are part human? Why does the author have Saki discover queerrats are human? Why does the author have Saki kill Squealer at all?
The last question can be answered by your explanation of sympathy but the other questions are answered by mere coincidence and the author felt like it. Which could be true but seems unlikely given the importance the end of a story has in laying out the "meaning".

Further reinforcing this view is the way in which the scenes played out in the show. Satoru asks Saki a rhetorical quesiton about seeing queerrats as human. Saki of course gives no verbal answer but the following scene is Saki killing Squealer. This can quite easily be seen as Saki "answering" Satoru. Again this didn't have to be the next scene or even be included in the adaptation but including it and including it in the way it was included goes to show how the director thought what the authors intent was, and of course what the director's intent is with the show and it's meaning.

>The point is that patiently going along with things gives you opportunities to make small changes that steer society towards something better.
I have no disagreement with that, but with the moral reasoning leading to a need for change being strictly a miscalculation about managing the lower classes and not about recognizing genetically modified, sentient humans as humans.

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Do you have a game or show or anything else that you experienced when you were younger that has left a permanent impression on you? Not just nostalgia, but you feel as though it altered your way of thinking or what it is you desire.
I'm aging myself a bit with this one, but two prominent ones for me are the two Lunar games. They're JRPGs that I first played on the PSX. They originally came out on SegaCD, but it was wisely remastered for a console that more than 5 people had. I did go back and play the SegeaCD versions on emulator back in the day, though. I even had some Lunar avatars that I still have on my drive!

The main themes of the games are adventure and love. At its core the games are very simple both in gameplay and story scope, but its charm is the unmistakable purity of it. I think these two games gave me desire for the fairytale romance that you can only see in fiction, and of course the corny "defeating the bad guy with friendship and love" cliché. It's just so beautiful and pure. If someone were to ask me what paradise is like, I would point to this kind of thing. It is the pure idealization of human emotion.

Someone might have also noticed that the art looks familiar, and that's because the character designer eventually worked on Idolm@ster. Takane in particular really has the face, so she's a bit of a weakness of mine when it comes to 2D idols, even when I don't really partake in that culture.

Of course, the games do have issues. Today I can appreciate the fact that Working Designs went overboard with the localization process and should have been respectful to the source material. The main story is fine, but the random NPCs make jokes and references to pop culture that they really shouldn't.
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It was Z, yeah.


File:[Pizza] Urusei Yatsura (20….jpg (404.13 KB,1920x1080)

Combining this thread with a pre-existing one of the same subject matter since OP was looking for it


Good idea


The first Samurai Warriors game for the PS2 is what first got me into samurai and ninjas and eventually anime. I think what got me so hooked on this game was how exotic it was. I used to live out in the boonies and the only experience I had with Japanese media was through Pokemon and Moomins.


>Do you have a game or show or anything else that you experienced when you were younger that has left a permanent impression on you? Not just nostalgia, but you feel as though it altered your way of thinking or what it is you desire.
The novel Blindsight by Peter Watts. The bleak outlook on life stuck with me. I don't mean the central idea of the novel the notion that consciousness is an evolutionary dead end because non-conscious beings are massively more efficient at thinking, it's more the way that every character in his novels is some variety of cynical asshole or another. You would not be surprised to learn after reading his books that he's the kind of guy who says "Life is an eternal struggle at the expense of other life". But it's a cynicism that comes from caring too much for his own good---one of the formative experiences of Peter Watts' life was when he was a boy, seeing some schoolboys torment a snake, and he tried to stop them because he felt bad for the snake, and the other boys ganged up on him for it. Anyway, the worldview articulated in his fiction dropped into me like a paving stone matching a gap in a paved path.

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Which other websites on the World Wide Web does /qa/ use?
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i love how the sign up page for cohost looks similar to one of those sign up pages you see in mid 2000 roleplaying online social games, gave me nostalgia


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a common problem I have with invidious, aside from being painfully slow, is that it will randomly stop playing sound. it's nice that it exists. I just wish nsfwyoutube.com didn't randomly stop working (I can't click on any of the videos even though I can still search)


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I've been using FreeTube standalone program for a long time on PC. The settings (pic related) allow you to choose an instance or use the local api that comes with it. No sign-up, local subscriptions, SponsorBlock support, and the most recent update finally allowed for the creation of custom playlists for which I've been waiting forever.

If you use an Android phone, then I suggest NewPipe. You can find it in the F-Droid catalog of FOSS/FLOSS apps (https://f-droid.org/packages/org.schabi.newpipe/) or straight from their website at https://newpipe.net/.
NewPipe can play stuff from YouTube, Peertube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, etc.
I use both nearly every day for years as YT front-ends and while sometimes updates might take a while to restore functionality when YouTube changes something to break it, a fix always comes.

Aside from those two, there's Kavin's services which includes Piped (https://kavin.rocks/services) for seeing YT videos. If you've ever used Nitter as front-end for Twitter, or Libreddit as a Reddit front-end, then those are also from Kavin. YT links in Nitter would be redirected into Piped for viewing (though it seems Nitter is recently dying, but Piped should be okay)

To answer OP's question, I'm usually helping streamer friends on Twitch and talking with them+community on Discord, and maintaining a personal website on Neocities for the purpose of learning fun (exclusively HTML/CSS).
Currently taking a multi-month break from most internet for sanity reasons, but during the self-imposed downtime I'm lurking Kissu recently and a few other boards like Sushigirl, Tohno-chan, etc. Otherwise, usually browsing Danbooru/Gelbooru, filling up hard drives with stuff from IRC or Nyaa, and catching up on various Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I wrote pic-related and forgot to add the relevant pic once I wrote everything.

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Don't think I have ever seen a mascot thread here.
73 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>>122675 >>122676
Whoa, a buddhist is one of the last that I'd expect would have a moe mascot like her. But I ain't complaining, she's cute.
I was listening to the theme song and thought "This boppin' music is giving me IOSYS vibes somehow. Who made this?" Checked description:
>Composed by: ARM
Well, that explains everything!
Eyeballing that itasha too, I love creative itasha that aren't the usual generic decals or wraps. Vans are some prime candidates for amazing creativity inside too.
I'm also curious if that figure is a garage kit or not, but I quite like it. Tempted to do more searching on her later, good stuff.


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Nice find, that gave a bunch of useful info. Thanks!


I don't see him credited, but the designs looks very Akio Watanabe.


I had exactly the same thought

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Where do I go to watch seasonal shows with Japanese subtitles? I want to watch YuruCamp S3 but I'm at the point in my ninhongo studies where I feel like if I'm not watching anime with JP subs I'm wasting my time. I'm also not good enough to watch with no visual aid whatsoever.

Every torrent site I've found uses subs for every language except Japanese.


I've mentioned it before, but OpenAI's Whisper can generate subtitles automatically, in any language, and can even translate. But, I guess if you want official subtitles it's not really an option, certainly not if you don't have a newer GPU either.


I don't really know how to use that stuff. Anyway for a change I actually found some jp subs on nyaa but it was listed as eng subs.

Still, feel free to post suggestions in this thread.


kitsuneko collects jp closed captions. Not every show has them, but it's probably your best bet.


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For YuruCamp S3 in particular, the AT-X broadcast appears to contain Japanese subtitles (judging from kitsunekko and Wikipedia). However, they're out of sync with CR's web version due to the 提供クレジット and whatnot.
For other anime, TV Tokyo (TX) and Netflix (NF) may also include Japanese subtitles.
Sometimes the subtitles exist but haven't been uploaded to any public site I'm aware of, pic related. If you can't find any subtitles, you can try consulting https://anicobin.ldblog.jp/ because for the anime episodes that have a corresponding blog entry, usually almost every line is transcribed there.

Judging from the corresponding file on kitsunekko those subtitles are poorly timed and are probably machine-generated; correct me if I'm wrong. The AT-X ones look usable.


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 No.121041[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Now that there's a bunch of people that have at least seen it in the stream, Undead Unlock is pretty amazing, huh? Seems like a nice high budget production. I haven't been excited for an action-y anime in a while
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>I forget exactly how they did it in the anime

And that's a prompt for me to share more Undead Unluck anime footage!
Yes, here is how David Production did that page. This is at the very beginning of the first episode so by no means is it a spoiler.


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Also, damn, looking at this again knowing what I do after seeing the rest of the anime...
These single frames that flash on screen during the intro are quite interesting. So this is the something that will happen in future, huh? It does look sort of similar to the God in the visions. God has nice boobs.


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I continue to be amazed at the quality of this art. The lines are beautiful and clean.
So many panels are directly seen in the anime because the quality is just so high and the presentation can't be improved upon. It's like the guy wrote it as a director of anime or something, or however you would say that.


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I read one chapter or two after the part where the anime ended and I think I'll stop. I could finish this story in hours whereas waiting for the anime will give me months of experiencing things for the first time. But I have to say again how well choreographed everything is. Yoshifumi Yozuka is very talented. This thread should survive until August 1st, so until then!


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 No.120996[Reply][Last50 Posts]

You're watching the four gorgeous shows currently airing, right? It's amazing to see these every week. Dungeon Meshi and Urusei Yatsura extend into Spring, but I'm definitely going to miss Undead and Frieren. I feel like the "anime is terrible since ####" people really need to actually pay attention.
96 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[Trix] Dungeon Meshi S01E1….jpg (182.39 KB,1280x720)

Yes, it's something that seems average and quirky at first glance with its topic about cuisine, but gets a lot more interesting later on as noted by me in: >>121760
Anime is affected too much by first impressions and the "3 ep rule" thing. It's also a lot harder to progress through an anime's history than it is to progress through a manga history.

New OP is a lot better than the first one by the way. Just started watching it. The first OP did not help with trying not to make the show seem monotonous.


The heavier themes were always present, they were just pushed out of mind of the party so that they could trudge along and not fall into despair at the overbearing task in front of them which was descending into the depths of the dungeon and taking on a dragon with a ragtag party of 4 adventurers with a limited supply of goods and a limited amount of time.


That's a meaningless point. A story's theme's are determined by what the author gives focus.
Even if an anime declares at the beginning of the story that the world is ending, say, with a rolling text before the first episode of K-On!, that alone doesn't make the setting of K-On! apocalyptic. It's still the same series, except with an odd opening.
Fantasy series routinely deal with technically very dark stuff, but they tend to focus on the heroic aspect of it all because that's usually what the readers are there for. If we for instance learn that war is terrible, it's commonly in a montage where the hero emotes about the senseless loss of life, before the story moves on, in much lighter tones.

This is not a criticism of Dungeon Meshi.


>the "3 ep rule" thing.
Exists specifically to counter how often anime give false first impressions. Grabbing the audience is a necessity even in forms of media where the audience only has to show up once, like movies or some games. If you can't do something interesting in an hour of screentime, an audience that values their time will leave.

Have heavy themes doesn't make something entertaining or interesting. Even after 150 chapters of getting invested in the characters and wanting to see them succeed, I was barely able to keep forcing myself through the slew of 3-gatsu cooking chapters because it's horribly boring even if it does serve a narrative purpose (though not enough to justify the amount of time spent on it).


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I remember that riiight when it came out and I posted >>118166 I was feeling rather ehhh combined with how I do think a majority of tabletop-based fantasy either doesn't manage to be as interesting as or doesn't elicit as strong a response as a good gaming experience, or just /tg/ stories really. It's much more impactful when I'm the one without spell slots trying to run the fuck away. I wouldn't have paid any attention to DM if its reputation didn't precede it, and I still think that's a bad sign, but I have a fairly more positive view of it now.

Now, it's not exactly MiA as I compared it to then but from early on the details it put into its food autism gave the hints of a worldbuilding that, although it may seem generic, is far more thought out than most fantasyland fiction and constantly relevant to the plot. The one that's really stuck with me is the rainbow ice cream made from impromptu holy water and the chills of dispelled specters. Or its thoroughness in rebuilding the bone structure of everything the dragon had digested before carrying out a resurrection using its entrails. That's special, that's unique, a great mix of what it has going for it. But the episode when it's Chilchuck getting trapped in a room figuring out how to get out, not so much. What I hope it'll do now that it's getting super serious is continue to rely on this worldbuilding, like it happened in today's episode with its twist on a practice that's been well established and the goodwill you'd typically expect from it. They're introducing a lot more characters too, but I haven't seen anyone voice displeasure over it so I expect it to work out. Pretty nice stuff. (I also did just heavily spoil myself by looking at fanart and I gotta say it looks cool.)

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How much should you change your appearance to match your partner's preferences?
Would you be willing to cut your hair if your girlfriend liked it better short? Get piercings? Lose weight? Gain weight? Hit the gym? Become a gyaru-oh?
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What kind of question is this? You're talking about hypothetical 2D ones right? Otherwise fuck off.


No to piercings and gyaru-oh, don't mind changing my weight or hitting the gym more, on the fence about growing out my hair.


The kind of question posed by the pictured anime. You know, that thing people who aren't too busy posing on the internet watch for fun. If your 2D girlfriend were more than hypothetical, you'd understand the question better.


Sounds good, but if you're doing something you don't like just because it was a deal that would create friction. I think it's a function of how attached you are to your own appearance, or parts of it, measured against how much you want to please a certain person. Depending on what it is, it could also mean going against social standards from the other people in your life, which requires a higher level of devotion, I think.

Just because a girl looks cute with her contacts in doesn't mean you wouldn't want her to wear her glasses more, right?


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That's a tough question then, because I view my relationship with her as platonic. I mean, there are people who don't? Platonic love is the only type of love that makes sense for 2D.

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 No.72689[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you played any "ero" (a Japanese word meaning 'erotic') games lately?
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I wish I had hand-eye coordination.


NOT ero, but it looks like the base for a really fun game


well, he's one of those guys who really likes to play with the various flavours of NTR and be philosophical about it. So you might not like it. His games are avoidable NTR though


Have to buy using the points loophole

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What is /qa/'s raison d'être?
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Dunno. Stuff, I guess?


Man doesn't need a reason to exist, he exists and that is reason enough to live.


I live for the sake of accomplishing my objectives. And although there's a lot of them, it's pretty fuzzy, and I've taken a solid amount of detours along the way, I think it's going decently.


it's long gone now


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 No.100268[Reply][Last50 Posts]

There's two threads on /qa/ for different AI generation content and help. A thread on the morality and ethics of AI. One about the future potential AI holds. One on >>>/megu/ for more in-depth help with specifics. Then scattered about across all the boards some threads using AI generation for image openers and such. However, none of these actually encompass kissu's opinion on AI!

So, what do you /qa/eers think of AI currently? Do you like it, dislike it, find it useful in any meaningful way at all? Or are you simply not interested in the output of algorithms?

I myself find AI to be a useful tool in generating the kind of content I've either exhausted the available stock of or are gated off by some hurdle I need to spend more time overcoming. When it comes to text/story generation, it's like a CYOA playground where I play the role of DM and set up all the lore/situations/characters, and then the AI acts out events as I lay out the flow of the story. This creates a more interactive experience for me than just writing out a story myself for some reason, and I find it highly addictive. Then for AI art generation, I find that AI works wonders for filling a specific niche taste I have, or specific scenario I want to create an image for. It really is quite amazing in my eyes, and I have hopes for it getting even better in the future.
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For those unaware, the go-to joke for GPT3 was "What did the fish say when it hit a wall?" or however it went.
That 2023 is no longer entirely true, although it's up to opinion. Claude3 is pretty good at humor stuff and it makes you wonder where it's scraping the data from (there's obviously lots of 4chan and forum stuff). It's a weird situation because it can't actually be novel since it's an LLM and an important thing about humor is novelty. Basically it's funny to you as long as the data it's referencing isn't directly known to you.

I'll be able to show some examples soon, I think...


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Some people said that Claude isn't good at coding stuff, but I like it's tech analysis more


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<- Opus


I wonder how I could feed it some information about newer tech problems I have a hard time to understand and digest them to being youtuber-tier

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Greetings and rabbit rabbit (you didn't remember to say it, right?)

For a bunch of reasons I can't get into this is my favorite month of the year. One of those reasons is I get more free time to work on things I enjoy.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been re-watching Moon Phase for the first time in over a decade. I grabbed the best version I could find from the usual trackers. The release I got seems to be the most popular and all of the others seem to be using the same subtitles for the English translation. I was disappointed see that the scripts being used are filled with both spelling and grammar errors. One of two per episode I can forgive. A typo that's one letter off on standard QWERTY keyboard I can forgive. But I hit a string of 3-4 episodes in a row filled with horrible errors and it was obvious to me that no one bothered to even quality check the work before pushing it out to the public. This is in addition to several other errors I've noticed in the video/audio portion along with some pacing issues in the scripts themselves.

I posted all that to propose the following;

I've been slowly working on a handful of old series (and one new one) thanks to various people from here and elsewhere that so graciously provided me with good raws for a couple of shows or volunteered to do quality checking. I haven't been able to put out much in the last few months but now that I'll have more free time I'll be pushing some stuff out soon. But I'm one man and can only do so much so quickly.

So I was curious if anywhere here would be interested in helping out with things like correcting spelling errors in scripts or watching pre-release encodes. I need people to do stuff like the following;
1) Test encodes on various set-top devices (video game consoles, firesticks, AppleTV etc)
2) Double check spelling/grammar in English subtitle scripts
3) Watch test encodes on various different software/hardware players and tell me how things work on their local mpv/mpc-hc+mad configs
4) Help track down raws (DVD, LD, BDs and VHS) that aren't as common on public sources for some older content
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Of course when I quickly go back through some episodes looking for those errors I can't find them. But trust me. In the scripts currently circulating there are errors where "dream" is spelled "deeam" then "dweaa" the next line. Sometimes it goes on for 2-3 episodes in a row with multiple words. Along with odd use of quotes in places. How does this even make it past a spot check? There were tons of errors. I understand checking everything in a 26 episode TV anime can get boring but surely someone watched it before it got sent out for distro, right? I notice a lot of easy to avoid errors in video/audio portions of a lot of shows.

Don't get me wrong I'm happy someone tried to provide it and did it for (mostly) free. But there is always room to improve.

Basically, I wanted to see if any other a/v nerds were around here that wanted to join forces and work on some things together. Moon Phase felt like the best shot of getting interest since it could use a once over anyway.

At the moment I'm slowly working on; MahoAko, Puni-chan, BPS and a once over of Onimai's script. Along with some other shows I grabbed raws for but don't want to list now because there is too much on my plate already. A friend has been doing the bulk of the work on Onimai's scripts. It's mostly a basic script clean up. Most of this stuff already has a decent TL and the scripts just need some minor spell checking or timing/pacing once over. Others could benefit from a new encode since a better source came out since it was last done or the encode wasn't that great (but usually watchable). BPS is the exception because I need to OCR the hardsubs from an encode I did decades ago as I lost the original script files years ago.

I'd like to set some modernized standards where each release gets two "editions".

First edition would be the general release designed to play on all devices released in the last 10-15 years. It would be designed for direct play on cell phones, PCs/laptops and on home streaming servers like Jellyfin/Plex. This would be the "play anywhere" edition. Track order would be standardized to solve the every group does its own thing with audio/subtitle track order problem. Usual .ass subtitles but at least one .srt track required for compatibility with devices that can't/aren't powerful enough to render more complicated .ass stuff. Either AAC or Opus audio codec required for audio tracks. Some other misc. things (mkv container of course).
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We had a thread about subbing stuff before, but it never really made any progress. I've done fansubbing before and would like to do it more (there are like three sequel series I need to do but lack TL help for), though I never bothered much with the encoding side of things. I don't think ambitious attempts to break the mold with how groups work is a great idea, you avoid drama by getting decent people involved and personal connections are paramount for getting people to help with projects they're not particularly invested in (it's easier to give when you know it'll let you take later).

Also, I do use a group tag and try to build a reputation, not because I attentionwhore with it, but because it helps people to know what they're getting when they grab that torrent.

>surely someone watched it before it got sent out for distro
The issue is one of time. Even a 12 episode anime takes a minimum of 6 hours per pass to QC, so unless you really, really like an anime and are in no rush to release then you want to minimize the number of times you have to go through and rewatch it. When errors get through on my releases, it's typically because I only did one pass where I was trying to fix typos, timing issues, enhance typesetting, and delocalize/tlc all at once with only some spot checks after. If you've got a pool of skilled QCers with nothing better to do than immediately spend a whole evening reviewing your release, that's great, but in my experience you're more likely to end up having to do it yourself. Compounding that is that a lot of BD subs probably just take the TV subs with some slight retiming, so all the errors that come from racing for quick releases are still there.

OniMai was okay, but do I really want to give it my undivided attention for another watch? Not really. I might give MahouAko another go just for BD changes, but I'm not in love with the idea and it's popular enough I'm inclined to leave it to other people.

So basically, I'm willing to help with checking things over and uploading/seeding, just not on Moon Phase for someone I don't owe a huge favor to.


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Wow, what an elaborate April Fool's thread!

But seriously: I can help with some of it. I'm fine doing script reading and testing out stuff, although I think my setup of Windows 10 and basic MPC-HC isn't very unusual. I'm decent enough at taking screenshots and making comparison frames so I could at least compare different encodes at different times? I'm in AB (although that's not rare here) so I could help find stuff, but my upload is 1MB so I can't really you upload much. I'm someone that really lacks motivation and drive, though, so I should say that in advance.

And yeah, Moon Phase's subs are, uh, interesting. I kind of just accept them, I guess.
Looking at my drive I have the following:
Tsukuyomi Moon Phase (DVD Dual-Audio Opus)
[mottoj] Tsukuyomi Moon Phase (R2DVD 1024x576 HEVC FLAC)
[Exiled-Destiny] Tsukuyomi Moon Phase_ (and its DVD special)
[Arigatou] Tsukuyomi Moon Phase DVD Special
月咏 (no subs on this of course)

To my untrained eyes the mottoj one looks the best, but I'm no expert.


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I can always help with some testing and grammar checking, also with initially seeding as well. Not with posting them though, didn't get my Nyaa account created in time because I didn't think it'd be something time gated.

Also if you need help tracking down old DVDs or BDs and stuff I could try my best to find stuff and acquire it. I'm fairly well off so as long as they're not insanely priced old collector marked up editions I should be able to get stuff. Also it's nothing really worth nothing right now since it's not old and probably will be one of the most available BDs, but I ordered Mahoako on prerelease if there's any interest in doing work on that.

 No.86336[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post something cool that youtube has recommended to you recently. Note: this is not meant to be a music thread, it can be any kind of video.
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For once it gave me something good. I heard it a long time ago but I forgot the name. Turns out I've had the album on my HDD for years.




I might check this out just out of curiosity. This guy has a cool channel in general.


Not sure if this counts or not since it's somewhat biased by me being subbed

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 No.118337[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Are tabletop games a good way to make friends
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Is the campaign still going?


Yeah, it's just life keeps fucking me over and I keep having stuff happening to me.
Saturday is probably the last session for the mini-campaign but we'll still be playing afterwards with the same characters.


Is it 1pm EST?


Does your computer not have a clock?


I will be late

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